2019-2020英语必修五单元综合检测:3 含解析.pdf

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1、【XZB2019TBYLYYB05003】 单元综合检测单元综合检测(三三) Unit 3 Science and nature (时间:100 分钟;满分:120 分) .阅读理解(共 10 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 25 分) A In 2001, scientists at Texas A Rainbow is shy, but CC is outgoing and curious. The differences in the two cats indicate that identical DNA wont necessarily create similar appearan

2、ces or personalities because there are many other factors that contribute to both surface characteristics and temperament(性情) CC has since gone on to have three healthy kittens via the natural method, and the research that led to her creation became the foundation for a Californiabased pet cloning c

3、ompany called Genetic Savings & Clone, Inc. However, the cat cloning project caused criticism from animal welfare groups, which pointed out that millions of cats are killed in shelters each year due to pet overpopulation.They argued that the large sums of money spent on creating more cats could be p

4、ut to better use providing homes for strays. There are also objections to the cloning process itself.Many people consider cloning cruel, as it is a process that can lead to deformities and other problems, which is evident in the fact that many clones die within months or even days of creation. Much

5、to the delight of animal welfare advocates, after cloning five cats in total, Genetic Savings & Clone shut down in 2006.The reason for the companys close was its inability to make its cloning technology affordable and thus accessible to mainstream consumers. 1What is the best title of the passage? A

6、Cloned Catsa Surprising Development on Technology BCloned CatsCloning Produces Surprising Results CCloned Catsa Cruel Research in Science DCloned Catsa Project Caused Criticism 2Which of the following about CC is TRUE? AThe researchers failed in cloning it in 2001. BIts fur is brown and white as the

7、 calico cat. CIt is outgoing and curious as Rainbow. DIt doesnt have similar personalities as Rainbow. 3Whats the underlined word in the 6th paragraph similar to? ACriticism.BWaste of money. CDisability.DOverpopulation. 4The reason for the companys demise is that cloning is Aa waste of money Bcruel

8、sometimes Cinaccessible to most people Daffordable to consumers B Peter Onruang,a Hollywood businessman,has paid $310,000 to clone his best friend Wolfie,a lovely dog.He said, “Wolfie was more than just a pet to me.” Wolfie died two years ago,at the age of 15.But long before she and her sister Bubbl

9、e passed away,Onruang had plans to bring them back to life.Onruang said, “I buried them at home.Each time I visit them,I say, Hi,Im making a new body for you.” Finally,Onruang found the South Korean biotechnology company RNL Bio, which can and will clone animals.Onruang collected his dogs stem cells

10、 (干细胞),and then he started a website My Friend A, so he could earn and save the $310, 000 that the cloning would cost. The new dogs should look identical (完全相同的) to Wolfie and Bubble.When the cloning process is done,Onruang may end up with several clones of each dog.But Onruang admits hes still not

11、sure that they will be exactly the same. Scientists cloned the first animal,a sheep named Dolly,in 1996 in Scotland.That project has raised ethical (伦理的) questions about where science should draw the line.Another question is whether such technique will lead to a day when humans could be cloned. “If

12、I had an opportunity to clone myself,I would do it readily, ” Onruang said. “Because its me,Im raising myself.I have already known exactly my strengths and weaknesses.This person is going to be the new and improved me,and will live the life Ive always wanted to live.” 5Onruang started the website My

13、 Friend A in order to Aencourage more people to clone their pets Bdraw peoples attention to cloning Ccollect his dogs stem cells Draise money to pay for the cloning 6The purpose of the fourth paragraph is to tell us Awhen and where scientists cloned the first sheep Dolly Bpeople are in favour of the

14、 clone technology Cthere are arguments about the clone technology Dcloning will be of great benefit to humans 7What is Onruangs attitude towards cloning humans? AHe doesnt care about it. BHe is enthusiastic about it. CHe strongly opposes it. DHe never thinks about it. C Celebrities(名人)dont choose to

15、 become celebrities;they get a part in a movie or television series,and suddenly they are idols(偶像)which people around the world either choose to hate or love for no reason other than the characters they play.The choice to like or hate a celebrity based on their performances is meaningless,as the wr

16、iters are the ones who create the characters,and the directors are the ones who tell them to act in a certain way.Although, some people do dislike celebrities for their acting skills shown worldwide which is slightly more understandable but still meaningless. Magazines and newspapers hunt celebritie

17、s, searching them out to see what theyre doing to arouse the publics interest in their lives.Photographers and journalists will walk the streets to find the celebrities people are interested in and either get news from them or make something up based on a photo of them.If a celebrity goes outside wi

18、thout makeup(化妆),the newspapers and magazines will say how unattractive they are and how they must feel horrible to be looking like that.The truth is that all people go outdoors without makeup once in a while,and none of them do it because they feel horrible.The press simply have a way to horribly c

19、hange everything to benefit them. There is another side to the entire situation.Some celebrities love to be in the light even outside their television shows or movies.Some celebrities give newspapers stories that have happened to them simply to get more attention for their career.These celebrities b

20、ecome wellknown for their stories,and usually get featured in programs where they are made fun of by audiences as a result. 8What can we learn from the first paragraph? AIts meaningless to love or hate celebrities. BDirectors are more important than writers. CWe should focus on celebrities acting sk

21、ills. DThe public pay too much attention to celebrities. 9 Whats the authors attitude towards magazines and newspapers hunting celebrities? AWorried.BUncaring. COpposing.DSupportive. 10Why do some celebrities tell stories that happened to them? ATo make money. BTo entertain the public. CTo get good

22、roles in shows. DTo make themselves famous. .阅读七选五(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) Livestock (牲畜) cloning is the practice of cloning sheep, cattle and other livestock species as a way to improve efficiency.The basic idea behind livestock cloning is to clone animals that have certain qualities, such as cows

23、that produce more milk or meat. 11 However, this practice is very controversial, and livestock farmers have been hesitant to adopt it fully because of public opposition and certain inefficiencies. In technical terms, livestock are cloned by taking cells from one animal and using them to fertilize eg

24、gs (使卵子受精). Scientists take the fertilized eggs and put them in female animals. 12 Many animals are born with abnormal shapes.Scientists are looking for ways to improve the process and make it less expensive to adopt on a wider scale. 13 For example, if farmers were able to take only their very best

25、 animals and recreate them many times, they could potentially be more productive. There are also some potential problems with cloned livestock. 14 For example, when a disease hits, there are usually individuals who cannot be harmed by the disease or are more resistant, and they will generally surviv

26、e.If all the animals were genetically (在基因方面)identical or similar, this sort of disease could totally destroy an entire generation of livestock, leaving the world with a massive food shortage. In addition to concerns about genetic diversity, there are other concerns about cloning. 15 There are also

27、some people who worry that livestock cloning research may be a gateway to introducing human cloning, which is widely disapproved of. AAre the surviving clones really clones? BTherefore, the new species is expected to be better. CThe biggest one arises from a reduction in genetic diversity. DCloned l

28、ivestock have the potential to provide some major benefits. ECloning animals shows us what might happen if we try to clone humans. FThese concerns sometimes come from worries over unforeseen consequences. GThis process doesnt always work perfectly, and it can be relatively expensive. .完形填空(共 20 小题;每

29、小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) (2019山东省潍坊市高二上学期期中)Its always been a dream for Alex to take a trip with her mother, but it was a death in the family that 16 made them both realize how precious life really is. “After losing my grandma, I 17 that neither I nor my mum will 18 be here, and that I cant 19 the right ti

30、me to come, ” the 27yearold girl told The Huffington post. “After a week of 20 , my amazing mum and I are off to travel around the United States.We will be travelling from New York to Los Angeles interviewing 21 who are changing the world for the better and 22 the dream I had for a very long time: t

31、o travel together with my mother.I have taken a month off work and we are on our way. 23 are waiting!”Alex said. So in August,Alex and her 63yearold retired mother,Halina, traveled to the United States for a threeweek 24 that took them from coast to coast. Alex is the 25 of Looking For Heroes, a soc

32、ial media project, in which she photographs many of the interesting people she meets with, 26 unique tidbits (花 边新闻) of their life stories at the same time.The 27 mother and daughter traveled across the nation, visiting cities 28 Knoxville, Tennessee, New York City, Los Angeles and Washington.Along

33、the way they took photos 29 famous backdrops (背景) in each city, making some 30 memories. Meanwhile, Alex 31 much from her mother.Her mother often said “My 32 to young people would be to learn new things, and what you have learned will be your biggest 33 in life.”With age you stop 34 about things tha

34、t dont matter. With your priorities (优 先 事 项 ) changing, 35 and health become the most important. 16A.finallyBsimplyCmildlyDsecretly 17ApromisedBrealizedCguessedDhoped 18AthusBevenCeverDforever 19Athink ofBput asideCwait forDgive away 20ApreparationBworkCconsiderationDrest 21AfriendsBrelativesCrepor

35、tersDinfluencers 22AconnectingBdescribingCachievingDimagining 23ATroublesBDreamsCResultsDDangers 24AadventureBcampaignCbusinessDgathering 25AactressBmodelCeditorDstudent 26AinventingBsharingCpreparingDhearing 27AfrightenedBamusedCastonishedDexcited 28AincludingBarrangingCcontainingDexpecting 29Ainto

36、BaboveCagainstDfrom 30AunbelievableBunforgettable CunbearableDunthinkable 31AreceivedBsavedCseparatedDlearned 32ApositionBexampleCadviceDexperience 33AgoalBwealthCsuccessDchange 34AtalkingBbringingCsettingDworrying 35AfamilyBidentityCbeautyDjob .语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) (2019四川省蓉城名校联盟度高二上学期期末

37、)Coco 36._(become) a hit since it was released on Nov.24, 2017 in China.The story takes place during the Day of the Dead, when the border controls between life and death, and the dead 37._(allow) temporary passage to the land of the living according to Mexican tradition.A young boy 37._(name) Miguel

38、 sticks to his musical dream and accidentally makes the trip to a fantastic world of ghosts and skeletons.Although there is 39._ murder and a fatal churchbellrelated accident, the afterlife in Coco is a warm and exciting place, more funny 40._sad,Coco is also one of those Pixar movies that 41._(atte

39、mpt) a conceptual breakthrough, an application of the bright colors and open emotionalism of modern, mainstream animation to an unlikely zone of experience.It 42._ (success) makes a familyfriendly cartoon about death.The 43._(important) of family is both specific and universal, 44._explains the part

40、icular beats of Miguels story and connects him to viewers regardless of background.Last but not least, the touching music adds to great fun and tenderness.So personally speaking, Coco is really a great animation moviewell worth 45._(see) .写作(满分 40 分) 第一节 应用文写作(满分 15 分) 假设你叫李华,你们班的同学正在开展一场讨论,主题是人类对南极

41、的探险 是否值得。请你根据下面所提供的信息,给某英文报社写一封信,介绍讨论情况 并说明你的观点。 65%的学生认为值得35%的学生认为不值得 1.可以让人们更好地了解全球变暖问题; 2.探险家的勇敢可以鼓励年轻人探索世界。 气候条件恶劣, 一些探险家会失 去生命 你的观点是: 注意:1.词数:80 个左右; 2信的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。 Dear Editor, Im writing to tell you about a discussion weve had about whether its worthwhile to explore the Antarctic. 第二节 读后续写

42、(满分 25 分) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Daddys Little Girl “Will you tell Daddy for me?” That was the worst part.At 17,telling my mom I was pregnant was hard enough, but telling my dad was impossible.Daddy had always been a constant source of courage in my life.He had always looked at me with pride

43、,but now it would all be shattered(粉 碎)I would no longer be Daddys little girlHe would never look at me the same way again.I heaved(发出) a defeated sigh and leaned against my mom for comfort. “ Ill have to take you somewhere while I tell your father.Do you understand why?” “Yes,Mama.”Because he would

44、nt be able to look at me,thats why. I went to spend the evening with Brother Lu,who was the only person I felt comfortable with at that time.He hugged and comforted me, while Mom went home and called my dad at work to break the news. It was all so unreal.At that time,being with someone who didnt jud

45、ge me was a good thing.We prayed and talked,and I began to accept and understand the road that lay ahead for me.Then I saw the headlights in the window. Mom had come back to take me home,and I knew Dad would be with her.I was so afraid.I ran out of the living room and into the small bathroom,closing

46、 and locking the door.Brother Lu followed and gently blamed me. “Missy,you cannot do this.You have to face him sooner or later.He isnt going home without you.You are a family” “Okay,but will you stay with me?Im scared.” “Of course.”I opened the door and slowly followed Brother Lu back to the living

47、room.Mom and Dad still hadnt come in yet.I figured they were sitting in the car, preparing Dad for what to do or say when he saw me.Mom knew how afraid I was.But I wasnt afraid of his madness.It was the sadness and disappointment in his eyes that frightened me.It was the realization that he would no longer love his little girl. 注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右; 2应使用 5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: I heard the footsteps and the light tap on the door. Paragraph 2: Then he pulled back and looked at me with love and pride.


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