2019-2020英语必修五讲义:Unit 1 Section Ⅳ Language points(Ⅱ) (Word powerGrammar and usage &amp Task) .pdf

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1、Section Language points() (Word power,Grammar and usage & Task) .单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词。 1I drop the letter into the mailbox(邮箱)in front of the post office. 2 To achieve my goal, I overcame(克 服 ) a series of unimaginable and challenging difficulties when young. 3 They will concentrate on teaching th

2、e basics of reading, writing and arithmetic(算术) 4We took the children to the circus yesterday afternoon. 5The paintings were sold for absurd prices. 6Having no choice but to let out cries of anger,she felt hopeless .拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词。 1amuse vt.娱乐,消遣;使愉快 amused adj.愉快的;被逗乐的 amusing adj.令人愉快的;有趣的

3、,好玩的 amusement n娱乐,消遣 2identify vt.识别,鉴定 identification n鉴别,身份证明identity n身份 3acquaint vt.使熟悉,使认识 acquainted adj.熟悉的,知晓的 acquaintance n泛泛之交,熟人;略有交情,(与某人)认识 .补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语。 1get through (用电话)接通;通过;经历 2stay up 熬夜,不睡觉 3put off 推迟,延期 4in advance 提前,预先 5agree with 和意见一致,同意 .选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空。 1We will

4、 put off the picnic in the park until next week,when the weather may be better. 2I agree with him about the way of solving the problem. 3We got through a fortune while we were in New York! 4They stayed up late trying to figure out a way to solve the problem. 寻规律、巧记忆 名词lessadj.prep.n.介词短语 careless ad

5、j.粗心的 useless adj.无用的 harmless adj.无害的 by accident 偶然 in detail 详细地 beyond doubt 不用怀疑 1You know I would rather visit the dentist than study algebra and arithmetic! 你知道我宁愿去看牙医也不愿学代数和算术! 记句式结构 would rather do.than do.“宁愿做而不愿做” 。 仿写促落实 Li Dong would rather keep worries to himself than share them with h

6、is friends. 李东宁愿自己一个人担心也不愿和他的朋友们一起分担。 2Why not come to London next Easter? 为什么不在下一个复活节来伦敦呢? 记句式结构 Why not do.?“为什么不做”是表示建议的句型。 仿写促落实 I suddenly got an idea:why not give the rooms a thorough cleaning? 我突然想到一个主意:为什么不对这些房间进行大扫除呢? 3It seems that his behaviour hasnt hurt his studies. 看上去他的行为还没有影响到他的学习。 记

7、句式结构 It seems that.“看起来” ,是“主系表”结构。 仿写促落实 It seems that none of my classmates want to be my friend because Im fat. 看上去我的同学没有一个想做我的朋友,因为我很胖。 stay up 深夜不睡觉;熬夜;挺住 (教材 P7)We stay up at night and talk about many things.我们谈天说地,聊到深 夜。 stay in 留在家里;不外出 stay out 不在家;在外过夜 stay behind 留在后面;留下来 stay still 静止不动

8、stay calm 保持镇定 stay away from 离远点,躲避 I know that it is difficult to stay calm,but there is nothing to worry about. 我知道保持镇定很难,但是实在是没什么好担心的。 Can you stay behind after the others have gone and help me clear up? 你能不能等别人走后留下来帮我收拾收拾? Im glad hes staying away from smoking. 我很高兴他正在戒烟。 persuade vt.说服,劝说 (教材

9、P9)Im so glad I have persuaded you to apologize to Rachel.我 很高兴说服了你向雷切尔道歉。 Error! 说服某人做某事 Error! 说服某人不做某事 Error! 使某人相信 Can you persuade her out of her foolish plans? 你能劝她放弃她那些愚蠢的计划吗? How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意? He persuaded me to lend(lend)him all my savings. 他说服我把我所有的存款借给

10、了他。 amusement nU娱乐,消遣C娱乐活动,消遣活动 (教材 P9)We could go to the amusement park or even to the circus!我们可以去 游乐场甚至去马戏团! (1)for amusement为消遣 to ones amusement 让某人感到好笑的是 (2)amuse vt. 娱乐,消遣;使愉快 (3)amusing adj. 好笑的 amused adj. 觉得好笑的 I can take you for a walk.There are many nice places for amusement near here. 我

11、可以带你去周围走走,附近有很多好玩的地方。 Much to her amusement,the actors wig fell off. 令她感到极为好笑的是,那个演员的假发掉下来了。 I didnt find the joke amusing(amuse) at all. 我认为这笑话一点儿也不好笑。 There was an amused(amuse) look on his face. 他脸上带着愉悦的表情。 put off 推迟,延期 (教材 P10)I have to put off shopping till tomorrow. 我不得不把购物推迟到明天。 put aside节省;

12、储蓄;储存 put away 放好;积蓄 put on 穿上;演出 put out 熄灭;生产 put up 举起,建立,张贴,投宿 put down 放下,记下,让下车 Dont put off what should be done today till tomorrow. (谚语)今日事今日毕。 They put up a board saying the homeless can put up in their home. 他们竖起一块木板,上面写道:无家可归的人可以在他们家留宿。 Shes put aside a sum of money for her retirement. 她存

13、了一笔钱以备退休之用。 discourage v劝阻,阻止;使失去信心,使泄气 (教材 P11)Mum discourages me from chatting online. 妈妈阻止我网聊。 (1)discourage sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事 discourage doing sth. 阻止做某事 (2)discouraged adj. 气馁的 discouraging adj. 令人气馁的 (3)encourage vt. 鼓励,鼓舞 encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 Teachers should discourage the

14、ir students from smoking and drinking. 老师应劝阻学生吸烟喝酒。 (2018天津高考完形填空)Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and encouraged them. 我没有把我的孩子看成失败者,而是推动和鼓励他们。 It was discouraging(discourage) that there was no news about the missing mountain climbers. 失踪的登山者一直没有消息,真是令人感到沮丧。 Dont be so discouraged(disc

15、ourage)!Cheer up and everything will be OK. 不要这么气馁!振作起来,一切都会好起来的。 overcome vt.克服,解决 (教材 P13)We will listen to your problems and offer you practical advice on how to overcome them. 我们将倾听你的问题并就如何解决它们提供实际的建议。 overcome difficulties/obstacles/problems 克服困难/障碍/解决问题 be overcome by/with 被压倒/制服; 受到的极大影响 (201

16、8天津高考阅读理解 C)Despite recent advancements in 3D food printing, the industry has many challenges to overcome. 尽管最近 3D 食品打印技术取得了进展,但该行业仍有许多挑战需要克服。 They overcame all kinds of difficulties and fulfilled the task.他们克服了所有 的困难并完成了任务。 When I heard the news,I was overcome by/with fear and despair. 当我听到那个消息时,我感

17、到恐惧和绝望。 get through(用电话)接通,联系上;用完,消耗掉;处理,完成;通过(考 试等);渡过(困境) (教材 P13)Our lines can get very busy,but please keep trying and you will soon get through. 我们的线路可能很忙,但是请不断尝试,不久你就会接通的。 写出下列句中 get through 的含义 Have you got through with your work? 完成 I couldnt get through to you yesterday though I tried sever

18、al times. (用电话)接 通 Tom failed the exam but his sister got through. 通过(考试) We got through a large amount of money while we were on holiday.用完, 消耗 掉 get across(使)被理解,解释清楚 get away 度假,休假;脱身;离开 get away with 做错事未受惩罚 get down to sth./doing sth. 开始某事/做某事 get over 克服,从(疾病)中恢复 get in 收获,收割 I had created a w

19、ay to get my message across using as few words as possible. 我想出了一种能言简意赅地表达自己的意思的方法。 Dont think you can get away with telling lies. 不要以为你撒了谎就可以这样算了。 Im going to get down to studying(study) English this term.这学期我要认真学 英语了。 acquaintance n泛泛之交,熟人;略有交情,(与某人)认识 (教材 P15)One or two good friends are better th

20、an 100 acquaintances. 一两个好朋友胜过 100 个泛泛之交。 (1)have(no/little)acquaintance with (不)熟悉,(不)了解 have a nodding acquaintance with 与有点头之交 Error!结识某人 (2)acquaint vt. 使了解;使认识 acquaint oneself with. 了解 (3)acquainted adj. 了解;熟悉 be acquainted with. 了解,认识 I made his acquaintance long ago. I made the acquaintance

21、of him long ago. 我早已跟他结识了。 She said that she had no acquaintance with modern poetry.她说她不了解现代 诗。 You will first need to acquaint(acquaint) yourself with the filing system. 你首先需要熟悉文件归档方法。 (教材 P9)You know I would rather visit the dentist than study algebra and arithmetic! 你知道我宁愿去看牙医也不愿学代数和算术! 要点提炼 woul

22、d rather.than.宁愿而不愿 Error! would rather(not) do sth. 宁愿(不)做某事 would rather have done sth. 宁愿做过某事(但实际, 未做) would rathersb.did sth.(对现在或将来的虚拟) sb.had done sth.(对过去的虚拟)) I would remain poor rather than get money by dishonest means. 我宁可安于贫穷,也不愿用不正当的手段赚钱。 We went by sea,but I would rather have gone by ai

23、r. 我们是乘船去的,不过我倒宁愿乘飞机去。 Id rather you went (go) tomorrow/now. 我宁愿你明天/现在去。 Id rather you hadnt done (not do) that yesterday. 我宁愿昨天你没那样做。 (教材 P9)Why not come to London next Easter? 为什么不在下一个复活节来伦敦呢? 要点提炼 句中“Why not come.?”为“Why not do sth.?”句型。 (1)Why not do sth.?意为“为什么不做某事呢?” ,相当于“Why dont you do sth.?

24、” ,该句型常用来向别人提建议。 (2)提建议的其他句型: Youd better(not) do. 你最好(不)做 You should/ought to/are supposed to do. 你应该做 (I think)Its better for you to do. (我认为)你做更好。 I suggest you(should) do. I advise you to do. 我建议你做 How/What about doing.? 做怎么样? Would you like/love to do. 你愿意做吗? Why dont you go upstairs and lie do

25、wn for a bit? 你为什么不上楼去躺一会儿呢? You are supposed to be responsible for them. 你是应当对他们负责的。 What about climbing(climb) the mountain this weekend? 这个周末去爬山怎么样? (教材 P16)It seems that his behaviour hasnt hurt his studies. 看上去他的行为还没有影响到他的学习。 要点提炼 句中 It seems that.是“主系表”结构。其中 it 无实际意义,指的 是某种情况,seems 为系动词,that 引

26、导的是表语从句。 It seems to sb.that. 在某人看来/依某人看 It seems as if. 看起来,似乎 There seems to be. 看上去似乎有 Sb.seems to do/have done. 某人看上去要做/已经做了 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west,so it seems as if the sun was circling round the earth. 太阳东升西落,因此,看上去好像是太阳正围着地球转。 There seems to be(be) no rubbish in the du

27、stbin.Who has emptied it? 看上去垃圾箱里没有垃圾了,谁把它倒了呢? .单句语法填空 1I feel very sleepy now because I stayed up late yesterday. 2Much to the amusement of passersby,they were dancing and singing in the car. 3With Helens strong will and intelligence,combined with her teachers skill and patience,they overcame(overc

28、ome)all the difficulties. 4Luckily,I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end. 5She has many acquaintances(acquaint)in the business community. 6No one can imagine the difficulty he had persuading(persuade)his son to get rid of the habit of playing computer games. 7It is g

29、enerally accepted that smoking is harmful to our health.We ought to be focusing on discouraging(discourage)kids from smoking. 8 We would rather our daughter stayed(stay)at home with us, but it is her choice, and she is not a child any longer. 9It seems that it is more difficult for women to get to t

30、he top of the company. 10Why should it be put off till next month? .完成句子 1我宁愿她因没能参加杰克的生日晚会已经向他道歉了。 I would rather she had apologized to Jack for not attending his birthday party.(apologize) 2你不知道怎么读这个词,为什么不查阅一下字典呢? You dont know how to read the word,why not look it up in a dictionary?(why not) 3天空似乎要放晴了,明天有望是个好天气。 It seems that the sky will clear up,and it promises to be a fine day tomorrow.(it seems that.) 4一个微笑可以帮助我们渡过困境。 A smile can help us get through difficult situations(get through) 5一旦攻下这一难题,其他问题就好解决了。 Once this difficulty is overcome,other problems will be easy to solve.(overcome)


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