2019-2020英语必修五讲义:Unit 1 Section Ⅶ Writing——建议信 .pdf

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1、Section Writing建议信建议信 文体指导 建议信就是以信件的形式对对方提出的问题给出自己的忠告、看法或建议。 建议信除要遵循书信的格式之外,还要求在信中针对别人的问题,给出你的观点 及解决办法。因此,陈述建议的语言必须中肯,在劝说对方接受自己的建议时, 应该特别注意措辞。 第一部分:介绍写信的目的。本部分是建议信的开头。写信人要简明扼要地 写出写信的背景、原由或目的。 第二部分:提出具体的建议。本部分是建议信的主体。写信人要分开条目写 清楚对什么提出建议,为何要提出建议以及提出的建议是什么。本部分写作要层 次分明,要有逻辑性。提建议时还要注意措辞,尽可能地有说服力、委婉、语言 恰当

2、得体。 第三部分:请对方考虑并回复或向对方表示祝愿、感谢。本部分是建议信的 结尾。写信人要请对方对自己所提出的建议予以考虑并希望对方回复。必要时可 写上祝愿的话。此部分一定要简洁,一、两句话即可。 亮点句式 (一)建议信的开头句式介绍目的 1I have received your letter saying that. 2I am writing to you to present. 3I am writing to express my views concerning. 4You have asked me for my advice about. 5My suggestions are

3、 as follows. (二)建议信的主体句式提出建议 1Id like to suggest that. 2May I suggest that. 3In my opinion/As far as Im concerned. 4I would like to make a recommendation that. 5I am writing to advise you of. 6If I were you,I would. 7Why not do/Why dont you do.? (三)建议信的结尾句式恳请回复或表示祝愿、感谢 1Please take good consideratio

4、n of my advice. 2Thank you for your attention. 3Your kind and early reply will be appreciated. 4I hope you will find my suggestions helpful. 5I believe that you will take my suggestions into serious account. 写作任务 假定你是李华,你的笔友 Tom 给你发来电子邮件,询问怎样才能与同学和睦 相处。请你给 Tom 回一封电子邮件,内容包括: 1尊重别人; 2宽宏大量; 3原谅别人的过错。 注

5、意: 1词数 100 左右; 2不要逐条翻译,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:心胸开阔的 broadminded 审题谋篇 体裁建议信时态一般现在时 主题如何与人相处人称第一人称 结构 首段:引出话题,表明意图 中段:根据情况给对方提出具体建议 尾段:表达自己的愿望 遣词造句 .对接单元词汇 1get on/along well with 与相处得好 2good relationship 良好的关系 3be based on/upon 建立在基础之上 4forgive 原谅 5sincerely 真诚地 .巧用单元句式、语法 (一)完成句子 1我们尊重他人,以诚待人。 We resp

6、ect others and treat them sincerely 2我们就会获得他人的尊重。 We are sure to gain their respect in return. 3我们应该胸怀宽大。 We should be broadminded 4这意味着要尊重不同于我们的观点和行为。 It means that we should respect opinions and behaviours different from ours. 5希望我的建议对你是有帮助的。 I hope my suggestions will be of help for you (二)句式升级 6

7、用条件状语从句合并句子 1、2 If we respect others and treat them sincerely,we are sure to gain their respect in return. 7用 which 引导的非限定性定语从句合并句子 3、4 We should be broadminded,which means that we should respect opinions and behaviours different from ours. 妙笔成篇 参考范文 Dear Tom, How are you? You asked me how to get al

8、ong well with other students.Here,Id give you some suggestions. Firstly, we should keep it in mind that any good relationship is based on understanding,trust and respect.If we respect others and treat them sincerely,we are sure to gain their respect in return.Secondly,one person who is ready to help

9、 others is always welcome.Thirdly,we should be broadminded,which means that we should respect opinions and behaviours different from ours.We should also learn to forgive other peoples faults. I hope my suggestions will be of help for you.Good luck with your new relationship with others! Yours truly, Li Hua


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