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1、2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 单元测试卷含参考答案 1 2019 年八年级英语下册Unit 8单元测试卷 一. 单项选择(每小题1 分,共15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 1. Mike opened the window andlooked out _ the sea as soon as he came to theroom. A. about B. towards C. on D. through ( ) 2. I ll take thetwo schoolbags. One is for my sister and _ is

2、 for myself. A. another B. the other C. other D. the others ( ) 3. For the students learningEnglish as their second language, this dictionary is an important_. A. event B. step C. tool D. sign ( ) 4. Through yearsof hard work, Mr. Jones achieved great _ in life. A. success B. importance C.interest D

3、. pressure ( ) 5. In this part of the city, youcan see both ancient and _ buildings. They show the changes of the city. A.strange B. modern C. beautiful D. broken ( ) 6. Mary, comehere. Let me _ you to my neighborBob. 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 单元测试卷含参考答案 2 A. invite B. change C. report D. introduce ( )

4、7. We re worriedabout Mark, because we haven t received a letter from him _. A. already B. ever C. yet D. never ( ) 8. Do you know the worlds firsthigh-speed train line circling an island (环岛高 铁线路 ) opened in Hainan? Yes.And I cant wait _ that train. A. to take B.taking C. to get D.getting ( ) 9. Wo

5、uld youlike to visit the fire station with us? Idlove to, but I _ it. A. visit B. will visit C. am visiting D. have visited ( ) 10. Your parentsbought you _ books last year, right? Yes,_ them is 20. A. the number of; a numberof B. the number of; the number of C. a number of; the numberof D. a number

6、 of; a number of ( ) 11. I have tried my best but Istill can t make the machine _. Lets ask David for help. 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 单元测试卷含参考答案 3 A. works B. working C. work D. worked ( ) 12. Can I keepthis book for another two days? Sorry,I m not sure. You know, it _ my cousin. A. cheers up B. prepare

7、s for C. brings out D. belongs to ( ) 13. Jill, do youknow Mr. Smith? Yes.I often see him _ around the lake in the morning. A. to running B. run C. ran D. torun ( ) 14. Eric,_, or well be too late to get anything to eat in our dininghall. A. hurry up B. lie down C. help out D. get off ( ) 15. Dale,

8、youhave read Oliver Twist, right? _? It sfantastic. A. How do you know that B. How do you get it C. What is it about D. What is it like 二. 完形填空(每小题1 分,共10 分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A 、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最 佳答案。 I like music because I think there is nothing morerelaxing than listening to or playing music

9、. 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 单元测试卷含参考答案 4 One day, I went to my 16 houseto visit them. While my mother was cooking in the kitchen, my father and Iwere 17 in the living room. He told me manystories about music. Then I went into my fathers room with him. He took outhis guitar and 18 to play. I took out a v

10、iolinand played with him. Slowly, I was lost in the 19 . My father and I played 20 thatfor about 20 minutes. And when I turned around, my mother was standing outsidethe door listening. I didn t even find she was there while I was playing. I was 21 lost in the music. When I played with my father, Iwa

11、snt good at playing the violin. 22 it was a slowsong. I didn t need to 23 my ability (能 力), and I justenjoyed the beauty of music. Now many people only focus (专注于 ) on being goodat one instrument (乐器 ),but not focus on the music 24 . However, I play musicjust 25 it makes me happy, and I love everyth

12、ingabout it. ( ) 16. A.grandparents B. parents C. brothers D. sisters ( ) 17. A. talking B. eating C. drawing D. sleeping ( ) 18. A. forgot B. refused C. wondered D.started ( ) 19. A. book B. film C. music D. nature ( ) 20. A. like B. with C. against D. from ( ) 21. A. loudly B. carefully C. serious

13、ly D.completely ( ) 22. A. And B. But C. Or D. So 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 单元测试卷含参考答案 5 ( ) 23. A. worry about B. take in C. look after D. pick up ( ) 24. A. himself B. themselves C. itself D. ourselves ( ) 25. A. as B. because C. when D. until 三. 情景交际(每小题1 分,共5 分) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A: Ca

14、n you tell us something aboutyourself? B: My name is Nadia Burton. Im 22 andIm from London. A: (26) _ B: I ve lived in London all my life, but I have travelled to alot of different countries and done a lot of interestingthings. A: (27) _ B: My favorite country was the Czech Republic. A: (28) _ B: I

15、went there in 2004 and I loved it. A: (29) _ B: I m a travel agent, so travel is myjob and my hobby. When I m not travelling, I like to cook. I love to tryunusual (特别的 )food. A: What unusual food have you tried? 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 单元测试卷含参考答案 6 B: Oh, I ve tried many unusual things. A: (30) _ B: S

16、ure. Like stinky tofu andthousand-year old eggs. A. Can you give me some examples? B. Why dont you eat meat? C. Which country did you like best? D. What countries have you visited? E. What are your hobbies? F. How long have you lived in London? G. When did you go there? 四. 阅读理解(每小题2 分,共20 分) A Tim,

17、20 When I was ateenager, I went to Brittanywith my parents. We lived in a lovely house, and the weather was great. But Iwas 17, and I didnt want to be on holiday with my parents. I wanted to be withmy friends. We went to the beach every day and we went to a wonderful seafoodrestaurant for my birthda

18、y. But I was not happy. What really made me angry wasthat my parents let my older sister, who was 19, go toSpainwith herfriends. Gabriela, 28 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 单元测试卷含参考答案 7 Im from Rome and the summer hereis really hot. So last year my husband and I decided to go toSweden. Webooked (预订 ) a10-day

19、 holiday in Stockholm, and the temperature there in the summer isnormally about 20OC. But when we got to Stockholm,it was 35OC! We didn t want to go shopping or visit museums or do anything wewere too hot. We just sat in hotels and argued all day. We didn t need to go toSwedento do that! Olivia, 26

20、Three years ago,I went to theSeychellesalone. My travel agent told me that it was always sunny. But when I arrivedthere, the weather was terrible. It was cloudy and very windy. To pass the time,I decided to take a diving course (潜水课 ). But I got very upset when I wentunder the water. I spent two bor

21、ing and expensive weeks there. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( ) 31. Tim wentto Brittanywith his _. A. brother B. sister C. parents D. friends ( ) 32. What didGabriela and her husband do in Stockholm? A. They went shopping. 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 单元测试卷含参考答案 8 B. They visitedmuseums. C. They dived in the ocean. D. Th

22、ey argued in thehotel. ( ) 33. How long didOlivia stay inSeychelles? A. One week. B. Twoweeks. C. Three weeks. D. Four weeks. ( ) 34. Which of thefollowing is TRUE according to the material? A. Tim spent his 17th birthday with hisfriends. B. Olivia went toSeychelleswithher husband. C. The food in St

23、ockholm is very expensive. D. The summer in Rome is very hot. ( ) 35. The threepeople are talking about their _. A. first trips to a foreigncountry B. trips with a little money C. unsuccessfultrips 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 单元测试卷含参考答案 9 D. family trips B This morning, my teacher introduced a new student

24、 to us.He said that Marco, the new student, was fromMexicoand he didn t know English.Clearly, there was a nervous look on his face. Seeing it, I thought of my firstday in this school when I moved fromMexicoto Utah. Itwas hard to live in a place that had a different language and different ways ofdoin

25、g things. I was a little nervous because I had trouble understanding theteacher. When school started, I sat in the back so I wouldnt drawany attention. Miss Bolling, my new teacher, asked us to introduce ourselves.I went up to a boy named Ivan and told him my name and started talking to himin Spanis

26、h. Ivan knew Spanish so he was the only one I could talk to. Ivanhelped the teacher translate (翻译 ) what she was saying to me. During the lunch break, I didnt want to go outside. Butthe rule was that no student in the school could stay inside during the break.After lunch, Miss Bolling took me out an

27、d gave me a soccer ball. Then, Istarted playing it by myself. I was good at soccer, and it attracted (吸引 ) Ivan. He cameto me and asked me if I wanted to play soccer with him and his friends. I toldhim yes and when the game was over, he introduced me to his friends. Afterthat, we all became good fri

28、ends. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 单元测试卷含参考答案 10 ( ) 36. What can weknow from Paragraph 1? A. The writer wanted to move toMexico. B. The writer understood Marco well. C. Marco enjoyed his new school. D. Marco didnt like English. ( ) 37. Whatdoes the underlined word “attention” in Paragraph 2

29、mean in Chinese? A.信任 B.感激 C.表扬 D.注意 ( ) 38. How did thewriter communicate with his teacher at the beginning? A. By speaking English. B. By speaking Spanish. C. With the help of Ivan. D. With the help of Marco. ( ) 39. Miss Bollingtook the writer out after lunch because _. A. it was the school rule

30、2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 单元测试卷含参考答案 11 B. she wanted to talk with him C. the writer wanted to playsoccer D. the writer caused some problems ( ) 40. The passage ismainly about _. A. how to make friends B. the importance of English C. the first day in a new school D. what makes a good teacher 五. 词汇运用(每小题

31、1 分,共10 分) A) 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 line, record, technology, gun, forever 41. Dont the British police carry_? 42. There are two _ of trees oneach side of the road. 43. Alex promised to be my friend_. 44. I ll bring you some of my favoritesingers _ when I come next time. 45. Science and _ hav

32、e made greatchanges to our life. B) 根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 单元测试卷含参考答案 12 46. I read a few _ (page) of thebook every night. 47. The sun is now high in the _(south) sky. 48. I dont know why my story caused somuch _ (laugh). 49. Tom, wait for a while. Ihave _ (sand) in my shoes. 50. W

33、ho made these dirty _ (mark)on my new book? 六. 完成句子(每小题2 分,共10 分) 根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。 51. Have you ever missed a plane? (补全否定答语) _,I _. 52. Would you like another cup of tea? (作否定回答) _,_. 53. Mark has already finished writinghis book. (改为一般疑问句) _Mark finished writing his book _? 54. They hav

34、e called a taxi. (改为否定句) They_ _ a taxi. 55. Mary has washed her hair. (对划线部分提问) _has Mary _? 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 单元测试卷含参考答案 13 七. 综合填空(每小题1 分,共10 分) 阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词语并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每个词语限用一 次。 fine, take, die, reach, way, if, accident,depend on, only, certain Many people get scared when they fl

35、y. Theyre sure itllbe risky to take a plane, but in fact its one of the safest (最安全的 ) (56) _to travel. Even if there is an accident, you ll probably be (57) _because its 90% a small one. So if you re worried about getting on the plane,don t be. You ll almost (58) _ have a safe journey. However, you

36、 are ata greater risk of having a(n) (59) _ in the car going to the airport (机场 ) your chances(可能性 ) ofhaving a road accident are 1 in8,000. So its safer for you to (60) _ a train to the airport and thenfly. More good news is that you may live to be 100 (61) _you dont worry too much. A recent report

37、 says women who are 25 now have a 1 in 4 chance of (62) _ their 100thbirthday. But men of 25 (63) _ have a 1 in 6 chance. Of course, this (64) _ what country you rein. In some countries likeAmerica,you may have more chances. So, that s the good news. You probably wont (65)_ in an air accident. And y

38、ou, or at least your children, could live tobe 100. 八. 书面表达(15 分) 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 单元测试卷含参考答案 14 你班下周的英语口语课要就“ 你最喜欢的电影或戏剧(play) ”这一话题进行讨论。请你根据 以下提示,用英语写一篇短文为此做准备。 提示: 1. 你最喜欢的电影或戏剧是什么?2. 它主要讲述了什么? 3. 它有什么特别之处或你 学到了什么? 要求: 80 词左右,可适当发挥。 _ _ 参考答案 一. 1-5 BBCAB 6-10 DCADC 11-15 CDBAD 二. 16-20 BADCA

39、 21-25 DBACB 三. 26-30 FCGEA 四. 31-35 CDBDC 36-40 BDCAC 五. 41. guns 42. lines 43.forever 44. records 45.technology 46. pages 47. southern 48.laughter 49. sand 50. marks 六. 51. No; havent 52. No;thanks 53. Has; yet 54. haventcalled 55.What; done 七. 56. ways 57. fine 58.certainly 59. accident 60.take 6

40、1. if 62. 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 单元测试卷含参考答案 15 reaching 63. only 64. depends on 65. die 八. One possible version 1: My favorite playis Teahouse. It is so interesting that I have watched it three times.Teahouse is one of Lao Shes most famous plays. It describes peoples lives inChinaabout onehundred yea

41、rs ago. All the actors and actresses did a good job. Every time Iwatched it, I felt like I was living in that time. I advise you to watch itbecause it shows you how muchChinahas changed and its easy to understand. One possible version 2: My favorite movie is Ratatouille. It is sointeresting and educ

42、ational that I have watched it five times. Remy, a mouse,is the main character. He is always dreaming of being a cook. But others thinkthat is impossible. However, Remy doesnt give up his dream and he finallysucceeds through hard work. This movie tells me that I can achieve my dreams ifI believe in myself. Also, the music in the movie is really bea


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