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1、 初中英语语法(代词)1. 代词可以分为:人称代词,物主代词,指示代词2. 人称代词:主格和宾格主格:I , we , you, he, she, it, they宾格:me, us, you, him, her, it, them, 形容词性所有格:my, our, his, her, its, their 名词性所有格: mine, ours, his, hers, its, theirs3. 人称代词做主语时的排放顺序:you, he, she, I we, you, they 4. 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词This book is mine. =This is my bo

2、ok. 5. 不定代词:something, anything, nothing, everything, somebody, anybody, everybody, nobody, someone, anyone, everyone, no one ,a, 这些不定代词中只有none 可以加of none of 表示:三者或三则以上没有任何一个b, 这些不定代词后面可以加else, something else (另外的东西)c, 形容词修饰这些不定代词的时候,形容词要后置, I have something important to tell you. 6. some和any都表示“一些”

3、,一般情况下some 用于肯定句,any 用于否定和疑问句,但是有两种情况例外要牢记:1. some用于疑问句时表示希望得到对对方肯定回答: Would you like some tea?2. any用于肯定句中表示“任何一个, 无论那一个”:Theyre all free- take any you like. 7. 下面几组代词的辨析要牢记: 1. both:表示两者都 both sides of the street all :表示三者或三者以上都 all of the students 2. each:强调两个中的每一个, each of my feet ; 强调个体 Each of

4、 the student has a cake . every :强调三个或三个以上的每一个, every student in my class ;强调整体 Every student is very happy. 3. one.the other: 特指两个中的“一个另一个”: I have two brothers. One is very clever, the other is very stupid. onethe others:特指三个或三个以上的情况,一个另一些 There are four boys in the classroom. One is reading. The

5、others are talking. onethe other +名词:特指三个或三个以上的情况,一个另一些 There are four boys in the classroom. One is reading. The other boys are talking. 4. somethe others:/someothers 在一个特定的范围内, “一些,别的一些” The students are busy with the experiment. Some are operating the machine. The others are recording the results

6、. 5. oneanotherthe other/oneanotherthe third :表示列举三个人或三样事物 The old woman has three daughters. One is in China. Another is in America. The other is in France. 6. each other:表示两者中的相互After the tennis match, the two players shook hands with each other. one another:表示三者,三者以上的相互After the football match, all the players shook hands with one another.


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