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1、Unit 1 Festival around the world,新人教版英语必修三,Unit 2 Healthy eating,Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note,Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars,Unit 5 Ganada“The True North”,Unit 1 Festival around the world,词汇过关,短语习得,重点句型,目标解读,1) Many children s to death in Africa because of the lack of food.,词汇过关,【答案

2、】starved,2) In summer, there is usually p of rain in our area.,【答案】plenty,3) They thought if they held some festivals, their a would be s with what they had done.,【答案】ancestors, satisfied,4) On his a , he was greatly welcomed by his fans.,【答案】arrival,5) The colour of our n flag is red with five yell

3、ows stars on it.,【答案】national,1. 重点单词拼写,【答案】independence,6) Under the lead of our Party, we finally got I from the other countries.,【答案】agricultural,7) At the beginning of the year, farmers usually have a lot of a work to do.,【答案】customs, European,8) The c of some E countries are quite different fro

4、m ours,【答案】watermelon,9) The w is a kind of fruit, which is quite famous in our city.,10) He is such a h boy that many girls a him.,词汇过关,词汇过关,【答案】handsome,【答案】admire,【答案】eneregetic, permission,【答案】drowning,13) He managed to save the d girl, which was praised by many people.,14) It is o that he has k

5、nown the story.,11) I hope you will always be e when having classes.,12) Without the teachers p , you cannot play with the computer in our class.,【答案】obvious,词汇过关,【答案】forgive,15) He cheated her, which she would never f .,2. 重点词词形变换,【答案】to satisfy; satisfied; satisfaction,1) Although the clerk tried

6、his best the manager, the manager was still not with his work, saying the work was far from his . (satisfy),【答案】originally; origin; original,2) It is thought to be a plant African, but no one knows exactly the of this plant, because we dont have any material about it. (origin),词汇过关,【答案】arrival; arri

7、ve,3) All of us were surprised at his here. We had never imagined that he would here in such a short time.(arrive),【答案】nation; national; nationless,4) The whole are preparing eagerly for the election for they are no longer . (nation),【答案】independence; depends; independent,5) The country finally gain

8、ed its in 1940 and from then on it on itself to build the country, that is, it is . (depend),词汇过关,【答案】admirer; admiration; admiring,6) I, an of Sammi, gave her my towards her by giving her an look.(admire),【答案】religious; religious; religion,【答案】Possibly; possibility; possible,8) because I know him w

9、ell, Im sure there is no of his giving a answer of this question. (possible),7) All the in the temple hold a ceremony every morning. They are of Buddhist . (religious),【答案】apologetic; apologize; apology,9) Kelly wrote an letter to Kim to for her calling his nickname, but Kim didnt accept her . (apol

10、ogize),词汇过关,【答案】forgiveness; to forgive; forgivable,10) May I beg you, a woman full of , this young man? (forgive),短语习得,mean doing sth. 意味着 mean to do sth. 打算或企图做某事 mean sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事 be meant for 打算作用; 为而有 take place 发生;举行 of all kinds 各种各样的 starve to death 饿死 be starved of 缺乏 starve for

11、sth. starve to do 渴望 plenty of 大量; 充足 be satisfied with 感到满意 to ones satisfaction 感到满意是,1.短语积累,短语习得,do harm to sb=do sb harm 伤害某人 in the shape of 呈的形状,以的形式 in memory of/ to the memory of sb. 纪念某人 dress up 穿上最好的衣服;打扮,化装 award sth. (to sb.)和award sb./sth. (for sth.) 给予、颁奖 reward sb. for (sth.) 因奖赏某人 r

12、eward sb. with (sth.) 用某物酬劳某人 admire (sb.) for sth. 在某方面钦佩某人 look forward to 期望,期待,盼望 have fun with (与某人)玩得开心;过得快乐 ( have a good time, enjoy oneself),短语习得,turn up 来;出现;把(收音机等)音量开大些 turn down 拒绝 turn off 关掉 turn on 打开 turn out 结果是 turn to sb. for help 向某人求助 keep ones word 守信用 break ones word, 失信 set

13、off 动身, 出发; 使(地雷、炸弹)爆炸 set in 开始 set up 建立,创立 set out to do = set about doing sth. 着手做 set down 写下,记下,短语习得,remind sb. of sth. 提醒,使想起,【答案】set off for/set out for,1) They home at 8 oclock in the morning and arrived at 9 at night.,【答案】hasnt turned up,2) She told me she would meet me here at 8. But it i

14、s 9 oclock now and she still .,【答案】do harm to,3) Smoking will your health. You must stop smoking.,2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中,【答案】keeps his word,4) Im sure he will give me a hand. He always .,短语习得,【答案】Looking forward to,5) the coming of the day, I felt time go especially slowly.,【答案】To his satisfacti

15、on,6) , his son won the first prize.,【答案】in the shape of,7) This garden is a square.,【答案】in memory of,8) The singer decided to write a song his best friend.,【答案】of all kinds,9) He is interested in stamps .,【答案】dress up,10) During the carnival people will as monsters and dance all night.,重点句型,1. Diff

16、erent countries have different festivals.(P1) 两个different连用 Different people have different lives. 不同的人有不同的生活。,即时强化练习: 翻译下列句子: 1) 不同的人喜欢不同的乐曲。 2) 不同的人有不同的看法。,【答案】1) Different people like different music. 2) Different people have different opinions.,重点句型,2. Halloween had its origin as an event in mem

17、ory of the dead.(P2) in memory of 短语表示“为了纪念”,可以放在句首或句末。 In memory of Quyuan, we hold the Dragon Boat festival.,即时强化练习: 翻译下列句子: 1) 他们将建造一座纪念碑来纪念这位民族英雄。 2) 为了纪念在这场战斗中牺牲的战友,他写下了这首诗歌。,【答案】1) They will build a monument in memory of the national hero. 2) In memory of the soldiers who died in the battle, h

18、e wrote down this poem.,1. Festivals are meant to celebrate important events. (P1) mean v. 1) 意味; 有的意思 What does the word mean in this context? The sign means (that) the road is blocked. Missing the bus means waiting for another hour. 2) 打算做 mean to do sth. 打算做 I didnt mean to hurt you. mean sb. to

19、do sth. 打算使某人做 I mean you to work as our guide. mean sb. sth/ mean sth. to sb. 打算给某人 I mean him no harm. = I mean no harm to him. 我无意伤害他.,目标解读,3) (对某人而言) 有的意义 mean sth. to sb. Fame does not mean much to me. 4) be meant for. 为而有,注定要属于, 注定要成为 The magazines was meant for young girls. He was meant for a

20、 painter. be meant to do sth. 得做, 必须做, 本来是想做 You were meant to keep the children out of trouble. It was meant to be an apology but it only made her angry. 【词汇网络】mean to do sth. 打算做 mean doing sth 意味着做某事 be meant to do sth 得做, 必须做, 本来是想做 mean adj. 吝啬的 He is mean about/ over/with money.,目标解读,2. Some f

21、estivals are held to honour the dead, or to satisfy and please the ancestors. (P2) satisfy vt. to make sb. happy; pleased 使满意 Its impossible to satisfy everybody. 使人人满意是不可能的。 Im not satisfied with that result. 我对那个结果感到不满意。 He was satisfied to win the match. 他对赢得比赛感到满意。 He nodded with satisfaction. 他

22、满意地点点头。 What he has done is far from satisfaction. 他所做的远不能令人满意。,目标解读,We want satisfactory reasons for your failure to help. 我们要知道你没能协助的充分理由。 Your success will be a great satisfaction to your parents. 你的成功将使你的父母非常满意。 词形变化: satisfied adj. 对感到满意; satisfactory adj.某事令人满意; satisfaction n.满意(不可数);令人满意的事物(

23、可数); in/with satisfaction满意地 【词汇网络】 be satisfied with=be pleased with=be content with 3. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter. (P2),目标解读,gather:vi.集合, 聚集, 渐增, 蹙眉, 化脓, vt.使聚集, 搜集, 积聚, 推断 收庄稼gather a crop 欢聚一堂merrily gather 共聚一堂gather together 恢复体力gather strength 【词语辨析】 ga

24、ther; collect gather 系常用词, 指“收集”, “聚集”, “集合在一起”, 如: The clouds are gathering. 云在聚集。 collect 指“有计划、有选择地收集”, 如: He collects stamps. 他集邮。 collect money 收钱,目标解读,4. Some people might win awards for their animals, flowers, fruit and vegetables, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. (P2

25、) award 1) v. award sth. to sb. /award sb. sth 颁发;授予;赏给 He was awarded the first prize. 他被授予一等奖。 The judge awarded her $200 as damages. 法官判给他二百美元作为损失赔偿金。 A gold medal was awarded to the owner. 获胜者被授予一枚金牌。 2) n.奖金;奖学金 He won the award of $1000. 他获得一千美元奖学金。,目标解读,【词语辨析】 1)award侧重表示“奖金”, 2)prize 则主要表示“各

26、种奖励”。表示“奖学金”时可通用,这种奖赏 有凭能力获得,有凭运气而得。 3)award, prize都可以和win连用,表示“获得奖金或奖励”。 4)reward n.报酬,奖赏,奖金,指对某人的工作或服务等的报答。 v.酬谢;答谢;奖赏。 He worked hard without any hope of reward. 他辛勤工作丝毫不期待报酬。 He was given a medal as a reward for his service. 他因为有功而获颁一枚奖章。 reward sb. for sth.因而酬谢某人。 Is that how you reward me for

27、my help? 那就是你为了我的帮助而给我的报酬吗?,目标解读,5. when people admire the moon and give gifts of mooncakes.(P2) admire v. 赞赏;钦佩;羡慕;夸奖。 admire sb. for sth.因某事而羡慕某人。 admire to do sth.喜欢做某事 Visitors to English usually admire their policemen. 去英国的游客通常赞佩他们的警察。 Dont forget to admire the baby. 别忘了夸奖那婴儿。 I admire him for

28、his sincerity. 我钦佩他的诚实。 I just admire to get letters, but dont admire to answer them. 我只是喜欢收信件,而不喜欢回信。,目标解读,词形变化: admiration n.感叹;赞美。 in admiration of 赞美;in (with) admiration 赞叹地; We have great admiration for his courage. admirer n.赞美者,崇拜者; admiring adj.佩服的 He wore an admiring look. 他带着赞叹的神色。 【词语辨析】

29、admire/envy 注意该词和envy的区别。n. 失望与恶意的感觉(与at连用,后接别 人的好运);v. “羡慕,妒忌”,构成短语envy sb./envy sb. sth. He was filled with envy at my success.他十分羡慕我的成功。I envy you your good fortune.我羡慕你的好运。,目标解读,6. The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of

30、 spring. (P2) look forward to:“盼望、期望”,其中to是介词,其后要接名词或 ing形式。如: Im looking forward to going to your party. 我一心盼望参加你的聚会。 Hes always looked forward to this strike. 他一直期待这次罢工。 【词汇网络】做介词用的带to短语: be/get used to 习惯于 object to 反对 prefer doing sth to doing sth 更喜欢 devote.to. 献身于,目标解读,pay attention to 注意 refe

31、r to 指的是 turn to 转向做 get down to 着手做 7. He thought she would keep her word. (P7) word的用法: 1) word 单词;话; have a word with.= have a talk with. have words with.= have a quarrel with. in a word= to be brief/ to sum up in other words= in another saying word by word in words 用语言,目标解读,weigh ones word斟词酌句 w

32、aste ones words 白费口舌 eat ones words (被迫)收回前言, 承认说错 2) 诺言(一般要求与ones连用) keep/hold ones word= keep ones promise 信守诺言 break ones word 违背诺言 3) 消息(不用任何冠词) Word (news) came that they had been defeated by their rival. I received word that Beijing would host the 2008 Olympics. 8. She was the most lovely of t

33、he daughters. (P7) lovely:是个形容词,而非副词,副词应该用in a lovely way 【词汇网络】以ly结尾的形容词: costly 昂贵的 lonely 孤独的,目标解读,deadly 死一般的 lively 活泼的 friendly 友好的 silly 傻气的 kindly 热心肠的 likely 可能的 leisurely 悠闲的 ugly 长得丑的 brotherly 兄弟般的 earthly 尘世的 以ly结尾,既是形容词又是副词: daily 每天的;每天 weekly 每周 monthly 每个月 yearly 每年 9. I dont want t

34、hem to remind me of her. (P7) remind 的三种用法: remind sb. of (doing) sth.使某人想起(做)某事 remind sbthat从句 提醒某人使某人想起 remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事,目标解读,1) That woman reminds me of my mother. 那妇人使我想起我母亲. 2) That woman reminds me that I have not seen my mother for 3 years. 那妇人使我想起我已经3年没看到我母亲了. 3) That woman rem

35、inds me to call my mother. 那妇人提醒我给我母亲打电话. 【词汇网络】convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事 inform sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事 cure sb. of sth. 治疗某人某事 accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人某事 rid sb. of sth. 处理,解决 rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人 relieve sb. of sth. 解除,目标解读,free sb. of sth. 使自由 clear sb. of sth. 清除 persuade sb. of sth. 说服 cheat sb o

36、f sth 骗取某人某物 accuse sb of sth 控告某人某事 10.And be prepared to explain your answers to the class. (P8) be prepared to do sth:准备好做某事 prepare to do sth:准备做某事 I am not worried about the exam, for I am prepared for it. 【词汇网络】常用被动形式的动词: 1) be+ 情绪过去分词 be+ amazed,amused, annoyed,astonished,concerned,confused,

37、delighted,disappointed,discouraged, disgusted,distressed, excited,frightened,interested, irritated,moved,pleased, puzzled, relieved,shocked,touched,目标解读,2) be+其他过去分词 be absorbed in 专心于 be addicted to 沉溺于 be accustomed to 习惯于 be adjusted to 适应于 be associated with 与联合、联系 be attached to 附加于、隶属于 be base

38、d on 以为基础 be composed of 由组成 be connected with 与连结、连接 be divorced from 和某人离婚 be devoted to 专心于;献身于 be dressed in 穿着,目标解读,be educated from 从学校等毕业 be employed in 从事于 be engaged to 和某人订婚 be exposed to 暴露于,面临于 be faced with 面对 be fed up 吃得过饱,对极其厌倦 be freed fromof 从摆脱;解除了 be hidden 藏好在 be honored withtob

39、e 被授予 be seated 坐在 因做而感到荣幸 be involved in 卷入、陷入;专心于 be married to 和某人结婚 be prepared to do sth 准备好了去做某事 be rooted in 扎根于 be used toving(phr. ) 习惯于,目标解读,Unit 2 Healthy eating,词汇过关,短语习得,重点句型,目标解读,1) She is so fat that she has made up her mind to go on a d to lose weight.,词汇过关,【答案】diet,1. 重点单词拼写,2) Rice

40、, noodles and bread all belong to e -giving foods.,【答案】energy,3) When having dinner, I like to eat c instead of m .,【答案】cucumbers, mashrooms,4) Wu must keep the b of nature.,【答案】balance,5) C drove him to follow his friend into that restaurant.,【答案】Curiosity,词汇过关,6) Scientists are doing some r to fin

41、d the cause of the disease.,【答案】research,7) There are usually a lot of c in the KFC.,【答案】customers,8) Both of the two restaurants have their s and w , so they decided to c them together into a larger one.,【答案】strengths, weaknesses, combine,9) They stood there, g at each other without a word.,【答案】gla

42、ring,10) Time is l . We need to be hurried.,【答案】limited,11) Knowledge can be of a great b to everybody.,词汇过关,【答案】benefit,12) Looking at his son, he s and went out of the room.,【答案】sighed,13) Some food is high in fibre which is good for d .,【答案】digestion,2. 重点词词形变换,【答案】energy; energetically; energeti

43、c,1) He had so much that he did the work of three men . The more he worked, the more he became. (energy),2) You must between health and appetite. If you want to keep fit, you must have a diet, which can keep the of the nutrition. (balance),词汇过关,【答案】balance; balanced; balance,【答案】slim/slimmer; slimmi

44、ng; slimness,【答案】curious; curiously; curiosity,4) Children are always about everything they see and hear. They will ask all kinds of questions . To meet their , wed better answer them. (curiosity),3) Hoping to have a figure, the fashion model is to have her . (slim),【答案】weak; weakness; weakens,5) Sh

45、e is in finding the of her rival, which her power in the debate. (weak),词汇过关,【答案】strong; strength; strengthen,【答案】gentle; gently; gentleness,7) The man with a look spoke . I admired his . (gentle),6) David has a body. He has the to do this hard work. We had better the relationship between us. (strength),【答案】limited; limit; limit,8) He seems to have only a intelligence, so we should his power to


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