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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料 Could you please clean your room? AThis information comes from Yang Xuehui at Shili middle school in Xihe, Gansu. Section A 彼得,请你去倒一下垃圾好吗?当然可以,妈妈。1a 1.洗餐具 2. 倒垃圾 3.叠衣服 4.扫地 5.整理床铺 6.打扫起居室1c A: 请你扫一下地好吗?B: 好的,当然可以。你能洗餐具吗? A: 噢,你洗他们行吗?我要打扫起居室。B: 没问题。 2c A: 我能用一下你的电脑吗?B: 对不起。我现在要用它工作。A:

2、 噢,我可以看电视吗?B: 是的,你可以。但你首先必须打扫干净你的房间。2d Sister: 托尼,你可以帮着做几件事吗? Brother: 我至少看完这个节目行吗? Sister: 不行。我认为两个小时的电视对你来说足够了! Brother: 好的,你要我做什么? Sister: 你倒垃圾、叠衣服和洗餐具好吗? Brother: 那么多? Sister: 是的,因为妈妈随时都会买完东西回来。如果她看到这样不整洁她会不高兴的。 Brother: 但房子已经相当干净和整洁了! Sister: 是的,嗯,它是干净的,但它不是“妈妈要求的洁净”! 3a 1.南希的妈妈为什么生南希的气?2.他们解决问

3、题了吗?怎么解决的?上个月,当我放学回到家时,我们的狗迎接我。他想要散步,但是我太累了。 我扔下我的书包就去起居室了。我刚在电视机前坐下,我妈妈就过来了。“你把狗带出去溜溜好吗?”她问。“我能先看个节目吗?”我问。“不行!”她生气地答道。 “你总是看电视,在家里从不帮忙! 我不能全天工作,通夜还做家务。“”噢,我在学校也整天学习!我和你一样累!“我大喊回应道。我妈妈没说什么就走了。 一个星期,她没做家务活,我也没有做。最后,我找不到一个干净的盘子,也找不到一件干净的衬衫。接下来的第二天,我妈妈下班回家发现房子既干净又整洁。“发生了什么事?”她惊讶地问。 “对不起,妈妈。我终于懂得我们需要分担家

4、务活来拥有一个干净而舒适的家。“我答道。3b 1.一个星期我们两人都没有做家务。2.我一在电视机前坐下,我妈妈就过来了。3.你累,但我也累。 Grammar Focus 我可以和朋友一起出去吃晚饭吗?当然,那应该可以。看完电影后,我们能喝点东西吗?不,你们不能。你们明天有一场篮球赛。 你带狗出去溜溜好吗?好的,但我想先看个节目。请你先倒一下垃圾好吗?好的,当然可以。4a 1.看完电影后我和朋友们一起去闲逛可以吗?d.可以,但不要回来太晚。 2.你把盐递给我好吗?a.可以。给你。 3.我能借那本书吗?c.当然可以,没问题。我昨晚看完了它。 4.你帮我洗餐具好吗?e.不行,我不能。我割破了手指,我

5、尽量不要弄湿它。 5.你能借给我一些钱吗?b.嗯,你需要多少? 4bA: 我讨厌做家务。B: 噢,我也讨厌一些杂务,但我喜欢其他的杂务。A: 真的吗?好极了!那么我能请你帮我做一些杂务吗?B: 你需要帮忙做什么?A: 你能为我叠或洗衣服吗? B: 我不想做那种事!它很乏味!A: 行。那么请你为我洗餐具好吗?B: 当然,没问题。但洗好之后我们能去看电影吗? A: 当然可以。在你帮我洗餐具的时候我会完成家庭作业。然后我们能去看电影。4c A: 刘畅,你带个帐篷可以吗?B: 当然可以。请你能.吗?C: 对不起,不能。我不得不. Section A Peter, could you please ta

6、ke out the rubbish?Sure, Mom.1a1.do the dishes2.take out the rubbish3.fold your clothes4.sweep the floor5.make your bed6.clean the living room 1cA: Could you please sweep the floor?B: Yes, sure. Can you do the dishes?A: Well, could you please do them? Im going to clean the living room.B: No problem.

7、 2cA: Could I use your computer?B: Sorry. Im going to work on in now. A: Well, could I watch TV?B: Yes, you can, but first you have to clean your room. 2dSister: Could you please help out with a few things? Brother: Could I at least finish watching this show?Sister: No. I think two hours of TV is en

8、ough for you! Brother: Fine. What do you want me to do? Sister: Could you take out the rubbish, fold the clothes and do the dishes? Brother: So much? Sister: Yes, because Mom will be back from shopping any minute now. And she wont be happy if she sees the mess.Brother: But the house is already prett

9、y clean and tidy! Sister: Yes, well, its clean, but its not “mother clean”! 3a1.Why was Nancys mom angry with her?2. Did they solve the problem?How? Last month, our dog welcomed me when I came home from school. He wanted a walk, but I was too tired. I threw down my bag and went to the living room. T

10、he minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mom came over. “Could you please take the dog for a walk? She asked.” “Could I watch one show first?” I asked. “No!” she replied angrily. “You watch TV all the time and never help out around the house! I cant work all day and do housework all evening.” “We

11、ll, I work all day at school, too! Im just as tired as you are!” I shouted back. My mom did not say anything and walked away. For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I. Finally, I could not find a clean dish or a clean shirt. The next day, my mom came home from work to find the ho

12、use clean and tidy. “What happened?” she asked in surprise.“Im sorry, Mom, I finally understand that we need to share the housework to have a clean and comfortable home,” I replied.3b1.Neither of us did any housework for a week.2. My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV.3. Youre ti

13、red, but Im tired, too. Grammar FocusCould I go out for dinner with my friends? Sure, that should be OK.Could we get something to drink after the movie? No, you cant. You have a basketball game tomorrow. Could you please take the dog for a walk? OK, but I want to watch one show first. Could you plea

14、se take out the rubbish? Yes, sure. 4a1. Could I hang out with my friends after the movie? d.Yes, but dont come back too late.2. Could you please pass me the salt? a.Yes, here you are. 3. Could I borrow that book? c.Yes, sure. No problem. I finished reading it last night. 4. Could you help me do the

15、 dishes? e.No, I cant. I cut my finger and Im trying not to get it wet. 5.Could you lend me some money? b.Hmm. How much do you need? 4bA: I hate to do chores.B: Well, I hate some chores too, but I like other chores.A: Really? Great! Could I ask you to help me with some chores then? B: What do you ne

16、ed help with? A: Could you please wash my clothes for me? B: I dont want to do that! Its boring!A: OK. Then could you please do the dishes for me?B: Sure, no problem. But could we go to the movies after that?A: Sure. Ill finish my homework while you help me with the dishes. Then we can go to the movies. 4cA: Could you please bring a tent, Liu Chang?B: Sure. And could you please .?C: Sorry, I cant. I have to .


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