2020学年人教版(七年级下册)英语导学案:Unit 8 (第3课时)Section B(1a-1d).doc

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?第三课时Section B(1a-1d)【教师寄语】:Look before you leap. 三思而后行。【Free talk】Is there a post office near here?【Learning tasks】1. 学习几个形容词及它们的反义词的用法。2. 邀请同学到家做客并说明到家路线.3. 培养学生之间的友情以及让学生学会热情待客。【Importance and difficulties】叙述某一场所的位置。【学习过程】一、超前预习.预习Section B(1a

2、-1d),写出下列单词。 1十字路口 2沿着 3转向 4左边5右边.译出下列短语及句子。 1沿着 2右转 3左转 4沿着桥街走5在右边在第一个路口右转 . 根据生活实际回答问题,课堂上老师会问你们这些问题。1在这附近有旅馆吗? IV. 找出你的疑惑: _ _二、课中学习I. 预习检测II. 解决疑惑 自主互助学习知识剖析:常用的指路方法有以下几种: (1) Go / Walk along / down this road and . 沿着这条路走. (2) Turn left at the second crossing. 在第二个十字路口处往左拐。 (3) Go across the bri

3、dge. 穿过这座桥。 (4) Take the second turning on the left. 在第二个转弯处左拐。重点难点释义:(1) There be结构:肯定句:There be +名词+地点(事物) “某处有某物”否定句:There be not +名词+地点(事物) “某处没有某物”一般疑问句:Be there +名词+地点(事物)? “某处有某物吗?”肯定回答: Yes, there is/are . 否定回答:No. there isnt/arent. (2)in front of 和 in the front of的不同。例如:There are many trees

4、 in front of the clasroom.(整体)There is a teacher in the front of the classroom.(内部)III. 学习过程:1. Match the words with the signs. (1a)2. 听力完成1b3. 听力技能提高:完成对话,两人一组做对话练习。 【课堂练习】一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. The children enjoy _(play)soccer after class.2. She _(go)home at five every afternoon.3. I spend much time _(s

5、peak) English every morning,4. I can find the hotel _(easy).5. You should turn right at the second _(cross).6. I think money _(be not)everything.7. I love to watch monkeys _(climb) trees.8. There _(be) a pen and two pencils in the box.二、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 沿着第五大街走,然后左转。Go_ Fifth Street, then_ _,2. 我家在一条喧闹的

6、大街上。My house is _a noisy _.3. 从机场坐出租车,沿着公路走,直到看到一个图书馆在你的右边。_ _ _ from the airport and _ _ the road until you see a library _ _ _4. 沿着这条街走。你能很容易地到达图书馆。5. _ _.You can get to the library _.6. 请在第一个十字路口处向右拐。Please _ _ at the first _.【要点归纳】There be 句型与have, has的区别 1There be 句型表示:在某地有某物(或人)2在there be 句型中,

7、主语是单数,be 动词用is; 主语是复数,be 动词用are; 如有几件物品,be 动词根据最靠近be 动词的那个名词决定。3there be句型与have(has) 的区别:there be 表示在某地有某物(或人); have(has) 表示某人拥有某物。【拓展练习】选择适当的介词填空 straight, in, on, behind, next, between, along, through, across, on 1. _ to the hotel is a small post office. 2. Dont stand(站) before me. Please stand _

8、me. 3. The park is _ the hotel and No.1 Middle School. 4.Go down Qingdao Road and you find a post office _ the left. 5. Go _ Shanghai Road. Its near a post office. 6. Turn right _ First Avenue and you can find the bank. 7. I will go _ Black Forest(黑森林). 8. There are some apple trees _ front of my house. 9. The library is _ from a restaurant. 10. If you want to go to our school, go _ and turn right.【总结反思】 1我的收获:通过学习,我掌握了以下词汇: 我能流利使用以下句型。 2我的易错点:


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