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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料Unit 2: Ill help to clean up the city parks. (教学内容Section A, Grammar Focus Section B1e)Teaching aims(教学目标)1. Talk about volunteer work2. Offer helpLanguage points(语言点)1. Phrases: run out of, take after, fix up, give away2. Sentences:Ive run out of it.I take after my father.I fix it up.

2、 I gave it away.Difficult points:How to express a desire to help.Teaching Steps ( 教学步骤 ) Period 31. Warm-up and Match(课堂热身和词汇复习)(1)Greetings and warming up.T: Good morning, everyone! Did you have a good sleep last night? S: Yes.T: Who can tell me what we learned yesterday? (自由回答,让学生积极回忆昨天所学知识)T: Let

3、s match the phrasal verbs with their Chinese meanings.教学设计说明:以比拼的方式复习昨天所学短语,并让学生们兴奋起来。2. ReviewT: Now lets do a difficult task. Translate the following sentences into English. Write your sentences in your exercise books.教学设计说明:通过翻译句子进行语法总结,进而巩固上节所学的重要句型, 并为下一步的听力任务做好准备。3. Lead in(导入)T: Do you know t

4、he following phrasal verbs? Lets take a guess. run out of take after fix up give away(教师用多种方法尽可能让更多的学生参与,让他们大胆猜词)教学法4. Work on 1aT:Match the sentences with similar meanings. 1. Ive run out of it.2. I take after my mother.3. I fixed it up.4. I gave it away. a. I repaired it.b. I dont have any more of

5、 it.c. I am similar to her.d. I didnt keep it.Work on 1bT: Match the phrasal verbs with the nouns. Then make sentences with the phrases.run out oftake afterfix upgive awaye.g. I gave away my bike to a childrens home.my bikemoneymy fatherold clothes教学设计说明:通过相同句子配对和造句子练习,为后面的听力做准备5. ListeningT: Look a

6、t these pictures. This is Jimmy. Everybody says he is a good boy. From these pictures, can you guess whats happening?Have Ss listen for the first time and then answer the questions. (教师放录音,因为对话简单教师可以在放完一遍录音以后就订正答案)1. Does Jimmy often fix up bikes?2. Why has Jimmy run out of money?Have Ss listen for

7、the second time and number the pictures 1-4 in the correct order. 教学设计说明:这环节比较简单,教师可以引导学生看图说句子,然后排列顺序,以达到操练口语的教学目标.Have Ss listen for the third time and complete the passage.Jimmy is a good boy. He likes 1. _ very much. He often finds or buys 2. _ bikes that nobody wants. Then he 3. _ up the bikes a

8、nd give them 4. _ to kids who dont have enough money to buy their own bikes. The reason why he does this is his father often 5. _ people and Jimmy takes 6. _his father. Jimmys parents are 7. _ of him. Now he has 8. _ out of money so he cant buy any 9. _ old bikes and he needs to come up 10. _ some w

9、ays of getting money, or he will have to stop. 教学设计说明:这环节难度比较大,主要针对水平比较高的学生,用以考察他们的篇章理解能力以及词汇的掌握情况。 6. Role-play a conversation between Jimmy and the reporter.T (telling the Ss): Lets read and role-play this conversation to understand it completely. Man: This morning Im talking with a very wonderful

10、 young man, Jimmy the Bike Boy. Good morning, Jimmy.Jimmy: Good morning.Man: So, Jimmy, tell our listeners what you do.Jimmy: Well, I find or buy old bikes that nobody wants. Then I fix up the bikes and give them away to kids who dont have enough money to buy their own bikes.Man: Thats fantastic. Wh

11、at gave you the idea?Jimmy: I guess I take after my father. He loves to help people. He always volunteers to help people in need. Man: Wow! Your parents must be proud of you.Jimmy: I guess so. But now Ive run out of money, so I cant buy any more old bikes.Man: Oh, thats too bad.Jimmy: Yeah. I need t

12、o come up with some ways of getting money, or Ill have to stop.T: Great! Lets answer some questions to check whether you understand this conversation.1. Why do we call Jimmy a Bike Boy?2. Who does he want to help?3. Does his father support him? 4. Whats Jimmys problem now? 5. What do you think of Ji

13、mmy?教学设计说明:朗读并回答相关问题是为了更好的理解对话内容,并为下一步的口头作文作铺垫。7. Oral Composition口头作文请你根据所给的图片进行1分钟的口头作文。你有60秒的准备时间。Jimmy 是一个很有爱心的学生,他经常帮助他人教学设计说明:口头作文环节融入了口语考试形式,让学生根据图片和文字说明进行即兴看图作文,同时达到检测学生是否掌握相关词汇与句型。8. Explanation for listeningT: Today we learn something about Jimmy and how to help others. Now lets turn to so

14、me important words and phrases. 1. run out of = use up “用完”、“卖光”。句子的主语是人或使用的物。注意不能用于被动语态。 I am running out of my money. = My money is running out of. We are running out of the gas. = Our car is running out of the gas.2. I fixed it up. fix up = repair (修理); fasten (安装)3. give away 赠送4. call up = ring

15、 up; give sb a ring.; phone sb.5. hand out (散发); hand in (上缴); hand around/round (传递)6. work out (结果、结果是)那个主意的实施结果很好。 The idea works out well. 另外还有“解答出、计算出”的意思.Can you work out the answer to this question?See if you can work out this bill.教学设计说明:通过解释让学生明白相关词汇短语并懂得运用。8. Exercises1. Fill in the blanks

16、 with the phrasal verbs in the box.2. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.3. Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use infinitives.9. HomeworkOral:Tell something about Jimmy to your friends.Written: Write a letter to Jimmy to show your support. 教学设计说明:以口头或书面的形式对本节课所学内容进行巩固记忆并学会灵活运用。


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