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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料Unit 8: Have you read Treasure Island yet?The Second Period(教学内容: Section A 3a3c)Teaching aims(教学目标)1学会谈论最近发生的事情或经历2. 能够正确使用现在完成时3. 能够掌握重点词汇的用法4. 了解鲁滨逊漂流记的背景知识与主要内容Language points(语言点)1. 要求掌握以下句式: Ive found the ship and made a small boat. Although I have lost everything, I have not los

2、t my life. I named him Friday because that was the day I met him.2要求掌握以下词汇: (1)动词:arrive, name, find(2)名词:ship, tool, gun, mark, sand, cannibal(3)副词:towards ( 3 ) 词组:arrive on the island, lose my life, give up, wait for, cut down, try to do (本节课的生词通过PPT讲解,例句的练习,可以加深学生的印象并了解、掌握其用法。)Difficulties(难点):现

3、在完成时的用法;重点词汇的用法 Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Review(复习)T:Before we begin our new lesson, lets review what we learned during the last lesson. Here is an exercise for you. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.(教师把练习题在PPT上呈现出来)教学设计说明:本环节主要在于复习上节课所学内容,简单呈现重点句型。2. Lead-in(导入)T: First, Id like to ask you s

4、ome questions:(1) Have you read the book Robinson Crusoe?(2) Whats it about?(3) What do you think of it?(教师先向学生提问,然后给出鲁滨逊漂流记的简介)教学设计说明:本环节目的在于先向学生发问,询问他们对于这本书的了解情况;然后通过中文简介给他们补充课外读物的相关知识。3. First readingT: Read the passage based on Robinson Crusoe. Then answer the questions.(1). What will Robinson C

5、rusoe wait for?(2). Why does Robinson Crusoe call the man Friday?教学设计说明:本环节目的在于锻炼学生快速阅读获取信息的能力,题目设置都很简单,主要为细节理解题,都可以在文中找到答案,告诉学生阅读技巧详略得当。4. Second reading T: Read the passage and guess the meaning of these phrases.(教师在PPT上呈现中文短语,让学生阅读文章然后找出中文短语所对应的英文短语。)教学设计说明:本环节主要在于在读前通过重点、难点短语的突破,降低学生阅读的障碍,帮助学生更好

6、地理解文章。T: Now translate these phrases into English.5. Third reading T: Read the passage again. Find words that have these meanings.(教师在PPT上展示个别重点词汇的英文解释,让学生到文中找出对应的词语)教学设计说明:本环节主要解决这篇文章当中的重点词汇,通过英文解释,让学生更好地理解单词,并灵活运用。6. Fourth reading T: Read the passage once more, and correct the sentences.(让学生四人一组合

7、作,从文中找出错误的地方,并改正。)7. Language pointsT: By now Im sure you have a good understanding of the passage. Now lets look at the language more closely.(教师在PPT上呈现原文,并通过超链接形式将文章所包含的语言点、词汇、短语、重点句型展示出来,并适当配合例句。)教学设计说明:本环节主要目的在于让学生掌握本文中所出现的重点词汇、短语、句型。先教师讲解,然后让学生做适当练习,以检测学生掌握情况。8. After readingT: After reading th

8、e passage so many times, Im sure you have have a good understanding of what its about. Now try to retell the passage in your own words.(教师给学生2-3分钟时间准备,对文章进行复述。)教学设计说明:本环节主要是考查学生综合运用能力,以及对于故事的理解与掌握情况。9. Homework(1). Practice retelling the passage.(2). Review the key phrases and other useful expressions.教学设计说明:本环节主要是课后巩固,让学生消化上课所学内容。


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