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1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)八年级英语(下)第4单元第2课时Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?Section A 3a3c 教学目标知识目标1. 学习并掌握新词汇:relation, communicate, communication, argue, cloud, elder, instead, whatever, nervous, offer, proper, secondly, explain, clear, copy, return, anymore2. 能正确使用以下常用表达:get on with, elder brother, re

2、fuse to do sth, instead, feel lonely and nervous, mind sb doing sth, enough sleep, a big deal, so that, surprise sb, without doing sth, make sb angry, until the last minute, fight all the time, be afraid of doing, leave sth at home3. 学会使用以下句型:(1) A: What should he do? B: He should talk to his friend

3、 so that he can say hes sorry.(2) A: Whats wrong? B: My sister borrows my clothes without asking. What should I do? A: Well, you could tell her that this makes you angry so that she will ask you next time.能力目标通过阅读训练,培养学生的良好的阅读理解能力,同时使学生在理解书信故事情节的基础上对文章进行进一步的解读,以实现对学生进行有利的情感教育的目的。情感目标通过本课的学习,培养学生善于表达

4、自己的问题, 喜欢小组合作学习, 相互帮助,建立开朗健全的人格。教学重点重点词汇、常用表达及句型。教学难点在理解书信故事情节的基础上对文章进行进一步的解读。教学方法情景教学法;任务型教学法。二、【教学流程】环节师生活动二次备课I. Preparation 准备课前3分钟检查单词预习情况,教师根据学生读的状况,适当领读,帮助学生正音。1. Free talk “自由交际”1) Make conversations to talk about problems and give advice.e.g.:Whats wrong with you?I had a fight with my best

5、friend. What should I do?Well you should call him so that you can say youre sorry.2) Role play the conversation.(2d)2. Revision “复习检查” 通过检查上节课布置的作业落实作业完成情况,进而为新课的导入铺路搭桥。通过检查“学案”中“新知预习”内容检查预习效果, II. Presentation呈现1. Learning tasks“示标定向” (1)学习并掌握新词汇:relation, communicate, communication, argue, cloud,

6、elder, instead, whatever, nervous, offer, proper, secondly, explain, clear, copy, return, anymore (2)能正确使用以下常用表达:get on with, elder brother, refuse to do sth, instead, feel lonely and nervous, mind sb doing sth, enough sleep, a big deal, so that, surprise sb, without doing sth, make sb angry, until

7、the last minute, fight all the time, be afraid of doing, leave sth at home (3)学会使用以下句型:1) A: What should he do? B: He should talk to his friend so that he can say hes sorry.2) A: Whats wrong? B: My sister borrows my clothes without asking. What should I do? A: Well, you could tell her that this make

8、s you angry so that she will ask you next time.2. Leading-in“导入新课”(1) Look at the picture in 3a, and answer the following questions: 1) How many people can you see in the picture? 2) What are they doing? 3) Where are they? 4) Can you guess whats their problem? III. Practice 操练1. 速读 (Fast Reading)Rea

9、d quickly and find the answers to the questions:(1) Who write the letter?(2) Whats the writers problem?(3) Whats the advice that Mr Hunt gave?2. 精读 (Intensive Reading)Read the passage carefully and answer the question: What do you think of the advice? (3b)Then talk about the advice. For example:I ag

10、ree / disagree with his advice because I agree with his advice because my parents are all busy with their work and they have no time to talk from each other. After work my mother is busy doing housework and my father is also busy working on the computer.3. 朗读 (Loud Reading)1) Read after the tape twi

11、ce.2) Read the passage by themselves, and then give some of them show time. (4) 使用“学案”中“自主探究”部分的内容,体验语法以及语言知识点的使用方法。IV. Consolidation巩固1. Close the books and try to fill in the blanks.Dear Mr Hunt,My problem is that I cant _ _ _my family. Relation between my parents have become difficult. They _ _ _

12、, and I really dont like it. Its the _ _ they have. I dont know is I should say anything to them about this. When they _, its like a big, black cloud _ _ our home. Also, my _ _ is not very nice to me. He always refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show. _ he watches _ _ _ until late at night. I do

13、nt think this is fair. At home I always feel _ _ _. Is that normal?What can I do?Sad and ThirteenDear Sad and Thirteen, Its not easy _ your age, and its normal to have these _. _ _ _talk about these feelings with your family? If your parents are having problems, you should _ _ _. Maybe you could do

14、more jobs around the house _ _ they have more time for _ _.Secondly, _ _ _ sit down and communicate with your brother? You should explain that you dont _ him _ TV all the time. However, he should let you watch your favorite show. I hope things will be better for you soon.Robert Hunt 2. Read the word

15、s and expressions in 3c then find out which words or phrases in the letters have the same or similar meanings as them. Then write a sentence using each word or phrase. (3c)3. Read and recite the sentences in Grammar Focus.4. Fill in the blanks with “ although, so that or until”.(4a)5. Give some advi

16、ce about the problems. (4b)6. Compare the advice with your classmates and choose the best advice.V. Examination检测1. 引导学生小结梳理知识框架、规律、方法,并对合作小组当堂学习情况进行总结评价,巩固学生所获得的语言知识和经验,让学生在评价中反思,在反思中进步。Ask one of the students to say what they have learnt.1)words 2) phrases 3) sentences2. 当堂检测(见学案):教师要随堂进行评价,批改可以由学习小组内互批、组间互批、集体订正等方法,批阅后教师要统计达标情况,收集反馈信息,当堂矫正补救。VI. Assignment作业1. 口头作业: 听并跟读录音, 尝试复述两封信, 背诵回信中的最后一段,背笔记。2. 书面作业: Remember the new words of 3a-4c. Finish off the exercises. Preview Section B 1a-1e .三、【板书设计】Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? Section A 3a4c四、【教后反思】


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