2020学年高中英语(人教版必修五)课时作业:Unit 4 Period Two.docx

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料 Period TwoLanguage Points.单词拼写1He felt g_ after he stole some money from the old couple.2He is e_ to see his daughter who has been abroad studying for two years.3Can you turn the music down,please?I cant c_ on my lessons.4You must buy a good piano for your son,for he is a g_ pianist.

2、5The company mainly p_ books for children.6We were _(高兴的) at the good news.7The plan will be _(上交,提交) to the committee next week.8Its difficult to _(评估) a persons ability.9I will go there to _(协助) him in doing the work.10It was an unusually hot summer and airconditioners were in great _(需求).词义辨析1用ac

3、quire,obtain,gain或get的适当形式填空。(1)He finally _ what he had always wanted.(2)Gradually they _ knowledge of French during their stay in France.(3)I sat in the front of the bus to _ a good view of the countryside.(4)They _ the victory after a bloody battle.(5)We should try to _ good habits.2用accuse或charg

4、e的适当形式填空。(1)His neighbor _ him of playing the musical instrument too loudly.(2)They were _ with receiving stolen goods.(3)The police are going to _ him with murder.(4)He was _ of theft.3用so as (not) to,in order (not) to,so that或in order that填空。(1)I bought some beef and vegetables _ make soup for din

5、ner.(2)Jay studied day and night _ he could pass his entrance exams.(3)_ we could arrive before dark,we started early.(4)_ get to school on time,he got up earlier.(5)He ran quickly _ be late for the meeting.(6)_ disturb his sleeping father,Tom tipped(踮起脚走) into his room.翻译句子1你最好带上钥匙以防我不在家。(in case)_

6、2我因极少去看望她而感到惭愧。(guilty)_3我对该队获胜的可能性表示怀疑。(sceptical)_4我不仅认识她,还是她最好的朋友。(倒装句)_5我上大学去了,那时我的朋友全都找到了收入不错的工作。(meanwhile)_.单项填空1The necklace is assessed _ 10,000 yuan.Aat Bof Cwith Dto2Please _ us of any change of address as soon as possible.Aaccuse Binform Ccure Drob3Do you have enough to _ all your daily

7、expenses?Oh yes,enough and to spare.Acover Bspend Cfill Doffer4Its a long way to go!We must take a taxi._ for a taxi.The underground can save money.ANo longer BNo wonder CNo need DNo problem5Do you believe what they reported in yesterdays newspaper?No,I think they _.Atold the public the truthBgot th

8、e wrong end of the stickCmade few mistakes in their reportDshould not report the truth6He kept silent over the matter _ lose his job.Aso as to not Bin order not Cso as not to Din order to not7The message is very important,so it is supposed_as soon as possible.Ato be sent Bto send Cbeing sent Dsendin

9、g8The manager demanded that the work _ by the end of the month.Amust finish Bwould be finishedCbe finished Dmust be finished9Only when I left my parents for Italy _ how much I loved them.AI realized BI had realizedChad I realized Ddid I realize10How often do you eat out?_,but usually once a week. AH

10、ave no idea BIt dependsCAs usual DGenerally speaking.完形填空Anna Douglas was 72 years old when she started writing her newspaper column.She had been a school teacher before she retired,but she needed to keep_1_.She was even willing to work without pay.She then offered her_2_with a business that helped

11、other businesses find jobs for old people.Every day she _3_other folks like her.By talking with them,she _4_two things.Old people had abilities that were not_5_.But old people also had some _6_.She found a new purpose for herself then.Through the years,she_7_ to write stories about people for nation

12、al magazines.There was now a new _8_: Old people like herself.She began to write a newspaper column called “Sixty Plus”,which was about _9_old.She writes about the problems of old people,especially their problems with being _10_.Anna Douglas uses her _11_ability to see the truth behind a problem.She

13、 understands _12_problems begin.For example,one of her_13_said that his grandchildren _14_the houses as soon as he came to visit.Mrs.Douglas _15_some ways for him to understand his grandchildren.“Its important to know _16_about your grandchildrens world,” says Mrs.Douglas.“That means questioning and

14、 listening,and _17_is not what old people do best.Say good things to them and about them,” she continues.“Never try to _18_your grandchildren or other young people.Never _19_your opinion.Dont tell them what they should do or they mustnt do._20_,they have been taught they should have respect for old

15、people.The old should respect them as well.”1A.freeBrichCpowerfulDbusy2A.serviceBmoneyCstudentsDbooks3A.observedBmetCcomfortedDanswered4A.recognizedBfollowedCenjoyedDdemanded5A.studiedBagreedCgaveDused6A.mistakesBproblemsCquestionsDcharacters7A.hadBoughtCwasDused8A.subjectBlifeCwayDplan9A.gettingBre


17、CpleasingDadvising18A.praiseBscoldCtroubleDencourage19A.speak outBgive up Cget backDstick to20A.CommonlyBSurprisinglyCHappilyDNaturallytoo much与much too1too much意为“太多”,可用作形容词词组,后接不可数名词,也可用作名词词组或副词词组。2much too意为“太,非常”,后接形容词或副词。(1)A neighbor complained the kids were making too much noise.有位邻居抱怨孩子们太吵了。

18、(2)You worry too much.你过于担心了。(3)The house is much too expensive for me to afford.这房子太贵,我买不起。 答案 .1.guilty2.eager3.concentrate4.gifted 5publishes6.delighted7.submitted8.assess 9assist10.demands.1.(1)obtained(2)acquired(3)get(4)gained(5)acquireacquire指持续、慢慢地获得,强调经过努力或某一过程得到某物,宾语多为知识、技能、习惯等。obtain多指经过相

19、当长的时间或很大的努力,获得期望已久的东西,为正式用语。gain的含义较obtain进一步,表示付出更大的努力才能获得,常译为“赢得”,多用于指得到经验、利益、优势、好处等;亦可指军事上的武力夺取。get是“得到”的普通用词,为不正式用语。2(1)accused(2)charged(3)charge(4)accusedaccuse表示直接而严厉地指出某人的过错,加以谴责,也指对犯错误的人的指控或控告。常用搭配accuse sb. of(doing) sth.。charge指“因犯较大错误或重大罪行而进行正式法律控诉”。常用搭配charge sb. with(doing) sth.。3(1)in

20、 order to/so as to(2)so that/in order that(3)In order that(4)In order to(5)so as not to/in order not to(6)In order not toso as to和in order to后接动词原形,表示“为的是,为了”。in order to可放句首,也可放句中,so as to不能放句首。其否定形式为:so as not to,in order not to。so that和in order that后接从句,in order that可以放在句首,而so that则不能。.1.Youd bet

21、ter take the keys in case Im out.2I feel guilty about visiting her so rarely.3Im sceptical about/of the teams chance of winning.4Not only do I know her,but Im her best friend.5I went to college.Meanwhile,all my friends got wellpaid jobs.1.A句意为:这串项链估价为10 000元。assess常和介词at连用,表示“给估价多少钱”。2Baccuse sb. of

22、 sth.“因某事指责或控告某人”;inform sb. of sth.“告诉或通知某人某事”;cure sb. of sth.“治好某人某种疾病”;rob sb. of sth.“抢劫某人某物”。由句意知inform为最佳答案。3Acover在此处意为“支付;够之用”。问句句意为:你有足够的钱来支付日常开销吗?4C后半句句意为:没有必要打的,地铁可以节省钱。no longer不再;no wonder难怪;no problem没问题。5B句意为:你相信昨天报纸上报道的东西吗?不,我认为他们混淆了事实。get the wrong end of the stick混淆事实,完全误解。6Cso as

23、 to和in order to的否定式是:so as not to和in order not to。7Abe supposed to do sth.表示“理应做某事”,是习惯搭配,而且send和the message 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故使用被动语态形式。8C由句中的demand可知,其宾语从句的谓语动词应用虚拟语气,即用“(should)do”。因为the work与finish之间存在被动关系,因此应用(should)be finished。9D“only状语”置于句首,主句用部分倒装。C项时态不正确。10BIt depends视情况而定。符合句意,故选B项。have no idea

24、不知道;as usual像往常一样;generally speaking一般来说。.1.D退休之后,她不想赋闲在家,所以想keep busy。2A帮助其他老人找工作,所以提供服务。3B每天她和向她这样的老人见面。4A通过和老人交谈,她认清了两个问题。recognize认清。5D老人仍然有可以利用的能力。6B老人仍然有自己的问题。7D在这些年里,她常常给杂志写一些文章。8A现在又有了一个新的话题。9A由上文中可以看出她写的是“Sixty Plus”六十几岁的人。get old 变老。10C她了解老人,尤其是老人常常被误解的问题。11C她用的是她的写作能力。12C由下文可看出她知道造成老人问题的原因。13B她是作家,所以是她的读者。14C这位老人一去,他孙子就会离开家15CAnna Douglas 给了他一些建议。16B她建议这位老人应该理解一下孩子的世界。17A老人应该听和问,听不是老人的特长。18B不要责备孙子和其他年轻人。19D不要坚持你的观点。stick to 坚持(观点、理论);give up放弃;speak out 说出;get back 回来。20A一般情况下,他们从小就接受他们应该尊重老人的教育。


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