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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 2 What time do you go to schoolPart 3 Grammar Focus夯实基础,活用语法一、抄写、朗读并翻译。1What time do you usually get up? 抄写:_翻译:_2They always get dressed at seven thirty. 抄写:_翻译:_3They usually exercise on weekends.抄写:_翻译:_4Hes never late.抄写:_翻译:_5When does Scott go to work?抄写:_翻译:_二、Grammar Focu

2、s语法过关。( B )1Where does your mother work?She _at Huaxing Clothes Store.AworkBworks Cworked Dworking( D )2_do you usually play the piano? In the morning.AHowBWhyCWhereDWhen( B )3I have _ lunch at 2:00 in_afternoon.Athe; theB/; the Cthe; /D/; /( C )4Its 7:50! You must get _ now, or youll be late.Adress

3、 Bdressing CdressedDdresses( A )5He usually _ his teeth twice a day.Abrushes Bbrushing Cbrush Dbrushed( D )6I dont have much time to have breakfast, so I usually eat very _.Alate Blately CquickDquickly( D )7My father goes to _ work after _ breakfast.Athe; theBthe; / C/; the D/; /( A )8_ Lily do spor

4、ts every day? Yes, she _.ADoes; doesBDo; doesCDoes; do DDo; do( C )9_ weekday we go to school _ 7 oclock.AIn; at BOn; inCOn; atDIn; on( D )10Does your friend Jim _at 17:30 in the afternoon?Aexercises Bto exerciseCexercisingDexercise三、语法运用:用所给单词的正确形式填空。1There will be more jobs (job)for people in 10 y

5、ears.2Mr. Green is in good health because he exercises (exercise)every day.3This movie is funny (fun)4Look! Some boys are running (run)over there.5Jim gets (get)up at 7:30 every morning.四、重点句型运用。1丽莎通常几点淋浴?What time does Lisa usually take a shower?2他们几点吃晚餐?What time do they eat dinner?3山姆在10:00点吃早餐。S

6、am eats breakfast at ten oclock.4他通常在七点去上班。He usually goes to work at seven oclock.5他从不迟到。Hes never late. /He is never late.五、短文填空。My name is Tom Green. I am 9 1 old. I 2 from London. I study in Beijing. I am good at drawing. I like 3 the violin very much. Every morning I 4 up at 6:40. I get dressed

7、 and 5 my teeth at 6:50. After breakfast, I go to school 6 bike. There 7 50 students in my class. I have 4 classes in the 8 and 3 classes in the afternoon. My favorite 9 are P.E.and art. I like playing football after school. I go back home at a quarter to six in the afternoon. I take a shower at half past nine in the evening. Then I 10 TV with my grandparents. I go to bed at 22:00.1 years 2 come/am 3 playing 4 get 5 brush6 by 7 are 8 morning 9 subjects 10 watch


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