
上传人:白大夫 文档编号:4426508 上传时间:2019-11-08 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:14KB
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1、Do you like to watch sports on TV?Do you play any sports?Do you have a favourite sports star?Whats the most popular sports in China?What kind of sports would you like to try in the future?Have you ever tried any dangerous sports?Yes, Im really into watching sports on TV because it entertains me a lo

2、t. Besides, I like seeing other people do the things that I cant do and wish I could do.是的,我真的很喜欢看电视上的体育节目,因为它让我很开心。此外,我喜欢看到别人做我不能做的事情,我希望我能做。Yes, I sometimes play football in the morning with my friends in the garden during the weekends to get some exercises.是的,我有时在周末和我的朋友在花园里踢足球来锻炼身体。My favourite

3、sports star is a footballer called Messi who is a forward for Barcelona. He has the perfect blend of speed, strength, skill and toughness. He is also an icon in the modern football game.我最喜欢的体育明星是梅西,他是巴塞罗那的前锋。他把速度、力量、技巧和韧性完美地结合在一起。他也是现代足球运动的标志人物。I guess the most popular spectator sport in China is b

4、asketball. Many young people in China play basketball but mainly boys play it. Basketball courts are easy to find and it doesnt require any specific facilities or expensive equipment other than a basket and a ball.我猜中国最受欢迎的观赏性运动是篮球。中国许多年轻人打篮球,但主要是男孩。篮球场很容易找到,它不需要任何特定的设施或昂贵的设备,除了一个篮子和一个球。Well, I gues

5、s what Ill try in the future is tennis because it can help me build strength and can improve my flexibility and balance. Besides, tennis is a social activity too; its a sport I can enjoy with friends if I play regularly.嗯,我想我未来会尝试的是网球,因为它可以帮助我建立力量,可以提高我的灵活性和平衡。此外,网球也是一种社交活动;这是一项我可以和朋友一起享受的运动,如果我经常玩。Oh, no, though my life is quite a bit boring, Im too scared to do any extreme sports because I dont think I have enough guts to put myself in these difficult situations.哦,不,虽然我的生活很无聊,我害怕做任何极限运动,因为我认为我没有足够的勇气把自己放在这些困难的情况。


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