
上传人:白大夫 文档编号:4426510 上传时间:2019-11-08 格式:DOC 页数:1 大小:12KB
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1、Do you work or are you a student?Is that a popular subject in your country?What are the most popular subjects in China?Why did you choose that university?What are your favourite classes/ courses/ subjects at university?Im currently a student at a High School. Im studying A Levels in order to go to a

2、 university in Britain.我现在是一所高中的学生。为了去英国上大学,我正在学习A Levels课程。At my school we really focus on the science subjects and English. Since most students will apply to a foreign UniversityIn my opinion business is probably the first choice for most students. Nearly everyone wants to be rich so they think th

3、at majoring in business would help them achieve this goal. I guess the second most prevalent subject would be computing. You know many students like to play computer games so there is no doubt that people are into that subject.在我的学校,我们真正关注的是科学和英语。由于大多数学生将申请外国大学,在我看来,商业可能是大多数学生的第一选择。几乎每个人都想致富,所以他们认为商科专业会帮助他们实现这个目标。我猜第二流行的科目是计算机。你知道很多学生喜欢玩电脑游戏,所以毫无疑问,人们都很喜欢这门学科。I would love to go to XXXXXX University I have an offer for that university right now but of course I need to get a good IELTS score.我很想去XXXXXX大学我现在有一所大学的录取通知书,但是我当然需要获得一个好的雅思成绩。


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