雅思口语Part2范文: 未来的学习计划 Describe something you plan to learn in the future.doc

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雅思口语Part2范文: 未来的学习计划 Describe something you plan to learn in the future.doc_第1页
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雅思口语Part2范文: 未来的学习计划 Describe something you plan to learn in the future.doc_第2页
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《雅思口语Part2范文: 未来的学习计划 Describe something you plan to learn in the future.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《雅思口语Part2范文: 未来的学习计划 Describe something you plan to learn in the future.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、You should say:what you plan to learn in the futurewhy you want to learn itwhere and how you will learn itand explain why your have plan to learn it.I have a long desire to learn how to play the piano. Even after my desire and passion, I have not been able to learn it. If I ever get the time and opp

2、ortunity to learn it, I would grab the chance.我很想学弹钢琴。即使在我的欲望和激情之后,我也无法学习它。如果我有时间和机会去学习,我会抓住这个机会。I am not sure exactly when this passion grew in me, but I can guess it was something that came in my mind after I saw a foreign movie where an actor played this instrument. The movie was related to a mus

3、icians life and he mostly played the piano and sang songs.我不确定这种激情是什么时候在我心中萌发的,但我能猜出这是在我看了一部外国电影,里面有一个演员在演奏这种乐器之后,我突然想到的。这部电影与一位音乐家的生活有关,他主要弹钢琴和唱歌。In the movie the actor played the piano 3-4 times and the quality of the music was really good. Possibly from that time the passion started to grow in my

4、 mind. I work as a computer programmer and have no intention to do any serious type music, but I want to learn to play the piano. If I get spare time and my schedule allows me, I will get admitted in a piano lesson in my city. Not many opportunities are there but I heard that there are 2/3 musicians

5、 who teach enthusiast people the piano for a high payment. I will probably get admitted in such a program and would keep learning.在电影中,演员钢琴弹了3-4次,音乐的质量非常好。可能从那时起,我心中的激情开始滋长。我是一名电脑程序员,并不想做任何严肃类型的音乐,但我想学习弹钢琴。如果我有空闲时间,我的时间表允许我,我将被允许在我的城市上钢琴课。机会并不多,但我听说有2/3的音乐家教热心的人钢琴,而且报酬很高。我可能会被这样一个项目录取,并且会继续学习。I will

6、 need to save around $1000 to get admitted into the piano lesson and hopefully will have this amount at the end of next year. Then I will talk to the musicians who offer the lesson and would pick one to learn from. Ill allow me to be free at least 2 days in a week to participate in the lesson and I

7、would practice at least for an hour daily.我需要节省大约1000美元才能被录取上钢琴课,希望明年年底能拿到这笔钱。然后我将与提供这一课程的音乐家们交谈,他们会从中挑选出一个来学习。我将允许我每周至少有两天的空闲时间来参加课程,我将每天至少练习一个小时。I know it takes a great determination, passion and talent to learn a creative thing like piano, but I believe, I will be able to achieve it.我知道学习像钢琴这样有创意的东西需要很大的决心、热情和天赋,但我相信,我能做到。


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