
上传人:白大夫 文档编号:4426620 上传时间:2019-11-08 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:17.50KB
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1、Describe an occasion that you have a cake that is special1.Do people in your country like to eat at home? 你们国家的人喜欢在家做饭吃吗?Well, I dont think its a good idea to paint all people living in my country with the same brush as, to my mind, what they like, first of all, depends on their mood, preferences an

2、d finances. I would say many people do like to eat at home cause, on the one hand, it saves their time and money and, on the other hand, lets them enjoy nutritious and healthy food. What is more, it brings family together, lets people control their and avoid food poisoning. But there are various rea

3、sons for people to opt for going out too. Lets say, they dont time to cook or, what is worse, dont know how to do it. Some people just dont like to cook for themselves or enjoy only the feeling of eating food that someone else has made. Being at a restaurant also appeals to people because it invites

4、 them to interact with others in a social way, which adds to eating occasions, making them more enjoyable.2.Whats the difference between having meals at home and at a restaurant? 在家和在餐馆吃饭有什么不同吗?Well, to my mind, its much faster L cheaper to eat at home, so the first difference is that having meals a

5、t h saves us time and money. What is homemade food is more nutritious and homemade food is more nutritious and healthy, which lets us control our weight and avoid food poisoning. One more thing that appeals to home cooking is the fact that it brings family together letting all family members enjoy b

6、oth a delicious meal and communication with each other. As far as having meals at a restaurant is concerned, it makes life easier and more pleasant. People can enjoy the flexibility of choosing an eating whatever is offered on the menu. They dont need either to cook or clean ye. They can take pleasu

7、re in food itself as well as in the outing and event eating out.3.How often do people in your country like to eat out? 你们国家的人多久会外出聚餐呢?Well, eating out is more or less affordable in my country cause its relatively cheap, so a lot of people do go to restaurants time and again. Some people do it quite

8、often, I can even say almost every day either for business or for pleasure because they like a varied menu cafes and restaurants offer or just want to relax after a hard day at work enjoying not only the meal itself but also a pleasant atmosphere. Others do so quite seldom either because they think

9、its appropriate only for special occasions and celebrations or bee, they prefer to save money for something more important like travelling or making a big purchase.4.Why do some people like to eat alone? 为什么一些人喜欢一个人吃饭?Oh, I guess they enjoy solo dining for various reasons. For some people eating alo

10、ne is the only way to be totally on their own enjoying their own company as well as the peace and quiet of a nice setting. For others its a perfect way of focusing on the dining experience taking their time to savor the food. Its also some kind of freedom for people as it gives them such benefits as

11、 ordering whatever strikes their fancy without opinions or influence from fellow diners, choosing how to spend their time while waiting for food either by reading a book or gazing the window, eating in any manner want or ordering the most expensive dish on the menu without feeling guilty.6.Are there

12、 any disadvantages of eating outside? 外出吃饭有什么缺点吗?Well, I think everything has both advantages and disadvantages and eating out is not an exception. The first thing that usually puts people off eating outside is that it costs a lot more than making food at home. Another unpleasant factor, to my mind, is that it can be unhealthy. I mean eating out is typically less nutritious than eating in. What is more, many restaurant meals are portioned excessively or just higher in calories, which is not under our control because of a limited ability to know food ingredients.


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