
上传人:白大夫 文档编号:4426752 上传时间:2019-11-08 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:15KB
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1、Maintaining public libraries is a waste of time since digital technology is now replacing their function. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Digital technology has without question changed the way we read and access books and this threatens the role of the public library. My view is that while

2、there is a good argument for saying libraries are much less relevant nowadays, they still perform a vital function and should be be maintained.毫无疑问,数字技术改变了我们阅读和阅读书籍的方式,这威胁到了公共图书馆的角色。我的观点是,尽管有很好的理由说图书馆在当今已经不那么重要了,但它们仍然发挥着重要的作用,应该得到维护。The advance of online reading technologies and services is one comp

3、elling argument in favour of limiting any funding public libraries . It is now possible to not just buy almost any book you want online through stores such as Amazon, you are also able to borrow books for a small subscription fee from various sites. Indeed, these online services are generally much m

4、ore comprehensive and reliable than any provided by a local library where you can often have to wait weeks for the book you want. In these circumstances, it is quite possible to argue that public libraries are out of date and have been largely overtaken by technology.在线阅读技术和服务的进步是支持限制公共图书馆经费的一个有力理由。

5、现在,你不仅可以通过亚马逊(Amazon)等书店在网上购买几乎所有你想要的书,还可以从各种网站借到少量的书,只需缴纳一定的订阅费。实际上,这些在线服务通常比当地图书馆提供的服务更全面、更可靠。在当地图书馆,你常常要等上几个星期才能拿到你想要的书。在这种情况下,很有可能有人会说,公共图书馆已经过时,在很大程度上已经被技术所取代。Despite this, public libraries do still have some role to play and it would be a mistake to abolish them entirely. One such role is lend

6、ing books to children and encouraging children to acquire the reading habit books by having schemes that reward them for borrowing books on a regular basis. Many parents who are anxious about the amount of screen time their children have would much prefer to visit a library where they can more close

7、ly monitor the books their children are taking out. Another important role public libraries perform is stocking a wide range of reference books and more specialised books that are typically not available via online services. While these services may be limited, they still matter and show that librar

8、ies still perform an important function.尽管如此,公共图书馆仍然可以发挥一定的作用,完全废除它们将是一个错误。其中一个角色就是借书给孩子们,鼓励孩子们养成阅读习惯,通过制定计划奖励他们定期借书。很多家长担心孩子看电视的时间太长,他们更愿意去图书馆,在那里他们可以更密切地监视孩子们正在拿的书。公共图书馆的另一个重要作用是储存大量的参考书和更专业的书籍,而这些通常无法通过在线服务获得。虽然这些服务可能是有限的,但它们仍然很重要,并表明库仍然执行重要的功能。My conclusion is a mixed one. On the one hand, I believe it is true that nearly all the function of libraries have been replaced by digital technology, but in some areas, namely childrens books and reference books, public libraries do have a role to play.我的结论好坏参半。一方面,我认为图书馆几乎所有的功能都被数字技术所取代,这是真的,但在一些领域,即儿童书籍和参考书,公共图书馆确实可以发挥作用。


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