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1、Unit 4 Where is my backpack? 语言目标:( Language Goals) Talk about where things are. (谈论物品在哪儿) 语言功能: 以谈论房子里的物品为话题,学会用英语询问和回答“东西在哪里”。 重点句型: 1. Where is the baseball? It s in the backpack. Where are his keys? They re on the dresser. 2. Is the baseball on the sofa? No, it isn t. Are the books on the bed? Y

2、es, they are. 3. There is a computer on my desk. There are books in the bookcase. 重点词汇短语: table,bed,dresser ,bookcase,sofa,chair,pencil case,math book,alarm clock ,video cassette ,computer game,behind,under,next to, between 语法: 1. where 问句。 2. Yes / No 问句及其简单回答。 3. 静态的方位介词on, in 等的用法。 4. 定冠词 the 的用法

3、。 重、难点解析: 1. 当我们想知道某人或某物在哪儿时,如何提问? Where is / are + ,? 当我们想知道某个物品在哪儿时,我们通常用Where is / are ,?句型来提问。 如: Where is my backpack? where 是疑问副词,意思是在哪里,后面用一般疑问句句型。 当询问的物品数量为单数时,其前的 be 动词应使用is,因为该物品在问句中提到过, 所以回答时用代词it 代替该物品。如: Where is / Where s my baseball? 我的棒球在哪儿? It s in the backpack. 在背包里。 当所询问的物品数量为复数时,

4、其前的 be 动词使用are, 因为该物品在问句中提到过, 所以回答时用代词they 代替该物品。如: Where are my books? 我的书在哪儿? They re on the sofa. 在沙发上。 注: Where are 不能缩写。 where 还可以用于询问某人在哪儿,某个地方在哪儿。如: - W h e r es J i m ? - Hes under the tree. 吉姆在哪儿? 他在树下面。 2. 当你不确定某人或某物在哪儿而加以猜测时,如何提问? 当我们不确定某人或某物在哪儿而加以猜测时,我们常使用下列的句型(Yes / No 问 句) : I s一个物品人方位

5、词地点? Y e s ,i t/h ei s . No ,i t/h e i sn t . A r e两个以上的物品人方位词地点? Ye s , t h e ya r e . N o ,t h eyar e n t . 如:Where are my books? 我的书在哪儿? I don t know.我不知道。 Are they on the bed? 在床上吗? No, they re not (they aren t) . 不,不在。 3. 如何确认某人或某物的所在位置(空间关系)表示地点的介词: in on under next to behind 介词(前置词) 是一种虚词,它不能

6、单独担任句子成分,必须与名词或代词或相当于名 词的其他词类、短语构成介词短语,才能担任句子成份。 英语中介词的数量并不多,但每个介词通常都有多种意思,如in 既可表示时间(in the morning 在上午),又可表示地点。同时,同样的介词和不同的动词组成意思各异的动词短 语,如 look at (看) ,look for (寻找)。所以介词对于同学们来讲,还是比较难的。介词 在英语中的使用频率也很高,仅次于冠词, 学好它也是非常重要的。在这个单元我们只学五 个静态的方位介词。 in(in 表地点、场所、部位等)在, 里,在 , 中 in Class One 在一班 in the desk

7、在课桌里 in Beijing 在北京 反义词: out in English 用英语 in blue 穿蓝衣服 on (表示接触)在, 上 on the wall 在墙上 on the floor 在(室内)地上 under 在 , 正下方,在, 下面,底下 under the chair 在椅子下 under the tree 在树下 behind 在 , 后面 behind the door 在门后 behind the tree 在树后 next to 紧靠,邻近 the man next to her 坐在她旁边的男子(her 是 she的宾格) Tom is next to me.

8、 汤姆住在我隔壁。 (me 是 I 的宾格) 拓展:介词后面的成分叫介词宾语,如果是人的代词应用宾格形式。 4. 定冠词 the 的基本用法 英语的名词在前面加上a、an和 the 的情形极为频繁,a、an 和 the 即是所谓的冠词。冠 词的用法特别繁多,应一一牢记。例如:a dog (一只狗),the dog 这只狗。 冠词是虚词,本身不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面,帮助指明名词的 含义。冠词分为不定冠词a /an 和定冠词the 两种。不定冠词仅用在单数可数名词前面,表 示“一”的意义,但不强调数目概念,只表示名词为不特定者。 定冠词 the 的基本用法 定冠词 the 表示

9、名词为特定者,有 this,these,that 或 those 之含义。 用在可数名词单数、 复数和不可数名词前,表示某个某些特定的人或事物。 (1)指上文提到过的人或事物。如: I have a new pencil. The pencil (= It ) is in my pencil case. 我有一支新铅笔。 那支铅笔在我 的文具盒里。 (the 指前面提到过的那支铅笔) (2)指对话双方都知道的那个人或事物(本单元主要是学会这种用法)。如: Where s the backpack? 背包在哪儿? It s under the table. 在桌子下面。 (特指我们房子里的背包和

10、桌子,而不是别的房间里的,是对话双方都知道的背包和桌 子。 ) Who s the boy under the tree? 树下的那个男孩是谁?(特指树下的男孩,树是对话双 方都知道的那一棵树。 ) 注: the 只有一种书写形式,但发音有两种形式,在以辅音开头的词前读为;在 元音开头的词前读为。如: the pen 这支钢笔,这个苹果。 5. between ,and ,在 , 和 , 之间 这个介词短语所连接的两个名词或代词表示的是两个人、两个不同物或两个点(时间、 数字或场所) 。如: (1)Who s tha t boy between your parents? 你父母亲之间的那个男

11、孩是谁? (2)There is a map between the door and the window. 门窗之间的墙上有一幅地图。 (3)He is at home between six and seven in the evening. 他晚上 6 点到 7 点之间在家里。 表示在两个同类人或物之间可在介词between 后面接复数名词。如: (4)There is a photo of my family between the two windows. 两扇窗户之间有一张我家的全家照。 6. 朋友、熟人之间如何请求对方帮忙做某事?Can you ,? Can you ,? 这一

12、句型常用于朋友、熟人之间请求对方帮忙做某事的情景。如: Can you take these books to the classroom? 你能帮着把这些书带到教室去吗? Can you ,? 作肯定的回答常用Certainly 或 Sure;否定的回答有Sorry, I can t 或 Sorry,然后说出理由。如: A:Can you help me, Lucy? 露茜,你能帮我吗? B:Certainly, Dad. 当然可以,爸爸。 如果是表示有礼貌的请求或委婉地提出问题,则用Could you , ?如: Could you be here at 7 o clock tomorro

13、w morning? 你明天早上7 点能到这儿吗? 7. bring 与 take bring “带来、拿来” ,它的反义词是take “拿到、带到” ,它们都与介词to 搭配。 take ,to 表示“把某物或某人带到某场所去”。take 具有很强的方向性,强调带到 另一场所去,而不是带到说话人的地方来。 如: Please take these things to your brother. 请把这些东西带给你弟弟。 bring ,to bring 与 take 正好相反, bring ,to 表示把某物或某人给某人带来或带到 说话人的场所来,即带来,而不是带走(take) 。 Can y

14、ou bring some things to school, mummy? 妈妈,你能带些东西到学校来吗? take 是英语中一个非常活跃的词,组合力很强。 t ak ea l o o k看了一下 t ak ec a r e o f照顾,照料 t ak eaw ay拿走t a k e a b u s乘公汽 t ak eo f f 脱下t a k e o u t取出 t ak eo n e s s e at就坐 g i v ean dt a k e交换意见,有来有往 注: take 和 bring 后所接的场所若是there,here, home 等副词, to 则要省去。如: Take yo

15、ur bike there. 把你的自行车拿到那儿去。 Bring your pen home. 把你的钢笔带回来。 8. at 和 in at 和 in 都表示场所,但有区别。 at:在某地点(表示比较狭窄的场所) at school 上学at home 在家 at 2 Green street 在格林街2 号 in:在某地(表示比较宽敞的场所) in Beijing 在北京in China 在中国 in the street 在街上 9. 如何表达某地有某人某物 There is/are+ 某人或某物 +表示地点或时间的状语,这一句型相当于中文里“某地有 某人(某物)”的意思,句中的be

16、用 is 还是 are 取决于后面的名词是单数还是复数,是可数 还是不可数。名词是单数或不可数用is,名词是复数就用are。如: There is an eraser on the floor. 地上有块橡皮擦。 There is an old man under that tree. 那棵树下有位老大爷。 There s some rice in the bag. 口袋里有些大米。 There are four pictures on the wall. 墙上有四幅画。 注: There is 的缩写形式是There s, There are的缩写形式是There re。 There be的

17、疑问形式是将be放在 there之前,句尾加问号。 简略回答是Yes, there is / are. 或者 No, there isnt / arent。如: “Are there any students on the playground?” “Yes, there are. / No, there aren t.” “操场上有学生吗?” “是的,有。不,没有。” 如果想知道有多少,可以用How many are there ,表示。 How many books are there on the desk? There re thirty. 桌子上有多少本书?30 本。 10. 你会写

18、为请求他人帮助找一些物品而留的便条吗 本单元写作内容为请求他人帮助找一些物品而留的便条。 Dear _, (注意在英文中此处不用,()用,) 首先,用礼貌的请求语句寻求帮助please ,或 Can you , ? 说明你所需要的物品I need(需要), 具体说明所需各项物品的位置。 Thanks , (签名) 11. 设计自己理想的小天地,并描述它 美国家庭教育最大的特点是:从小尊重孩子, 重视给孩子个人自主权,让孩子学会在社会允 许的条件下自己做决定,独立解决自己遇到的问题。 英美国家的孩子,两三岁就住自己的房间了,父母只管孩子的安全,其它生活上的事, 游玩、学习都由孩子自理、自主、自我

19、选择。比如,从小就有自己存放衣服、玩具和学习用 品的地方,自己收拾房间,整理、布置自己的“小天地”。 12. some,any 的用法 I have some money in my pocket, but it is not enough. Do you have any? 我口袋里有一些钱,但不够,你有钱吗? some,any 可与单、复数可数名词和不可数名词连用。some 一般用于肯定句中,any 一般用于否定句、疑问句和条件句中。 (1)I have some science books. 我有一些科技书。 (some 在肯定句中译为一些) (2)Is there any ink in

20、 the bottle? Yes, there is some ink. 瓶子里有一些墨水吗?有。 在疑问句中,虽然一般不用some,但是当问句表示一种邀请或请求,或期待一个肯定 的回答时仍用some。 (3)Will you have some tea? 你喝茶吗?(表邀请) 【考题解析】 考题 1:看图完成句子,一空一词。(看清物品的数量了吗?句首第一个字母要大写。) (1)Where s _ _? _ _ the chair. (2)Where _ those _? _ _ _ the TV . (3)Where _ the girl? _ is _ the tree. (4)_ the

21、 Great Wall? _ _ China (中国) . 解析:此题主要考查询问某物或某人在哪儿的句型:“Where is / are ,?”及其回答。 解题时要注意问句及答语的人称与数要前后一致。由图片和上栏的讲解可知答案如下: (1)the / this / that / his / her (等),backpack, It s behind (2)are , books , They re , next to (3)is , She , under (4)Where s , It s in 考题 2:看图完成对话,一空一词。(in the wall 与 on the wall 不同)

22、A: Are the pictures in the wall? B: No, (1) (2) the wall. A: Are the plants under the teacher s desk ?(讲台) B: No, (3) (4) (5) the teacher s desk. A: Are the English words on the blackboard? B: Yes, (6) (7) . A:(8) are the desks and chairs? B:(9) (10) the floor. 解析:此题主要考查当不确定某物在哪儿加以猜测时的提问及其回答,注意问答时前后

23、 人称与数要一致。由上栏的讲解和图片所示可知答案为: (1)they re; (2)on; (3)they re; (4)next; (5)to; ( 6)they; (7)are; (8)Where; (9)Theyre ; (10)on 考题 3:读一段独白。请根据文章内容找到下面的东西分别在图画中的位置,并将代表 其位置的字母分别填入相应的圆圈中。 Look at the picture, please. You can see a backpack, a baseball, a pencil case, a plant and some keys and books. Where s

24、the backpack? It s under the table. And where are the books? You see, they re on the table. The plant is next to the table. The pencil case is on the chair next to the table. Under the chair is a baseball. Oh, what s behind the chair? They re my keys. 解析:本题通过阅读的形式考查同学们是否灵活运用左边的介词表达物与物之间的空间关 系。由文意与图示

25、可知答案为: C: backpack A. books B: plant E: pencil case D. baseball F: keys 考题 4:看图完成对话。 A: What s in the teacher s room? (老师的房间里有什么?) B: There is a desk in it. A: What s on the desk? B:(1) (2) some books on it. A: What s under the desk? B:(3) a football under it. A: What s near the desk? B:(4) (5) two

26、boxes. A: What s in the boxes? B:(6) . I don t know. 解析:此题主要是考查there be 句型的运用,关键是be 和主语在单、复数形式上要保 持一致。由图示和句意可知答案为: (1)There; (2) are; (3)There s; ( 4)There; (5)are; (6)Sorry 【模拟试题】 (答题时间:80 分钟) I. 这只调皮的小猫在跟你捉迷藏,你能找到它吗?Where is the cat?(16 分) 1. It s _ the box. 2. It s _ the box. 3. It s _ the box. 4

27、. It s _ the box. 5. It s _ _ the chair. 6. It s _ the bed _ the bookcase. II. 选择填空。(20 分) 1. Where _ the CDs? A. is B. are C. am D. be 2. - _ my alarm clock? - _ on the bed. A. Where , It B. Where s , Its C. Where are , They reD. Where , Its 3. _ her hat on the dresser? A. Is B. Are C. Can D. Do 4.

28、 Please _ the backpack here. A. bring B. take C. need D. look 5. - Are the CDs in the drawer? - _ A. Yes, they aren t.B. Yes, they are. C. No, it isn t.D. Yes, it is. 6. Her books _ under the chair. A. / B. are C. is D. an 7. Is the cat _ the wall? No, it is n t. It s _ the door. A. next to , under

29、B. on , on C. next to , behind D. in , behind 8. Your brother needs his notebook. Can you _ it to him? A. take B. bring C. carry D. read 9. Here _ your books. A. is B. are C. has D. have 10. _ a computer on my desk. A. Have B. Has C. There is D. There are 11. Look _ the map. It s a map _ China. A. a

30、t , at B. at , of C. of , at D. to , of 12. - Where is Changsha? - It s in _. A. Beijing B. Hubei C. Hebei D. Hunan 13. - Can you see a boy there? - No, _. A. I m notB. I dontC. I cantD. I not can 14. - Is your name Peter? - _. A. Yes, I am B. Yes, Im C. Yes, it is D. No, it is no 15. _ alarm clock,

31、 _ CD player and some CDs are on the desk in my room. A. An , The B. An , a C. An , / D. A , the III. 完形填空。( 10 分) This is _1_ bedroom. It s a nice room. You can see a bed, two _2_, a chair and a baseball on the floor. What _3_ see on the wall? You can see _4_ and a kite on the wall. You can also (还

32、)see a window _5_ wall. Where s _6_ light (灯)? It s on _7_ table. Some plants are on the table, _8_. Where _9 _ his pencil- box and books? They re on the other (另一个)table. You can see a clock _10_ it. Under the chair is his basebal l. It s a nice bedroom. 1. A. Li Lei B. of Li Lei C. Li LeisD. of Li

33、 Leis 2. A. tables B. table C. tabels D. tabel 3. A. you can B. can you C. can D. you 4. A. the picture B. picture C. pictures D. of picture 5. A. in the B. in C. on the D. on 6. A. a B. the C. some D. an 7. A. one B. the one C. a D. the 8. A. to B. too C. and D. or 9. A. are B. is C. am D. do 10. A

34、. in B. at C. under D. on IV. 阅读理解。( 10 分) Hello, everyone! This is my bedroom. That is my green bed. It s very lovely. Isn t it? Can you see the pink pillow? It s my pillow. I like it very much. The dresser is beside the bed. It s brown. And a clock is on the dresser. It s pink and purple. Oh, this

35、 is my desk. It s blue. There is a computer on the desk. I like to use the computer very much. I often use it to do my homework. My books are under the desk. The desk is beside the chair. My chair is blue, too. Ah, my baseball! It s on my chair. I like my bedroom very much! ()1. Where is the dresser

36、? A. Next to the bed. B. Behind the bed C. Near the desk. ()2. Is the clock on the dresser? A. No, it isn t.B. Yes, it is. C. I don t know. ()3. What color is the desk? A. Green. B. Red. C. Blue. ()4. Where are the books? A. Under the desk. B. Behind the desk. C. Near the desk. ()5. Is there a baseb

37、all in the room? A. No, there isn t.B. Yes, there is. C. We don t know. V. 根据句意写单词。 ( 14 分) 1. The m_ book is on the dresser. 2. There is a video c_ behind the TV . 3. Please take these t_ to your bed. 4. Those are her CDs. T_ are on the chair. 5. W_ your photo? It s on the wall. 6. Thanks for your

38、c_ games. 7. What s on the desk? There is an a _ clock on it. VI. 将问句和答语配对。 (10 分) ()1. Are your keys under the sofa? ()2. Where is your hat? ()3. What s under the bed? ()4. Is your ID card on the dresser? ()5. Where are your pencils? a. My baseball. b. Yes, they are. c. No, it isn t.d. They re on t

39、he table. e. It s on the dresser. VII. 重新排列以下句子的顺序,使它们组成一段通顺的对话。(8 分) A. Oh, yes, it is. It s in the book. Thank you. B. No, it isn t. C. That s all right. D. Excuse me, where s my ruler? Do you know? E. No, I can t see it. F. Is it in your math book? G. Oh, sorry, I don t know. Is it in your pencil

40、 case? H. Is it in your desk? 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ VIII. 写作园地。(12 分) 画一画自己理想中的房间,并用英文写一篇60 个词左右的小短文。 _ _ Unit 3 基础知识测试(答题时间:80 分钟) 一. 归类记单词。 1. aunt 2. ten 3. Brown 4. black 5. pen 6. parents 7. Grace 8. green 9. white 10. daughter 11. White 12. pencil 13. nine 14. Jones 15. yello

41、w 16. twenty 17. brother 18. sharpener 19. uncle 20. red (1)名字: _ (2)数字: _ (3)颜色: _ (4)文具: _ (5)家庭成员: _ 二. 将下列名词变复数。 key dictionary watch photo brother 三. 用方框中的词填空,完成句子,有些词不只用一次。 T h a t st h i st h o s et he s ei t 1. Is this Jeff? No, _ isn t. 2. Is Guo Peng your brother? Yes, _ is. 3. - Is this y

42、our sister? - No, _ isn t. This is my friend. 4. _ are his brothers. 5. This is Kate and _ Lily. 6. - Are these your parents? - No, _ aren t. 7. Jim, _ is Lucy. _ is a new student. 8. - What are _ over there? - They are boxes. 四. 根据汉语意思完成下列各句,每空一词。 1. 那是你的家庭照吗? _ that a photo _ your _? 2. 那些是你的书吗? _

43、 _ your books? 3. 这位是我的朋友。 _ _ my friend. 4. 这些是我的朋友们。 _ _ my friends. 5. 谢谢你的帮助。 Thanks _ your help. 五. 单项选择。 1. This is _. A. a picture of family B. a picture of my family C. a family of my picture 2. - Is she your aunt? - Yes, _. A. she sB. her is C. she is 3. - Are _ coats yours? - Yes, they are

44、. A. they B. these C. this 4. Is that _ uncle? No, it isn t. A. he B. she C. her 5. _ the great photo of your family. A. thank for B. Thanks for C. Thank for 6. Are those your friends? _. A. Yes, they re B. No, they are C. Yes, they are 7. - Excuse me, Lucy. Where _ Lily, please? - Lucy _ here. A. i

45、s , is B. am , is C. am , are 8. - _ - Yes, I am. A. What s your name? B. Are you twelve? C. How do you do? 9. - Are you Lin Tao? - No, _. A. I m not Lin HaiB. I am C. I m not 10. - Is that an _ jeep? - Yes, it is. A. my B. old C. your 11. Hello, Jim. _ my sister Sue. A. This is B. He is C. His name is 12. - Is Mrs. Zhao a Japanese woman? - _. A. Yes, Mr. Zhao is B. Yes, he is C. No, she isnt 13. - Hello, Mike, is this _ bird? - Yes, it is. A. him B. your C. me 14. Mike and Tom _ good _. A. are , friend B. are , brothers C. is , students


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