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1、- 1 - 徐州市 20182019 学年度高三年级考前模拟检测 英语试题 说明 :1. 本试卷共12 页,满分120 分,考试时间120 分钟。 2. 在答题纸的密封线内填写学校、班级、姓名、考号等,密封线内不要答题。 3. 请将所有答案均按照题号填涂或填写在答题卡/ 纸相应的答题处,否则不得分。 第一部分听力 ( 共两节,满分20 分 ) 第二部分 : 英语知识运用( 共两节,满分35 分) 第一节 : 单项填空 ( 共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该 项涂黑。 21.Yesterda

2、y is history, tomorrow is a mystery, only today is a gift, and that is _ we call it present. A. how B. when C. why D. where 【答案】 C 22.The whole nation is struggling to work out an inexpensive _ effective solution to smog. A. yet B. still C. or D. though 【答案】 A 23.She runs on average about 15 miles a

3、 day every day, _ the circumstances. A. whatever B. wherever C. whichever D. however 【答案】 A 24.When we have a chance to travel, we tend to _ as many sights into the trip as we can- seven countries in ten days, for example. A. squeeze B. sneeze C. subscribe D. substitute 【答案】 A 25.Lack of sleep _ lea

4、d to weakened immunity and memory, and also slow physical growth. A. shall B. must C. should D. can 【答案】 D 26.Abraham set himself up in front of his daughter, hands _ her hair, and was close to tears, reluctant to tear himself from her. A. to toy with B. toyed with C. toying with D. being toyed with

5、 【答案】 C - 2 - 27.Recently, a programmer criticized the “996” work schedule _ employees work from 9 am to 9 pm, 6 days a week, with the prospect of ending up in an intensive care unit. A. where B. when C. which D. whose 【答案】 A 28.While his approach was a complete _ from established practices, the res

6、ult was satisfactory. A. separation B. prohibition C. departure D. judgment 【答案】 C 29.Most spending that results in debt is like a drug: a quick hit of pleasure that _, only to drag you down for years to come. A. takes off B. wears off C. sets off D. shows off 【答案】 B 30.US slang is hugely _ thanks t

7、o the many different ethnic groups that have settled in the country. A. delicate B. dynamic C. diverse D. desperate 【答案】 C 31. I m burnt out as Ive been working on my essay all the time. _. Youll surely make it. A. Dont put on airs B. Give me a break C. Dont get on my nerveD. Hang in there 【答案】 D 32

8、.Decades ago, scientists believed that how the brain develops when you are a kid _ determines your brain structure for the rest of your life. A. sooner or later B. more or less C. to and from D. up and down 【答案】 B 33.After she became ill, I felt _ with hershe was cheery while I felt gloomy. A. out o

9、f tune B. out of breath C. out of curiosity D. out of mind 【答案】 A 34.When you are absorbed in a book or simply trying to rest, it seems that the phone _ continuously, destroying your momentary peace. A. rings B. has been ringing C. rang D. is ringing - 3 - 【答案】 D 35.Id advise anyone to put aside a p

10、roportion of their earnings _. A. nothing great is easy B. nothing comes from nothing C. a bad penny always turns up D. a penny saved is a penny earned 【答案】 D 第二节 : 完形填空 ( 共 20 小题;每小题1分,满分20 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I spent my childhood collecting and pressing four-leaf cl

11、overs(三叶草 ) into books at my mothers house. I _36_ books like the complete works of Shakespeare. In the end, I slipped my _37_ into anything I could find, even cookbooks. A few years ago, in Nova Scotia, my husband and I pulled off the road for a _38_. The ground was thick with clover. Some had four

12、, five, even six _39_. I lined them up on the picnic table to _40_ as my husband, never yet having found one four-leaf clover, _41_ with awe. Two summers back, in the Munich airport, I picked a tiny four-leaf clover. On the way home, my husband and I were _42_ to first-class seats. Friends thought w

13、e owed our good luck to the clover. I think its more _43_ that we were transferred because a flight cancellation left us _44_ between two cities and a(n) _45_ customer service representative took pity on us. Some people believe the luck is lost _46_ the four-leaf clover is shown to somebody else, wh

14、ile others think the luck _47_ if it is given away. I feel lucky to find the clovers so often, but I dont think they influence my life any more than it does to _48_ anything a little special. Think about that momentary _49_ between you and a friend or a stranger, as you all bend forward to _50_ at a

15、 rare find. People often ask how I do it. Well, I love clover. I have a habit of _51_ my fingers across a patch( 小块土地 ), momentarily _52_ the individuals, which brings the _53_ ones into focus. Thats the _54_: simply move your hand across a thick patch, letting the clovers reveal themselves. Appreci

16、ate the ones that have only three leaves. _55_ things are beautiful too. And a four-leaf clover may show itself to you. 36. A. referred to B. started with C. caught up on D. got lost in 37. A. bookmarks B. memories C. notes D. treasures 38. A. picnic B. rest C. photo D. check - 4 - 39. A. flowers B.

17、 colours C. leaves D. shoots 40. A. admire B. count C. match D. present 41. A. broke down B. looked on C. came in D. got away 42. A. chased B. upgraded C. induced D. hooked 43. A. comfortable B. disturbing C. explicit D. likely 44. A. puzzled B. annoyed C. caught D. fixed 45. A. kind B. arbitrary C.

18、 reliable D. impatient 46. A. since B. unless C. once D. though 47. A. arrives B. doubles C. departs D. shrinks 48. A. appreciate B. exchange C. recommend D. share 49. A. hopefulness B. awkwardness C. closeness D. loneliness 50. A. wonder B. laugh C. point D. glare 51. A. spreading B. keeping C. put

19、ting D. dragging 52. A. sparing B. separating C. scratching D. searching 53. A. same B. slim C. irregular D. informal 54. A. trick B. distinction C. insight D. problem 55. A. Broken B. Authentic C. Delicate D. Common 【答案】 36. B 37. D 38. A 39. C 40. A 41. B 42. B 43. D 44. C 45. A 46. C 47. B 48. D

20、49. C 50. A 51. D 52. B 53. C 54. A 55. D 第三部分 : 阅读理解 ( 共 15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分 ) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和 D中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A - 5 - EXCURSION DETAILS $109.99 / Adult (ages 13 and over) $79.99 / Child (ages 8 - 12) *Prices may vary with seasons This adventure begins with a motorcoach ride along th

21、e Klondike Highway, paralleling the route used by the explorers during the 1898 Klondike Gold Rush. Youll ascend to the 3,290 -foot Klondike Summit, where you can photograph majestic mountains and waterfalls. Your ride continues as you travel north to the famous Yukon Suspension Bridge. Feel the thr

22、illing sensation of a swaying walkway 65 feet above the churning rapids of the Tutshi River. Finally walk through the museum-quality displays demonstrating the areas unique history. By now youve worked up an appetite, and the hearty salmon buffet at the Liarsville Trail Camp is sure to tame even the

23、 hungriest beast. Savor wild Alaskan salmon grilled over an open alder wood fire, a variety of salads, cornbread and dessert. After your meal, you may return or be dropped off in Skagway for shopping. Guest Reviews (4) Palp from Vancouver Great one hour stop at the Suspension Bridge. The salmon bake

24、 in Liarsville was the best part! It was a buffet of UNLIMITED salmon that was being freshly cooked over an open fire. Overall good excursion, just a little too expensive for what it is. Dragon from Los Angles Did this on May 1, 2019. Our guide, Glenn, was very enthusiastic and knowledgeable, keepin

25、g us entertained all the way by making jokes and explaining the history of the landmarks. There were only 12 people, so we all had window seats! The views were GREAT! Took lots of pics. Plutocrat from Edmonton Enjoyed the drive, enjoyed the fees and enjoyed Liarsville, where the food was AMAZING. Ca

26、nt - 6 - believe how much we enjoyed walking across the suspension bridge. Rod from Regina “To the Summit” gives the impression you are going to the big summit. This was not the case. The summit in question was just a small hill. The views at the suspension bridge are ok but not incredible. The lunc

27、h at Liarsville was not bad, though, and that stop was best of the day. 56. Which of the following shows the correct touring order in the excursion? A. Skagway Suspension Bridge Klondike Gold Rush B. Liarsville Trail Camp Klondike Highway Tutshi River C. Klondike Summit Suspension Bridge Liarsville

28、Trail Camp D. Klondike Gold Rush Liarsville Trail Camp Suspension Bridge - 7 - 57. After reading the four reviews, we learn that _. A. Palp thought the price for the excursion is reasonable B. Dragon thought highly of his humorous and learned guide C. Plutocrat was not content with the food in Liars

29、ville D. Rod felt the view around the suspension bridge was great 【答案】 56. C 57. B B Scientists have long known that herbivores ( 食草动物 ) affect the plant diversity around them. In highly productive ecosystems, like jungles, animals would favor dominant, fast-growing plants. This would free up nutrie

30、nts and space, allowing for a greater variety of plants to boom. In contrast, herbivores in regions with low plant biomass, like deserts, would eat whatever they could find, only driving down plant diversity. Now, a team of scientists has tested this hypothesis(假说 ). Burkepile, a biology professor i

31、n UC Santa Barbara, and his colleagues reviewed 252 studies comparing plant diversity in areas where herbivores were and were not excluded. Their study revealed that whether herbivores increase or decrease plant diversity depends on what s on the menu. In general, the correlation (相关性 ) between herb

32、ivory and diversity wasn t nearly as clear as everyone had expected. However, the team noticed a much stronger association: when the ecosystem hosted a particularly vigorous species of plant, herbivory seemed to be crucial in maintaining biodiversity. For instance, grasslands in the tallgrass prairi

33、e in the American Midwest tend to be dominated ( 控制 ) by fast-growing grasses, such as big bluestem. The team discovered that herbivores had an outsized effect on maintaining biodiversity by keeping big bluestem from taking over dozens of smaller, slower growing plant species. However not all herbiv

34、ores are on an equal foot.The team found that the connection between herbivory and diversity was particularly strong in - 8 - grasslands where more animals feed on grass than on herbs and bushes. This seems reasonable, since grasses tend to be the dominant species in grasslands, as the name suggests

35、. These findings are more than academic. “We ve seen three decades of really important papers saying that ecosystems work better when you have more species in them,” Burkepile said. “What our data suggests is that herbivores are especially important for maintaining this biodiversity in places where

36、you have a really dominant plant species. ” As biodiversity continues to decline worldwide, conservationists are looking for ways to prevent catast rophic losses. “This suggests that one possible approach to managing ecosystems and biodiversity is to use herbivores to manage these dominant species,”

37、 Burkepile added. 58. According to Paragraph 1, how do herbivores help to increase biodiversity? A. By consuming dominant, fast-growing plants. B. By destroying jungles and freeing up space. C. By adding more nutrients to the soil. D. By eating up low plant biomass. 59. The underlined part in Paragr

38、aph 3 most probably implies that _. A. herbivory has nothing to do with biodiversity in a given ecosystem B. herbivores decrease biodiversity in tallgrass-dominated ecosystems C. small animals help to protect biodiversity in grasslands without bushes D. the degree to which herbivores affect biodiver

39、sity is related to plant species 60. What is the author trying to tell us in the last paragraph? A. The limitations of the new study. B. The potential application of the new study. C. The contradiction between the past view and the new findings. D. The importance of maintaining ecosystems and biodiv

40、ersity. 【答案】 58. A 59. D 60. B C Researchers at the University of York in England published their findings on facial recognition that, on average, people can remember as many as 5,000 faces. There have been many studies recently on facial recognition technology. But the authors of this study say the

41、irs is the first time that scientists have been able to put a number to the - 9 - abilities of humans to recognize faces. Rob Jenkins, leader of the research, said the researchers study centered on “the number of faces people actually know.” and were not able to discover whether there is a “limit on

42、 how many faces the brain can handle.” Jenkins said the ability to tell individual people apart is “clearly important.” In today s modern world of big cities, we meet and deal with thousands of people. The study suggests our facial recognition abilities help us to deal with the many different faces

43、we see on the screens, as well as those we know. The results of the study give a baseline for comparing the “facial vocabulary ” of humans with facial recognition software. Today, facial recognition technology is used in many ways, including by law enforcement agencies to prevent crime and violence.

44、 Governments use it to keep secret areas secure and, in extreme cases, control populations. Some governments use the software to watch people and find out where they go and what they do. Even Facebook uses facial recognition. For example, when you name a friend, Facebook technology may recognize the

45、 persons face from a different picture you had shared before. For the human study, people spent one hour writing down as many faces from their personal lives as possible. At first, they found it easy to come up with many faces. But by the end of the hour, they found it harder to think of new ones. T

46、heir change in speed let the researchers estimate when they would have run out of faces completely. 1,000 to 10,000 faces remembered. People who took part in the study were also shown thousands of photographs of famous people. Researchers asked them which ones they recognized. To make sure they knew

47、 these people, researchers required them to recognize two different photos of each famous person. The results showed that the participants knew between 1,000 and 10,000 faces. How do they explain such a wide range? Jenkins said one explanation may be that some people have a natural ability for remem

48、bering faces. “There are differences in how much attention people pay to faces and how well they process the information.” Also it could be because of different social environments. Some people may have grown up in more populated places. So, they may have had more social contact throughout their liv

49、es. Researchers think age may be an interesting area for further research. “It would be interesting to see whether there is a peak age for the number of faces we know”, Jenkins said. He said it is possible that we gather more faces throughout our lifetime. But, he added, there also may be an age at which we start to find


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