An Analysis of Interview with the Vampire in terms of Vampires’Character 毕业论文(英汉对照) .doc

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An Analysis of Interview with the Vampire in terms of Vampires’Character 毕业论文(英汉对照) .doc_第1页
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1、AbstractInterview with the vampire ,published in 1976,is one of the most important representative works of Anne Rice .since it was published it has been considered as the Bible by vampires fans and researchers.This thesis aims at analyzing this novel in terms of vampirescharacter.Interview with the

2、vampire with vampiric perspective to describe those lives and feelings of alternative creature, overturned vampire traditional image of rigid stereotype ,and endowed vampire with rich inner and personality. using the description to the unreal world ,the novel expressed peoples loneliness and despair

3、 which resulted from uncontroling their destiny and produce in the real life . From vampires heart to explore the mystery of deep humanity reflects the way of thinking and living conditions and spiritual crux of realistic society, and reveals the realistic social vulnerable groups and the solitary h

4、eresy and self pursuit, including the care to marginal man and the query to mainstream culture.Key words:interview with the vampire; Anne Rice; homosexuality;seeking;loneliness;philosophy about life and death摘要 安妮赖斯的代表作之一夜访吸血鬼 出版于1976年,自出版以来,一直被吸血鬼迷们极其研究者们奉为圣经。本文以夜访吸血鬼为文本,分析其中的吸血鬼个性特点。夜访吸血鬼以吸血鬼的视角去描

5、述那些另类生物的生活及感受,颠覆了吸血鬼僵化刻板的传统形象,赋予其丰富的内心和个性。小说借对非现实世界的描述来表达现实生活中人们因不能掌握自己的命运而产生的孤独和绝望。从吸血鬼的内心去发掘人性深处的奥秘,折射现实社会及身处其中的人们的思维方式、生存状况和精神症结的同时,反映了现实社会中的同性恋等“异端人群”的离群索居及对自我的追求,更包含了对边缘人群的关怀和主流文化的质疑。关键词:夜访吸血鬼;安妮赖斯;同性恋;追求;孤独;生死哲学 Chapter one 1.1 Brief introduction of the writer Anne Rice ,one of major figures i

6、n contemporary popular literature ,is known as the crowned “mother of vampires”. she was born on October 4,1941,in new Orleans,America。her original name was Howard Alan OBrien , when she the first day went to school she changed the name with Anne. After her mother , Catherine OBrien died in 1956, he

7、r father married again,and because of work they moved to Richardson,Texas. in the middle school of Richardson,Anne met her future partner ,Stan Rice.they got married on October 14 ,1961. After marriage they enrolled in San Francisco university together.In 1964,Anne Rice got the bachelors degree of p

8、olitical science and creation of San Francisco state university.her first short fiction was published in 1965.Seven years later ,she acquired the masters degree of creation of the University of California.Before being famous,.she had done all kinds of jobs, such as waitress ,cooker , usherette and s

9、o on , her experiences are very abundant, which had laid a substantial basis for her writing.Anne Rice started with her short novel,October4 ,1948,in 1965.Once with different pen names,she wrote many novels of different theme ,such as with the Anne Rampling writing Fled to the garden of Eden,in LuoK

10、eLuo er writing worksbeauty series ,but the most famous is her vampire class .Since interview with the vampires was first published in1976,anne rice had totally written twenty-five books of vampire and witch , each book had become a super best-seller.Anne Rice is the backbone representative figure o

11、f contemporary vampire novels. She subverts peoples traditional view to the vampire,her works are famous for terrorist plots with vivid description.the novels subject is mostly under the historical background of solitude and self pursuit.characters in fiction are always isolated groups of realistic

12、society or unrealistic society.1.2Brief introduction of the workInterview with theVampire, published in 1976,is one of the most important representative works of Anne Rice . Now it is still a best-seller in the world. In 1994,this novel was adapted for a move.Interview with theVampire is an implicat

13、ed rich fantasy novels,which permeates deep perspective to the human mind ideology.Anne Rice borrows the description of unreal world to display the truth of real world and dig the mysteries of deep humanity from vampires heart. The novel is brought out the whole magic and psychedelic vampire culture

14、 ,which is the emotion , mode of thinking , executive function and so on, by the conversation between a radio journalist and vampire Louis.Annerice gives up the sence of gap between the vampires and reality in the work and uses the first person telling the story,in order to make it communicates dire

15、ctly with reader.and the vampires are the heroines in the vampiresworks.At beginning, vampire Louis was a man .when he regreted deeply for his brothers died ,he met a vampire named Leicester,who changed louis into a vampire.and then louis began his vampire endless time,louis experienced re

16、morse, calm, betrayal,and at last he bravely faced his doomed lonely life.Chapter two Analyzing from philosophical angle 死亡是每一个生命个体有限时间段的必然归宿,它是生命的终极。作为人类最古老、最富人文意蕴的文化现象之一,死亡与宗教、信仰、风俗、伦理、神话、思维、哲学、艺术等人类精神结构密切交融。它既综合了人类心灵最多样化最深刻的运动,又与人类的最根本的生存论和终极价值的信念与追求紧紧连结。人生是短暂的,故追求永生乃是人类存在于心底的真实想法,但又违背了所谓的伦理道德。所以

17、一种永生的存在吸血鬼就出现在人们的面前。Death ,who is lifes ultimate,is the individual life limited time inevitable end; it . As humans oldest and most rich humanistic connotation of cultural phenomena, death and one of religion, faith, customs, ethics, myths, thinking, philosophy and art human spiritual structure clos

18、ely blends. It is integrated with the most diverse the human mind is the most profound sport, and with the human of the most fundamental theory of existence and the ultimate value of faith and pursue closely links. Life is short, so pursuit of life is the human existence in the heart bottom real tho

19、ughts, but also violated the so-called ethics. So the existence of an eternal life - the vampire appears in front of people.2.1 Human nature of good and evil In the west ,the primary written expression of good and evil often pestered with daily words,which express the appraisement,like good and bad,

20、 beautiful and ugly, love and hate, ups and downs, strong and weak and so on. 在西方,善恶的最初文字表达,经常与好坏、美丑、爱恨、喜悲、苦乐、强弱等表达日常褒贬的词语纠缠在一起。善恶所表达的,一是作为主体的人对客观外在事物包括他人的表现、行为及内在性质的感受与评价;二是作为主体的人的自我心境即主观心态,而且这两方面往往互为因果,互相影响;再者,这样的感受、评价、主观心态,既有出于本能、习惯、常理之类的认识,又有依据道德伦理原则与标准的价值评判,还经常夹杂着审美和真假。22吸血鬼隐匿于暗夜中,因此,吸血鬼常与死亡、邪恶

21、相联系。但与20世纪纯粹的恶魔小说不同的是,安妮赖斯笔下的吸血鬼拥有许多人性。他们体验着意识的冲动,感受着孤独、痛苦、罪恶感,富有同情心、愤怒、厌倦、悲伤甚至更多。他们寻求爱和友谊,有些吸血鬼还寻求用自己的超自然能力行善的途径。赖斯不是把吸血鬼定位为来自地狱的魔鬼和纯粹的邪恶,而是把他们视为“行进在另一方向的天使”. 如在小说中,路易举起手臂,食指向上指着,“就像一个天使要传授主的意旨”。24 he raised his arm, first finger pointing heavenward as if he were an angel about to give the Word of

22、the Lord.安妮赖斯对善恶的认识是多层次、多方位的。她用清醒的现实主义精神审视世界的矛盾性、复杂性,从而在吸血鬼的世界里建构起一个善恶模糊的世界。她借吸血鬼对人类社会善恶问题的质疑和挑战,体现了那个时代的困惑与知识分子、年轻一代对社会主流秩序的反叛,也代表着她及其时代对现有的道德、法律等规范准则的思考和怀疑。2.2 生死挣扎 “To be,or not to be,thats a question.”自人类有史以来 生与死始终作为一个终极性的问题摆在人类面前 ,无法逃避, 也无处可逃. 死作为生的对立面 ,是生者永远不可知的神秘区域 ,让人产生未可名之的恐惧感 .因此 ,由于潜意识的恐惧

23、 ,追求永生成为人类心中一个永远的梦想 .吸血鬼这一永生形象就寄托了人类对永生的渴望和恐惧。 在夜访吸血鬼中,主人公路易变成吸血鬼的过程, 就是在生与死之间徘徊犹疑的过程 。因为弟弟的死亡 ,周围人们( 包括母亲和妹妹 )的误解,让路易生活在极度痛苦之中,丧失了活下去的勇气。但当莱斯特紧紧抓住他时,他却为了生而挣脱,“I thrashed against him wildly. I dug my boot into his chest and kicked him as fiercely as I could”。 “我竭力。”当吸血鬼莱斯特把他变成了一个吸血后,“I was dying as

24、a human, yet completely alive as a vampire; and with my awakened senses, I had to preside over the death of my body with a certain discomfort and then, finally, fear.”通过这些我们可以发现吸血鬼虽然自身永远的不朽,但这种不朽似乎是一个不可改变的陷阱。吸血鬼处于这样一个生与死的尴尬境地:他们既不是生也不是死,他们是死亡乔扮成的生命体,或者更像生与死在做着狰狞的鬼脸。35吸血鬼的生活貌似轻松潇洒,但毫无意义,这种残酷的命运围困着每一个

25、吸血鬼。吸血鬼虽然长生不老,没有病痛死亡,但他们永远生活在黑暗中,不见天日;然而他们又是有一定思想和感情的,不会心甘情愿长此以往,可问题是他们无法改变这种状态。吸血鬼的恐惧在于他们永远锁在一个身体里,他们不能倾听生命,他们违反生命是有意义的真理。他们的痛苦不可能靠死亡来解脱,他们的心灵上承受着比人类更为痛苦的压力。从这种意义上说,吸血鬼是不幸的。2.3生命意义的追求 在赖斯的笔下,死亡可以认为是对生命的毁灭,也可以认为能给生命带来肯定的意义。而吸血鬼对“死亡的困惑,实际上是意味着对生命的珍惜。”48当鲜血涌入吸血鬼的双唇,体验着他人的死亡的同时也是对自身生存的拷问。体验鲜血,体验一次死亡,便是

26、体验一次对个体生命和存在的重新肯定。In rice pen, death can be considered for the destruction of the life, also can think can give life with certain significance. And of death vampire confusion, is actually means to cherish life. 48 when blood pouring into the vampire lips, experiencing the deaths of others at the sam

27、e time is also for the existence of torture. Experience blood, experience a death, is a on individual experience of life and existence to affirmation.安妮赖斯笔下许多的吸血鬼,无论是在自身肉体的死亡中,还是在吸食人血带来的人类死亡中都体会到对生命的深深敬意。在他们眼中,闪现着微光的人类过往是珠玉般的神话,比任何信仰都来得更加珍贵。对最具有人性的路易而言,杀人不是一件普通的事。杀生在路易看来并不仅仅是简单地给人带来死亡,而是在感受另一个生命的消失。

28、随着人类鲜血流入他的喉咙,这不仅是人类生命的消失,也是对他自身生命消失的感受。Killing is no ordinary act, said the vampire. One doesnt simply glut oneself on blood. He shook his head. It is the experience of anothers life for certain, and often the experience of the loss of that life through the blood, slowly. It is again and again the e

29、xperience of that loss of my own life, which I experienced when I sucked the blood from Lestats wrist and felt his heart pound with my heart. It is again and again a celebration of that experience; because for vampires that is the ultimate experience.(26)在人类的鲜血中,路易第一次对生命产生了崇敬的心理,不管他后来多么频繁地杀人,但他从没有对死

30、亡大笑过。莱斯特则以一种欣赏的角度审视死亡:“以你现有的敏感,你会发现死亡无比美丽,生命只是在死亡的那一刻才有意义。”49叛逆不羁的莱斯特一直为自己所失去的凡人角色黯然神伤。Anne rices many vampire, whether in their physical death, or take person blood brings human death in all realized deeply respect for life. In their eyes, a light flashed past is a bead jade human mythology, than a

31、ny faith all come more precious. For most with human Louis is concerned, did not kill an ordinary things. Killing seems not only in Louis is simply brings death but in feeling another life disappear. As the human blood flows into his throat, it is not only the human life disappeared, also by his own

32、 life disappeared feeling. In human blood, Louis first to life produces the reverence of psychology, no matter he later how frequently to kill, but he never laugh to death. Lester criterion with an appreciation of the perspectives of death: with your existing sensitive, you will find that death was

33、beauty, life is just in the moment of death makes sense. 49 rebellious unruly leicester have been lost for your mortal role dejected.在人类看来,死亡是个体存在的丧失,是生命的终结。因为死亡,一切都变得虚无,不可能再有任何世界的影像、痕迹和经验留存在我们的脑海深处,随之,整个价值世界也就瓦解了。于是,对“永生”的追求成为人类精神史和艺术史上一个持续而诱人的主题。作为永生代表的吸血鬼依赖着活人才能存在,具有超越生命,获得永生的能力,它是生命世界的顺理延续,反过来是对

34、现实世界的肯定和维护,而不是对立,更不是摆脱。而吸血鬼的这种以死知生的价值观念,它直接就是对生命界限的超越,直接就是对于新生命、新世界的不断体悟。In human view, death is the loss of individual exists, it is the end of life. Because death, all becomes the emptiness, could not be any the images of the world, traces and experience in our brains retained, then, the whole val

35、ue world will go broke down. Hence, the eternal pursuit became the human spirit history and history of a continuous and captivating theme. As living representative vampire depends on the living will exist and beyond its life and eternal life of ability, it is the world of life, and in turn is Daniel

36、 continue to real-world affirmation and maintenance, instead of opposites, more not away. While the vampire died to know the concept of value, born in life is it directly, directly is beyond boundaries for new life, new world of dao is constantly.从哲学视角来看,赖斯正是借吸血鬼的生存状态表达个体的渺小与无奈。通过描述吸血鬼的心态来揭示现实社会中的人不

37、能掌握自己的命运而深陷孤独和绝望的境地。小说运用幻想的手法,呈现给读者一个非现实世界,从形而上的层面上反映人性、生与死、人与社会的矛盾,具有超越具象的哲理意蕴,反映社会生活,影射社会现实。From philosophical Angle, rice just borrow vampire existence state of express individual small and helpless. Based on the description of the vampire mentality to reveal real-life person cannot control of yo

38、ur own destiny and deep loneliness and hopeless situation. Novel using fantasy gimmick, presented to the reader of a real world, from metaphysical level reflect human nature, life and death, people and society, the conflict has surmounted figurative philosophical implication, reflect social life, in

39、nuendo social reality.Chapter three Analyzing from social angle 任何一部出色的文学作品都是因为它告诉人们更为深层的东西,关乎到人类和哲学的问题,从而具有了文化和意识形态上的价值。吸血鬼文学也不例外,吸血鬼是一个矛盾的集合体,它的矛盾正吻合了人类的某种矛盾的情感,从而成为影射人类社会现实的典型形象。吸血鬼形象虽然各不相同,但他们都不是一个单纯的邪恶的符号,而是贯注了情感和思想的灵异,其实这些思想情感都是人类的思想情感。因此说,这些形形色色的吸血鬼形象所演绎的不仅仅是鬼怪世界,更是人处于各种情形下的悲喜人生。从社会角度来看,夜访吸血鬼

40、中吸血鬼形象的塑造反映了当代美国人对反社会情感的转移和宣泄,折射出现实社会中的弱势群体和“异端人群”的离群索居及对自我的追求,更是包含了对边缘人的关怀和主流文化的质疑。any a great literary works because it tells people more deep-seated things, about human and philosophical question, thus has the cultural and ideological value. The vampire literature is not exceptional also, the vam

41、pire is a contradiction aggregation of, its contradictions are identical human some contradiction of emotion, thus becomes the social reality of typical innuendo human image. The vampire image although each are not identical, but they are not a pure evil symbols, but absorbed in thought and sentimen

42、t alien, actually these feelings are human feelings. Therefore said, these mixed vampire image deductive is not only, more people in the world of ghosts various situations and vitality life. From the social perspective, the vampire the vampire image reflects the contemporary American for antisocial

43、emotion transfer and anger, reflects the realistic social vulnerable groups in the crowd, and heresy solitary and self pursuit, but also includes marginals care and mainstream culture questioned.3.1 homosexual吸血鬼,自从这个名词首次登上历史舞台,就摆明了和宗教作对。无论是该隐的子孙也好,是恐怖的根源也罢,吸血鬼总归是异教罪恶堕落的象征。中世纪教会用吸血鬼来恐吓民众,教唆大家信仰纯洁的上帝


45、鬼的文学意象从一开始就与同性恋有难分难解的纠缠。the vampire, since this noun first boarded the stage of history, he was the better-managed and religious against one another. Whether the sons of Cain, or is the root of terror or vampire is inherently pagan sin degenerate symbol. The medieval church to scare people with a va

46、mpire, instigates everybody faith pure god - and Christian is not allowed gay exist. The vampire since worldly all villain, as natural should bear all charges. Homosexuality is traditionally civilized society, family and human nature as against abnormal behavior, homosexuals in history is not respec

47、ted disadvantaged groups. AIDS epidemic outbreaks and, and on homosexuals in spread, which makes the western mainstream awareness regard them as a flood beast. Due to the spread of HIV/AIDS and vampires be similarly, all with blood as the medium, make homosexual relations for work shows the fear of

48、mankind to vampire disgust and provided a suitable symbols. In the European society, homosexuality once considered heretical by looters, even to show is also extremely secretive, through the vampire somewhat reposing is its one of the manipulations. The vampire in medieval was scored heresy culture

49、ranks, in modern society also inherit the tradition, become accommodate marginalised against the current social legal moral image space. From a western prototype, says the vampires literary images from the start and gay has pitched entwine.吸血鬼和同性恋者有很多相似的地方。首先都是稀有动物,数量很少。其次,身份都很隐蔽,不易被人发现;都有避世的原则,同性恋大多不想被凡人知道,而吸血鬼更是不想被人知道。再次,都喜欢夜间出没。到了晚间,同性恋酒吧、场所更是热闹非凡,而吸血鬼更是只有在晚间才行动。文学中的吸血鬼形象


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