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1、1 / 14 山东省济南市槐荫区2018 年中考二模试题 英 语 本试题分为第I 卷 在录音中,你将听到五段对话。请选出与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话听两遍。, sugar, butter and spices.IcbfzdsbEX To make an apple pie, first peel and cut up the apples into pieces. Then mix them with spices and put them in a pie tin. Next, mix butter, sugar and flour. Put the mixture on the appl

2、e pieces and bake the pie for about 45 minutes. The smell of apple pie cooking is great. People usually eat apple pi e with ice cream or cream.IcbfzdsbEX In winter, a piece of warm pie is a wonderful way to warm up on a cold day. In summer, a plate of cold pie is a good way to cool down. IcbfzdsbEX

3、There are many different ways to make apple pies. Some families have their own secret ways and don t tell other people about them.IcbfzdsbEX Pies made with berries ( 浆果 are also very popular in America. But apple pie perhaps is the dessert that everyone loves most.IcbfzdsbEX 76. This passage mainly

4、tells us _. A. why people like apple pies around the world B. apple pie is very popular in AmericaIcbfzdsbEX C. about different kinds of apple pies D. different ways to make apple pies IcbfzdsbEX 77. What should you have in your kitchen if you re going to make apple pies?IcbfzdsbEX A. Apples, flour,

5、 sugar, salt and spices. B. Berries, flour, butter, sugar and spices. IcbfzdsbEX C. Berries, flour, sugar, butter and salt. D. Apples, flour, sugar, butter and spices. IcbfzdsbEX 8 / 14 78. Which is the correct step to make an apple pie? IcbfzdsbEX a. Mix them with spices and put them in a pie tin.

6、b. Put the mixture on the apple pieces and bake the pie for about 45 minutes.IcbfzdsbEX c. Peel and cut up the apples into pieces. d. Mix butter, sugar and flour. A. a-b-c-d B. c-d-a-b C. c-a-d-b D. d-c-b-aIcbfzdsbEX 79. From this passage, we can say a plate of cold pie is _.IcbfzdsbEX A. a good way

7、 to cool down in winter B. an embarrassing way to warm up in winterIcbfzdsbEX C. a wonderful way to warm up in summer D. a good way to cool down in summer IcbfzdsbEX 80. The last paragraph suggests that _. A. the writer likes the apple pies most B. the writer loves pies made with berries C. the writ

8、er doesn t love the apple pies at all D. the writer thinks pies made with berries are more popular IcbfzdsbEX C Summer holiday would begin at the weekend, so Bright Middle School decided to hold a school party on Friday evening. The girl students were talking about what they were going to wear. Icbf

9、zdsbEX “ I m going to wear a short red dress, so everybody will notice me,” said Sandy. “ How about you, Susan?” “ I ll wear blue jeans, an old shirt, and a funny hat. People will notice me more than you! ” Susan said.IcbfzdsbEX “ What are we going to do about the boys? ” asked Vicky. “ Do you remem

10、ber the school party we had last year? The boys just stood there. Nobody invited us to dance, and we girls had to dance by ourselves!” “ I hear that some of the boys learned how to dance in the past three or four months. I m sure we can find our partners this time,” said Julia.IcbfzdsbEX On Friday e

11、vening, at about ten to seven, groups of students came into the activity hall of the school. At seven o clock, the music began. The girls stood in a line on one side, and the boys on the other side. Mrs Mott, their teacher, tried to get them together, but failed. After a short while a tall boy calle

12、d Joe said, “ I don t want to stand here for the whole night. The party is only for two hours.” With these words, he started to dance by himself. All the others watched him. In about two or three minutes, Susan came up to join him. Then Thomas asked Sandy if she d like to dance with him. Next were P

13、aul and Vicky. Then more and more people began to dance including Mrs Mott. Soon there were more dancers than watchers.IcbfzdsbEX At about 8 o clock, Vicky, holding a microphone in her hand, began to sing “Auld Lang Syne” , “ Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind, should old ac

14、quaintance be forgot” Then Sandy came up with the song “My Heart Will Go On” . Next was Julia s singing of “ Yesterday Once More” . The last song “Right Here Waiting ” was sung by Paul. With the stop of the music, the party came to an end. The students really had a wonderful time at the end of this

15、term.IcbfzdsbEX 81. The school party was most probably held _. IcbfzdsbEX A. in the summer holiday B. at the beginning of the new term IcbfzdsbEX 9 / 14 C. in July D. in October IcbfzdsbEX 82. The girls tried to wear the kind of clothes that can _. IcbfzdsbEX A. make them feel comfortable B. make th

16、em look younger IcbfzdsbEX C. make people laugh D. make people notice themIcbfzdsbEX 83. At the party last year, the boys didn t invite the girls to dance because _. IcbfzdsbEX A. they couldn t danceB. they were too shy IcbfzdsbEX C. they didn t like dancingD. the girls liked to dance by themselves

17、IcbfzdsbEX 84. Which of the following is true? A. The students all stood together when the music began. IcbfzdsbEX B. Joe was the first student to dance at the party.IcbfzdsbEX C. Susan invited Thomas to dance with her. D. Vicky didn t find a partner at the party. 85. Which of the following is NOT t

18、rue? A. The students enjoyed themselves very much at the school party. IcbfzdsbEX B. The students not only danced but also sang songs at the party.IcbfzdsbEX C. Many students danced at the party, but Mrs Mott didnt.IcbfzdsbEX D. The school party was over at about nine o clock.IcbfzdsbEX 第卷。 at bed w

19、ork lunch early I live in a city. In the morning, my father goes to (86_and I go to school. My father usually takes me to school. My mother stays (87_ home. She does the housework. Sometimes she goes to visit her friends after she has (88_ at noon. I come home from school by bus in the afternoon. I

20、get home (89_. IcbfzdsbEX My father comes home from work very late. After dinner, I do my homework. My parents usually read newspapers. I go to (90_ at about ten. On Saturday, we all watch TV in the evening.IcbfzdsbEX B 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或不定式 符号 (每词限用一次 。IcbfzdsbEX 得分评卷人 10 / 14 lik

21、e give play start perform Liu Wei, a 23-year-old from Beijing, became champion of China s Got Talent by playing the piano with his feet! IcbfzdsbEX Liu Wei lost his arms in a terrible accident when he was ten. Then he (91_ to do daily chores with his feet. At the age of nineteen, he began to teach h

22、imself how (92_ _ the piano with his feet. He practiced more than seven hours every day. One year later, he (93_ the chance to work with the famous Hong Kong pop star Andy Liu. “ I (94_ music . I can t live without it,” Liu Wei has said.IcbfzdsbEX It s said that Liu Wei (95_ on Taiwan singer Jolin T

23、sai s world tour next year.IcbfzdsbEX VIII 改写句子按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。IcbfzdsbEX Laura _ _ an English-Chinese dictionary. IcbfzdsbEX 97. We need three bananas. ( 对划线部分提问 _ _ bananas do you need? 98. Miss Wang asked the boy, “ Where do you keep all your pets?”( 改 写 句 子 , 句 意 不 变IcbfzdsbEX Miss Wang as

24、ked the boy where _ _ all his pets. IcbfzdsbEX 99. They seem to have a lot of work to do every day. ( 改写句子,句意不变IcbfzdsbEX _ _ that they have a lot of work to do every day. IcbfzdsbEX 100. We must pay more attention to the safety of scho ol buses. (改写句子,句意不变IcbfzdsbEX More attention must _ _ to the s

25、afety of school buses.IcbfzdsbEX IX. 完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。.IcbfzdsbEX Not many people tell Parker what a good job he does or congratulate him on his achievements. Parker has already boasted( 自吹 about them to everyone! He does not give anyone a chance to learn about anything he has done. He is

26、always the first one to tell about his successes. David and Andy sure wish Parker could be more like Ajay. IcbfzdsbEX Ajay is the new kid in class this year. He does not talk much, but he is very good at many sports and is also super smart. It has taken the other kids quite a while to learn about al

27、l of his talents. Andy, David, and the other kids are all happy to congratulate Ajay when he scores a goal or gets a great score on a test. Ajay just smiles and says thanks. He often compliments other kids successes at sporting events or school work. Andy and David have decided they want to learn to

28、 act more like Ajay when they experience success. They wish Parker would learn from Ajay, too. Unfortunately, he is busy always patting himself on the back. IcbfzdsbEX 105. 根据短文内容完成句子填空, and he doesn t talk much.IcbfzdsbEX . 评分标准: 1)本大题共10 分。 2)卷面书写潦草不工整,可酌情从总得分中扣1 分。 3)拼写错误每两个扣0.5 分。同样错误不重复计算。 4)书面

29、表达可分为四个等级: 1 )9-10分短文内容符合每幅图画情景,语句通顺,情节连贯,书写工整,无语法 错误,字数符合要求。 IcbfzdsbEX 2 )7-8分短文内容基本符合图画情景,语句尚通顺,情节较连贯,书写较工 整,语法错误较少1-2 处),字数基本符合要求。IcbfzdsbEX 3 )5-6 分短文内容基本符合图画情景,语句尚通顺,情节较连贯,书写较工整, 3-4 处语法错误,字数在60 词左右。IcbfzdsbEX 4 )5 分以下短文内容不能紧扣图画情景,语句不够通顺,语法错误较多,书写一 般,字数在50 词以下。 申明: 14 / 14 所有资料为本人收集整理,仅限个人学习使用,勿做商业用途。


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