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1、1 / 9 绝密使用前 2018 年深圳市初中毕业生学业考试 英语试卷 说明: 1答题前,请将姓名、考生号、考场、试室号和座位号用规定的笔写在答题卡指定 的位置上,将条形码粘贴好。b5E2RGbCAP 2全卷分二部分,第一部分为选择题,第二部分为非选择题,共8 页。考试时间 90 分钟,满分85 分。 3考生必须在答题卡上按规定作答;凡在试卷、草稿纸上作答的,其答案一律无 效。答题卡必须保持清洁,不能折叠。p1EanqFDPw 4考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一卷 (选择题,共 65分 I. 从下面每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳答案,并在答题卡上 将相应的

2、字母编号涂黑。 with me?sQsAEJkW5T -Great idea! It s said to be_ film of the year. GMsIasNXkA A. What about 。 the funniest B. Why not 。 the funniestTIrRGchYzg 2 / 9 C. Why don t you。 funnier D. Would you 。 funnier7EqZcWLZNX 10.-I think the science problem is very difficult. Can you_? lzq7IGf02E -No. It s to

3、o hard. I m afraid _ students are able to do it. zvpgeqJ1hk A. work it out 。 a few B. work out it 。 few C. work it out 。 few D. work out it 。 a few 11.-There is nothing wrong with the television, _ there? NrpoJac3v1 -Yes. It must _as soon as possible. A. is。 repair B. is 。 be repaired C. isn t。 repa

4、ir D. isn t。 be repaired1nowfTG4KI 12.-My son wants to go swimming very much_ it s very hot.fjnFLDa5Zo -It s Ok. But_ allow him to do that alone! A. so。not B. so。donC. because。not D. because。don t 13.-There are_ many clubs in our school that I can t decide which one to attend.tfnNhnE6e5 -I_ a member

5、 of the dancing club for over a year. Would you like to join us? HbmVN777sL A. such。 have been B. so。 have been C. such。 have become D. so。 have becomeV7l4jRB8Hs 14.-It s bad to expect things for nothing. Therefore, my parents_ give me much pocket money.83lcPA59W9 -But my parents always let me_ some

6、 pocket money by helping with the housework.mZkklkzaaP A. often 。 earn B. never。 to earn C. always。 to earn D. seldom。 earnAVktR43bpw 15.-How soon do you think China s dream will_.ORjBnOwcEd -It may take time. But with everyone s_, our country will be more powerful. 2MiJTy0dTT A. come true。 hard wor

7、k B. come truly 。 hard workgIiSpiue7A C. come true。 hard works D. come truly 。 hard worksuEh0U1Yfmh 16. -Many people in the world don t have enough to eat. _bad it is to waste food! IAg9qLsgBX -Yes. We should not order too much_ we can t eat up the food.WwghWvVhPE A. How 。 if B. What 。 until C. What

8、 。 if D. How 。 untilasfpsfpi4k 17. -Bob! Would you please ask all your classmates_ before Miss Li_ back?ooeyYZTjj1 -OK. I ll take them right away. A. not to leave 。 will come B. not to leave 。 comesBkeGuInkxI C. don t leave。 comes D. don t leave。 will come PgdO0sRlMo 18. -Hello! May I speak to Mary?

9、 I have _ to tell her. 3cdXwckm15 -Please_. I ll go and get her. A. something important 。 go on B. important something 。 hold onh8c52WOngM C. something important 。 hold on D. important something 。 go onv4bdyGious 19. -Have you ever watched the programme_ is called I m a singer?J0bm4qMpJ9 -Of course!

10、 It s _ popular in China now. Even my grandma likes it. XVauA9grYP A. that。 real B. who 。 really C. which 。 really D. what 。 realbR9C6TJscw 20. -Miss Li, can you tell me_? -Oh, it means a healthy, encouraging and hopeful power. pN9LBDdtrd A. what doespositive energy mean B. whatpositive energymeansD

11、J8T7nHuGT 3 / 9 C. if it means positive energy D. that it meanspositive energyQF81D7bvUA III. 完形填空。阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能正确填人相应空格 内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 in class.jW1viftGw9 Boys and girls, said the teacher,imagine I stood on the roof of a ten-floor building, lost my balance and fell off. Then

12、 suddenly, in the air, a wind blew me up and brought me safely to the ground. Now what word would you use to describe this? xS0DOYWHLP The students thought for a long time. Then a boy raised his hand and said, Luck?LOZMkIqI0w True, true,answered the teacher, but that s not the word I wanted. I ll re

13、gret to story. I am on top of the ten-floor building again, and I fall. A mind catches me in the air and places me safely on the ground. Think now What word would you use to describe it? ZKZUQsUJed Accident! cried out a girl. No, no he answered,True, true, Listen for the third time. I m on that same

14、 building, I fall and am safety by a wind.What word could describe it? dGY2mcoKtT The boys and girls shouted together,Practice! 4 / 9 31. What could this story most probably happen? A. During a holiday B. At lunch time C. On a school day D. On a weekend rCYbSWRLIA 32. How many times did the teacher

15、try to explain the word? FyXjoFlMWh A. Once B. Twice C. Three times D. Four times TuWrUpPObX 33. The students shouted Practice!because they_.7qWAq9jPqE A. the old teacher was practising falling off the building llVIWTNQFk B. the old teacher told them to do more sports. C. the old teacher wanted them

16、 to practise with D. the old teacher didn t mean anything at allyhUQsDgRT1 34. Which of the following is TRUE about the story? MdUZYnKS8I A. The teacher told a true story in class B. The students understand 09T7t6eTno 35. We can infer(推断 from the passage that_. A. one of the students had an accident

17、 in class B. the students were not listening to the teacher carefully e5TfZQIUB5 C. the teacher would explain it again in another way s1SovAcVQM D. the teacher was very happy with the students answersGXRw1kFW5s B. The second season of the popular singing contest The Voice of China was launched( 启 动

18、Wednesday in Beijing. UTREx49Xj9 Hosted by Zhejiang TV, the show is based on The Voice of Holland . The first season invited four famous singers as coaches in Zhejiang Province. You can take a fight from Shenzhen to Hangzhou and then a bus to Shaoxing. You can also take a direct( 直 达 的 train to Shao

19、xing from Shenzhen Railway Station.IMGWiDkflP Shaoxing is one of the most famous historical cities in China. It is knows for its rich culture, and as a city of bridges, tea and scholars( 学者 . A number of great scholars either were born here or spent an important part of their life in the city, inclu

20、ding the great writer Lu Xun. WHF4OmOgAw With a history of more than 1000 years, the area has many attractions, like the houses of famous historical people. In addition, the natural landscape alone is a good reason for a visit. During the rainy months of spring, visitors often take Wupeng Boats to e

21、njoy its natural beauty. aDFdk6hhPd Silk products in Shaoxing are of high quality and are very popular with tourists. Shaoxing is famous for its wine, too. If you go to Shaoxing, you will find it has something for everyone.ozElQQLi4T 41. The underline word picturesquein the first paragraph means_.Cv

22、DtmAfjiA A. beautiful B. boring C. crowded D. awful QrDCRkJkxh 42. Why is Shaoxing is known as a city of scholars? 4nCKn3dlMX A. Because Shaoxing has a history of more than 1000 years ijCSTNGm0E B. Because the great writer Lu Xun was born in ShaoxingvfB1pxanfk C. Because a number of scholars were bo

23、rn in Shaoxing or once lived there JbA9VhEou1 D.Because there are many houses of historical peopleX7Ahr18pJI 43. Shaoxing is famous for the following EXCEPT_. b3zqXLCqXo A. tea B. silk products C. wine D. airports pZyytu5rc5 44. We can know from the passage that_. A. there is a flight from Shenzhen

24、to Shaoxing B. there are a lot of bridges in ShaoxingDVyGZezsrM C. Because a number of scholars were born in Shaoxing or once lived there RQxPvY3tFs D. Because there are many houses of historical people5MxX1IxuU9 45. The passage suggests(表明that_ A. Shaoxing is well worth visiting B. it is cheaper to

25、 travel to Shaoxing in spring jIw5xs0v9P C. Shaoxing is in the west of the Yangtze River Delta xEve2buwnw D. you can take a Wupeng Boat to Shaoxing from Guangzhou KAvmyVYxCd D. Friendship can help you stick to your aim and make you more successful, according to an article 6 / 9 in Times.Ywuu4FszRT C

26、arlin Flora, the writer, who has studied friendship for years, finds that if you rally want to change something in your life, you can develop friendship with people who have the same aims as you do.cstDApWA6A Friends can help make you own stronger. Following good examples can help you get rid of(摆 脱

27、bad behaviors and form new, healthier ones. For example, after a busy and tiring day, you probably want to go home and watch TV . However, your friend knocks on your door and asks you to go jogging with him. After jogging, you talk over coffee together. This is much better than just sitting in the r

28、oom watching TV .qotL69pBkh Flora also points out that it s best to stop bad habits by turning attention to different, good ones. Instead of staying at home alone and spending hours in front of your computer, building up friendship with those who have the values and habits you admire will lift you u

29、p more easily.EksTCSTCzX We all wish to be with, and be liked by our friends. When you have friendship with people with strong wills and good behaviors, you will not only succeed more easily, but also find joy on your journey.Sgs28CnDOE 46. According to the passage, Carlin Flora wrote an article for

30、_. 6craEmRE2k A. Shenzhen Daily B. China Daily C. Times D. The Sunday Star k8qia6lFh1 47. The underline word onesin the third paragraph means_.y3qrGQOGwI A. examples B. behaviors C. friends D. aims MZpzcAiHKo 48. In the writer s opinion, _ is better for you after a busy and tiring day. 0VoHIjMIZ5 A.

31、 sitting in the room watching TV B. staying at home alone dRoQe3gJeM C. spending hours in front of your computer D. jogging with a friend rNnYJNKKts 49. According to the writer, we should make friends with those who_. FJn6fxdLH9 A. have the values and habits we admire B. often go jogging with us TFm

32、fLhHMWP C. spending hours in front of your computer D. jogging with a friend 7Blnh0bNbw 50. The main idea of this passage is_. A. friends can help make your own stronger. B. we all wish to be with, and be liked by our friends.lxlvNKFOpd C. it s best to stop bad habits by turning attention to differe

33、nt, good ones ztkEju9PET D. friendship can help you stick to your aims and make you more successful NpjMPeCQTA E. 3D printing technology( 技术 may not be a new thing in some foreign countries. But in May this year, at Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center( 深 圳 会 展中 心 . Many visitors were attracted

34、 by a 3D printer. 1ljUlY6R8h The machine looks similar to an ordinary printer and can print astatuein about 90 minutes after scanning anything, including a person. fhi3RIASmX The writer prints layer(层by layer. For example, if we want to print a 30-cm-tall statue, the computer will calculate the laye

35、rs and print 460 layers in total. It can also print people and clothes. You can stand for scanning for just about three minutes, and a statue will be finished about two hours. The cost for a statue of a man is about 1000yuan. The printer, which costs about 500,000yuan, is from the USA. scibnr4TBE We

36、 want to introduce this technology to people, and find more chances here.said an engineer, There is a company in USA that offers 3D printing services to people. Many people come to 7 / 9 design their own thing. It is very cool. We hope that the printer will encourage more Chinese people to be more c

37、reative.G8hjTbyUQk 51. A 3D printer_. A. is a common machine B. prints layer by layer U4gspV1V41 C. can make clothes and people D. is widely used in Shenzhen80gAVFvXjI 52. How much should you pay if you want to have a statue of yourself printed? mWfIqpZYyo A. 50,000yuan B. 1000yuan C. 500,000yuan D.

38、 100yuan ASeRW8tZM5 53. The engineer showed people the 3D printer to_. OOeZsSX01M A. design new things B. print statues for them 2Kd7YCq1gs C. introduce this technology and find changes D. calculate the layers gGcgumU2v9 54. We can find this article in_. A, a travel guide B. a restaurant menu C. a n

39、ewspaper D. a textbook uCco06o3JP 55. The best title for the passage is_. A. A 3D printer made in Shenzhen B. 3D printing looks for bigger market IybwwQS4Yw C. 3D printing services in the USA D. Design your own statue VubF2zm5dd ii. 选择下列词汇或短语完成下面对话,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。thingsnl9V43j7GA Anna:Anything els

40、e? Mike:We can also plant more trees because trees are best fighters_58_pollution. Bh94ANN8Vh Anna:I see. I have a good idea. Shall we go to plant trees in the park this weekend? Pd8c6xh9aX Mike:I think it s_59_hot to plant trees now. We can do it in spring.397kCgKaoE Anna:You are right. I didn t th

41、ink about that. By the _60_, what s your plan for the weekend?h57t70ebDk Mike:I m going cycling along the river bank. iii. 选择下列句子完成下面对话,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空,将答案写在答卷上。speech at the meeting.CH3hdr7h3s 67. After winning the game, we jumped and laughed _(happy. QC2pJbBii9 68. Please rem

42、ind me_(buysome drinks for the party. 4y2xfV5jxP 69. My sister hates pop music, but I _(dislikeit very much. iu1GLFylLw 70. It s my_(pleasant to work with a nice person like you. wq1Oho2m0d 71. Tom received a piano as a present on his _(nine birthday.Km0WN8wnfT 72. When the two friends met again, th

43、ey shook_(handwith each other excitedly. YiZ5iS0otA 73. Thank you for your dinner! It is so_(taste. ceZdOCupIh 74. Summer holiday is coming. I am thinking about _(goon a trip to Beijing. paYlkmXqXX 75. On summer evenings, people enjoy _(themon the beach at Dameisha.D6XuQ6rrbE V. 书面表达 10 分): 76.假设你是李

44、明,上周日,你和家人去世界之窗游玩,一路上你见到了一些不文明的现 象:有人违反交通规则;有人乱扔垃圾;还有人在公共场合吸烟。作为深圳人,你深刻地 意识到:文明深圳,需要大家共同努力。请你写一篇日记。R2XCmPVsqk 内容包括: 1.记录当天的所听所闻;2.抒发你的感受,表达你的观点;3.列举至少三种文 明行为。 要求: 1.表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;2.文中不得出现真实姓名和校 名。参考词汇:违反交通规则break traffic rules 公共场合public rules 文明的 civilized 行为 behavior参考词汇仅供参考,不要求都用上)5YWKSzptF

45、1 jUWTojTuUI 2018年深圳市初中毕业生学业考试 英语试卷参考答案及评分标准 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A B C B A D C A B C B D B D A A B C C B 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 D C B C A A B D B A C C A D C B C A C A 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 A C

46、D B A C B D A D B B C C B C E B A F 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 C A G D E wonderful happily to buy like pleasure 71 72 73 74 75 ninth hands tasty going themselves 76. Sunday, 16 June Today I went to the Window World with my family. On my way, I saw some uncivilized behavior. For example, I saw som

47、e people breaking traffic rules or throwing rubbish everywhere. Some people even smoked in public places. In my opinion, As Shenzhen citizens, We should work hard to make Shenzhen a more civilized city. For example, we d better develop a habit of helping others. Help the elderly. Offer seats to the old people on a bus. Don t make too much noise in public places. Pay attention to protecting the environment. Learn to be a green consumer. As long V. 书面表达 10 分) Sunday, 16 June Today I went to the


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