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1、1 / 9 2018 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 Directions: for each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.b5E2RGbCAP Example: The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the desert. p1EanqFDPw A. covering B. covered C. c

2、over D. to cover DXDiTa9E3d The answer is A. 21. The ability _ an idea is as important as the idea itself. RTCrpUDGiT A. expressing B. expressed C. to express D. to be expressed5PCzVD7HxA 22. -Joan, what _ in your hand? -Look! It s a birthday gift for my grandma. A. had you held B. are you holding j

3、LBHrnAILg C. do you hold D. will you hold 23. The players _ from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summergame.xHAQX74J0X A. selecting B. to select C. selected D. having selected LDAYtRyKfE 24. I knew that would over discourage him, he would never give up wanting to be a direct

4、or Zzz6ZB2Ltk A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothingdvzfvkwMI1 25. Julia was good at German, French and Russian, all of _ she spoke fluently.rqyn14ZNXI A. who B. whom C. which D. that EmxvxOtOco 26. One-third of the country _ covered with trees and the majority of the citizens _ black peo

5、ple.SixE2yXPq5 A. is; are B. is; is C. are; are D. are; is 6ewMyirQFL 27. In 1492, Columbus _ on one of the Bahama Islands, but the mistook is for an island off kavU42VRUs India. A. lands B. landed C. has landed D. had landed y6v3ALoS89 28. -No one _ be compared with Yao Ming in playing basketball.

6、M2ub6vSTnP -Oh, you are really his big fan. A. can B. need C. must D. might 0YujCfmUCw 29. Do you wake up every morning _ energetic and ready to start a new day?eUts8ZQVRd A. feel B. to feel C. feeling D. felt sQsAEJkW5T 30. It is most instructive lecture that I _ since I came to this school. GMsIas

7、NXkA A. attended B. had attended C. am attending D. have attendedTIrRGchYzg 31. Before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious _ the problem itself 2 / 9 is.7EqZcWLZNX A. what B. that C. which D. why lzq7IGf02E 32. Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours _ a decision.zvpgeqJ1h

8、k A. they reached B. did they reach C. they reach D. do they reach NrpoJac3v1 33. Jack wasn t saying anything, but the teacher smiled at him _ he had done something very clever.1nowfTG4KI A. as if B. in case C. while D. though fjnFLDa5Zo 34. In the near future, more advances in the robot technology

9、_ by science.tfnNhnE6e5 A. are making B. are made C. will make D. will be made HbmVN777sL 35. It s not what we do once in a while _ shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.V7l4jRB8Hs A. which B. that C. how D. when 83lcPA59W9 Section B (18 marks Directions:For each blank in the following passa

10、ges there are four words or phrases markedmZkklkzaaP A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the words or phrases that best fits the context.AVktR43bpw People in communities have slowly been pushed apart through the years, mostly because ORjBnOwcEd people simply aren t taking the time to say a simple “

11、 hello. ” After considering this phenomenon, I decided I was going to 36 the way I was doing things. 2MiJTy0dTT My 37 came one morning when I was in the community library. I passed by a girl who 38 her books out of her locker. Thinking like most that someone else would help her pick them up, I conti

12、nued my way. However, when I had to 39 because I stupidly forgot my book, I noticed she had just finished packing them up by herself. No one h ad stopped to 40 her.gIiSpiue7A “ OK,” I thought to myself, “ this is where I should have changed.” uEh0U1Yfmh My best opportunity came a few days later when

13、 I saw a man 41 by himself waiting for the library to open, so I sat down next to him and began a 42 . It was difficult to get started, and even when I had to say goodbye, almost every 43 from my new friend had a tone (语气 of doubt in it. And who could blame him? IAg9qLsgBX People aren t used to maki

14、ng an 44 chat with a stranger. But a change, no matter how 45 it is needed, doesn t just happen. It takes people like us to make it possible. I 46 you to take a small step out of your comfort zone and try to make someone s day a little brighter. Together, we can really make society come 47 as a whol

15、e.WwghWvVhPE 36. A. change B. explain C. learn D. show asfpsfpi4k 37. A. trouble B. doubt C. wish D. opportunity ooeyYZTjj1 38. A. took B. dropped C. got D.pulled BkeGuInkxI 39. A. come out B. stand by C. go back D. turn up PgdO0sRlMo 40. A. please B. greet C. help D. praise 3cdXwckm15 41. A. sittin

16、g B. walking C. riding D. running h8c52WOngM 42. A. discussing B. lesson C. report D. conversation v4bdyGious 43. A. joke B. response C. cry D. story J0bm4qMpJ9 3 / 9 44. A. unchangeable B. unprepared C. unforgettable D. unfinished XVauA9grYP 45. A. desperately B. frequently C. simply D. widely bR9C

17、6TJscw Section C (12marks Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each black with one word that best fits the context.pN9LBDdtrd Dose going to college really 48 English class in college on the short story. Our first assignment was to read 49 short stories and then discuss which one

18、was better. After reading both, I wasn t sure. Over the 50 several months, my professor taught me 51 one story was so much better than the other. 52 was rich in mclaphor Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements .For each of them

19、there are four choices marked A, B,C, and D .Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.4B7a9QFw9h A When first entered, Vanak Restaurant does not look like much of a restaurant, but once the pleasant smells of kabob .FyXjoFlMWh I can remember the arrived of the

20、telegramwe forget ,I have some more whisky and toast the heroes of the 5 / 9 war.MdUZYnKS8I 61.we can infer that the mother and children went to Swansea _. 09T7t6eTno A. to meet a friend B. to see the father C. to take a family D. to enjoy the sailing of the ship 62.what did the author learn about t

21、he father from the telegram ? e5TfZQIUB5 A. he was still alive B. his knee was broken C. his ship had been sunk D. he had arrived in Glasgow 63.the underlined word “ it ” in paragraph 6 refers to the father s _ . s1SovAcVQM A. weak heart B. taking a shore job C. failure to return D. injury caused by

22、 a torpedo 64.what can we know about the author s father after his ship was attacked ?GXRw1kFW5s A. he lost his arm B. he repaired the engines C. he managed to take a lifeboat D. he was the last to leave the ship 65what is the passage mainly about ? A. a group of forgotten heroes B. a book describin

23、g a terrifying battle C. a ship engineer s wartime experience D. a merchant s memories of a sea rescue C A recent study of ancient and modern elephant has come up with the unexpected conclusion that the African elephant is divided into two distinct (不同的 species UTREx49Xj9 The discovery was made by r

24、esearchers at York and Harvard University when they were examing the genetic relationship between the ancient woolly mammoth and mastodon modern elephantsthe Asian elepphant, African forest elephant, and African savanna elephant.8PQN3NDYyP Once they obastain DNA sequences with the site. There variou

25、s art web, sites that can help students to appreciate and create art pieces. On these sites , a student can view numerous photos and art pieces from differentMediums or create an account with the website to upload their art pieces for people to see. In addition, one can enjoy various art people have

26、 created on display for the rest of the world . Truly informative resources offered on the Internet. The best suggestion one can receive is to try to look for new websites that can help in the educational ,music, or art area so one can become well-rounded and informed. gUHFg9mdSs Truly Helpful Websi

27、tes for Teenagers Many 71 are available on various websites. I. Educational sites: helping one 72 and search for a college uQHOMTQe79 Study for tests, explain a lesson , and do homework IMGWiDkflP Find the right school that one 73 learn information about college social life and 74 WHF4OmOgAw II Free

28、 music sites; 75 to diversify musical tastes aDFdk6hhPd Listen to all types of music Type in a song, category, or artist to get an entire catalogozElQQLi4T make multiple playlists 76 III. 77 ;helping one appreciate and create worksCvDtmAfjiA View photos and works from mediums 78 for others to see 79

29、 on display Helpful websites can make teenagers 80 Section B(10 marks Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.QrDCRkJkxh My First Long Run Two weeks ago, I had a quarrel with my husband .After he had driven off in anger, I realiz

30、ed that I wasn t going to feel any better just sitting there. Feeling abandoned and guilty, I put on my gym shoes to get some fresh air.4nCKn3dlMX Our driveway has a slope(科技 that is easier just to jog down if you are lazy, taking advantage of gravity. Instead of stopping at the end of the lope, I d

31、ecided to see if I could just jog to the end of the street. I had tried a few moths ago and failed miserably. Since that first attempt I had been jogging regularly and was significantly fitter, but still very lazy. However this time around I managed to reach the stop sign with ease and I figured I w

32、ould go a little further.ijCSTNGm0E 8 / 9 After about o ne kilometer, however, I noticed that my upper body was tense . To make the movement easier I had to relax my body, and tried to take deep breaths of fresh air. vfB1pxanfk I kept giving myself the excuse to stop. No one would be disappointed. N

33、o one would even know. But I didn t stop . I wanted to keep going harder, better, faster, stronger, To my great surprise, I ran 4.9 km in 31 minutes. When I got back, I had tears in my eyes. I did some thing I thought I could never do. JbA9VhEou1 It was the first run of my life. Since then, I have i

34、mproved my stride(步幅 and time. After every run I feel fitter, happier and motivated to keep progressing. I love the runner s high. I normally jog because I want to look good. I want to run because it makes me feel good. X7Ahr18pJI 81. Why did the author feel guilty? (NO more than 9 words (2 marks b3

35、zqXLCqXo 82. What did the author fail to do miserably a few months ago? pZyytu5rc5 (NO more than 11 words (2 marks DVyGZezsrM 83. What excuses did the author keep giving herself to stop ? RQxPvY3tFs (NO more than 9 words (3 marks 5MxX1IxuU9 84. how is running different from jogging to the author? jI

36、w5xs0v9P (NO more than 14words (3 marksS xEve2buwnw Section C (25 marks Directions: write on English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.KAvmyVYxCd 假设你参加所在年级的英文写作比赛,请按照要求完成一篇短文: 1.简要描述下图内容,并点明主题; 2.联系实际,表达该图带给你的启示。 注意: 1.词数不少于120 个; 2. 不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。 2018 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试

37、湖南卷) 英语试卷答案 1-10. CBCAB CBACA 11-15. ABBAC 9 / 9 16. by a river 17. Size 18. pretty 19. Reasons 20. 2 weeks Ywuu4FszRT 21-30. CBCDC ABACD 31-35. ABADB 36-45. ADBCC ADBBA 46-47. DC 48. an 49. two 50. next 51. why 52. One 53. but 54. I55. to 56-60. BADBC 61-65. BAADC 66-70. DCAAC 71. informative resou

38、rces 72. do school work 73. is interested in cstDApWA6A 74. specific school activities 75. enabling one 76. without an account 77. art sites 78. upload art pieces qotL69pBkh 79. Enjoy art projects 80. well-rounded and informed EksTCSTCzX 81. She had a quarrel with her husband 82. She failed to jog to the end of the street 83. No one would be disappointed or even know 84. Running makes her feel good while jogging makes her look good Sgs28CnDOE 申明: 所有资料为本人收集整理,仅限个人学习使用,勿做商业用 途。


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