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1、1 / 12 Period 3Grammar 1; Grammar 2; Function 整体设计 教材分析 This period is made up of three parts, that is, Grammar 1, Grammar 2 and Function. In Grammar 1, students will learn something about nouns used as verbs. To make students have a better understanding, you may remind them to note whether the two

2、parts of speech are of the same meaning. For the class of a higher level, the teacher can add more words. Grammar 2 is the structure “will/be going to for future actions”. In this section two activities are designed. The first activity aims at helping students to sum up the different occasions when

3、the two structures are used, while the second activity serves as the consolidation of Grammar 2. Function in this module is mainly to train students speaking abilities. Besides, they will learn some ways to talk about the future happenings. The teacher may first ask students to finish the two tasks

4、individually and then check in a whole-class setting. To develop their speaking abilities to a full extent, you can encourage them to come up with a dialogue talking about the weather and the coming basketball match. 3EkccpKAVw 三维目标 1. 知识与技能 1Make students learn to sum up grammatical rules themselve

5、s. 3EkccpKAVw 2 / 12 2Make sure students can apply the grammar correctly. 3EkccpKAVw 3Train students speaking ability. 2. 过程与方法 1Practice to improve their speaking skills. 2Individual work and pair work to make every student work in class.3EkccpKAVw 3Explanations to make students master some grammar

6、. 3EkccpKAVw 3. 情感与价值 Through the study of this period students will surely know more about some nouns used as verbs. Besides, they will be able to apply the structure “will/be going to for future actions” correctly. 3EkccpKAVw 教学重点 1. Encourage students to sum up grammatical rules. 2. Train student

7、s speaking skills. 教学难点 1. How to help them apply nouns used as verbs. 2. How to make them use the structure “will/be going to for future actions” correctly. 3EkccpKAVw 教学过程 Step 1 Revision 1. Greet students as usual. 2. Have a dictation of the following words: diet, fit, rare, toothache, 3 / 12 unh

8、ealthy, wealthy, rarely, proverb, anxious, captain, injure, pain, painful, normal, lifestyle, head, eye, overweight. . . 3EkccpKAVw 3. Make students retell one of the passages. Step 2 Grammar 1 Nouns used as verbs 1. Besides the sentences offered on the textbook, the teacher may cite as many example

9、s as possible, encouraging students to form a perceptive cognition about some nouns used as verbs. 3EkccpKAVw (Show the sentences on the screen. 1. She saw him heading towards the front door. 2. She eyed him anxiously. 3. I never have to diet. 4. We have to face the difficulty. 5. Mother took out so

10、me paper to paper the windows. 3EkccpKAVw 6. You must dust the desk and chairs at least twice a day. 3EkccpKAVw 7. She uses different activities for different uses in her classes. 3EkccpKAVw 8. We didn t have any excuse for that, but the old lady excused us. 3EkccpKAVw Suggested answers to activity

11、1: Ahead, eyeBdiet 2. Activity 2 1Read the nouns out while the students listen and follow. You should make sure they know what they mean. 3EkccpKAVw 4 / 12 2Students are required to do this activity individually, then check their answers with a partner. 3EkccpKAVw 3)Collect the answers from a whole

12、class setting. Suggested answers: 1 houses 2 fingered3 tastes 4 hand Students work in pairs and recall as many such nouns as they can.3EkccpKAVw E. g. arm, play, plan, program, pump, water, work, pin, fall, influence, joke, interview, cover, board, name, call, dress, address, ship, nurse, can, bottl

13、e, mark. . . 3EkccpKAVw Step 3 Grammar 2 Will/be going to for future actions3EkccpKAVw 1. Activity 1 The students work in pairs doing activity 1. They should take note of the different occasions in which “will ” and “be going to” are used. If necessary, you can add some other sentences. 3EkccpKAVw T

14、he sentences you may use: 1Oh, I m sorry, madam. I will do it right now. 2I m going to the super market this afternoon. 3She is going to marry Tom next month. 4I ve left my key in the office. Now I ll go back and get it.3EkccpKAVw Suggested answers to activity 1: A You use will when the speaker deci

15、des to do something as he 5 / 12 speaks. 3EkccpKAVw B You use be going to when someone has decided to do something before. 3EkccpKAVw 2. Activity 2 1Read the example to the class and ensure that they know what to do.3EkccpKAVw 2Ask them to complete the activity individually, then check their answers

16、 with a partner. 3EkccpKAVw 3Collect the answers from the whole class. Suggested answers: 1 is going to2 ll3 m going to4 s going to5 ll6 is going to7 going to8 ll3EkccpKAVw 3. Should time be sufficient, you can divide the whole class into two groups and have a competition. The rules are as follows:

17、3EkccpKAVw The teacher and students work with one another to come up with a sentence. The former speaks out half of a sentence, while the latter complete it. Note that what the teacher says should lead students to speak out the sentence easily and correctly. And if they get the correct sentence, the

18、y can gain ten points; if not, the same score will be taken off. The following table may be of help in scoring each group. 3EkccpKAVw e. g. TSs 6 / 12 My son is in bed and this afternoon I. . . . . . I m going to take him to hospital.3EkccpKAVw Does the weather forecast say. . . . . . it will rain s

19、oon? 3EkccpKAVw (Show the following table on the screen. Group 1 Group 2 1 +10 2 +10 3 -10 4 +10 +10 5 -10 Step 4 Function Talking about the future 1. Show the following pictures on the screen and ask the students to complete the sentences below the pictures. 3EkccpKAVw “Don t eat so many sweets. .

20、. ”“Don t climb that wall . . . ”3EkccpKAVw Suggested answers: 1 Don t eat so many sweets, or you will have a sweet tooth! 3EkccpKAVw 2 Don t climb that wall, or you will fall and break your leg! 3EkccpKAVw 2. Activity 1 1 ) Read through the three sentences while students listen and follow.3EkccpKAV

21、w 7 / 12 2)Ask them to discuss which of the two possibilities is correct with a partner. 3EkccpKAVw 3)Collect answers from the whole class. Suggested answer: A make a prediction 3. Activity 2 1)Read through the verbs while the students listen and follow, then read them again and have the students re

22、peat them after you. Pay attention to the second syllable stress in “become ”. 3EkccpKAVw 2)Read through the example, and have students do the activity individually.3EkccpKAVw 3 ) Collect the answers from the whole class as compete sentences. 3EkccpKAVw Suggested answers: 1 will hurt2 ll get/become3

23、 ll get/become4 will, be5 ll fall3EkccpKAVw 4. Students work in pairs talking about the weather in the afternoon and the coming basketball match. 3EkccpKAVw Step 5 Summary and Homework The teacher summarizes the contents this period. This class students are acquainted with some nouns used as verbs.

24、And they also knew more about the different occasions where “will ” and “be going to” are 8 / 12 applied. Though the Function part they learned how to talk about the future happenings. Then give the assignment: finish the workbook exercise 1-4. 3EkccpKAVw 板书设计 Module 1Our Body and Healthy Habits Per

25、iod 3 Grammar 1 She saw him heading towards the front door. She eyed him anxiously. I never have to diet. We have to face the difficulty. Grammar 2 Oh, I m sorry, madam. I will do it right now. I m going to the super market this afternoon. She is going to marry Tom next month. I ve left my key in th

26、e office. Now I ll go back and get it. 活动与探究 Search the Internet for more information about how to keep healthy using google, yahoo, or baidu. 3EkccpKAVw 备课资料 Grammar Grammar 1 名词转化动词的用法 词的转化指的是一个词不变化其词形,而由一种词类转化为另 一种或几种词类。常见的转化为动词的名词有: head, eye, name, paper, book, air, voice, hand, coat, dress, di

27、et, skin, 9 / 12 mail, ship, face, shoulder, dust, work, answer, picture, peel, knife, nurse, bottle, cash, use, house, mother, brother, mask, etc. 3EkccpKAVw 现举例说明如下 : 1finger v. (1touch or feel sth. with the fingers触摸某物 She fingered the silk to feel its quality. 她摸了摸这块丝绸看质地 如何。3EkccpKAVw (2play (a

28、 musical instrumentwith the fingers用手指弹拨 hand v. hand sth. to sb: give or transfer sth. with one s hand or hands交,递 3EkccpKAVw He handed round the biscuits. 他把饼干传递过去。 Please hand me that book. 请把那本书递给我。 3house v. 给某人房子住 /向某人提供住处 We can house you if the hotels are full. 假如旅馆客满,我们可以 留你住宿。3EkccpKAVw Th

29、e farmers housed their grain in the store. 农民把粮食储藏在仓库 里。3EkccpKAVw 4. mother v. (1像母亲般关怀照顾某人 ; 养育 (2溺爱某人 ; 对某人过分庇护 He likes being mothered by his landlady. 他喜欢女房东无微不至地 10 / 12 照顾他。3EkccpKAVw Grammar 2 will+ 动词原形与 be going to 结构的区别 下列情况中一般用will+ 动词原形 : 1)单纯谈到将来的事情,没有主观因素,可用will 。 2)It will become war

30、m when spring comes. 春天来了,天变暖 了。3EkccpKAVw The train will leave at 8 this evening. 火车在今晚上8 点开车。 3EkccpKAVw 3)表示说话人的推测,用will 。 She will be all right after taking the medicine. 服过药她可能就好 了。3EkccpKAVw That will be Dr. Wang s clinic. Let s go and have a look. 3EkccpKAVw 那可能就是王医生的诊所,让我们去看看吧。 4)表示一种倾向,用wil

31、l 。 Each time he comes to Beijing, he will visit the Great Wall. 3EkccpKAVw 他每次来北京,都会去参观长城。 Without air, man will die. 如果没有空气,人会死。 5)表示说话时决定马上要做的动作多半是听了对方的话语后 所作的反应),用will 。 My chest hurts when I breathe. 我喘气时胸口疼。 Can you lie down please, and I will examine you? 请躺下让我检 查一下好吗 ? 3EkccpKAVw 11 / 12 6)w

32、ill 可用于表示意愿、拒绝等的条件状语从句中。 If Tom doesn t come, we will lose the game. 如果汤姆不来,我们将输掉这场比赛。 If he does something useful, he will save the money. 如果他做点有 用的事就会省下钱。 3EkccpKAVw 下列情况中一般用be going to 1)表示经过事先考虑或安排后的意愿,用be going to。 My best friend is in hospital, but he is going to come out tomorrow.3EkccpKAVw 我

33、最好的朋友住院,但是明天他将出院。 She has borrowed some books from the library. She is going to make a careful study. 3EkccpKAVw 她从图书馆里借了几本书准备做认真地研究。 2)在口语中,表示将要发生的事情时,多用be going to。 What s going to happen? 将要发生什么事情 ? Is there going to be a party tomorrow evening? 明天晚上这儿要举 行晚会吗 ? 3EkccpKAVw 3)be going to 可用于表示将来时间的条件状语从句,will 却不 能。 If he is going to participate in the competition, he d better get prepared. 3EkccpKAVw 如果他要参加比赛,最好准备一下。 12 / 12 If we are going to start early, 5 o clock is OK. 如果我们想早点开始,五 点正好。 3EkccpKAVw 申明: 所有资料为本人收集整理,仅限个人学习使用,勿做商业用 途。


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