The Symbolic Meaning of “A” in The Scarlet Letter 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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1、The Symbolic Meaning of “A” in The Scarlet Letter ACKNOWLEDGMENTSI am deeply indebted to my supervisor, who has given me constant and valuable advice, read my drafts through meticulously and offered incisive comments on them. I am grateful to her for the useful materials she had provided to me. She

2、gave me valuable advice and polished the thesis as well. Without her help, the thesis could never have reached its present form.I also owe my particular gratitude to all my teachers who have given me excellent lectures and great help, which are indispensable to the completion of this thesis, and my

3、hearty thanks to all my classmates who have offered generous help and useful suggestions in the process of writing this thesis.Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to all the writers whose works have been referred to in this thesis.摘 要纳撒尼尔霍桑是美国非常著名的小说家。 他不仅创造了若干部经典的长篇小说,而且还书写了数量可观且耐人寻味的短

4、篇小说.至今为止,霍桑和他的作品一直是中外学者讨论的对象。红字是十九世纪美国作家霍桑的成名作.自从本世纪五十年代被译介到我国以来,一直倍受读者的喜爱。其不朽的魅力在于它不仅无情的鞭挞了清教法规对人性的践踏,更重要的是作者对人性的善的肯定。作者在作品中采用的象征手法贯穿始终的、无处不在,加强了作品的艺术效果。尤其是红字“A” 这一贯穿全文的意象,有着多重的、缥缈的,乃至互相抵触的象征意义。本文从红字的多种象征意义入手,研究红字中的象征手法。 关键词:纳撒尼尔霍桑;红字;象征主义 ABSTRACT Nathanial Hawthorne is an extremely renowned Ameri

5、can writer of fiction. He not only has created quiet a few classic novels, but also has written quantities of thought-provoking short stories. Until now, Hawthorne and his works have been the focus of discussion from the Chinese and foreign scholars. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a cl

6、assical novel in American literature in the 19th century. Since the first Chinese translation of The Scarlet Letter appeared in the 1950s scholars and readers in this country have shown an ever-increasing interest in his works. Its immortal enchantment lies in not only its condemnation of the negati

7、ve impact of Puritan society on peoples spirit, but also its affirmation of goodness, Hawthorne uses the symbolism so skillful that it enhances the artistic effects of his work greatly. Above all, the scarlet letter A displays its dynamic, multimodal and even contradictive characteristic. This paper

8、 researches the symbolism in this novel from the following aspects: the changing symbolic meaning of the scarlet letter to make the symbolism clear to the readers.Key words: Nathanial Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter, Symbolism CONTENTS0. Introduction.11. Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Scarlet Letter .11.

9、1 A brief introduction of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 21.2 The plot summary of The Scarlet Letter. 21.3 The theme of The Scarlet Letter.32. Symbolism and the meaning of “A” in The Scarlet Letter4 2.1Symbolisim.4 2.1.1The prison.42.1.2 The Scaffold.5 2.1.3The Meteor.52.1.4Pearl .62.1.5 The Rosebush Next to

10、the Prison Door72.2 The meaning of “A” in The Scarlet Letter.8 2.2.1 Adultery.8 2.2.2 Alone and Alienation.92.2.3Able, Admirable and Angel.10 3. The thoughts of Hawthorne reflected in The Scarlet Letter.113.1 Puritanism consciousness113.2 Transcendentalism.124.Conclusion.14Works Cited.15 0. Introduc

11、tionThe Scarlet Letter is regarded as the masterpiece of Nathaniel Hawthorne, who is a famous writer in American Renaissance. He showed a great interest in the problem of guilt and concerned with moral or ethical problems. He is a writer with paradoxical thoughthe criticizes the religious craze and

12、the ecclesiastic false while he takes the views of Calvinism as the standard, and he depicts the battle of the colonials against England while he doubt the social reform and technological advancement. The novel was published in 1850 and is hailed by Henry James as the finest piece of imaginative wri

13、ting yet put forth in the country. The novel thoroughly response to peoples spirit wreck of Puritanism and unbridled pursuit for happy life. The theme of the novelis depicting sin and consequences around which the moods created are woven so completely and harmoniously into the story that its charact

14、ers, action and setting blend into delicate but enduring work of art. Symbolism is the conspicuous artistic characteristic of The Scarlet Letter, therefore, it is also regarded as the first symbolic novel in the history of American fiction and it has been influencing American literature deeply and s

15、ignificantly. Hawthorne uses the symbolism so skillful that it enhances the artistic effects of his work greatly. The scarlet letter is not only the title of the novel but also the major symbol in the novel. The changes of the meaning of “A” are highly original, allegorical and classic and deserve a

16、 further analysis.This thesis is composed of four parts. In the first part, the present author will give a brief introduction to Nathaniel Hawthorne and his novel The Scarlet Letter. In the second part the technique “symbolism” and especially the meaning of “A” used by Hawthorne in writing his novel

17、 will be analyzed. In the third part the deep thoughts of Hawthorne which is reflected in The Scarlet Letter will be analyzed .The last part is the conclusion of the whole thesis.1. Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Scarlet Letter1.1 A brief introduction of Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne is consi

18、dered to be the first greatest American fiction writer in the moralistic tradition. He was born on July 4, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts. Some of his ancestors were big shots in seventeenth-century New England, which was under the control of Puritanism Gradually, the family fortune declined. Hawthorn

19、es father was a sea captain, who died in an accident and left his mother and him behind to struggle to live for themselves. In 1812, he went to Bowdoin College where he made friends with Longfellow and Franklin Pierce. After graduation, he returned to his hometown and lived in seclusion for 12 years

20、, reading widely and preparing for his literary career. He is productive novelist with an inquiring imagination, an intensely meditative mind. Some of his great works are familiar to us, such as The House of the Seven Gables, Young Goodman Brown, and The Scarlet Letter etc. In most of his novels, th

21、ey are full of the description of sin and evil. Most of his stories are allegorical. He probed into the human mind. His characters tend to have complex psychologies and there is a semblance of interior monologues to reveal their states of mind. Nathaniel Hawthorne is an extremely renowned American w

22、riter of fiction. Herman Melville even hails him as the “American Shakespeare”. He is the first American writer to define his works as romance; his romantic writing is a landmark of the romantic period in American literature. As a great literary artist, he has profound influence on writers like Henr

23、y James, William Faulkner and Bernard Malamud. With the scarlet letter, Hawthorne became the first American novelist to forge from the Puritan heritage a universal classic, a masterful exploration of humanitys unending struggle with sin, guilt, and pride. Besides, Hawthorne is one of the forefathers

24、 of symbols.1.2 The plot summary of The Scarlet Letter The story took place in New England in 17th century. An ageing English scholar Roger Chillingworth sends his beautiful wife Hester Prynne, the heroine, to make their new home in New England. When he comes over two years later, he found out that

25、his wife have committedadultery. She was punished before the public and condemned to wear the scarlet letter“A”in front of her bosom throughout her life time as a symbol of adultery. But when asked the name of the man with whom she committed adultery, she refused simply because she loved the man and

26、 cherished his life more than her own. The baby, Pearl, to whom she gave birth, was baptized by Arthur Dimmensdale, the parishioner who was actually the babys father. Different from Hester, Dimmensdale dared not admit openly the sin but was constantly tortured by a sense of guilt. Doctor Chillingwor

27、th, discovered who was the adulterer and made up a cruel plan of revenge to torture the minister mentally till his death. In the end, Dimmensdale was mentally tortured to death by his own sense of guilt plus Chillingworths vicious plan and only in the last minute of his life he revealed his sin. Tho

28、ugh living on the fringe of the community and suffering social ostracism, Hester Prynne bears her punishment courageously, expiates her sin by performing good deeds so that the community gradually changes its attitude and some of her peers even show their trust and admiration for her honesty and ski

29、llfulness. Years later, Pearl grows up to be married into a noble family of Europe., Through the analysis of the moral and psychological effect of the sin on different people, Hawthorne sang the praise of the moral growth of the woman who had even been sinned. 1.3 The theme of The Scarlet Letter The

30、mes pertaining to The Scarlet Letter illustrates upon many ideas referring to life and ways of living. Nathaniel Hawthorne touches on values viewed by people of all types of social status. Morals, which should be engraved in ones mind, seemed to be forgotten. These actions that should have never bee

31、n performed are topics revealed in The Scarlet Letter. The actions being accomplished include ideas such as sin, revenge, and betrayal. In the experience of Hester and Dimmesdale, sin results in expulsion and suffering. But it also results in knowledgespecifically, in knowledge of what it means to b

32、e human. For Hester, the scarlet letter functions as her passport into regions where other women dared not tread, leading her to speculate about her society and herself more boldly than anyone else in New England. As for Dimmesdale, the cheating minister of his sin gives him sympathies so intimate w

33、ith the sinful brotherhood of mankind, so that his chest vibrates in unison with theirs. His eloquent and powerful sermons derive from this sense of empathy. Hester and Dimmesdale contemplate their own sinfulness on a daily basis and try to reconcile it with their lived experiences. The Puritan elde

34、rs, on the other hand, insist on seeing earthly experience as merely an obstacle on the path to heaven. Thus, they view sin as a threat to the community that should be punished and suppressed. Their answer to Hesters sin is to ostracize her. Yet, Puritan society is stagnant, while Hester and Dimmesd

35、ales experience shows that a state of sinfulness can lead to personal growth, sympathy, and understanding of others. Paradoxically, these qualities are shown to be incompatible with a state of purity. Just through describing Hesters sorrowful fate, it severely criticizes the injustice and cruelty of

36、 the Puritan way of life.2. Symbolism and the meaning of “A” in The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter that is notable for its allegory and symbolism is regarded as the first symbolic novel in American literature. The novel revolves around one major symbol: the scarlet letter. Besides, some other obj

37、ects that are described in the novel have their symbolic meanings.In The Scarlet Letter, most of the objects that are described have many symbolic meanings. The novel is filled with light and darkness symbols because it represents the most common battle of all time, good versus evil. The Scarlet Let

38、ter is a novel of much symbolic meanings.2.1 SymbolismSymbolism is a literary device with which the author deliberately make concrete objects evolved into some abstractions, usually moralistic or philosophical .It can make abstraction concrete, generality specific, ideology material. All of these fe

39、atures do contribute to the readers comprehension and can let them accept to the characters easier. A symbol is something that conveys two kinds of meaning; it is simply itself, and it stands for something other than itself. In other words, a symbol is a way of telling a story and a way of convening

40、 meaning. It is the major technique that has been successfully used by Hawthorne The scarlet letter“A”as the main symbol however, there are many other symbols except for the scarlet letter“A”. He imposes deeper meanings to many objects. These symbols add their special strengths in approaching the th

41、eme. Here the present author just wants to mention five of them.2.1.1 The PrisonThe rusty prison-door was the symbol of that time which was dark and cruel. In this environment, there was no true love but hypocrisy of human beings. Because of this symbol, the whole novel was based on the tone of sadn

42、ess. In the first chapter Hawthorne describes the prison as the black flower of civilized society. The prison represents the crime and punishment that was incorporated in the early Puritan life. He also contrasts the prison with the tombstone at the end of the novel by suggesting that crime and puni

43、shment bring about the end of civilized life. In the same chapter he describes the overgrown vegetation of weeds around the prison. The weeds symbolize how corrupt civilization really is.2.1.2 The Scaffold The scaffold is a prominent image of symbolism in the novel. It not only is a symbol of the st

44、ern Puritan code but also becomes a symbol for the open acknowledgment of personal sin; it is the place to which Dimmesdale knows he must go for atonement, the only place where he can escape the grasp of Chillingworth, or of the devil. In the beginning, Hester Prynne is publicly condemned there. As

45、depicted in the book, the public gathering at the prison and at the scaffold, both of which are located in central common spaces, speak to a Puritan belief: the belief that sin not only permeates our world but that it should be actively sought out and exposed so that it can be punished publicly. Although Hester is led to the town scaffold and harangued by the town fathers, she again refuses to


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