选修六 3.1《Unit 3 Grammar》.ppt

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1、新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 选修(模块)6-3.1,The fourth period,Learning about language-grammar,教学it的用法,1.做形式主语,It可以用作先行词作为句子的主语,而把句子的真正主语移到后面去,可以移到后面的主语是: (1)不定式。 句子的谓语可以是 be+形容词; e.g. It is important to know your limitations.知道自己的局限性是很重要的。,be+名词; e.g. It is a good idea to have a little notebook handy.手边有个小笔记本是个好主义。

2、 be+介词短语; e.g. It is against the law to do that.这样做是违法的。 其他类型的谓语 e.g. It gives me great pleasure to see the movie.观看电影让我很高兴。,(2)动名词,用no good,no use,great fun,a new experience等名词作表语; e.g. It is fun working for him.为他工作很有意思。 也可用某些形容词作表语; e.g. Do you think it is worthwhile quarrelling with him?你认为和他吵值得

3、吗? 一些其他的谓语形式。 e.g. Does it matter wasting a little money稍微浪费一点钱行吗?,(3)主语从句,可以是that引导的; e.g. It is strange that it hasnt been noticed before.真奇怪,它以前没有引起注意。 It is a wonder that he is still alive.他居然还活着,真是个奇迹。 It happened that the harvest was bad that year. 碰巧,那年的收成不好。 It is said that there has an eart

4、hquake in Japan.据说日本发生了地震。,也可能是wh-词引导的,e.g. It is still a question how many people are to come.多少个人会来,还是个问题。 It is no business of yours where I spend my summer.我在哪儿过夏天,着不关你的事。 It remains to be seen whether it will do us harm or good.对我们有好处还是有害处,还要等着瞧。 It was clear enough what he meant.他的意思很清楚。,2.作形式

5、宾语。,当复合宾语中的宾语是不定式、动名词、宾语从句时,往往把宾语放在它的补足语后面,而用it 作形式宾语,放在宾语补足语之前。,e.g. I think it no use arguing with him.我认为和他争吵没有用。 I found it very interesting to study English.我发现学英语非常有趣。 He made it clear that he was not interested in this subject.他非常清楚地表示他对那门学科不感兴趣。,3.用于强调结构,要强调句子的某一部分,通常是主语、状语、宾语,可以把it当作先行词。这种句

6、子的结构是: “It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子的其他部分”。如果强调的是人,可以用who,whom代替that。,e.g. It is Prof.Lin who teaches us English.(强调主语) It is English that Prof.Lin teaches us(强调宾语),It was in shanghai that I saw the film.(强调状语) It was in 2001 that I went to university. (强调状语),4.用作人称代词。,代替前文提到的事物。 e.g. The frog is not

7、 a warm-blood animal. Its a cold-blooded one.,5.作为非人称代词,(1)起指示代词的作用,指一个人或事物。 e.g. who is knocking at the door? Its me. (2)泛指天气。 e.g. Its a warm sunny afternoon.,(3)泛指时间 e.g. It was nearly midnight when she came back. (4)泛指环境 e.g. It is noisy here. (5)泛指距离 e.g. It is half an hours walk to the city ce

8、nter.,6.用于某些习语,make it 及时赶到;成功;办成 e.g. You can make it if you hurry. 如果你赶快还可以及时赶到。 You neednt worry; he will make it . 你不必担心,他会办到的。,catch it 被责骂;受处罚,e.g. If I come home late Ill catch it from my mother.如果我回家晚了,我妈妈会骂我。 Youll catch it because of your carelessness. 你会因为你的不小心受处罚的。,7.It的一些习惯用法,How is it with your study?学习好吗? Thats it .这就对了。 It went hard with him.他身遇不幸。 It is all over with me.我完蛋了。 We must fight it out.我们必须坚持到底。 I cant help it.我没有办法。,Homework,1.Finish exercise 2 on page 21: Rewite the sentences. 2.Revise and master the use of it. 3. Pre-view the Reading:HIV/AIDS:Are you at risk?,


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