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1、 毕业论文(设计)外文译文题 目 人力资本与可持续发展指标 系 部 经济系 专 业 经济学 年级 2008级 人力资本与可持续发展指标朱莉娅Jianu紧夹加布里埃尔,加布里埃尔拉杜布加勒斯特经济研究学院1960年贝克尔和舒尔茨在文学领域介绍了人力资本的概念,后来,罗默经济增长(1987年,1990年,1994年)的研究把人力资本看作是认识发展中的重要元素。此外,经合组织的研究也强调教育和人力资本对经济增长的重要性。 加里贝克尔,“人力资本”一词的首批用户之一,认为教育,不断培训和健康代表人力资本的组成部分,是盈利和经济生产力的后果。 bahrman和陶布曼从世界银行(2006 89),人力资本

2、的代表也坚持自己的市场价值,“人类经济生产能力的股票”的状态。 在我们的观念,人力资本可以被定义为知识教育和不断形成的实际实施有积极的影响超过了一般的结果和福利验证的能力,所获得的总和。 人力资本的组成部分,接触不同的专业文献,就有不同的解释。因此,一些学者(史密斯,2006)认为,人力资本包括:总劳动,教育/资格和社会资本。其他作者认为人力资本,包括教育和资格,即使社会资本对人力资本的依赖。 创造人力资本的代表在同一时间,这将通过所取得的成果证明其效率的消费和投资。 所有的经济学家一致认为,教育是超过所取得的收益(5-50,不同的国家)的影响最大的因素之一。只有教育是不够的,究其原因,它必须

3、有更好的健康,公民精神,促进后代受教育率等。 总之,人力资本成为一个组成部分,没有这些,国家的财富已经没有任何意义,并且人力资本投资,对目前和未来有积极影响。国家的财富,包括:财务,生产,人力和社会资本,各类资本,至于人头,它被认为是理想的可持续发展指标(达斯古普塔,2001年)。 如果指标在理论上可以是理想,在现实中,它可以是不理想的,因为价格注册在问责制,对于某些类型的资本,更难以确定。 由联合国组织的发展和经济合作与行政长官办公室统计专家小组提出的28个指标,目的都在为基础的社会福利和经济福利。可持续发展指标的估计需要一个量化的框架,保证国民经济核算体系的存在。国民经济核算体系的资本为基

4、础的可持续发展指标的估计,还必须填写与物理指标的生态环境,这是通过创建一个帐目系统集成。 经济系统是由联合国在2003年提出,它包括四个帐户类别:占污染,能源和材料,在物理单位提供信息行业对能源和原材料的使用水平,上的损失和污染;对环境的保护和确定的行业,政府为保护环境或自然资源管理办公室所作的开支费用管理的帐户;无论是在金融机构和在物理单位,自然资源(森林,水,土地,生态系统)的资产账户;生产占国民经济核算体系进行调整,以便能够考虑到自然资本折旧和退化。因此这将是无法估计的绿色国内生产总值(GDP)。 可持续发展指标的估计问题的出现,正如我们之前提到的,在评估国有资产的资本构成。事实上,因为

5、它导致的综合账户系统,物理和数字数据需要可持续发展指标的支持。 至于人力资本,在其他资本组成部分的情况下,必须区分之间经济发展水平和实体一级收集的数据。可持续发展指标计算全国和国际上相比,按照同样的方法。 在国家层面,人力资本的评价意味着估计所需的一些信息,这是基于对输入法(支出),或输出方法(效率)的存在。获得的信息有一个统计字符,是指某些类型具有一定的教育水平的工人的平均工资为一个年龄组有一个具体的教育水平,工作小时数;一个年龄组的大小有一个特定的水平;教育等,还必须考虑寿命的概率因素。 此外,我们必须同时考虑人口结构的变化和教育系统的变化。另一方面,根据目标的使命和愿景的人力资本的妥善管

6、理在每个实体的水平。观察指标分为两类,即:物理和数字。这些指标的估计是在这个级别的复杂得多,在有限的空间,它是指由于经济和快速的数据可用性水平。 实体层面的人力资源指标,建立指标和书面报告,作为一个管理者的警告功能与由管委会确定的活动有直接关系。据以Naro4,HRMC,必须有八项活动:经济和财务指标;结构性指标;规划和招聘;补偿;培训和发展;绩效考核;气候指标;专业的风险指标。1、 经济和金融指标这些可以包括生产率(营业额/员工人数,增值/的员工人数或工资总额等),人力资源费用(人事费用/员工人数,工资总额/营业额),金融利率(人类经济附加值,人力资本增值,人力资本投资,人力资本市场价值回报

7、)。2、结构性指标这些指标可以计算员工的结构如下:平均工资等的生产,管理或销售员工,女性或男性,年龄分布,分布。3、规划和招聘人力资源规划是一个发展同人民群众组织的战略相一致的过程,它采用了申请策略。 招聘是一个吸引最有资格的人申请工作,也激励人们为实现组织的使命的过程。候选人必须迅速招募和最低的成本。聘用条件必须是最小的代表之间的天数的招聘要求和工作分配。招聘成本也有是最小的,他们包括招聘广告,简历分析与成本,以及招聘部门的成本费用。为了取得成功,招聘结束与一个人具有所要求的素质就业。 我们认为,作为这项活动的第一部分的规划必须控制,以确定和解释预测数字和实际数字之间的差异。 可提交一份报告


9、的权力下放。 从经理的角度来分析来看,这项活动是指有关于赔偿的总价值和组件,以及有关此特定活动的信息资料。所选择的薪酬制度是简单和容易理解,以接受员工的权益和安全,必须适应变化和变化的人员煽动。关于人力资源的补偿指标可能如下:总员工人数,员工工资,平均工资,薪酬增加的程度,购买力的增加速度,工资层次,促进速度,结构的影响,平均每小时成本,关于工资的实体部门,生产工人总开支,总开支的行政人员,总经销的员工开支,在生产部门的薪金,与人事变动(不成功的招聘和重新启动)的费用,时间比活性指标,度产量/工作效率,工作场所,补充小时/每补充小时的中等成本结构,增加工资总额等。5、培训与发展(TD) 培训帮

10、助员工获得特别的工作技能和发展涉及正在进行的教育,帮助员工为未来的工作做好准备。培训在短期内,方便的变化:工作的演变,发展的潜力,在职业生涯的管理。从长远来看,培训伴随着文化的改变和帮助员工的适应性。发展涉及到比学习一门技能,如分析问题,创造性,团队建设和领导。为完成使命和愿景的管理者对组织的选择,培训和发展是很重要的。 为了实现培训和发展的目标,公司往往投入充足的资源提出预算。这些资源分配给员工留在该组织的动机。这是为什么,在报告的第一部分,我们将提出的维护和员工的积极性的指标,显示:波动率/波动成本;事故频/闲置时间/工作意外成本;疾病频/未使用时间/疾病成本;工资结构/奖金等;成本效益的

11、动机分析;之间的人员培训(培训费)和他们在公司内部的稳定的报告;员工参与利润;补充的社会服务成本;人员满意的程度;组织内的员工所花费的时间;离开公司的员工的原因。 预算包含有关信息资源总量(TD),TD在这个过程中所涉及的员工人数每名员工的成本。因此,管理的报告将包含以下指标:总资源量;TD努力:资源/员工人数总额;完成预算/预见的预算;TD行动的总人数;总成本每件TD动作;在TD过程中牵连的员工总数;每训练有素的员工的平均成本;天为每名雇员的培训;组织内的功能,改变对员工的数目;TD员工每人每年的时间;TD在公司内部资源节约的影响;职位及战略能力的覆盖率:数量的员工,应该有战略能力/实际上具

12、有战略能力的员工数量;员工培训率,培训率或参与:数量的员工训练有素/总员工人数;参加人数/登记人数;根据不同的标准(性别,学历,年龄,T的研发行动等性质)的TD过程中涉及的员工的结构。6、绩效考核 在社会科学这个词的表现知道两个感觉:社会的表现可以被定义为强度与其中一人选择合作,该公司的目标,或者更普遍的,是企业的生命的一部分人达到满意的水平。社会对他们工作的公司员工的态度时的表现,反映社会的政治影响。 对人力性能进行了分析,根据员工相比,他们的工作获得的结果。此结果表示,根据所取得的资产,生产附加值,公司等获得进一步的价值。这两个概念是不同的,因为:社会的表现,反映的能力,以提高人员的满意程

13、度,提高社会的气候和生活条件;人的表现设的社会成本,获得了一定的结果,或以最大限度地利用这个结果的优化。 人力资源管理是一个重要项目,为公司的财务表现。由美国咨询内阁沃森Ayatt举办的一项研究表明,在人力资源管理最赚钱的公司创建两次比别人更多的价值。在他们的工作场所每个人有五个动机:薪酬;专业发展;工作地点环境;尊重和考虑;工作的兴趣。 绩效考核是一种方式,以评估在多大程度上员工的成绩已达到预期的水平相比,一些标准或目标。绩效考核会影响付款,推广,培训和发展人力资源等问题的决定。鉴定可能侧重于成果的措施,如质量,生产率或财务表现的水平。 价值观和绩效考核的方法可能被报告为:直接提交给个人或工

14、作队伍管理;控制人员和流程;反馈用于评等,奖励和制裁;反馈有用的改善;激励或员工的激励(来源:改编自SCHOLTES)。 至于这项活动,管理控制器必须准备一份报告有关评估行动的类型的指标,也每人每个动作类型的活动成本。 我们认为,要盈利的公司有专注于人力资源管理,实现以下目标:逐步整合的新员工;积极参与整合和培养年轻的个人;参加残疾人一体化;不断更新的内部资源;实行负责的工作和公平的管理;证明在工作安排的灵活性;要考虑个人抱负;以确保人的安全;支持的员工,以处理他们的问题;到个体价值丰富;认识到个人和集体的工作;实行正确的员工薪酬;相当保护的结果;管理辞职;通过不断的培训和发展,投资人员;支持

15、员工在某一时刻,在劳动力市场上发现的“恢复原状的可能性;人才租赁。 薪酬服务的性能,可以通过以下指标进行评价:付款错误率:支付错误数/报酬传单数量;延迟:平均每月拖延数;平均成本的薪酬传单:支付服务的成本/上市传单数量。7、气候指标我们认为下面这一类很重要:旋转:数年内/员工人数离开公司的人;Number的一个具体的理由/员工人数离开公司的人;总辞职:辞职人数/总离开公司的人;稳定率:数N个/ N个月前招聘人数后的就业人士;时间花费在该公司的员工;旷工:缺席/理论小时的时间;缺席/员工人数*理论小时的时间;(缺席 - 持续时间长旷工时间)/员工人数*理论小时;总没有时间/员工人数;的平均时间缺

16、席:缺席/缺席数小;没有时间/员工人数;缺席的人/员工人数的时间;冲突:频率:清晰冲突显示数量;范围:采用一种态度的人的数量;失去了O强度:工作小时或天数;罢工:强度:失去罢工的员工在冲突或几小时或几天内丢失/人罢工涉及的网站数量/小时或天数;浓度率:罢工员工人数/期间的人的数量;传输速率:小时或/卷入冲突的地点的雇员人数为罢工损失的工作日数;其他危机的指标:数(错误等)的生产事故;工作意外的增加;在投诉的增加(请愿书,个人代表投诉等);员工的满意度 - 学习有关的年度人员的满意度(“社会晴雨表“);人员参与 - 关于组织参与调查;战略联盟 - 调查有关员工的知识和接受(美国)公司的战略重点。

17、8、专业的风险指标,他们指工作发生意外。 频率率有关永久性的工作丧失工作能力:有永久丧失工作能力/小时数后果的事故数量的工作* 1.000.000;关于临时工作丧失工作能力的严重率:天数损失/工作* 1.000个。结论。可持续发展的做法称为多个解释,从1987年开始在关键时刻。因此,可持续发展被看作是从长远来看,在同一时间,也有人认为消费增长在时间的福利增长。这种观点被接受由欧洲统计会议主席团在2005年举办的面板,创建组,支持各国政府和国际组织在突出可持续发展指标,确定最佳的概念和做法的目的。 专家认为,可持续发展的两个概念:人类的发展和福利的基础上,可以定义。发展与美好的未来,传统经济学家

18、根据收入的增长,人均国内生产总值的增长量化。但因为收入不同群体间的分布和贫困人口不断增加,一些经济学家正在犹豫要考虑这方面的发展。在这个意义上说,联合国发展计划(1994)定义通过发展的进程,以确保人们在作出决定,有一个真正的机会,有机会发展。指定的进程,区别对待,如:环境的过程,健康和教育的过程中,体制和治理进程。 福利由Desgupta(2001)定义为每一个人个人的情况下,在特定的社会状态相关联的值。一种社会状态的描述是有限的资源分配和其他任何有关的个人或社会的机会。 总之,发展可以定义为社会成员的福利增长,福利可以作为一个消费函数。 (工作组,2009)。可持续发展,也可以被定义(联合

19、国,2003年)“的发展,确保人均财富减少非更换或财富资源的保护;如:生产库存;自然和人力资本”的定义是基于经济developm理论。Human Capital and Sustainable Development IndicatorsIulia Jianu, Gabriel Jinga, Gabriel RaduAcademy of Economic Studies BucharestThe notion of human capital was introduced in literature by Becker and Schultze in 1960. Later, in Romer

20、s studies on economic growth (1987, 1990, 1994), human capital was seen as an important element in understanding development. Also an OECD Study2 stresses the importance of education and human capital for the economic growth.Gary Becker, one of the first users of the term “human capital”, considers

21、that education, continuous training and health represent components of human capital with consequences over the earnings and the economic productivity.Bahrman and Taubman from the World Bank (2006, 89) state that human capital represents “the stock of human economic productive capacities”, also insi

22、sting on their market value.In our conception human capital can be defined as an aggregate of knowledge obtained though education and continuous formation, of verified competences by practical implementation having a positive effect over the general results and welfare.The human capital components a

23、re approached differently in the specialized literature. So, for some authors (Smith, 2006), human capital comprises: gross labor, education/qualification and social capital. Other authors consider human capital as covering education and qualification even if the social capital depends on human capi

24、tal.The creation of human capital represents consumption and investment at the same time which will prove its efficiency through the results achieved.All economists unanimously agree that education has the greatest impact over the achieved earnings (5-50%, differing on the country). Education only i

25、s not enough, reason for which it must be correlated with better health, a lower rate for delinquency and crime, civic spirit, education promotion for future generations etc.In conclusion, the human capital becomes a component without which the national wealth has no meaning, and investing in human

26、capital can only have positive effects for both present and future.National wealth includes all types of capital: financial, productive, human, and social capital, and as regards capitation it is considered the ideal sustainable development indicator (Dasgupta,2001).If in theory the indicator can be

27、 ideal, in reality it cannot be ideal because of the pricesregistered in the accountability, which for certain types of capital, are more difficult to identify.The 28 indicators proposed by the United Nations panel of experts along with the Organization for Development and Economic Cooperation and t

28、he Office of Statistics of the CE, aim both at welfare as the foundation and at economic welfare. The estimate of the sustainable development indicators requires the existence of a quantifying framework, assured by the National Accounts System. On the estimate of sustainable development indicators b

29、ased on the capital, the National Accounts System must also be filled in with physical indicators of the ecosystem, which is possible through the creation of an Integrated Accounts System for the Environmentand for the Economy, system which was developed in 2003 by the United Nations andcomprises fo

30、ur account categories:1. accounts for pollution, energy and materials that provide information in the physical units at industry level on the use of energy and materials, and on the loss and pollution;2. accounts for environment protection and expense management which identify the expenses made by t

31、he industry, government, office for environment protection or natural resources management;3. asset accounts for natural resources, both in the monetary institutions and in the physical units (forests, waters, land, ecosystems);4. production accounts of the National Accounts Systems adjusted so as t

32、o be able to take into consideration the depreciation and degradation of the natural capital. As a consequence it would be possible to estimate the green gross domestic product.A problem in estimating the sustainable development indicators appears, as we referred before, in evaluating the capital wh

33、ich constitutes the National Asset. In fact, as it results from the integrated account system, physical and numeric data is needed in supporting the sustainable development indicators.As regards the human capital, as in the case of the other capital components, a distinction must be made between the

34、 data gathered at economy level and at entity level. Sustainable development indicators are nationally calculated and internationally compared according to the same methodology.At national level, the evaluation of human capital implies the existence of some information needed for this estimate which

35、 is based on the input method (expenses), or the output method (efficiency). The information obtained has a statistic character and refers to the average wage for a certain type of worker with a certain level of education; to the number of hours worked by an age group having a specific level of educ

36、ation; to the size of an age group having a specific level of education etc.; one must also consider the life expectancy probability factor.In addition we must take into account both the demographic changes and the educational system changes. On the other hand, depending on the aimed mission and vis

37、ion the human capital is properly administered at the level of each entity. Two categories of indicators are to be observed, namely: physical and numeric. The estimate of these indicators is less complex at this level than at the level of economy due to the limited space to which it refers and of th

38、e rapid availability of data.Human Resources Indicators at Entity LevelEstablished indicators and written reports that function as a warning for the managers are in direct relation with the activities that have to be identified by MC. According to Naro4, HRMC must be directed towards eight activitie

39、s:1. economical and financial indicators;2. structural indicators;3. planning and recruitment;4. compensation;5. training and development;6. performance appraisal;7. climate indicators;8. professional risk indicators.1. Economic and financial indicatorsThese can include productivity (turnover/number

40、 of employees, added value/number of employees or gross wages etc.), HR expenses (personnel expenses/number of employees, gross wages/turnover), financial rates (human economic value added, Human Capital Value Added, Human Capital Return on Investment, Human Capital Market Value).2. Structural indic

41、atorsThese indicators can compute the structure of employees as follows: production, administration or distribution employees, women or men, distribution on ages, distribution on average wages etc.3. Planning and recruitmentHR planning is a process for developing alignment of the organizations strat

42、egy with the people it employs to apply the strategy.Recruitment is a process of attracting the best qualified people to apply for the job and also to motivate people to fulfill the mission of the organization. The candidates have to be recruited quickly and with a minimum cost. The recruitment term

43、s have to be minimal representing the number of days between the recruitment request and the job distribution. The recruitment costs also have to be minimal and they include the cost with the recruitment advertising, the costs with the resumes analysis, and the costs of the recruitment department. I

44、n order to succeed, the recruitment has to end with the employment of a person that has the requested qualities.We think that planning as the first part of this activity must be under control in order to identify and explain differences between forecast figures and real figures.A report may be prese

45、nted based on available information about planning and recruitment divided into two categories: indicators about jobs and employees need for those jobs (total number of jobs, total number of employees, the need for personnel, average salary etc.) and indicators about activity (activity total cost, n

46、umber of employees, employees salaries, number of interviews, number of recruitments, average cost for recruitment, the degree of the coverage of the necessary personnel, the number of persons which were unsuitable (that were inappropriately chosen for the job), the degree of the non-coverage of the

47、 personnel scheme and the costs for their substitution, time between job proposal and employment of the person,candidates rejection rate, recruitments quality).4. HR compensationCompensation is considered as payment from the organization to the employees for their services based on wages and other b

48、enefits. Rewards are also considered as another form of compensation to reward the employees for their contribution to the companys performance. The system of remuneration is an important system of the companys culture, with its rules and standards. The organization of the work and decentralization of the power within the teams requests remuneration politics t


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