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1、1 Module 7 Computers Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer? 课型Listening and speaking 教材分析本模块以电脑为主题。 该单元则是以对话的形式谈论如何用电脑完成作业,让学生能 听说有关电脑方面的基本词汇,并就电脑的操作使用进行简单的问答。内容既接近生 活又能激发学生学习的兴趣。 语言知识 目标 1. Key vocabulary: keyboard, mouse ( pl. mice ), screen, connect, turn, turn on, learn, document, cl

2、ick, use, save, box, finally, print, paper 2. Key structures: wh-question in Present simple imperative sentences. 语言技能 目标 1. To understand conversations about how to use a computer 2. To learn how to give instructions 情感态度 目标 1. Raise students interest to learn English and get to know more knowledge

3、 about computers in English. 2. Prompt students to explore new knowledge autonomously. 3. Through experiencing, participation and practice, encourage students to be cooperative and learn from each other. 教学重点1. Names of computer items 2. Conversations about how to use a computer 教学难点How to give inst

4、ructions of writing homework on the computer 教学设备 与教具 Tape recorder, CAI, blackboard 教学步骤设计意图教师活动学生活动 Step1 Greetings 1相互问候,拉 近师生的情感距 离 2引入本课话题 1. Greet the students 2. What s your habit? Can you do it on the computer? 1. Greet the teacher 2. Answer the teacher s questions. 2 教 学 过 Step 2 Presentati

5、on 1结合图片,根 据学生已有的水 平教授单词。 2将单词放入词 组中学习,为稍 后的学习作好铺 垫,同时学生通 过活动开动脑子 学习单词词组, 激发学生的学习 兴趣。 3学生模仿操 练,通过交流合 作进一步巩固所 学内容。 1. Show the pictures of a computer. T: What can you see in the picture? 对学生不懂的电脑 部件单词进行新教授。 2请学生回答问题,巩固单 词并用于 connectto, switch on 中。 T:What s this? Connect the mouse to the computer. 3.

6、 Ask students to do pair work. 1. Answer: I can see 2. 学生回答老师 问题, 并造出词组 3. 小组练习 Step3 Activity1, 2 operate the computer, saying how to do it. 2. Choose the document again, ask the students to say how to do it with the teacher. 3. Ask students to do pair work, then check. 学生小组讨论。以 小组为单位,自由 选择喜欢的文件, 初

7、步运用所学的知 识,用英语简单的 表述如何用电脑操 作。 6 Step8 Do exercises A.重要短语: 1. 把连接 2. 打开电脑 3. 在电脑上 4.建立一个新文件 5. 使用鼠标 6.使用键盘 7.点击新文件 8.写下你的作业 9. 保存文件 10.放一些纸到那里 11.打印文件 12.关上电脑 Keys:1.connect to2. switch on/ turn on the computer 3. on the computer 4. open a new document 5. use the mouse 6. use the keyboard 7. click th

8、e new document 8. write your homework 9. save the document 10. put some paper in there 11. print the document 12. turn off the computer B.根据课文内容,完成下列句子。 1. First, _ the monitor to computer. 2. Then, _ the computer. 3. Next _ a new document. _ the mouse and _ “ new document” . 4. Next _ the keyboard

9、to _ a composition in the new document. 5. Then you _ “ save ” , and _ a name in the box for it. OK, then _ “ save ” again. 6. Finally, _ “ print” and “ OK” . Keys: 1. connect 2. switch on 3. open, Use, click 4. use, write 5. click, write, click 6. click C. 综合填空: Hello, Im Mike. Im from America. Im

10、a middle school s_ (1) like you. I have a computer. I use it every day. Because we do our homework on our c_ (2). Do you know how we write our homework on the computer? Its very easy. F_ (3), use the mouse, c_ (4) “new document ” and o_ (5) a new document. N_ (6), you write your homework in the new

11、document. U_ (7) the keyboa rd, you click “s_ (8) ” and write a name for it in the box. T_ (9) click “save” again. F_ (10), Click “print” and “OK ”. Keys: 1.student puters 3.First 4. click 5.open 6.Next 7.Use 8.save 9. Then 10. Finally 7 Step9 Summary 培养学生的归纳 总结知识的能力 . 1. Get students to sum up what we have learned in class. 2. Teacher makes a brief sum-up. Students talk about what we ve learned today.


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