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1、启东市双鹤学校英语教案与学案 总课题8A Unit3 A Day Out 总课时第课时 课题A Day Out 课型复习课 教学目标 知识目标To revise the important words,phrases &sentences 能力目标To use the sentence structure of this unit freely 情感目标The ability to express what problems they have 教学重点与难点 1.To-infinitives /Wh-words +to-infinitives. 2.Sentence types 教学资源A

2、paper, pictures, small blackboards. 课前预习 内容Review Unit 3 时间10 分钟方法Read and recite 要求Retell What should I do 教学过程 教 师 活 动学 生 活 动 Step. Pre-checking Free talk( Review Reading) (After one student finishes , the others can think about if they can help her/him. ) StepII. Presentation 语法指南 1.with one s su

3、pport “在某人的支持下, ”without one s support.“没有某人的支持下, ” 没有他的帮助,我们无法按时完成了工作。 _ 在你的支持下,我作了这个决定。 _ 2.at the beginning 常常跟 of 短语连用,表示“在开始时“, 与 at the end of 相对应,表示“在.结束时”。如: at the beginning of the trip/ the meeting/the film/the play 在旅途 /会议 /电影 /演出开始时 at the end of the trip/the meeting/the film/the play在旅途

4、 /会议 /电影 /演出结束时 in the beginning 意为“起初” =at first , 其反义词为in the end (= at last),意为“最终”。如: 起初我发现汉语难学。_ 3places of interest 意为“名胜”,即旅游胜地。 interest是不可数名词, 不与冠词连用。 长城、颐和园是中国的名胜。 The Great Wall, Summer Palace are _ from all over /around /across the world 意为“来自世界各地” 我们的朋友遍天下。We have friends from _ 4The py

5、ramids looked like the real ones in Egypt. 金字塔看上去就像埃及的真金字塔一样。 ones 是代词,代替pyramids. One , ones ,those, that 三词都可作代词,代替前文中提到 的可数名词, one 代替可数名词单数,ones和 those代替可数名词复数。One 和 ones 前 面可有形容词和指示代词修饰,而 those的修饰语只能放在后面。 that 代替不可数名词如: This coat is too small for me .Give me a bigger_. We don t want these red pe

6、ncils .I want those green _. The bikes are cheaper in this shop than _ in that shop. The air pollution is less than in the country than _in the city. 5 make a plan for sth./to sth . 意为“ 制订 . 的计划 /订计划于 . ” 。如: 我们正忙着为新学期做计划。 _ Free talk Read, understand,and practice plan 也可作动词,planned 和 planning 要双写字母

7、如: 我们正打算下星期离开。_ Things to do in Beijing 在北京要做的事, to do 作定语表示将来的动作,意为“要做的事”, 我们有很多衣服要洗。We have a lot of clothes _. 他们有四个孩子要抚养。They have four children_. 注当不及物动词的不定式作定语时要加上相应的介词。如: 他有一个居住舒适的房间。He has a comfortable room _. 汤姆是一个很好共事的人。Tom is a nice man _. 6. and ,but 或 or. and 连接意思相近的内容;but 连接不同意思的内容; o

8、r 连接不同的可能性或选择。 Harry finished his homework quite early, _ didn t do it well. You can leave either today _ tomorrow. I m an American, _ he is an American, too. She can t speak Japanese _ English. Use your head, _ you ll find a good idea. Mrs Green likes music _ her husband likes sport. Hurry up, _ yo

9、u ll miss the early bus. Nanjing is very beautiful, _ it s very cold in winter. Would you like some coffee _ juice? Tom got up very early, _ he didn t catch the bus. Tom got up very early, _ he caught the bus and had a very good seat. Mother went to the bookshop, bought some books _ came back at 5:0

10、0. You should get up early tomorrow morning, _ you can t catch the first bus. 7动词加动词不定式作宾语,动词不定式往往表示将来要做的动作 expect to do 期望做。refuse to do 拒绝做。plan to do 计划做。decide to do 决定做。 agree to do 同意做。learn to do 学会做。hope to do 希望做。prepare to do 准备做。 want to do 想做。choose to do 选择做。wait to do 等待做。 wish to do 希

11、望做。 8 反身代词(reflexive pronouns) I-myself youyourself /yourselves we-ourselves theythemselves he-himself she-herself it-itself 当宾语或表语与主语是同一个人时,我们用反身代词。反身代词可作宾语、表语、同位语 等,但反身代词不能作主语。如: I can do it well by _. The boy is so young that he can t dress _. The girl enjoys looking at _ in the mirror when she w

12、ears new dress. Did you enjoy _ at the welcome party last night, Lucy? It s lucky that they didn t hurt _in the traffic accident. I m not _ today, I think I need to go to see the doctor. The principal _ will meet us this afternoon! Jimmy and Kitty have a secret. They decide to keep it to _. Help _ t

13、o some fish, my friends! You should believe in _ 9keeponeself .意为“保守秘密” “不告诉别人” 。 她决定不把这消息告诉他人。She decided to _ keep sth. from sb.意为“瞒着某人” 。 你为什么向她隐瞒真实情况?Why did you _? 10The match takes place on Sunday, 7th November. take place “举行”“发生”。 奥运会每四年举行一次。The Olympic Games _ 去年我们村发生了许多巨大变化。Many great chan

14、ges_ in our village last year. 注happen 也可作“发生”解释,但它常指在人们无意识无准备的情况下发生。如: 这个事故发生在昨天。_ 他家出什么事了?_? 11. 你需要运动来保持健康。 You need to _ Practice 12. 我们将使他真正成为让每个人快乐的一天。 We will _ for everyone. StepRead and remember these phrases e on 来吧,快点,加油2.enjoy oneself / have great fun / have a good time 过得 愉快 3 organize

15、a day out for her 安排她一天外出游玩 4 make a plan(for sth / to do sth )为制订计划/ 制订计划做某事 5. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事invite sb to dinner 邀请某人吃饭 6. get on / get off a coach 上/下大巴get into / get out of a car 上/下小汽车 7. the President of the USA 美国总统 8. a lot of traffic / heavy traffic 交通繁忙 9. on the city roads 在城

16、市的道路上on the highway 在乡镇间的道路上 10. places of interest 名胜 11. all over the world 全世界 12. join in the dancing 加入跳舞队中 13. teach oneself / learn sth by oneself 自学 14. go and see for yourself 亲自去看看 15. feel the beauty of the old park 感受古老园林的美景 16. be far away (from ) 远离 17. show sth to sb = show sb sth 把某物

17、给某人看 18. plan/agree/decide/prepare/choose/hope /learn to do sth 19. watch the sunset 看日落play hide-and-seek 捉迷藏 20. pull themselves up on the rocks 用力使他们自己攀上岩石 21. keep their secret to themselves 保守他们的秘密 22. keep to oneself 保守秘密,不告诉别人keep sth from sb 瞒着某人 23. win the basketball final 赢的了篮球决赛24. take

18、place 发生,举行 25. cheer for our team 为我们队喝彩 26. with your support 在你的支持下without one s help 在无某人的帮助下 27. take the underground to the center of Beijing 乘地铁到北京市中心去 28. as soon as possible 尽快=as soon as sb can/could as early as possible 尽早as much/many as possible 尽量多 29 at first 起先at the beginning 在开始时 at

19、 the beginning of ( the meeting / the movie)在会议 /电影开始时 30. in the final of 在最后,在决赛中 Step Sum up: StepVExercises & Homework: 翻译 总统_ 主要的 _ 美丽(名词)_ 登山者_ 幸好,幸运的是_费用 _ 获胜者 _ 机场 _ 令人惊奇的_ 糟糕地,严重地 (原级 ,比较级 ,最高级 )_ _ _ 名胜 _ 感受古老园林的美景_ 看日落 _ 为我们队喝彩 _ 尽可能仔细地_枫叶_ 决定 /准备 /学习 /计划做某事_ 自学法语_ _ 全世界 _ 许多车辆 _ 选择题 . (

20、)1. The beaches in Sydney are better than _. A. Dalian B. that of Dalian C. the ones in Dalian D. ones in Dalian ( )2. A good_ is half done. A. started B. beginning C. begun D. practice ( )3. The _ news made me _. A. amazed, amazing B. amazing, amazed C. amazed, amazed D. amazing, amazing Read and r

21、ecite Do exercises ( )4. He is_ to come back next week. A. may B. likely C. possible D. probable ( )5. She was _ ill last week, but now she has got much _. A. badly, good B. badly, better C. bad, good D. bad, better ( )6. Britain is only 30 kilometers _ France. A. far from B. far away from C. away D

22、. away from ( )7. Help yourself to some eggs.-_. A. It s kind of you. B. Thats all right. C. Well D. Give me some. ( )8. She was late _ the thick snow on roads. A. for B. because C. since D. because of ( )9. We must keep _ because _ is very important for everyone. A. healthy, health B. health, healt

23、hy C. healthy, healthy D. health, health ( )10.It s _ cold today and there is _ rain. A. too much, too much B. much too, much too C. too much, much too D. much too, too much ( )11.Don t go near the dog,_ it will hurt you. A. and B. but C. or D. so ( )12.He doesn t listen to the teacher _ Helen. A. a

24、s careful as B. as carefully as C. so careful as D. more careful ( )13.Work hard _ you will pass the exams. A. and B. but C. or D. so ( )14.I moved into a modern house _ a beautiful garden . A. has B. and C. with D. have ( )15.When the coach stopped, we all _. A. got down B. got outside C. get down quickly D. got off quickly 三翻译下列句子 1.Kitty 的老师邀请我们参加他们的学校去世界公园的旅行。 _ 2.Daniel 自学如何制作网页_. 3.大多数旅程我觉得不舒服。_ 4.你需要更多的锻炼来保持健康。_ 5.天空湛蓝而且一切都很美丽。_. 6.他们同意和我们一起去紫金山。_ 7.Millie 决定独自呆在家里。_ 8.他很幸运, 在那次事故中没伤这着自己。_ Step. 教后反思 Do exercises


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