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1、Module 4 Home alone Unit 1 学习目标 一、掌握本单元shut ,lock ,ring ,wake sb. up ,be about to do sth.等单词和短语。(重点) 二、掌握并灵活运用下列句子:(重点) 1. So am I . 2. Have a good trip ! 三、 听懂日常生活中父母嘱咐孩子当心某事的对话理解父母的苦心并能就父母的一些言行发 表自己的看法。 自主预习 一、新词自测读写单词或短语并熟记看谁记得快。 1.未出席;未出现v. 2.锁;锁住v. 3.简单的;简易的adj. 4.叫某人起床 5.乘客n. 6.地址n. 7.短信 8.一对;

2、两个n. 。 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.-你不能和我们一起去我很难过。 - 我也是。 - I m sorry that you can t go with us. - . 2.我的闹钟很响,当然能叫我起床. My alarm clock rings it will certainly 3.两周后见。 See you weeks. 课堂导学 1 So am I ,but I can t miss two weeks of school. 我也是但我不能两周都不上学。 句型 1: so+助动词 /连系动词 /情态动词 +主语 . , 也一样 so+助动词 /连系动词 /情态动词 +主语, 意

3、为“ , 也一样”,表示前者的情况同样适合后者, 其时态应和上一句保持一致,前后两个句子的主语指不同的人或物。 -We went camping last week. 上周我们去野营了 -.我们一家人也去了 Tom will go to the cinema tonight ,and 。 汤姆今晚将去看电影,凯特也去。 拓展 :So+主语 +助动词 /连系动词 /情态动词,意为“ , 的确如此”,用于对前面事实的肯 定,前后两句主语是同一个人或同一物。 - Tom is good at swimming. 汤姆擅长游泳。 - So he is . 是的,的确如此。 即学即练 一 一、 单项选择

4、 - I really hate to go to such a noisy place. - . A. So am I B. So do I C. So have I D. So can I 2 There won t be anybody to wake you up in the morning. 早上没有人叫你起床了。 短语 1: wake sb. up 把某人叫醒,叫某人起床 wake sb. up,意为“把某人叫醒,叫某人起床”,如果sb.是人称代词,就必须放在两个词 中间,且要用宾格形式;如果sb.是名词,则既可放在两词之间,也可放在up 之后。 The alarm clock

5、at 6:30 every morning. 闹钟每天早上六点半把我叫醒 Dont.= Don t . 不要把孩子们叫醒 即学即练 二 根据汉语意思完成句子 明天早晨你能把我叫醒吗。 Can you tomorrow morning? 3. Your train is about to leave. 你们的火车马上要开了。 短语 2: be about to do sth. 即将 /正要做某事 be about to do sth.,意为“即将 /正要做某事” ,表示将要发生的事,在时间上指最近的将来。 I leave when the telephone rang. 我正要离开,这时电话响了

6、。 The new school year begin. 新学年即将开始 即学即练 三 单项选择 -Do you know when he came back? -Yes . At about twelve . I was just about to bed. A. to go B. go C. going D. went Unit 2 学习目标 一、掌握本单元actually , order,unable,turn off ,be worried about ,tidy up等单词和短语。 (重 点) 二、 看懂教材中的文章想想当父母不在身边时自己能做什么及不能做什么然后写一篇短文表 达自己

7、的观点。 自主预习 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1. The book says he died at the age of 47, but (事实上 ), he died at 43. 2. Usually Kate has only a (零食 ) at lunchtime. 3. Dont worry, son. You are (不会的 ) to do such a difficult job now. 4. The old man has an (空的 ) purse. 课堂导学 1Turn off the TV! 把电视关掉。 短语 1: turn off 关掉;关闭(设备) t

8、urn off ,意为“关掉;关闭(设备)”,其反义词组为turn on( 打开 )。 turn off 是“动词 +副 词”结构,如果后接代词作宾语,代词要放在短语中间。如果后接名词作宾语,名词可放在 短语中间,也可放在off 后。 I want to sleep for a few more minutes . Please the alarm clock. 我想再睡几分钟。请把闹钟关了。 The TV is on. Dont forget to before you go out . 电视开着。外出前别忘了要关掉。 拓展 :turn down 与 turn up 的用法 (1) turn

9、 down ,意为“关小,调低(音量)”。 Its so noisy . Turn down the radio. 这么吵把收音机音量调小点儿. (2) turn up,意为“开大,调高(音量)”。和turn down 是一对反义短语. Turn the radio up so that the students can hear clearly. 请将收音机音量调大点儿以便学生能听清楚 即学即练 一 单项选择 Will you please the TV? I want to see the Animal World. A. turn off B. turn down C. turn on

10、D. turn up 2. I had to hurry to school without breakfast , but I was still late. 我不得不没吃早餐就匆匆忙忙去学校但我仍然迟到。 短语 2: hurry to + 地点匆匆忙忙去某地 hurry 作动词,意为“匆忙,急忙”。“ hurry to+ 地点”表示“匆匆忙忙去某地”,hurry to do sth. 意为“赶紧 /匆忙做某事”。 The boy school. 这个男孩匆忙赶到学校。 When I saw the thief stealing the wallet from a man , I to th

11、e police. 当我看到那个小偷正在偷一个人的钱包时,我急忙报了警。 拓展 :hurry up,意为“赶快,快点”,通常用于口语。 Hurry up , or we ll be late again. 快点否则我们又要迟到了. 即学即练 二 根据汉语意思完成句子 如果你再不快点我们就赶不上火车了。 We ll miss the train if you dont. 3. The teacher asked me for my homework, but I could not hand it in. 老师向我要家庭作业但我没能交作业。 短语 3: hand in 提交 ;上交 hand i

12、n 是动副短语,意为“提交,上交”,如果后接代词作宾语,代词应放在短语的中间; 如果后接名词作宾语,名词可放在短语中间,也可放在in 后。 Please / before school is over. 放学之前请把你们的作业交上来 Every student has to after visiting. 参观之后每个学生都必须把它交上来 即学即练 三 一、 单项选择 - Please the paper , Jimmy ! - But I haven t checked it yet , Mr Black. A. hand in B. take out C. look at D. go th

13、rough 二、根据汉语意思完成句子 交卷前你应仔细检查你的答案。 You should check your answers carefully before you your paper. 4. With an empty stomach, I was unable to play basketball with my classmates! 由于饿着肚子,我没法和我的同学们一起打篮球。 单词 1: unable 不会的 ,不能的 unable 为形容词,意为“不会的,不能的”,是able 的反义词, be unable to do sth.意为“不 能做某事”,相当于can t do s

14、th.。be able to do sth.意为“能够做某事”。 I swim though my father swims very well. 尽管我父亲游泳很好,我不会游泳。 Jack remember many things when he was very young. 当杰克很小的时候他就能记住很多的东西。 即学即练 四 单项选择 He was seriously injured . He lay on the ground , to stand up. A. was unable B. being not able C. unable D. being able not 5Whe

15、n my parents came home, they were happy to find that I could cook and tidy up now. 我父母回到家的时候,他们很高兴地发现我现在会煮饭和收拾房间了。 短语 4: tidy up 收拾;整理 tidy up 是由“动词 +副词”构成的短语,意为“收拾,整理”,其后可接名词或代词作宾语。 后接名词作宾语时,名词既可以置于up 前,也可置于up 后接代词作宾语时,代词只可位于 up 前。 The desk I s so dirty . I must just a bit . 这张桌子太脏了。我必须得稍微收拾一下。 即学即

16、练 五 根据汉语意思完成句子 我经常帮助我妈妈收拾房间。 I often help my mum to the room. Unit 3 学习目标 掌握运用so that引导的结果状语从句和although / though 引导的让步状语从句。(重点) The work was so difficult that he couldn t finish it on time. I can look after myself , although it won t be easy for me. 自主预习 根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.老亨利是如此孤独,以至于他每天都想知道一些特别的事。 Old

17、Henry is he hopes to know about something special every day. 2.即使天气不好,我们也要进行一次旅行。 We ll make a trip the weather is bad. 课堂导学 1.They are all in a hurry to get to the airport , so they forget Kevin and he is left alone at home by accident. 他们全都匆匆忙忙去了机场,所以他们把凯文忘了把他意外地独自留在了家里。 短语 1: by accident 偶然地 ;意外地

18、 by accident 为副词短语,意为“偶然地;意外地”,在句中常用于动词后作状语,其同义短 语为 by chance。 I hurt my leg last week. 上个星期我不小心伤着腿了。 I found my card in the library. 我意外地在图书馆里找到了我的卡片 即学即练 一 根据汉语意思完成句子 哥伦布偶然发现了美洲大陆。 Columbus discovered America . 2.But later on ,be goes out and hears two bad men called Harry and Mary planning to ste

19、al from his house. 但是后来他出去时听见两个叫哈里和马弗的坏人打算去他家偷东西。 单词 1: hear 听见;听到 hear 作动词,意为“听见;听到”,强调听的结果。其常用结构: hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事 hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做某事 I at the door. 我听到有人在敲门 I in her room last night. 昨晚我听到露西在她的房间里哭泣。 即学即练 二 单项选择 I often hear Linda this song. I heard her it when you phoned me a

20、moment ago. A. singing ; singing B. singing ; sing C. sing ; sing D. sing ; singing 语法规律总结 结果状语从句和让步状语从句 一、结果状语从句 1. sothat意为“如此, 以至于 , ”,so 后接形容词或副词的原级,表示程度,that 引导的是结果状语从句. The book is so expensive that I can t afford it . 这本书如此贵,以至于我买不起 This story was so convincing that hundreds of people believe

21、d it . 它这个故事如此令人信服,以至于成百上千的人相信了它。 2.在 sothat 句型中, 当 that 引导的结果状语从句是一个肯定句时,可以与 enough to 互 换;当 that 引导的结果状语从句是一个否定句时,可以与tooto互换。 Miss Gao asked a question, it was so easy that everybody could answer it . = Miss Gao asked a question ,it was easy enough for everybody to answer. 高老师问了个问题。这个问题太简单了,以至于大家都

22、会回答。 这架相机太贵了,我买不起。 二、让步状语从句 1. although/though 作连词,意为“虽然”,引导让步状语从句。 Although / Though it is snowing , it is not very cold . 虽然正下着雪,可并不太冷。 2. although/though 引导让步状语从句时,不能与but 同时使用 ,但可以与yet ,still 连用。 Though my uncle doesn t have much money ,(yet )he is very happy. 虽然我叔叔没有很多钱,但是他很开心。 He is very busy , but he is very happy . 虽然他很忙,但是他很开心。 即学即练 单项选择 1. Teresa is nervous she can t talk in front of the class. A. such ; that B. too ; to C. so ; that D. / ; but 2. the girl is young , she can make money herself. A. Although B. Since C. Even D. If


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