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1、中考英语阅读理解全攻略 一、 “选择型”阅读理解篇 “ 选择式 ” 阅读理解是最普通的阅读理解题。具体来讲主要针对以下几个方面进行考查: 1、文章的个别词或句子;2、文章的某个细节或情节;3、文章的主题; 4、文章的结论或结 局; 5、文章内涵的隐义或寓意等。 做这类阅读理解题时,我们也要注意一些技巧: 1、首先看短文的开头和结尾,从而确定短文的题材,预测短文内容。每段的第一句话 也往往会提供重要信息,可以帮助我们搜索各段落乃至整篇文章的大意。 2、速读全文,整体理解短文大意。阅读时要抓住关键词语,把握它们之间的相互关系, 弄清文章的大意。 3、根据已知的短文内容,着手解题。可先将后面的试题预

2、览一边,然后带着问题再去 阅读, 边阅读边解题。 这样做一方面有助于对文章的进一步理解,另一方面可以有针对性地 从文章中寻找答案。 4、迅速复读短文,检查自己的理解是否正确,所选答案前后是否矛盾。提高全面考虑, 最后确定答案。 为了帮助大家理解、应用,请看2006 年成都市中考试题: Some teenagers think that newspapers are boring and only for adults. But that s not true. There are many interesting stories in the paper. You just need to m

3、ake clear what you are looking at. “ I spend about half an hour reading newspapers every day,“ said 15 -year-old Gao Ming from Beijing. “ I m interested in things happening at school.” School news is just one kind of news story in newspapers. There s also world news: from international problems to p

4、op stars. Read the newspaper carefully, we ll find different types of articles on the pages: News stories these stories are about events. Reporters try to show all points of a story to help readers understand what happened. Reporters try to speak to as many people as possible. They also use pictures

5、 and numbers to show the readers that the stories are true. The newspaper has lots of news stories on the news page and front page. When we read them, we learn more about the facts, not the writers ideas. Opinion writing opinion writing is usually about something happening right now. But it isn t ju

6、st facts. Here writers add their own opinions to the news. Writers pick only the facts that help back up their ideas. They make readers believe that they are telling the truth. This is usually the kind of story that gets people thinking. Go to “ Speak Out ” on Page Two for an example of opinion writ

7、ing in Teenagers. Advertisement Don t get happy too early when you read them. Those sweet words and lovely pictures are just ways to get us interested in their products! People have to pay to put advertisements in newspapers! 1. The underlined sentence “ You need to make clear what you are looking a

8、t. ” means that the readers “ _ ”. A. should understand interesting news stories B. ought to know which kind of things to read C. need to look at the school news first D. must know the contents of all the news 2. Writers use some facts in opinion writings because they want us _ their opinions. A. to

9、 understand B. to remember C. to agree with D. to speak out 3. We can not find the facts of an event _ A. in advertisements B. in the school news C. in opinion writing D. on the front page 4. In the writer s opinion, we d better be _ advertisements in newspapers. A. interested in B. against C. worri

10、ed about D. careful of 5. This passage mainly discusses how _. A. reporters write different kinds of news B. teenagers get interested in newspapers C. readers can read newspapers in better ways D. readers can deal with different kinds of news in newspapers 从命题形式来看,这是一篇典型的“ 选择式 ” 阅读理解题; 从短文的首句可初步判断,这

11、 是一篇与报纸有关的说明文。众所周知, 报纸在现实生活中有不可替代的作用。本文就记述 了报纸上经常出现的三类文章,即news stories, opinion writing, advertisement 。 第 1 题是词义猜测题。由第一段 “There are many interesting stories in the paper.”和高明所 说的话 “I m interested in things happening at school.”可知 “You need to make clear what you are looking at ”的意思是 “ 你应该弄清楚你正在读什么”

12、 ,即 “ 你应该知道要读哪方面的内容” 。故 正确答案为B。 第 2 题是细节理解题。由短文第四段“They make readers believe that they are telling the truth.”一句可直接选出正确答案为C。 第 3 题是细节理解题。分析比较四个选项,可以运用排除法选出正确答案为A。 第 4 题是推理判断题。做这类题我们要将表层信息和深层信息结合起来通盘考虑,领 会其深层涵义从而找到不言自明的结论或答案,这种推理判断一定要以文章所提供的事实为 依据, 不能凭空设想,这样才能得出合理的推断。如本题,综合分析短文最后一段即知道作 者对广告的观点 不要轻易相信

13、,要当心。故确定D 为正确答案;而其它三个选项均不 符合题意。 第 5 题是主旨归纳题。通读全文,即可以发现B 选项不符合短文内容,先排除;而A、 D 两个选项都比较片面,且不是作者写这篇文章的真正目的。故正确答案为C。 二、 “判断正误型”阅读理解篇 “ 根据短文内容, 判断正误 ” 是中考阅读理解中常考题型之一。做此类题前, 考生要先读 懂短文,理解短文的大意和脉络,然后依据短文内容对试题后所给出的句子进行是非判断。 对每一道题进行判断时,一定要从文章的具体段落或句子中找到依据,并进行认真比较分析, 不能凭印象想当然。对有些似是而非的句子,一定要认真识别,只有完全符合文章意思的方 可判定为

14、正确。 那些基本意思相符,却仍有某一点不符合的应判定为错误。有些正误判断题 要从西方语言文化及历史背景入手,因此多了解英美文化背景和习俗可以提高答题的正确 率。 为了帮助考生理解和记忆,请看下面的2006 年陕西省中考试题: Sally was fourteen. She studied in a middle school. She liked dancing and singing and spent a lot of time on them. But she hated maths and even decided to give it up. Her father was anxio

15、us (焦虑 ) about it. It was Sunday. Sally s father gave a call to his sister who taught maths in another school. He hoped she would come and tell his daughter how to learn maths. The woman came and said, “ You are a clever girl, Sally. I m sure you will soon learn maths well if you do your best.” “ I

16、m afraid I can t, Aunt,” said Sally. “ Girls can t be good at maths.” “ I don t think so,” said the woman. “ I was good at it when I was a girl. You must do more exercises and try different ways to practise doing maths problems until you work them out or at least understand them better. Here is a ma

17、ths problem. Please think it over and see if you can work it out.” “ OK,” said the girl. “ Let me try.” About an hour later Sally took the exercise book to her aunt and said, “ I ve tried several times and worked out the problem at last!“ “ Welldone! ” her aunt looked at her answer and said happily,

18、 “ Now you see, maths is not as difficult as you thought.” 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 1. Sally tried her best to learn maths but could not learn it well. 2. Sally spent much more time in singing and dancing than in learning maths. 3. Her aunt didn t think that girls could be good at maths. 4. The father ask

19、ed his sister to teach his daughter how to learn maths. 5. Sally worked out the problem at last 通读全文,可知本文叙述了Sally s aunt 如何教她学数学的故事,这是一篇典型的记叙 文。答案和解析如下: 1. B 推理判断题。通读全文,由第一段可知“ Sally 并没有尽力去学数学” ,所以并不能 判断她学不好数学。故本题错误。 2. A 细节理解题。由短文第一段“ She liked dancing and singing and spent a lot of time on them. ”

20、可直接判断本题正确。 3. B 细节理解题。 由 Sally s aunt所说的 “ I don t think so,”和“ I was good at it when I was a girl.”可知 Sally s aunt 认为 “ 女孩也可以学好数学” ,故本题正确。 4. A 细节理解题。由第二段“ He hoped she would come and tell his daughter how to learn maths. ”可知本题正确。 5. A 细节理解题。仔细阅读短文的最后两段可判断本题正确。 星沙英语网 三、 “回答问题型”阅读理解篇 “ 问答式 ” 阅读理解是以非

21、选择题形式出现的阅读理解题型之一,也是中考及歌各类英语 考试中的常考题型之一。这类试题的题目相对比较容易,只要根据问句意思在短文中找到相 关信息,然后组织语言,以完整的句子或省略句作出回答即可。如: TV PROGRAMME 1821 FEBRUARY 根据表格及图画内容,回答下列问题。 1. When is “ Life Under Water” on? _ 2. What time does “ Football in Action” start? _ 3. When are the most sports programmes shown, during the week or at t

22、he weekend? _ 4. How many days is “ The Old West” shown at the cinema? _ 5. When is “ Action Robot” going to be shown? _ 本题是个图表题,要求我们根据图表中的信息回答问题, 主要介绍了二月18 日至 21 日 的电视节目。它文字简洁,信息量大,乍一看,简直令人眼花缭乱,但试题却十分简单,只 要我们找到了对应的内容,如实回答就行了。例如第1 题,在表中找到Life Under Water 相 对应的时间 “Tuesday”中的10:30,然后把它们连在一起抄下来即可,答案为At

23、 10:30 on Thursday。第 2 题,在表中找到Saturday 栏中 Football in Action相对应的时间7:00,就解 决问题了, 答案为 At 7:00 。 第 3 题是个选择性的特殊疑问句,我们只要认真比较the week 和 at the weekend 中的体育电视节目,就不能发现答案为At the weekend。第 4 和 5 题是针对下 面的那个图而出的,通过观察图画和文字信息,就可找出正确答案应分别为Three days, In March。 值得一提的是: 做该类阅读理解题时要写规范、正确的英文句子,且不能答非所问,也 不能画蛇添足;同时,要注意大

24、小写和标点符号。 星沙英语网 四、 “短文改写填空型”阅读理解篇 “ 短文改写填空式” 阅读理解是阅读理解题中比较难的一种题型,并且已逐渐成为阅读理 解题中不可忽视的一个重点题型。它要求我们必须先把短文的大意弄清楚,而且还要有较强 的概括能力。所以要想做好这种题,除了平时下功夫之外,掌握一定的技巧也是不可少的。 首先,我们在通读短文之后,对其大意要有了解;同时,我们要找出关键词句,而对于 不太重要的句子可以一带而过,不必在个别词上花太多的时间。 其次, 综览缩写后的短文,在了解其大意的同时,确定所要填写的内容,即词语或短语 是否与已知短文中的相一致。如有的属于固定搭配,有的句子是文中原句的同义

25、句,这些只 要稍加注意,就可避免出错。同时要注意动词时态、人称,名词单复数是否有误,首字母是 否大写等等。 千万不要在没有完全读懂短文时就匆匆填写单词,如果时间允许的话,一定要 慢速多读几遍,直到读懂时再确定所要填写的单词。 最后,我们还要复查、审核、校对。做完题目后,要立足整体,将改写后的文章再通读 一遍, 看看所改写的短文是否流畅,语句是否通顺,同时还要照顾到原文,看所改写的短文 是否与原文意思相符。若有疑问, 则需彻底弄清原来所填单词的错误之所在,以及新填单词 为什么正确后,方可改正。否则十之八九改错。 总之,做此类题,关键在于理解文意。具体说,要抓住短文的脉络,掌握文章的线索, 以句意

26、为小整体,灵活运用所学知识,根据短文语境,克服厌倦、畏惧和急噪的心理,认真 推敲, 确定所要填写的正确单词。随着对语篇整体理解的加深和具体情景的逐步把握,特别 是大量单词的填入,短文整体内容就会完整地再现,从而构成一个文意通达、逻辑严谨、内 容连贯、结构完整的篇章。下面请看2005 年黑龙江省课改实验区的中考试题: Sam s teacher was asking him some questions. “ Sam, what is Waterloo (滑铁卢 )? ”“ Waterloo? Oh, it is a kind of washing machine, I think.” The

27、teacher shook his head. ” Same, be serious, please. Now tell me the answer to a very, very easy question. Who was Washington?” “ Well, ” the answer came quickly, “ he must be the man who uses that washing machine.” The teacher was a little angry, but he did not give up. He thought and thought, and t

28、hen he came up with the easiest question, “ Who s the president (总统 ) of the United States now?” “ Sorry, I don t know. ” So the teacher got much angrier. He shouted, “ George W. Bush! ” Same looked around and sat down. “ Stand up!” the teacher cried. “ I didn t tell you to sit down.” Same stood up.

29、 He looked puzzled (迷糊的 ). “ Oh, I m sorry,” he said. “ I thought you were calling the next student.” Fill in each blank according to the passage you read, only one word for each blank. From the passage we know Same thought Waterloo was a kind of washing machine, and he also thought the washing mach

30、ine was (1)_ by Washington. The teacher got angry, but he didn t (2)_. He (3)_ of the easiest question. What was worse, the pupil didn t know who was the president of (4)_. He thought Bush was his (5)_. 本题要求我们根据短文内容来补全下面的这篇小短文,它主要叙述了老师对Sam 的提 问过程, Sam 的答非所问及老师的态度:摇头 有点生气 非常生气 大声叫喊。 这 五个小题的正确答案为:(1)填 used;(2)填 drop/stop; (3)填 thought;(4)填 America;(5)填 classmate。


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