要点速记Chapter 1——4.doc

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1、Chapter 1 The Greek World The Age of Alexander the GreetPolis 城邦2.城邦社会结构自由人libertinus 公民 polite 全权公民(成年男性)full-citizenship奴隶 helot 外邦人resident aliens 妇女woman贵族 aristocrat 平民 commonerLimitation(局限性)不是现代意义上的民主,而是男性公民的民主(广大妇女,奴隶,外邦移民无权利)Not in the sense of modern democracy, but full-citizenships of dem

2、ocratic (the women, helot, andresident aliens without rights)即是伟大文明的催化剂,又是社会不公的一种暴力机器。That is not only great civilization of catalyst, but also a kind of social injustice violence machine.The right of full-citizens(权利)a.political rulerland ownerc.polis defender(the hoplite phalanx重装步兵)Socrates, Plat

3、o and Aristotle(苏格拉底,柏拉图和亚里士多德)Socrates(苏格拉底)Know thyself!(认识你自己)Question everything(求索万物)Only the pursuit of goodness brings happiness(快乐从追求美德开始)b. Plato(柏拉图)The academy(雅典学院)Theory of ideas(理念论)The repubilc(理想国)Allegory of the cave(洞穴理论)Equality of man and woman(男女平等)Advocated instead the leadersh

4、ip of enlightedphilosopher-king(哲学王)who would control rather than consult the masses.Aristotole(亚里士多德)“Golden Mean”(中庸之道)everthing in moderationLogic(逻辑学)三人思想的异同Socrates:Platos teacher,advocated materialism(唯物主义),contributed more to educationand turned natrual research into human research in philoso

5、phy. He believed that in the pursuit of natural truth is endless(把哲学从研究自然转向研究自我,他认为对于自然的真理的追求是无穷尽的)Plato:Aritotles teacher,advocated idealism(唯心主义). He believed that the world is consisted of “idea of the world” and “reasonable world”Aristotle:Encyclopedic scholar, advocated materialism(唯物主义), viewe

6、d that education is country function.polysism(多神教)“Hellenistic” Greece:希腊化时代Hellenistic(希腊化)=Greek-likeAlexandar the Great(综合评价)one of the most fascinating and controversal figures of historyb. he had an active,searching mind and a great love of physical exertion(运用)he was arrogant,but maintained a

7、cool,self-control in the midst of actiond. his fame was enhanced by his ablity to inspire courage in his soldierse. he often got the jump on his enemies,outmaneuvering(以计谋获胜) them before they even knew what was going onAlexander was also exceedingly clever and acted decisively(果断的) when others hesit

8、atedg. He could anticipate success and intuitively(直觉的) knew how to cope with(处理) each situationh. He took risks and when the outcome was in doubt,defied uncertainty, and managed each situation with boldnessHe had a larger vision to bring together many races under one ruler and under one form of gov

9、ernment. His goal was to make humankind a single poepleChapter 2 The Roman RepublicOrigins,Breakdown and Rebirth1.Fouding of Rome(800BC)罗马城市的建立The legend ofRomulusandRemus2.powers of the western meditertaneanGreeks and Carthaginians(迦太基人)3.The conquest of ItalyBy 270BC,Rome had expanded to the south

10、ern tip of Italy,had succeeded in establishing contractual alliances(联盟)4.Rome and Carthage(迦太基)Power of the western mediterraneana.the carthaginians, who had established a commercial hegemony(贸易霸权) believed that the ascendant(优势的) Rome threatened their control of the ragionThe Carthaginian (Punic)

11、wars 布匿战争(三次)First Punic war- fought over Sicilian citySecond Punic war Hannibal(汉尼拔)of carthage led army across Alps into ItalyThird Punic war North Africa becomes Roman province5.罗马共和社会的表现形态Consul(执政官)代替行使国家权力,两名执政官互相牵制Senate(元老院)元老院有权批准、认可法律,并通过执政官掌管财政外交,统辖行省和实施重大宗教措施等。Assembly of the centuries(平

12、民大会)公民大会是平民可以参加的会议,负责选举公职人员和通过元老院拟定的题案,也有否决元老院题案的权力。三者之间权利相互制衡6.经济改革Tiberius GracchusMilitary ReformMarius马略 Sulla苏拉内容:Accepted soldiers into army who owned no land影响:created a professional army of soldiers who were promised land ,booty(战利品) and glory ,in return ,they gave their loyalty to their gen

13、eral rahter than to the state. the army became the focal(焦点的) point of view.The first Triumvirate(三人执政)Pompey(庞培) Crassus(克拉苏)Caesar(凯撒)内战开始的标志性事件(civil war)Caesar crosses the Rubicon(卢比肯河)、9.the eatablishment of the Augustan Principate奥古斯都元首制的建立princeps: first citizenhonorary title: Augustan通过何种方式确

14、立的奥古斯都元首制?屋大维的对内对外政策屋大维为了加强与扩大帝国统治的社会基础,特别注意提高大奴隶主阶级的地位,扩大他们的特权。屋大维对元老院进行五次清洗,把元老人数减少到600 人,并且明确规定元老出身,具备财产。元老可以担任军事长官和行省总督,执政官之类共和国遗留下来的高级长官。罗马的骑士以及意大利自治市贵族中的富豪显贵都属于骑士等级。骑士与元老有密切联系,骑士可以候补元老,元老之子在取得进入元老院的资格以前,则列为骑士。这两个等级在经过一番斗争之后,在共和制的废墟上重新联合起来,他们都在安富尊荣中享受着元首政治的恩宠,因而也大力支持元首政治,成为元首政治的主要社会基础。屋大维对平民实行又

15、镇压又笼络的两手政策:一面镇压他们的反政府暴动,一面又以所谓“面包和竞技场”,即发放救济粮、举办娱乐活动和给予各种施舍来收买他们。Chapter 3 Caesar and Christ一、亚伯拉罕信仰体系-犹太教、基督教、伊斯兰教Abrahamic Faith System:Judaism、Christianity Islam、基督教如何吸收犹太教合理部分,突破其局限(基督教的量大核心概念),达到普世 详见P62+宋文韬翻译二、罗马国教Roman State Religion and the Mystery Cults1.万神殿:Pantheon2.Roman State Religion a

16、nd the Mystery Cults(供神不供人),了解PPT四小点 The Romans did not worship licing beings, Asacrifice for the health of the emperor did not demonstrate much more than political loyalty Such practices were devoid of emotion or personal commitment Many turned to the Eastern mystery cults.3.The Prophets犹太先知a socia

17、l conscienceself-discover & self-realizationIdentityJusticeEqualityAn awareness of historical time)4.The Teachings of JesusJesus presented the ethical concpets: humuility谦卑 Charity 帮助他人 Brotherly love 博爱5.基督教的两大核心概念 罪恶:sin,sinful,sinner Crime guilt evil 救赎:salvation三、(小重点)Conflict and the developmen

18、t of the Christian Church1.Nero尼禄的迫害 P74The first emperor to persecute the Christian followers on a large scale.2.Diocletian戴克里先的迫害 P763.Constantine君士坦丁将基督教推至合法地位4.The Edict of Milan米兰赦令 基督教在公元392年 在狄奥多西大帝统治下成为罗马帝国国教四、神父Saint Augustine-the city of God传达内容,满足统治要求,由迫害到.P68 The mission of Jesus, P71 Th

19、e work of Paul,P76 The Persecution under diocletian, P83 The city of God,P85 The triump of ChristianityChapter4 ThePax Romanaand the Decline of Rome罗马和平谁建一、1. The Augustan PrincipatePrinceps:first citizenHonorarytitle:Augustus2.(政治)内容本身-元首制特征形态(共和、专制-体现在哪,民众、贵族为何能接受.详见P89页第一段,第二段自己话回答)二、Pax Romana有哪

20、些外在表象(基础设施):主要:道路road,拱桥arch,罗马圆形大剧场Colosseum,公共浴池Baths of Caracalla详见:P97 All roads lead to Rome, P101 The magnificence of the Bathss, P105-109Chapter 5 The Sword of Faith: The High Middle Ages (1100-1300)信仰之剑:中世纪盛期一、信仰时期被称为信仰时期的主要原因:a) There was no central government to keep the order. The only or

21、ganization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian church.b) The Christian church got to gain widespread power and influence.c) In the Late middle ages, almost everyone in western Europe was a Christian and a member of the Christian Church.d) Christianity took the lead in politics, law, art, a

22、nd learning for hundreds of years. It shaped peoples lives.四大事件:(1)修道院制度Monasticism:内容:真正遁世的修道士们的生活是一种禁欲主义的生活,并体现对上帝的虔诚。圣本笃的改革意在对现有问题作弥补并铲出修道士生活中的其他不当行为。他抛弃了东方修道士所强调的与世隔绝,更看重教会兄弟同经历。The monks who were true hermits their life was one of ascetic denial and personal devotion to God. Benedict moved away

23、 from the hermetic emphasis of the East in favor of a common experience among the brothers in the order.规定:书上:第一章:修道士的划分The Kinds of monks 第六章:沉默Silence 第七章:谦卑Humility 第二十二章:修道士该怎样睡觉How the monks should sleep 第三十三章:修道士不应有个人财物Monks should not have personal property 第三十八章:每周读者The weekly reader 第三十九章:食

24、量The amount of food 第四十八章:修道士们的每日劳作The daily labor of the monks 第五十八章:接受修道士的条件The way in which new members are to be receivedPPT上:The Benedictine Rule To give up all their possessions before entering the monastery. Wear simple clothes and eat only certain simple foods. Could not marry and have to ob

25、ey without questions the orders of the abbot. To attend service seven times during the day and once at midnight. To work five hours a day in the fields surrounding the monastery.(2)教俗争斗The conflict Between Religious and Secular Authority格里高利七世Pope Gregory VIIVS神圣罗马帝国皇帝亨利四世 Holy Roman Emperor Henry I

26、V结果:沃尔姆斯宗教协定 The Concordat of Worms性质:Compromise(3)英诺森三世POPE INNOCENT IIIVS英国约翰王结果:英王约翰在英诺森三世的代表面前把国土献给教廷。INNOCENT III gains the “Whole Realm of England”和约:大宪章Magna Carta(4)Crusade十字军东征目的:圣城耶路撒冷原因: The Pope wanted to increase his power Christians believed it was their duty to recover the Holy Land N

27、obles wanted to gain wealth. Adventurers sought travel and excitement Serfs hoped to escape feudal Oppression影响:Economic ChangesHistoric evidence of trade between Muslims, Byzantines, Europeans prior to CrusadesCrusades enhanced existing tradeReturning Crusaders brought more goods, spices, textiles,

28、 to EuropeIncrease in trade added to changing European economy during Middle AgesPolitical ChangesCrusades led to deaths of many knights, noblesLands left vulnerableOther ambitious nobles took control of unoccupied landsNobles then had more power, influence in EuropeSocial ChangesSome Europeans resp

29、ected other cultures, others intolerantMany viewed non-Christians as enemies, persecuted JewsHoly Land Jews saw Crusaders as cruel invadersRelations strained for centuries二、中世纪盛期1.Religion :圣母玛利亚教堂 托马斯阿奎那 Thomas Aquinas经院哲学ScholasticismSumma Theological2. Chivalric Ideals 骑士理想主义:骑士角色的英勇表象人们期待骑士们随时体现

30、出尊严和精神虔诚,尤其在女士们面前。Knights were expected to comport themselves with dignity and spiritual devotion, especially in the presence of ladies.3. Gothic style Architecture哥特式建筑特点:soared high;windows, arches and towers reaching heavenward;flinging their passion against the skybeautiful stained glasses and s

31、culptures彩绘玻璃艺术彩绘镶嵌玻璃有着神秘之处。它能捕捉光线并能通过它将基督教义鲜活表达出来。这些装饰精美的窗户通过它万花筒般的颜色表现出奉献与救赎、权力与永恒的超自然概念。There is a mystery to strained glass. It captures the light and transforms it into a living expression of doctrine. These decorates windows express the transcendental concepts of devotion and salvation, of pow

32、er and performance through a kaleidoscope of color.4.雕塑:宗教故事(男女并存)Chapter 6 I am the state! The development of absolutism in England and France“朕即国家”:专制统治在英国和法国的发展一、 英国宪政:English Constitutional Monarchy伊丽莎白一世The Elizabethan “Bargain”:Parliament:a)Would have the power to tax.b) Can debate and amend d

33、isputed bills.The Monarch:Had the royal perogative right/choice on foreign policy.斯图亚特王朝The Stuart Monarchy-詹姆斯一世James I Wanted absolute power:Parliament under the Tudors:to act on the premise that monarch and Parliament TOGETHER ruled England as a “balance polity.”Problems he faced:a)Large royal de

34、bt.b)He wasnt English.c)Believed in Divine Right of Kings.d)Pro-Catholic sympathies.e)Clashed with Parliament: raised money without Parliaments consent查理一世Charles IConstantly at war with Spain and France.Usually Parliament would give Charles from taxes to fund his wars.Periodically, Parliament would

35、 deny funds.a) In return, Charles would dissolve Parliamentb) find funds in other ways: forced loans内战The civil war克伦威尔Oliver Cromwella)Primary architect of the New Model Armyb)Led the army that defeated royal forces and now controlled the government.-The “Rump Parliament”尾闾议会6)光荣革命The “Glorious” Re

36、volution: 1688u Joint rulers: James IIs daughter Mary & her husband, William of Orange.u Protestant7)权利法案English Bill of Rights :1689It settled all of the major issues between King & Parliament.a) Parliament was responsible for all the law making;b) The king should levy no money except by grant of P

37、arliament;c) The king should not keep a standing army in time of peace without consent of Parliament.It served as a model for the U. S. Bill of Rights.It also formed a base for the steady expansion of civil liberties in the 18cand early 19cin England.8)二、法国1.路易十四Louis XIV:One King, One Law, One Fait

38、h2.凡尔赛宫Chteaux de Versailles功能性:The royal court at Versailles served 3 purposes simultaneously:a)it was the personal home of the kingb)the location of the central governmentc)the place where powerful subjects came to find favors and offices for themselves and their clients, as well as the main arena

39、 where aristocrats vied for power and royal favors.Chapter 7 “Dare to Know!”(Immanuel Kant康德提出的口号):The Scientific Revolution一 记人名:1Nicolaus Copernicus哥白尼Sun-centered universe 日心说On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres天体运行论2Galileo Galileo伽利略Early practitioner of the experimental methodMathematica

40、l formula for acceleration of falling objectsHis discoveries using the telescope 望远镜3Francis Bacon培根科学实证学之父Father of the Scientific RevolutionEmphasis on practical, useful knowledgeNew attitude toward nature4Ren Descartes笛卡尔I think, therefore I am. 我思故我在。Significance of DoubtThe Deductive MethodFath

41、er of “analytical geometry” 解析几何5Isaac Newton牛顿A great synthesizer 集大成者Blends inductive and deductive methodsArgues for a universe governed by natural laws二The influence of Newtons theory1 The theory demonstrated that the universe is governed by laws instead of divine will and the laws could be unde

42、rstood by human mind.2 It gradually established mens belief in natural laws and universal order as well as their confidence in human reason.三Consequences(科学革命的深远影响)The modern scientific methodA universe ordered according to natural lawsLaws discovered by human reason“De-Spiritualized” and de-mystifi

43、ed the UniverseMechanical View of the UniverseDeistic View of GodChapter 8 The Enlightenment and the Revolution of the Mind一Enlightenment as an Intellectual Movement启蒙运动的性质(The Age of Reason)理性时期The Enlightenment was aprogressiveintellectualmovement going onthroughout Europein the18th century, origi

44、nating inFrance.二启蒙运动的特征ProgressiveRationalisticHumanistic worldview三Key IdeasDistrust of Tradition and Revealed ReligionScientific method could be applied to society as wellSociety can get better as risks are takenMan is naturally goodGood life is on earth四Famous Enlightenment Thinkers1John Locke约翰

45、洛克An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 人类理解论2 Voltaire伏尔泰Treatise on Toleration 论大宽容3Diderot狄德罗Encyclopedia 百科全书4Baron de Montesquieu孟德斯鸠-The Spirit of the Laws论法的精神-Power must check power-Admires British government-French parlements must be defenders of liberty-Influence in the US-Montesquieus 3

46、 basic kinds of governmentrepublics共和政体, for small states and based on citizen involvement;monarchy君主政体, for middle-sized states and grounded in the ruling classs adherence to law;despotism 专制统治, for large empires and dependent on fear to inspire obedience.-separation of powers三权分裂the greatest freedom and security for a state :separation of powe


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