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1、.精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 19 人教版高二英语必修5 全册教案 The Sixth Perid riting Teahing gals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 重点词汇与短语 suggest, persuade, bservatin, ntributins, ahieve, devte . t 2. Ability gals 能力目标 Enable the students t learn the way f persuasive writing and desriptive writing. 3

2、. Learning ability gals 学能目标 Learn hw t write a persuasive writing and a desriptive writing. Teahing iprtant pints教学重点 Help the students t learn t write a persuasive writing and a reprt. Teahing diffiult pints教学难点 Hw t write a reprt abut a sientist and his / her b. Teahing ethds 教学方法 Task-based ativ

3、ities. .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 2 / 19 Teahing aids 教具准备 A puter and a pretr. Teahing predures ways 教学过程与方式 Step Presentatin Task 1: Suarize the way f writing a reprt. T: Nw lass, if we want t write a reprt abut a sientist, what ntents shuld we inlude? S1: The life f the sientist, su

4、h as his birth and death dates, his faily, his eduatin, his persnality, his ahieveents and ntributins, his key fatrs t his suess. T: yes. yu are right. And hw d we ake an utline abut it? S2: e shuld put the lleted infratin under three headlines: life, ahieveents and key t suess. Task 2: Reind the st

5、udents f the writing tehniques and writing features f a reprt. Shw the fllwing t the students. Reprt Fral language with few adetives N speeh exept qutatins Nt etinal nly ne ain harater .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 3 / 19 Fatual strutured arding t experiental ethd Past tense and passive v

6、ie Task 3: Suarize the way f persuasive writing. T: yu knw if we want t persuade sb, we always want t reasn with hi r her. e ust develp ur wn ideas and prvide se evidene t supprt ur ideas s there are always three steps t persuade sebdy else t hange his r her pint f view. an yu pint ut what the three

7、 steps are? S1: I think the first is t give yur pinin and idea. S2: The send is t give the reasns and evidene t supprt yur idea. S3: The third is t ake a nlusin. Shw the fllwing t the students. A persuasive writing Fral r infral, vivid use f language Speeh t shw feelings, reatins, et Etinal r nt eti

8、nal t desribe feelings and fats nly tw ain haraters Fatual r iaginative based n fat Reasn and persuade step by step Present tense Then ask the students t write a shrt letter as .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 4 / 19 required in Exerise 3. A saple versin: Dear Nilaus pernius, I a a student s

9、tudying histry and I wuld very uh like t read yur new thery abut the slar syste. I hpe yu will publish it fr several reasns. I understand the prbles with the present thery. The way the planets ve is nt what yu wuld expet if the earth was the entre f the universe. It is als dd that the brightness f s

10、e stars sees t hange. S I agree with yu that we need new thery. I knw yur bservatins have been very arefully arried ut ver any years. Nw yu ust have the urage t publish the. Siene an never advane unless peple have the urage f their beliefs. I knw yu wrry abut what will happen if yu publish yur new t

11、hery. N atter hw peple ppse it, tie will shw if yur ideas are right r wrng. S I hpe yu an publish yur new thery. Step riting Ask the students t write a reprt abut a sientist. Saple versins (见附件 3, 4, 5) Step Hewrk Ask the students t d the Pret n page 47. .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 5 /

12、19 附 件 1. Hw t d a siene researh A siene pret is an investigatin using the sientifi ethd t disver the answer t a sientifi prble. Befre starting yur pret, yu need t un derstand the sientifi ethd. This setin uses exaples t illustrate and explain the basi steps f the sientifi ethd. The sientifi ethd is

13、 the “tl ” that sientists use t find the answers t questins. It is the press f thinking thrugh the pssible slutins t a prble and testing eah pssibility t find the best slutin. The sientifi ethd invlves the fllwing steps: ding researh, identifying the prble, stating a hypthesis, n-duting pret experie

14、ntatin, and reahing a nlusin. Researh Researh is the press f lleting infratin fr yur wn experienes, knwledgeable sures, and data fr explratry experients. yur first researh is used t selet a pret tpi. This is alled tpi researh. Fr exaple, yu bserve a blak grwth n bread slies and wnder hw it gt there.

15、 Beause f this experiene, yu deide t learn re abut ld grwth. yur tpi will be abut fungal reprdutin. (Fungal .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 6 / 19 refers t plant-like rganiss alled fungi, whih annt ake their wn fd, and reprdutin is the aking f a new ffspring.) AUTIN: If yu are allergi t ld,

16、 this is nt a tpi yu wuld investigate. hse a tpi that is safe fr yu t d. After yu have seleted a tpi, yu begin what is alled pret researh. This researh is t help yu understand the tpi, express a prble, prpse a hypthesis, and design ne r re pret experients experients designed t test the hypthesis. An

17、 exaple f pret researh wuld be t plae a fresh laf f white bread in a bread bx and bserve the bread ver a perid f tie as an explratry experient. The result f this experient and ther researh give yu the needed infratin fr the next step identifying the prble. Prble The prble is the sientifi questin t b

18、e slved. It is best expressed as an “pen-ended ” questin, whih is a questin that is answered with a stateent, nt ust a yes r a n. Hypthesis A hypthesis is an idea abut the slutin t a prble, based n knwledge and researh. hile the hypthesis is a .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 7 / 19 single s

19、tateent, it is the key t a suessful pret. All f yur pret researh is dne with the gal f expressing a prble, prpsing an answer t it (the hypthesis), and designing pret experientatin. Then all f yur pret experienting will be perfred t test the hypthesis. D state fats fr past experienes r bservatins n w

20、hih yu base yur hypthesis. D write dwn yur hypthesis befre beginning the pret experientatin. Dnt hange yur hypthesis even if experientatin des nt supprt it. If tie perits, repeat r redesign the experient t nfir yur results. Pret Experientatin Pret experientatin is the press f testing a hypthesis. Th

21、e things that have an effet n the experient are alled variables. There are three kinds f variables that yu need t identify in yur experients: independent, dependent, and ntrlled variables. The independent variable is the variable yu purpsely anipulate (hange). The dependent variable is the variable

22、that is being bserved, whih hanges in .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 8 / 19 respnse t the independent variable. The variables that are nt hanged are alled ntrlled variables. D have nly ne independent variable during an experient. D repeat the experient re than ne t verify yur results. D ha

23、ve a ntrl. D have re than ne ntrl, with eah being idential. D rganize data. Pret nlusin The pret nlusin is a suary f the results f the pret experientatin and a stateent f hw the results relate t the hypthesis. If yur results d nt supprt yur hypthesis: DN T hange yur hypthesis. DN T leave ut experien

24、tal results that d nt supprt yur hypthesis. D give pssible reasns fr the differene between yur hypthesis and the experiental results. D give ways that yu an experient further t find a slutin. If yur results supprt yur hypthesis: .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 9 / 19 yu ight say, fr exaple,

25、 “As stated in y hypthesis, I believe that light is nt neessary during the gerinatin f bean seeds. y experientatin supprts the idea that bean seeds will gerinate withut light. After seven days, the seeds tested were seen grwing in full light and in n light. It is pssible that se light reahed the n l

26、ight ntainers that were plaed in a dark lset. If I were t iprve n this experient, I wuld plae the n light ntainers in a light-prf bx and / r wrap the in light-prf aterial, suh as aluinu fil.” 2. n wen sientists : A speeh in the Internatinal ens Day en thu hast enirled the wrld s heart with the depth

27、 f thy tears as the sea has the earth. en in yur laughter yu have the usi f the funtain f life. The essage is lear; it is inspiring and presents a deep philsphy. en wuld be the hange agent in this fast ving wrlds si-eni senari. e have assebled here tday t elebrate the Internatinal ens Day and als th

28、e year f Epwerent f en. .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 10 / 19 . ada urie wh gt the Nbel Prize ust after tw years f establishent f the Nbel Fundatin first in 1903 in Physis when she shared it and then the send ne in 1911 in heistry, reated a histry by winning tw Nbel Prizes in a span f 8 y

29、ears. I a sure, the grup here is aware f the diffiult nditins and labratry arrangeents under whih she wrked and yet, she exelled. Bitehnlgists an never frget the wrk f Drthy rwft Hdgkin n rystallgraphy leading t the struture f the iprtant bilgial rystals. She wn the Nbel Prize in heistry in 1964. Th

30、e wrk f Barbara lintk, a genetiist wn her the Nbel Prize in 1983. ust as sene said: “Develping untries that have ade rearkable sial prgress, have dne s priarily thrugh the epwerent f wen, whih has had enrus ipat in ters f literay, health and eni well being f failies.” hat we need t d is t ensure the

31、 valuable ntributin fr 50% f ur huan resure. . It is a atter f great pleasure fr all f us t see that the wen are nt nly nfined t bilgy, a subet in whih .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 11 / 19 they have been ntributing signifiantly, they are als ining the areas f physial sienes and engineeri

32、ng and perfring equally well. Sehw, in any parts f the wrld tday, siene and tehnlgy interventins have treated wen priarily as reipient f knwledge and have under estiated their iprtane as generatrs f innvatins and as a dynai agent f eni and sial hange. In epwering the wen with sientifi and tehnlgial

33、skills, wen sientists and tehnlgists have a ar rle. Bitehnlgy and bisienes inluding edial, agriulture and basi researh have pened up new pprtunities. The invlveent f wen sientists and tehnlgists in physial sienes, espeially in the Natinal Aernautis and Spae Adinistratin (NASA) dates bak t 1903, they

34、 wrked as explrers, pineers and innvatrs. By the end f the 20th entury, at least 25% f the astrnauts at NASA were wen, 16% sientists and engineers. f urse, it is extreely iprtant that wen sientists and tehnlgists are appreiated fr their dual rle in the siety while pursuing sientifi researh as a aree

35、r. They shuld als nurture and herish their qualities f ulture, passin, urage and reativity. And abve all, the perative .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 12 / 19 spirit. The five s are persnified in wen s persnality. 3. harles Drawin rigin f Speies The English sientist, harles Darwin was brn n

36、 February 12, 1809, the sae day that Abraha Linln was brn. Darwin aused a hange in thinking abut evlutin, whereas Linln aused a hange in the rle f the blak slave, allwing the blak an t be a free an in Aerian siety. Darwin s father tried t influene his sn t bee a wrthy student in shl. Hwever, harles

37、did nt like t study Latin r Greek, whih was required fr a lassial eduatin. Instead, he ade a seret labratry in his father s garden where he uld experient in heistry and physis. His headaster had a very lw pinin f his shlarly abilities. S his father deided t send hi t Edinburgh, Stland, t edial shl.

38、Hwever, harles uldnt bear the sight f surgial denstratins. ne tie, a hild was being perated n withut any painkiller r anesthesia. The hild began t srea in agny and harles ran fr the r. Thse sreas haunted his ind fr any years. Sine he failed at edial shl, his father sent hi t study thelgy at hrists h

39、urh at abridge University. .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 13 / 19 Hwever, in his wn wrds, he said his tie was sadly wasted “ in playing, drinking, singing, flirting and ard playing.” But he fund a siene prfessr there wh reended he sail as a naturalist n the ship alled hte Beagle. This ship

40、 wuld travel fr 5 years explring Suth Aeria and the Galapags Islands ff the ast f Euadr in the Paifi ean. n these islands, he bserved the wrlds largest turtles, the iguana lizards, and finhes, a type f bird. These birds were n different islands and varied fr eah ther, espeially in their beaks. Darwi

41、n tk any ntes n this lng adventure. hen he returned t England, his bdy was brken and he was essentially ill fr the rest f his life. Hwever, he ae t the interesting nlusin that ertain finhes adapted better t their envirnent in a press alled natural seletin. Thse speies re fitted t their envirnent wul

42、d be the nes st likely t breed and sueed in prduing the next generatin. In 1859, he wrte n the rigin f Speies, whih beae the st signifiant bk ever written n the thery f evlutin. His ideas have had re influene than anyne nerning hw .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 14 / 19 living speies develp

43、ed ver tie. Questins 1. Darwin failed in the three shls f _. A. Siene, Philsphy, ediine B. the lassis, ediine, Thelgy . Histry, Siene, ediine D. the lassis, Language, Religin 2. Darwins thery f evlutin ae fr his study f _. A. giant turtlesB. finhes . iguana lizards D. any anials 3. n the rigin f Spe

44、ies is abut _. A. sientifi disveries B. very ld life frs . develpent ver tie D, anial desriptins key: 1-3 BB 4. arie urie Radiu and Radiativity arie urie (1867 1934) was brn in Pland. Her parents gave her the nae anya Skladwska. She adired her father wh was a iddle shl teaher f physis in the ity f a

45、rsaw. .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 15 / 19 Her ther was an exellent pianist and se have said she reeived her brains fr her father and her gd hand -rdinatin fr her ther. She studied very hard and wn the gld edal fr aadei wrk in her high shl. It was the third tie a eber f her faily f fur h

46、ildren had wn the first plae prize. At this tie, Pland was ntrlled by Russia. Her father wanted freed fr his untry and when he vied his pinins, he lst his teahing b. He never regained a b with a gd salary again, s his faily beae very pr. Her ther died when she was ten years ld. ithut ney, it was dif

47、fiult fr the bright Skladwska hildren t g t llege. arie s lder sister Brnya wanted t study at the Srbnne, a Frenh university in Paris. arie ffered t wrk as a gverness t pay fr her sisters eduatin if Brnya wuld help arie after her graduatin. This did ur and arie started llege at the Srbnne at the age

48、 f 25. ne day a Plish prfessr was visiting Paris and arie ae t his apartent. The yung prfessr Pierre urie als was there. He was the head f the university library f heistry and physis. The tw beae friends and later arried. .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 16 / 19 They did their researh tgethe

49、r. They disvered tw new radiative eleents in pithblenderes. They were alled plniu and radiu. They islated the pure eleents in 1902 and reeived the Nbel Prize fr Physis in 1903. In April 1906, Pierre slipped n wet paveent and was killed when a heavy truk ran ver hi. arie was deeply saddened. Hwever, she tk her husbands psitin as a prfessr at the Srbnne and ntinued her researh. She was the first wan in Frane t bee a prfessr in a university. arie gave the nae radiativity t the penetrating pwer f ertain types f waves. In 1911,


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