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1、1 Unit 6 Go West Teaching aims: to learn the words and phrases in this unit Important and difficult points: perseverance, quit ,apply,add, assessment, etc. Teaching procedures: Step I Greetings Step II words and explanation 1.perseverance 1). n. _ e.g. 我们的学习需要持之以恒。_ 2). v. _ e,g He persevered with h

2、is work _ 2. quit (_, _, _) 1). He quitted Paris after a week 2). He has not quit smoking, but is holding down to three cigarettes a day 3). She finally quit herself of fear. vt._ _ _ vi. 离开,迁出;停止 e.g. 如果他不付房租,他将被通知搬出去。 _ 都快 5 点了,该下班了。 _ 3. apply vi. 1) apply for _ e.g. She wants to apply for a job

3、here. _ 他已申请在英国供职。_ 向政府申请财政资助apply _ the government _financial help )起作用;适用(to) e.g. This rule applies to freshmen only. _ vt. 1) 应用;实施 ; 使起作用;适用 e.g. Apply laser to an operation _ 句型 _ e.g. 这条规则并不是在每种情况下都能适用的。 _ cf.: 我们应把两种理论都运用到语言教室中去。 We should _ both theories_the language classroom. 我们应把两种理论都运用到

4、语言教室中的研究上去。 We should_both theories_the study_ the language classroom. 2 2). “ _” , 短语结构:_ e.g. He applied himself to French study. The new comer _ the job. Students should _ their study. 3). “ _” e.g. A nurse is applying some medicine to his wound. 4.add vt. “ _ ” 1) Would you like to add something

5、 to coffee? 2) If you add 5 and / to 3, you get 8. 3) He added that they were very pleased with the result. 相关短语: 1)_ “ 加起来 ” e.g. Please _ the figures _ / _. 2)_ “ 总计达; _” . e.g.The expenses _ fifty. All he said _ his disagreement. 3)_ “ 增添,增加 ” e.g. The green belts _the beauty of the school. add f

6、uel to the fire _ 5.circumstance n. 环境;情况。 通常用 _ in the present s under/ in the s _ _ _, I ll go abroad to study. 在此情况下,既然这样 6.归纳类似短语: lose heartlose ones heart to 7.assessment : n. He made a careful assessment of the situation._ vt. _ 1)_ 常和 _ 连用 这财产的价值估定为一百万元。_ )确定(税、罚款、赔偿金等)的金额 assess damage afte

7、r an accident _ )对 进行估价,评价 现在来评价新法规的效果为时尚早。_ 8. Take it / things easy _ 3 _ 尊敬某人;重视; 认真对待 , 当真 9. keep up _ _ e.g. They lead an active life to keep up their body temperature. Will the weather keep up? 比较: _ “_” e.g. She likes to_the latest fashion He walked so fast that she couldn t _him. mon sense常

8、识,情理= general knowledge 幽默感 /美感 /羞耻心_ 通情达理的人 ,有理智的人 _ 11. nail_ finger-nail / toe-nail _ 注意: The two girls are fighting tooth and nail. _ 12. beyond prep. (表 _)在 的那边远于 ;(表_)迟于; (表 _)超出;(用于 _)除 以外 e.g. Let s go beyond the mountain. Some shops keep open beyond midnight. That is beyond my power/reach.

9、I know nothing of it beyond what he told me. 请仿照例句翻译: (过了桥 100 米), _ , and you ll find the school on the right. He is such a naughty boy _. ( 我怎么都管不了) This problem is _ _ me. (我不能理解) Don t stay up beyond 10 o clock at night. _ 除了那个旧房子,他什么也没有。_ 13. leave behind _; _ e.g. I ve left behind my hat on th

10、e chair. He left a great fame / a large fortune behind (him). c.f. leave / let alone _ 14. burden n. _ 重负,重担;负担,沉重的责任 e.g.The old man bent with a heavy burden on his back._ She _ ( 担负着照看 的责任 )her sick mother. 4 The boy was_his family. ( 一个负担 ) vt._ e.g.The government burdened the nation with heavy t

11、axes. _ Senior middle school students were _( 课务很重 ) 他吃力地捧着一大捆杂志。_ 15. desperate_ , adv 是: _ e.g. The desperate thief shot at the policeman. He was desperate when he lost all his money. He is desperate to pass the entrance exam. 归纳 : _; _; _ 翻译 : 一个亡命之徒_ in desperate need of _ He was desperate _ fam

12、e. _ 16. accustomed _ _ accustome _ _ be / get / become accustomed to = be/get/become used to e.g. I am accustomed to_/_( 冷天气 /走远路 ) 翻译:他很快就习惯了这种新的生活方式。 _ _ 17. reliefn U. vt. 1) (指税, 压迫,痛苦, 烦恼等的)减轻, 解除 Will this medicine give immediate relief from pain? 2)轻松,宽心,慰籍 Hearing the news, he breathed a si

13、gh of relief. _ 3)救济(难民等); 救济品;救济金( a relief fund 救济基金) Relief was flown to the flood-hit areas. _ 4) vt. a drug that relieves headaches 一种缓解头痛的药 Let me relieve you _. 让我把你的重包裹解下来吧。 relieve sb. _ 消除某人的忧虑 relieve the people_ flood-stricken area 救济水灾区的人们 18. stake be at stake 在危险中 = _ 19. go for 为去; 努力获取 ; _; _ go for a book / a walk / a job She doesnt go much for men of this type/ morden art. Britain has a high level of unemployment-but the same goes for many other countries. 5 She is going for the world record in the high jump. Step III Consolidation Step IV Homework


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