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1、http:/ 有些名词只用作单数,如:machinery, furniture, mankind, jewellery; 有些名词既可用作单数又可用作复数,单数看做整体, 复数看做集体的各个成员。如: The crew is large.船员人数很多(指整体);The crew are all tired.船员们都累坏了(个 体) 。 2、不可数名词的数 (1)一般说来抽象名词为不可数名词,但当抽象名词表示具体的东西时,可用作可 数名词且词义发生变化,主要类型如下: 抽象名词表示具有某种特性、状态、感情情绪的人或事。如: 抽象名词(不可数)具体化(个体名词,可数名词) in surprise惊

2、讶地 a surprise一件令人惊讶的事 win success获得成功 a success一个 ( 件) 成功的人 ( 事) win honor赢得荣誉 an honor一个 ( 件) 引以为荣的 ( 事) Failure(失败 )is the mother of success a failure失败者 失败是成功之母。 by experience靠经验 an experience一次经历 youth 青春 a youth一个青年人 have pity on sb.怜悯某人 a pity可惜的事情 with pleasure乐意 a pleasure乐事 抽象名词与a(an) 连用,淡化

3、了抽象概念,转化为似乎可以体验到的动作、行为或 类别。如: A knowledge of English is a must in international trade. Would you like to have a walk(swim, bath, talk)with me? It is waste of time reading such a novel. She made an apology to her mother for her wrong doings. (2) 物质名词是不可数名词,但表示数量或种类之多时,可以用作可数名词。如: 物质名词有形或数的相应物体,有单、复数。

4、如:some coffee一些咖啡, a coffee 一杯咖啡,three coffees三杯咖啡,some drink一些饮料 , a drink一杯饮料,three drinks 三杯饮料, his hair他的头发, a few grey hairs几根白发, glass 玻璃, a glass一只 玻璃杯。 物质名词有前置后置修饰时,前面要使用不定冠词。 have breakfast The road is covered with snow. have a wonderful breakfast They have a heavy snow every year. Time and

5、 tide wait for no man. We had a wonderful time last night. (3) 有复数形式的不可数名词 http:/ &3& 有些抽象名词往往以复数形式出现,起到一种丰富语言感情色彩或强调某种特殊状 态的作用。如: Use your brains, please. They have smoothed away the difficulties. Have you made preparations for tomorrows meeting? Many thanks for your kindness. No pains, no gains. A

6、fter many failures, they finally succeeded. 有些物质名词以复数形式出现,表示数量之多,范围之广。如: The boy burst into tears at the bad news. The rising waters did a lot of harm to the crops. The stone bridge broke down in heavy rains. 3. 名词所有格 (1) “s”所有格的特殊表示形式有: 用于表示时间、距离、价格、重量等的名词后,如:today s newspaper,five minuteswalk(driv

7、e),five poundsweight, tend ollarsworth of coffee。 用于表示国家、 世界、城市等地方的名词后。如:the earth s planet, the words population, Chinas industry, New Yorks parks 。 (2) “of ”所有格的特殊表示方式有: 表示“部分”时,一般在所修饰的名词前有一个表示数量的词(a、two、several 、 some、no、many等) ,如: Some students of Mister Zhangs have gone to college. 张老师的一些学生已经上大

8、学了。 表示“其中之一,其中一部分”的意思时,用:a friend of Toms 汤姆的一个朋友(许多朋友中的一位)。 表示赞扬、批评或厌恶等感情色彩时,应该用:that/this/these/ those + 名词(单、复数) of Mary s/yours/his/hers。如: That invention of hers belongs to the world. 她的那项发明是属于全世界的(表 赞赏)。 4、名词作定语 英语中有些名词没有其对应的同根形容词,这些名词可以直接用来作定语修饰另一个 名词。 (1)分类意义。 air pollution 空气污染 boy friend 男

9、朋友 coffee cup咖啡杯 income tax所得税 tennis ball网球 song writer歌曲作家 body language身体语言 road accident交通事故 Nobel Prize诺贝尔奖 (2)时间、地点、称呼等。 Doctor Jack杰克医生 Professor Li李教授 http:/ &4& evening school夜校 winter sleep冬眠 street dance 街舞 country music乡村音乐 village people村民 school education学校教育 China problem中国问题 (3)表目的、手

10、段、来源,所属意义。 reception desk接待台 sports field田径场 stone table 石桌color TV 彩电 weather report 天气预报 二、精典名题导解 选择填空 1. It is generally believed that teaching is _it is a science. (NMET 2001) A.an art much as B.much an art as C.as an art much as D.as much an art as 解析:答案为D。当名词前有what、so、as、too、quite 等词修饰时,其形容词被这

11、 些词修饰, 组成下列结构, 如:What a nice book! This is too heavy a box for me to carry. He is not as honest a boy as Mike. 等,应采取too/how + 形容词(副词)+ a(an) + 名词的形式。 要记住一些类似的特殊结构,并加以分析。 2. The police are offering a _to anyone who can give information about the lost key.(NMET 1999) A.price B.prize C.reward D.money 解

12、析:答案为C。price 价格,价钱; prize 奖金。项是钱,属不可数名词,题中所 要填的是“酬金,报酬”。注意正确理解名词的含义及其搭配是活用语言的基础,在复习 备考中要熟练掌握考纲中一些名词的词义、搭配、习惯等,才能更好辨析名词,从而选择 最符合句意的选项。 3.You ll find this map of great _in helping you to get round London.(NMET 1998) A.price B.cost C.value D.usefulness 解析:答案为C。本题考查特定语境中名词的词义及“be of + 抽象名词”结构。Price (价格

13、),cost (价钱, 费用,成本) 不符合题意, value 作“ quality of being useful or desirable ” 解时,常与of 搭配,在句中作表语或补语,意为“有用,有价值”。故选择 value。注意名 词词义辨异及惯用法表达,题中“of + 抽象名词”相当于该名词的形容词形式。 4.If you buy more than ten, they knock 20 pence off . A. a price B. price C. the price D. price 解析:答案为C。本题考冠词和名词。全句合理句意应是:如果你买超过10 个,他 们从(现在标

14、出的)价格上减价20 便士。此处价格是特指的定价,所以C 项最佳。 5.The journey around the world took the old sailor nine moths, the sailing time was 226 days. http:/ &5& A. of which B. during which C. from which D. for which 解析:答案为B。辨析名词语义, a distance of +数字“ , 距离”。 6.I keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the childrens. A. reach B. hand C. hold D. place 解析:答案为A。 “ out of reach”是“超出某人够得着的范围”,即“够不着”的意思, 药品应放到孩子够不到的地方。


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