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1、2012 新版人教版七年级上册英语教案 七年级(上)英语教案(共4 课时) 介休六中郭素卿 节 课 程章 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball ? 课 时 4 主 备 教 师 郭素卿 参与备 课教师 Miss 梁 授 课 教 师 郭素卿 课 型 new 三 维 教 学 目 标 知 识 技 能 1. 学会用 have 对物品的所属进行提问和回答。 2. 学会用 Let s 提建议。 3. 谈论自己喜欢的球类运动和不喜欢的球类运动及其原因。 4. 谈论怎样和自己的朋友度过一段愉快的时光。 过 程 方 法 1.运用自主、合作、探究的学习方式和任务性学习方式。 2.在活动中

2、完成我们的教学任务,获得知识、技能和情感体验,发展学 生自己的能力 情 感价 态值 度观 1. 通过自主、合作、探究性学习, 培养学生热爱运动、 热爱学习的好习惯。 2. 教育学生学会合作、学会学习。 教 学 重 点 1.have/has 的用法及一般疑问句、否定句的用法。 2.Let s 的用法 . 3.do/does 、dont /doesn t 的区别。 4. 含实义动词的一般疑问句。 。 教 学 难 点 Have /has 的区别。 Have /has 与 there be 结构的区别。 板书设计: Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball ? 1.Do you

3、 / they have ? Yes, I / they do. No, I / they dont. 2.Does he /she have? Yes, he/she does. No, he /she doesnt. 3.Let s 课后反思: The First Period (P.25 - P.26) 教师活动预设预设学生行为及设计理念补充修订 1. Greetings. 2. Presentation Show out some sports things And ask some questions like: Whats this in English? Do you have

4、a basketball ? Well,Let s play basketball. 3.look and learn New words: Soccer ball Ping-pong ball. volleyball. tennis racket etc. 4.Pairwork Ask students to pratice the conversation. Help them if necessary. 5. Ask and answer. Hello. Do you have a , ? Does she/he have a soccer ball? 6.Explain the gra

5、mmer. Do /does . Have /has. Don t /doesnt. 7.listen and complete play the tape twice and ask students to complete 2a and 2b.help them if necessary. Check the answer. 8. Make a survey 9. sum up Ask them to do some exercises in Class. Check the answers. 10.homework Tell them what to do The Second Peri

6、od (P.27 - P.28) Listen carefully then answer as much as possible . It s a basketball. Yes, I do ./No, I dont. That sounds good. Look at the things and learn the new words. Sa.Do you have a , ? Sb.Yes, I do. No,I dont. Listen and answer. Yes, I do. /No, I dont. Yes, she/he does. No, she /he doesnt.

7、Think hard and say Look and think. Listen to the tape carefully then complete them. Discuss in small groups. Make some sentences in English about sports Look and say out the answers. Write a passage about your and your 课前任务: 1. 收集有关球类运 动的图片并用英语 写出名称。 2. 找元音、划音节、 学单词。 3. 阅 读 目 标 检 测 P.85-P.86. 并完成 部分

8、习题, 课前任务: 1. 学习新单词。 1.Ask and answer Hello,What s your first name? Whats your last name? Do you have a volleyball? Let s play volleyball. Thats sounds good. 3. look and answer (3a) Ask students to answer it. 4. Pair work (3b) Make a conversation in Class. 5.look and complete SectionB.(1a and 1b) 6.

9、listen and do it(2a .2b) Play the tape twice in Class. Help them if necessary. Check the answers. 6. pairwork 2c Ask students to talk about it. 7. look and complete FIRST MAME: LAST MAME: CLASS: SPORTS YOU PLAY: 8. sum up 9. Explain the exercises ( P.87 QQ聊天室 ) ( P.88 挑战自我,一次成功。 ) ( P.89句型变奏曲 ) 10.

10、Homework Let students read out 3a then do some exercises. (P.89 /P.91 and P.94) . friends sports things on a piece of paper. Listen to the teacher then answer the questions. My first name is ,. Yes, I do. No, I dont have a volleyball. Look and read it out. Check the answers. Talk about the pictures.

11、 Look .listen and say . Write and say out the useful words. Listen to the tape then complete them . Correct their answers each other. Sa:Let s play computer games. Sb:That sounds interesting, Let s play sports! Do you play tennis?Do you play volleyball?We have many sports clubs:basketball,ping-p ong

12、,soccer,and more! Look at the exercises and explain “why”. Look and read out 3a by themselves after class. Do a few exercises. 2. 询问 2-3 个学生 所爱好的运动,并 根 据 情 况 发 出 邀 请。 3. 完成目标上的部 分习题: ( P.87 QQ 聊天室 . ( P.88 挑战自我 和 P.89 句型变奏曲 ) The Third Period( P.29) 1. Greetings. 2.Presentation Hello.Do you know? I

13、have a sports collection.I have four basketballs, nine soccer balls ,three baseballs and ten volleyballs. Do you have a sports collection? How many balls do you have ? Can you tell me ? 3.look and complete ( 3a and 3b) Ask students to look at the picture and discuss in small groups then answer the t

14、eachers questions. Check the answers . Help them if necessary. 4.Writing (3c) Ask one of students to write it down on the blackboard. Move around in the classroom,and help them if necessary. 5. Make a survey. (4) a. Do you have a TV ? Name: b. Do you have a tennis racket ? Name: c.Do you have a comp

15、uter game? Name: 6. sum up 7. Explain the exercises. Ask students to answer the questions ,help them if necessary. 8. Homework Tell students what to do. Listen and answer. Listen carefully then answer as much as possible . Ss:She has a a sports collection.She has four basketballs, nine soccer balls

16、,three baseballs and ten volleyballs. Look at the picture and answer some questions. What can you see in the picture? How many balls can you see? Write about sports things and other things you have. Think and write it down in the exercise books. Write three questions with Do you have. Find people in

17、 the class who have these things.Write their names. Look at the exercises then explain the reasons. Complete some exercises after class. 课前任务: 1. 学习新单词。 2. 调 查 家人 有 关收集的爱好, 并做好记录。 3. 完成目标检测 部分习题。 ( P.89. 综 合 填 空 P 97 B 和 P.94-P.95 ) The Fourth Period( P.30) 1. Greetings. 2. Have a dictation. Basketb

18、all/tennis/racket /baseball/soccer/volleyball/ interesting/boring/difficult/ relaxing/fun. Do you have a computer? Yes, I do. /No , I dont. Does she have a soccer ball? Yes, she does. /No, she doesnt. 3. check the homework. 4.listen and do it. Tell students what to do, then Play the tape twice . Mov

19、e around in Class. Help them if necessary. Check the answers. 5.sum up 6.writing First name: Peter Last name: Smith Age : 13 Phone number: 4785698 Family member:parents and her sister Collections:5 soccer balls.2 tennis rackets.4 baseballs. Sports you play: soccer tennis. 7.look and complete Ask stu

20、dents to explain the reasons about the exercises.help them if necessary. 8.homework Tell them what to do . Listen and answer the questions. Listen and write down on a piece of paper. Two of the students come out to write them down on the blackboard. Look at the answers carefully then Check them. Loo

21、k at page 30(3)of the book and read it out. P.94( 听力部分 ) Listen to the tape carefully then complete it,one or two students will come out to do it on the blackboard. Correct the answers each other. Look and write Check it in groups. Look at the exercises then explain “why”in class. Learn the new words about Unit 6 and complete 1a . 课前任务: 1. 复习本单元, 让家长听写学过 的单词并完成目 标所剩的习题。 2. 看书上第四页 并完成第三部分 内容。 3. 背诵3a. 小组 长检查。


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