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1、一英 1 背面還有題目 一年班座號姓名 高雄市立正兴国民中学一年级第二次段考英语科试题 代碼: 02 一、聽力測驗: 20% (Part I)根據所聽到的問題,選出最適當的回應:10% 1. (A)They like sports. (B)They don t like animals. (C)No, I don t think so. 2. (A)Yes, she likes dancing. (B)She goes to the dance club at three thirty. (C)She goes there every Monday. 3. (A)Sorry, I am lat

2、e. (B)Yes. Let s meet at 6:00 p.m. (C)Where s my watch? I can t find it. 4. (A)The computer game is interesting. (B)Oliver has a computer game. (C)Yes, Frank plays computer games every day. 5. (A)Great! My mom loves chocolate cakes. (B)My mother has to work hard. (C)I want cakes on my birthday. (Par

3、t II)根據所聽到的對話內容及問題,選出符合對話內容的答案:10% 6. (A)Her brother is in the park. (B)He is playing basketball. (C)Helen is playing with her classmates. (D)He is at the gym. 7. (A)He plays tennis on Sundays. (B)He plays soccer on Mondays. (C)He goes to the badminton club. (D)He is a baseball player. 8. (A)The pia

4、no. (B)The woman. (C)The black old car. (D)The good composer. 9. (A)Yes, they do. (B)No, they don t. (C)No, he doesn t. (D)Yes, he does. 10. (A)In the spooky house. (B)In a food shop. (C)In the White House. (D)In a shoes shop. 二、語法綜合測驗 (選出最適當的答案):30% 11. Teddy likes history very much, and he _ it ev

5、ery day. (A)study (B)studies (C)doesn t study (D)is studying 12. Tom s cousins don t like ice cream, _. (A)but he doesnt like it (B)and he does, too (C)but he likes cakes (D)but he does 13. A: Do students in Taiwan have to go to school on Saturdays? B: No, they _. (A)don t have to (B)don t have (C)d

6、o (D)have not 14. A: _ milk tea? B: Jack and Rose do. (A)How do you like (B)Who need (C)Who wants (D)Why does he love 15. My dad helps me _ math every evening. He is a good and helpful father. (A)with (B)about (C)for (D)at 16. I can play _, and my cousin can play _. (A)the drums; soccer (B)drums; th

7、e soccer (C)drums; soccer (D)the drums; the soccer 17. Both _ are hiding behind the door. They are playing hide-and-seek with their children. (A)the three women (B)Jolin and her sisters (C)those girls aunt (D)Mr. and Mrs. Lin 18. Listen! Jay _ the piano in the classroom. He is really good at music.

8、(A)is playing (B)plays (C)play (D)are playing 19. The excellent businessmen _ English newspapers every morning. (A)has to read (B)see (C)look at (D)read 20. A: How is it going in school, Cindy? B: _ (A)Never mind. (B)Not too bad. (C)Take it easy. (D)What a big surprise! 21. A: What time does your mo

9、ther leave home every day? B: _ (A)It is at six thirty. (B)My mother gets home at 7:30 p.m. (C)At about seven eleven in the morning. (D)She is there on Mondays and Fridays. 一英 2 22. A: _ B: He is our art teacher. (A)Is Amy s father your art teacher? (B)What does Amy s father do on Tuesdays? (C)How i

10、s Amy s father doing? (D)Who is Amy s father? 23. A: Why don t you ask her? Maybe she can help you. B: _ (A)No wonder. (B)Here you are. (C)Wow! That s exciting and interesting. (D)You re right! It s a good idea. Thanks. 24. A: _ B: No, it is on Monday. (A)Do you go to the tennis club on Sunday? (B)I

11、s it Sunday today? (C)Is the ball game on Friday? (D)What day is it today? 25. Every child in Mr. Martin s family _. (A)have much fun (B)stay in school for long hours (C)walks to school every morning (D)are so nice 三、克漏字選擇: 10% Snoopy: Kitty, what does your boyfriend, Daniel, 26. after school? Kitty

12、 : You know.Baseball is his favorite sport. He plays it 27. his classmates almost every day. Snoopy: Wow! He really loves it! Does he play basketball, 28. ? Kitty : No, he 29. basketball games on TV , but he 30. it. Snoopy: Do you know why? Kitty : Sorry, I have no idea. Maybe you can ask him next t

13、ime. 26. (A)have (B)plays (C)do (D)be 27. (A)to (B)with (C)and (D)for 28. (A)well (B)really (C)either (D)too 29. (A)doesn t watch (B)watches (C)sees (D)watch 30. (A)plays (B)can play (C)doesn t play (D)is playing 四、閱讀測驗: 10% A: Hello? B: Hello, Tom. This is Bob. Is Peter there? A: No, he and his goo

14、d friends are playing basketball in the park. B: Is your sister, Cindy or Cathy, there? A: No, there is a talent show at their school today. They have to go and stay there from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. B: Oh, I see. That s too bad! By the way, what are you doing now? A: I am just playing computer game

15、s at home. Why? B: Well, I am going to a baseball game. It s at 2:30. Do you have time this afternoon? Can you go with me? A: Yes. I love baseball. Let s meet at 2:15, OK? B: Good. We can start from your home on our bikes. A: All right. See you then. 31. What is Peter doing now ? (A)He is playing ba

16、seball in the park. (B)He is playing computer games at home. (C)He is staying at school. (D)He is playing basketball with his friends. 32. Are Cindy and Cathy home? (A)No, they are at school. (B)Yes, they are. (C)Cindy is, but Cathy isn t. (D)No, they are in the park with Peter. 33. Who lives with T

17、om? (A)Only Peter. (B)Bob. (C)Peter, Cindy and Cathy. (D) Only Cindy and Cathy. 34. What time is the baseball game? (A)At 2:30 p.m. (B)At 2:15 in the afternoon. (C)From 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (D)We don t know. 35. Which(哪一個 ) is right? (A)Peter and his friends are watching a talent show. (B)Tom and

18、Bob both love basketball. (C)Peter is playing basketball at school. (D)Tom s sisters can t go to the baseball game. 一英 3 背面還有題目 五、文意字彙: 10% 1.選擇(v.)_ 2.小提琴 _ 3.星期四 _ 4.一起_ _ 5. The magic show is so wonderful and exciting. For example, the magician(魔術師 ) can open the door w t any key. I really love i

19、t. _ 6. A: David is our new coming classmate, but he can t write any Chinese words. I can t believe it. B: In fact(事實上 ), he is from America. For him, English is easy, but Chinese words are really too d t. _ 7. Students, don t make any n e in class. Be quiet, please. _ 8. A: Can you give me your pho

20、ne n r? B: OK. It s 882-5252. _ 9. Science is my favorite s t. I study it hard every day and get good grades in it. _10. Vampires look so terrible. Their t h and nails are long and white. 六、詞類變化 (將括弧內提示的字詞作適當變化後,使文意合乎語法,每格不限填一字):5% _ 1. Her uncle, David, is a teacher, and he _(teach) PE in Jheng-Sin

21、g Junior High School. _ 2. Jane, _(close) the window, please. It is so hot here. _ 3. Jay _(like) the movie, “ Superman ” , but I do. _ 4. A: Look! Cindy _(have) fifty-five cats in her house! B: Wow! She really loves animals. _ 5. Betty and Eric _(run) behind their favorite star, and Sandy is, too.

22、七、依提示作答: 6% 1. He loves that rabbit, and I do, too. ( 將整句改為否定句 ) 2. Pauline and Betty wash the dishes and clean the house every Friday. (依劃線部分造原問句 ) 3. (1)The turtle can swim. (2)The turtle can t jump. 將(1)、(2)句以連接詞合併成一句 八、整句式翻譯: 9% 1.Jack每星期三傍晚練習吉他。 2.她這個週末必須做很多家庭作業嗎? 3.學生們可以在他們自己的社團中結交到不同的朋友。 一英 4

23、 代碼: 05一年班座號姓名 高雄市立正興國民中學九十七學年度第二學期第二次段考一年級英語科答案卷 非選擇題 五、文意字彙: 10% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 六、詞類變化: 5% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 七、依提示作答:6% 1. 2. 3. 八、整句式翻譯:9% 1. 2. 3. 一英 5 背面還有題目 高雄市立正興國民中學97學年度第二學期第二次段考一年級英語科解答 一、聽力測驗:20% 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. D 二、語法綜合測驗:30% 11. B 12. D 13.

24、A 14. C 15. A 16. A 17. D 18. A19. D 20. B 21. C 22. D 23. D 24. C 25. C 三、克漏字選擇:10% 26. C 27. B 28. D 29. B 30. C 四、閱讀測驗:10% 31. D 32. A 33. C 34. A 35. D 五、文意字彙:10% 1. choose 2. violin 3. Thursday 4. together 5. without 6. difficult 7. noise 8. number 9. subject 10. teeth 六、詞類變化(將括弧內提示的字詞作適當變化後,使文

25、意合乎語法,每格不限填一字):5% 1. teaches 2. don t close 3. doesn t like 4. has 5. are running 七、依提示作答:6% 1. He doesn t love that rabbit, and I don t, either. 2. Who washes the dishes and cleans the house every Friday? 3. The turtle can swim, but it cant jump. / The turtle can swim but can t jump. 八、整句式翻譯:9% 1. Jack practices the guitar every Wednesday evening. 2. Does she have to do a lot of/much homework this weekend? 3. Students can make different friends at their own clubs.


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