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1、七年级英语第一学期期中试卷 ( 考试时间 100分钟,满分 120分) 第一部分听力 ( 总分 20 分) 一. 听力。 (20 分) . 选择你所听到的单词,每题朗读一遍。(5 分 ) ()1.A.bookB.lookC.sofaD.card ( )2.A.eraserB.rulerC.baseballD.pencil ( )3.A.sisterB.grandfatherC.brotherD.daughter ( )4.A.schoolB.twoC.tableD.blue ( )5.A.zeroB.clockC.phoneD.color . 听句子,选择正确的图画, 每题读两遍。 。(10

2、分) 题号6 7 8 9 10 答案 . 听短文 , 填入所缺单词,朗读两遍。(5 分) This is my 11 . Its very messy( 混乱的 ). My pencil case 12 my hat are on the bed. My backpack is on the chair. My 13 14 are on the dresser. My 15 is on the dresser, too. It is blue. Its my favorite color. 第二部分笔试 ( 总分 100 分 ) 二. 单项选择。 (20 分) ()16. These _ th

3、e boys parents. A.amB.isC.areD.be. ()17. _ do you spell ruler? R-U-L-R-R. A.HowB.WhatC.WhyD.Can ()18. Is that your quilt? _. A. Its his quilt. B. Yes, its. C. No, it isnt. D. Sorry, it isnt your quilt. ()19. _ name is Sally Miller. A. You B. I C. His D. My ()20.Whos this? _ Linda. A.ThatsB.This isC.

4、Its D.Hes ()21. I _ not Lily. I _ Lucy. She _Lily. We _ twins(双胞胎 ). A. am; is; is; are B. am; is; are; is C. am; am ; is; are D. am; am; are; is ()22. Mary finds a ring. She asks,_. A. “Whats your name?“ B. “Is this your ring?“ C. “Who are you?“ D. “Is it a ring?“ ()23. You can look up( 查) the word

5、 in the _. A.pencil caseB.backpackC.schoolD.dictionary ()24. This is _ watch A. my B. my a C. a my D. / ()25. Where are my pens?. A. Its in your backpack. B.Yes, they are. C. Sorry, I dont know. D.No, they arent. ()26. Can you _ your baseball _ school? A. take, inB. bring, toC. bring, inD. need, to

6、()27. Thank you _ the photo _ your family A.of, forB.to,ofC.for, forD.for, of ()28. What _ your _ number? A. is, name B. am, ID C. are, phone D. is, ID ()29. “ What is your name?” “ _ ” A. My name is Tony Brown B. My name is Brown Tony C. Tony Brown is I D. This is Brown Tony here ()30. “ _, Helen?”

7、 “ Fine, thank you.” A. Hello B. Good morning C. How are you D. Sit down, please ()31. _! Whats this in English? Its a pencil sharpener. A. Excuse me B.OK C. Sorry D. Hello ()32.Good morning, _! A. Class B. student C. everyone D. boy and girl ( )33.当你称呼李老师(男)时,应如何称呼?_. A. Teacher Li B. Mr. Li C. Mis

8、s Li D. Sir Li ()34.当别人夸你英语说的好时,你应说: A. Hello B. Thank you C. No D. Yes ()35.当你的家长进了老师的办公室,老师要说: A. Sit down, please. B. Thank you! C. Nice to meet you, too. D. Good morning, teacher. 三. 完形填空。 (15 分) I _(36)_ Li Lei. This _(37)_ a ruler. (38)_ is _(39)_ ruler. I spell (40) , R-U-L-E-R. That is (41)

9、. eraser. It s (42) . I (43) spell it. _(44)_ do you spell it, Do you know? _(45)_, I don t know. 36. A. is B. am C. are D. do 37. A. is B. am C. are D. do 38. A. This B. That C. It D. One 39. A. your B. his C. her D. my 40. A. it B. one C. her D. me 41. A. your B. my C. an D. a 42. A. your B. my C.

10、 his D. her 43. A. do B. don t C. isn t D. am not 44. A. How B. What C. What s D. How are 45. A. OK B. Not C. Thank you D. Sorry 四. 阅读理解。 (30 分) ( 一) 根据对话内容,正确的标“T” , 错误的标“ F” 。 (A) A: Hello, Mrs. Brown. I m Paul, Dave s good friend. B: Hi, Paul. Nice to meet you. A: Is Mrs Black your friend? B: No,

11、 she s my sister. And Mr Black is my friend. A: Your sister? Oh, sorry. Then Mrs White, Dave s aunt is your sister, too? B: Yes. She is Kate s mother. A: Kate? Is it Kate White? B: Yes. A: Oh, she is my cousin. ( ) 46. Mrs Brown and Mrs Black are sisters. ( ) 47. Mrs Brown is Dave s aunt. ( ) 48. Ka

12、te is Mrs White s daughter. ( ) 49. Dave and Kate are cousins. ( ) 50. Mrs White and Paul s aunt are sisters. (二)阅读短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 (B) This is a picture of Johns room. The table is white, and the window is big. A photo of his family is on the wall. The desk is next to the window. Some note

13、books and a pen are on it. A clock is on it, too. A football is under the bed. Look, whats on the floor? Its a cat(猫). Its black. It looks like a hat. ()51. This is a picture of _. A. Johns classroomB. Johns bedroom C. Johns motherD. The room of Johns friend ()52. You can see white _ and a big _ in

14、the picture. A. beds, deskB.books, clockC. walls, door D. table, window ()53. _ are on the desk. A. Some notebooks and a penB. a notebook and a clock C. a pen,a colck,and some notebooks D. a pen and some clocks ()54. _ under the bed. A. a baseballB. a basketballC. a footballD. a tennis ()55. _ is on

15、 the floor. A. A hatB. A black penC. A white catD. A black cat (C) This is Marks school. Its break(休息 ) time(时间 ) now. Therere some cars(汽车 ) in the parking lot. Theyre the teachers. Mark plays football with some boys. Alan and Ben sit under a tree near the parking lot. Jenny and May stand near thei

16、r classroom. All the teachers are in their offices. The bell rings ( 铃响了 ). Its time for class. ()56.What does “parking lot“ mean( 意思 )? A. 操场B. 停车场C. 公园D. 修车场 ()57.Whose(谁的 ) cars are they? A. The teachers B. MarksC. The teachersD. The students ()58. Who plays football with Mark? A. Nobody( 没有人 )B.

17、 Alan and Ben C. Jenny and MayD. We dont know ()59. Where are the teacher? A. Near the parking lotB. In the classrooms C. In the officesD.Under the tree ()60. Why( 为什么 ) does the bell ring? A. Class begins(开始 )B. Class is over C. School beginsD. School is over 五. 根据方框中8 个选项,从中选择5 个完成下列对话。(5 分) A: _(

18、61)_ B: Hello. Steve. A: What s your name? B: _(62)_ A: _(63)_ B: H-A-R-O-L-D. A: _(64)_ B: No, it isn t. A: _(65)_ B: It s a computer. A: Thank you. 六. 用适当的介词填空。(5 分) 66. Please take those things _ your cousin. 67. Where is my backpack? Oh, its _ your back. 68. Is that your student ID card _ the lo

19、st and found case? 69. Please call Ben _ 13158903467. 70. I lost a set _ keys on my way to school. 七. 根据句意填上所缺的词。(5 分 ) 71. _ is that? Its my father. 72. Whats this in _? Its a vedio cassette. 73. Whats your _ name, Jack Smith? Its Smith. 74. What _ is your hat? Its black. 75. _ are my notebooks? Th

20、eyre in the drawer. 八. 组词成句 , 注意大小写。(10 分) 76. math, your, is, dresser, on, book, the. _ AHow do you spell Harold? B. What s your name? C. Is this a case? D. My name is Harold Smith. E. What s this in English? F. I m Jane Morgan. G. Hello, my name is Steve. H. What s it? 77. first, is, my, name, Jenny. _ 78. telephone, what, your, number, is? _ 79. name, you, spell, how, your, do? _ 80. under, it, table, is, the _ 九. 写作。 (10 分) 假设你 (Jack)的东西(如棒球、钥匙、手表、夹克衫、学生证等等)丢了,要写一个 寻物启事。请把相关的内容写在下面的表格内,要求内容合 情理。 Lost & Found Lost: _ Color: _ Name: _ Please call: _


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