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1、1 / 14 教学资料参考参考范本 2019-2020七年级英语上册期末综合测试卷人教新目标版 _年_月_日 _ 部门 2 / 14 . 听对话,选择正确的答案。(5 分) ( A )1.Where are Jacks shoes? AUnder the bed. B.Under the desk. CIn the box. ( B )2.What does the girl have every morning? AEggs. B.Apples. CPears. ( C )3.What sport does the girl like playing? ABaseball. B.Volley

2、ball. CTennis. ( A )4.How much is the red Tshirt? A5 dollars. B.9 dollars. C14 dollars. ( A )5.When is the boys fathers birthday? AOn July 3rd. B.On June 3rd. C On June 13th. . 听短文,选择正确的答案。(10 分) ( C )6.What does David like playing? ASoccer. BPingpong. CBasketball. ( C )7.How many( 多少) good friends

3、does David have? ATwo. BThree. CFour. ( A )8.When does Jane go to the clothes store? 3 / 14 AOn Sunday. BOn Saturday. COn Friday. ( C )9.How many soccer balls does Mike have in his room? A4. B6. C3. ( C )10.What does Maria think of(认为) watching TV? AEasy. BInteresting. CRelaxing. . 听短文,回答问题。 (10 分)

4、11How many sisters does Ed have? He has two sisters. 12What does Ed have for breakfast? He has bread and milk for breakfast. 13What does Alice and Jane have for breakfast? They have eggs and strawberries for breakfast. 14What does Alice have for lunch? She has hamburgers for lunch. 15What does Jane

5、have for dinner? She has salad for dinner. 【笔试部分】 (95 分) . 单项选择。 (10 分) ( C )16. Is Sally your sister? . AYes, Sally is BNo, Sally is CYes, she is DNo, she is 4 / 14 ( C )17.Tony and I love the sport. He likes soccer. I like soccer, too. Aold Bfree Csame Deasy ( D )18. These my grandparents.I love v

6、ery much. Aare; they Bis; they C.is; them Dare; them ( D )19. My aunt doesnt like chicken, my uncle likes it very much. Aand Bso Cor Dbut ( B )20. Thursday is the day of the week. Afive Bfifth Cfour Dfourth ( C )21. They are nice .They can tell us time. Afruit Bvegetables Cwatches Dfood ( C )22. Jim

7、 like orange juice? Yes, . ADo; he do BDo; I do CDoes; he does DDoes; she doesnt ( C )23. When is Childrens Day? Its on . ASeptember 10th BMarch 8th 5 / 14 CJune 1st DJuly 1st ( C )24. The schoolbag is really beautiful. is it? Its nine dollars. AHow many BHow old CHow much DHow long ( A )25. Yes,ple

8、ase.I need a pair of sports shoes. ACan I help you? BDo you need help? CI want to help you. DExcuse me. . 完形填空。 (10 分) Dear mother, Today is Sunday.I 26 go to school.I stay 27 home.Im writing to you now.Every day I go to school 28 seven thirty in the morning.We have four classes in the morning.We re

9、ad and write Chinese 29 school. 30 fifty-five students in my class.Four students are American.The other students 31 Chinese.The Chinese people are friendly.Now I have 32 Chinese friends.They teach 33 Chinese.I can 34 a little Chinese now, please 35 worry about me. Yours, Kate ( A )26. A dont Bam not

10、 6 / 14 Cdoesnt Disnt ( B )27.A.in Bat Con Dof ( C )28.A.from Bwith Cat Din ( D )29.A.behind Babout Con Dat ( B )30. A Theres BTherere CTheyre DIts ( A )31.A.are Bis Cbe Ddo ( C )32.A.any Bmuch Cmany Dlittle ( D )33.A.I Bmy CIm Dme ( A )34.A.speak Btalk Ctell Dsay ( C )35.A.not Bno Cdont Dcant . 补全对

11、话。 (10 分) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项是多 余的。 A:Hey, Jack.36. B B:Yes, I do. 7 / 14 A:Great. 37. D B:Sounds interesting.38. F A:Er, my cousin Joe has two ping-pong bats. We can ask him for one. B:Good !39. C A:Well, I dont know, but we can call him. B:40. G A:Its 676-2520. B:OK. Lets call him. AYou a

12、re right. BDo you like playing ping-pong? C Where is Joe now? D Lets play ping-pong. EHow are you? FBut I dont have a ping-pong bat. G Oh, whats his telephone number? . 阅读理解。 (20分) (A) Here are Peters replies(答复) to his friends. Dear Jim , I cant get to your home for dinner at 6:00 this evening. I w

13、ont finish my work at 6:00. What about 7:00? Is it OK for you? Please call me back. 8 / 14 Peter Dear Anna, Im sorry that I cant go to the concert(音乐会) with you on Thursday evening. I have an English lesson that evening. Peter Dear Susan, Thank you so much for asking me! I cant dance(跳舞) very well,

14、but Id like to go to the dancing party with you on Friday. Peter Dear Robert , Ill have time and I can go to your birthday party on May 12. Ill bring( 带来) you a nice dog. See you then. Peter ( A )41.Jim asks Peter to Ahis home for dinner Ba concert Ca dancing party Dhis birthday party ( D )42.Anna w

15、ants to go to the concert on AFriday BFriday evening CMay 12 DThursday evening ( C )43.Peter will go to the dancing party with AJim BAnna CSusan DRobert ( C )44.Robert was born(出生) in AMarch BApril CMay DAugust ( D )45.From the replies, we can know that Peter Awill meet Jim at 6:00 pm. 9 / 14 Bdoesn

16、t like music Cis good at dancing Dwill get Robert a dog (B) Judy wants to take a trip to Disneyland(迪斯尼乐园 ). And she likes to go there in a Snow White dress. “Dad, can you buy me a Snow White dress?” Judy asks her father. “We dont need to buy one, my dear,” Dad says. “I can make one for you.” Judys

17、dad is really great, right? He can make a dress for his daughter. And he can do more(更多). He makes breakfast and lunch for Judy. She has the same food for breakfastmilk, an egg and bread. But she has different lunches at school every day rice on Monday, a hamburger on Thursday After school, Dad play

18、s ping-pong with her, helps her with math, and watches sports games on TV with her. “I have no mom ,” Judy says, “but Dad can do everything. I love him.” ( A )46.Judy wants to Ago to Disneyland in a Snow White dress Bbuy a Snow White dress in Disneyland Cask her father to go to Disneyland with her D

19、ask her father to make her a Snow White dress 10 / 14 ( D )47.The underlined word “different” means “ ” in Chinese. A多余的B健康的 C干净的D不同的 ( B )48.Judy likes to with her father after school. Aplay basketball Bwatch sports games Cmake food Dplay computer games ( C )49.What do we know from the story(故事)? A

20、Judy has many dresses. BJudy has breakfast at school. CJudy has no mother. DJudy makes lunch for her father. ( B )50.Which is the best title(最佳标题 ) for the story? AJudys lunch BJudys good father CJudys trip to Disneyland DJudy and her parents . 阅读还原。 (10分) Dear Alice , Thanks for your volleyball. I

21、like it very much. Look! 51. B Who are they? The girl in a red skirt is Betty. Shes 12 years old.52. E Helen is 13 years old. 11 / 14 They like sports, and they can play ping-pong well. Now I can play ping-pong, too. 53. C Its really interesting. 54 A Its on December 30th. Helen asks us to go to her

22、 birthday party. I like it. I want to buy her two ping-pong balls. How much are they? I dont know. Ill ask my parents for help.55. D She thinks Helen looks nice in red. What about your new life in America(美国)? Do you have any new friends? Please tell me. Best wishes! Yours, Jane ANext week is Helens

23、 birthday. BHeres a picture of my new friends. C We always play it after school. D Betty wants to buy a red hat for Helen. EThe girl in a white skirt is Helen. . 任务型阅读。 (10 分) This Friday is December 9th. And it is Sams 12th birthday. “You always want a new model plane, Sam.” Dad says. “Ill buy one

24、fo r you. ” “How much is a model plane now?” Sam says. “I dont need a new one. You can give me 200 yuan.” “OK ,” Dad says. “Buy the things you like with it.” 12 / 14 Then Mom asks Sam, “Do you like a strawberry cake or an ice-cream cake ?” “I dont need a cake, Mom,” Sam says. “You can give me 100 yu

25、an. ” Dad and Mom are surprised(惊讶的 ). Why does their son want so much money? “My classmate Jack is ill(生病的 ). And he doesnt have parents ,” Sam says. “I want to help him.” Dad and mom are happy. Their son is a kind boy. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 56When is Sams birthday? It is on December 9th. 57What does Dad

26、want to buy for Sam? A new model plane. 58What does Mom want to buy for Sam? A cake. 59.Who does Sam want to help? He wants to help Jack. 60Why are Dad and Mom happy? Because Sam is a kind boy. . 阅读短文,选择方框中的词并用其适当形式填空,每个单词限用 一次,其中有一个是多余的。(10 分) but,easy,library,have,think ,too, same ,student ,like ,

27、color ,be 13 / 14 Lucy and Lily are English girls.They are twin(双胞胎 ) sisters.They (61) have big and blue eyes(眼睛)They look the (62) same They are in the same school (63) but in different(不同的 ) classes.So we often (64) think Lucy is Lily or Lily is Lucy.But its (65) easy for their mom to tell the di

28、fferences(辨别不同 ) The two girls like the same clothes ,but they like different (66) colors For example(例如),they both like skirts and sweaters.Lucys favorite color is blue,but Lily (67) likes green.Her skirt is green,and her sweater is green,(68) too .They like books.They often borrow(借) books from th

29、e (69) library of the school.They are good (70) students Do you like them? . 书面表达。 (15 分) 假如你是 Lily ,你的同班同学Jack 想认识你的好朋友Lin Mei 。请 根据下面表格中的信息,用英语写一封e-mail 向 Jack 介绍 Lin Mei 。 邮件的开头和结尾已给出,70 词左右,可适当发挥。 Name Lin Mei Age 14 Birthday June 20th Favorite food ice-cream Favorite color blue Favorite sport b

30、asketball Favorite subjects P.E. ,English Telephone number 265-4328 E-maillinmei sina . com Dear Jack , 14 / 14 Lin Mei is my good friend. She is 14 and her birthday is on June 20th.Her favorite food is ice-cream.She eats it after lunch.Her favorite color is blue and she always buys blue skirts.Whats her favorite sport?Oh, its basketball.After school she plays basketball with her friends.At school she likes PE.and English best.She thinks they are fun.You can call her at 2654328 or e-mail her at . Your friend, Lily


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