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1、,Programme Design 课程设计,Identify needs 确认需求,Design the programme 设计课程,Set objectives 设立目标,Select methods of measurement 选定评估方法,Measure the change in performance 评估行为 / 表现上的改变,Run the programme 执行课程,The Training Cycle 训练循环图,Design Components 设计原素,What we have for them to learn 我们有什麽 要给他们学的?,Who they a

2、re and what they know now 他们是谁? 他们已经知道了什麽?,How they learn 他们如何 学习,Adult Learning 成人学习,How Do You Stop Yourself From Learning? 你如何让你自己停止学习,In order to help other people learn and change, you need to discover how you learn & change and understand the ways in which you stop yourself from learning. 为了要帮

3、助他人学习及改变, 你必需去了解你自己是如何学习, 如何改变,和到底是什麽东西使你自己停止学习的. Reflect on a recent formal learning activity (training, programme, lecture, book etc.) that you experienced that was a failure for you. At the time what comments did you make to yourself 把它反映在最近一次较正式而你觉得是失败的学习活动中(例如 训练,节目,课程,图书.等) 当时你为自己作了什麽解释?,How D

4、o You Stop Yourself From Learning? 你如何让你自己停止学习 (续),* About the presenter 是关於上课的那个人? ? About the material (Content) 是关於教材 (内容) * About structure & presentation? (Process) 是关於上课的架构或方式? (过程) * Other factors - timing 时间 其他要素 - environmental 环境上的 - relevance to work 跟工作的关连度 Notes 注解 Think about this, you

5、 might become aware of a particular pattern in how you stop yourself learning. 想想看, 你或许可以发现某种模式是妨碍你自我学习的.,Identify the need 确定需求,Provide an appropriate learning experience 提供适合的 学习经验,Apply learning to work situation 将学习运用在 工作环境上,+,+,Efficient training 有效率的训练,Participants who are willing & able to le

6、arn & change 参与者愿意及 可以去学习 和改变,+,+,+,Identify the need the need 确定需求,Provide an appropriate learning experience 提供适合的 学习经验,Apply learning to work situation 将学习运用在 工作环境上,+,+,Efficient training 有效率的训练,Effective learning & development 有效率的学习及成长,Identify the need 确定需求,Provide an appropriate learning expe

7、rience 提供适合的 学习经验,Apply learning to work situation 将学习运用在 工作环境上,Every Single Person In The Room Is Going To Be Tuned Into Radio Station 每个在这个房间的人都即将要 被电台调整好频率,WII-FM,Whats In It For Me? 里面有什麽是给我的?,Approach To Adult Learning 成人学习的方法,Start with needs 从需求开始 Make it real 使其真实 Base it on experience 拿经验作基

8、本 Make it as self-directing as you can 尽可能使其“自我导向“的 Malcolm Knowles,Start With Their Needs 从他们的需求开始,Adults are motivated to learn as they develop needs and interests that learning will satisfy 如果藉由学习可以满足成人们所发展出来的需求和兴趣, 他们便会有动机. Adults needs and interests are the appropriate starting point 成人的需求及兴趣是适

9、合的始点.,Make It Real 使其真实,Adult orientation to learning is work or life centered 成人对学习的原点是以工作或生活为主. The appropriate frameworks for organising training are life and/or work related situations not academic or related subjects 训练适合的架构是建筑在跟生活或工相关的情境上, 而非一些纯学术性或其他相关的东西.,Base On Experience 经验为本,Experience i

10、s the richest source for adult learning. 经验是成人学习中最富足的一个来源. Therefore, the approach to training involves participation in a planned series of experiences, the analysis of those experiences and their application to work and life situations 因此,训练的方向应该要包含参与一连串有计划性的 经验,解晰这些经验,及他们如何可以被运用在工作及生活的情境上.,Make i

11、t Self Directed 使其自我导向,Adults have a deep need to be self directing. 成人对自我导向有很深的需求 Therefore the role of the trainer is to engage as much as possible in a process of enquiry with the participants, rather than just to transmit knowledge 因此,训练的角色是如何在寻求新知的过程上与参与者作最大的结合,而非一味地传输知识,Adults Dont Want Or Nee

12、d 成人不想要或不需要的,Sitting & listening (one way communication) 坐著、听(单向沟通) Note taking, homework and a lot of reading 记笔记,家庭作业和一大堆该读的资料 High formality or being talked down to 高制度化,或是上对下的方式 Isolation from peers (they want interaction) 跟同侪分离(他们想要有互动),Adults Dont Want Or Need(Contd) 成人不想要或不需要的(续),Test, grades

13、 考试,成绩 Overload of theory 过多的理论 A classroom experience (they want a learning experience) 教室的经验 (他们要学习经验) Evening sessions (unless there is a trade off for recreation time in afternoon) 夜晚上课 (除非他们下午可以有些休闲活动),B Briefing (简介) R Resources (资源) I Instructions (指引) A Application (运用) N Notes (作笔记),A Activ

14、ity (活动) L Learning (学习) I Involvement (参与) C Consultation (谘询) E Evaluation (评估),Learning To Learn 学习上的学习,Knowing the stages of the learning process and the blockages to learning 了解学习过程中的不同阶段 和阻碍学习的障碍,Making best use of existing learning preferences 将目前喜欢的学习方法 运用的极致,Understand your own preferred ap

15、proach to learning 了解你自己喜欢的学习方法,Carry your understanding of learning from off-the-job to on-the-job opportunities 将你对学习的了解运用在 从非工作到工作上的机会,Crucial Learning Skills 重要学习的技巧,Listening 听 Taking risks 冒风险 Sharing 分享 Accepting help 接受帮忙 Asking questions 发问问题 Monitoring achievement 观察成果 And our job is to pr

16、ovide the environment where these can happen safely 而我们的工作就是去提供一个可以让这些安全发生的环境。,Traditional Versus Experiential Learning 传统v.s.经验上的学习,Focus 焦点 Emphasis 强调 Nature of learner involvement 参与学习者的天性 Role of participant 参与者的角色,The individual 个人 Content 内容 Intellectual 聪明的 Listening, memorizing, passive 听、记

17、、消极的,The group and the individual 团体及个人 Content & process 内容及过程 Intellectual & self-knowledge 聪明的/自我知识的 Involvement, participation, interaction 涉入、参与、互动,Element 元素,Traditional 传统,Experiential 经验型,Traditional Versus Experiential Learning 传统v.s.经验上的学习,Relationships 关系 Responsibility of faculty 部门的责任 C

18、limate for learning 学习的气氛,Adult to Child 成人对小孩 Provide one-way communication devices (lectures etc.) 提供单向沟通的方式 (如上课) Formal, inhibiting, status-emphasizing 正式、阶级的强调,Adult to Adult 成人对成人 Create conditions for experiences from which learning will result 创造可以从学习上获得经验的条件 Relaxed, encouraging, status-red

19、ucing 轻松具鼓励性无阶级上的强调,Element 元素,Traditional 传统,Experiential 经验型,Traditional Versus Experiential Learning 传统v.s.经验上的学习,Responsibility for learning outcome 对学习成果的责任 Whose needs are satisfied most 谁的需求最被满足到? Possibility of transfer of learning to job 将学习运用在工作上的可能性,Instructor / presenter 教授/主讲人 Presenter

20、 主讲人 Typically low or uncertain 通常是很低或是不确定,Participants are responsible for their own learning and behaviour 参与者对其自身的学习和行为要负责 Participant 参与者 Moderate to high degree for most participants 中度到高度,对多数参与人而言,Element 元素,Traditional 传统,Experiential 经验型,Putting Participation Into Your Training 将参与放入你的训练中,Le

21、cture 上课 Lecture / Discussion 上课/讨论 Modified Lecture 修改上课 Forum 会议 Debate 辩论 Group Discussion 小组讨论 Buzz Groups 噪音的小组 Brain Storming 动脑 Case Study 个案学习 Role Play 角色扮演,Demonstration 示范 Demonstration with Practice 示范加练习 Independent Study 独立学习 Films / Tape / Videos 影片/带子/录影带 Tutorials 辅导 Self Discovery

22、自我发现 Exhibit 展览 Field Trip 户外郊游 Simulation / Games 模拟/游戏,Existing competence level 既有的能力程度,Adult Learning: The Lightning Bolt 成人学习 发亮的灯泡,Informal & personal atmosphere 非正式及个人的气氛,Learn new KSA 学新的KSA,Overcome my blocks to learning 克服我对学习的障碍,Higher competence level 更高层次的能力,Corporate vision 企业远景,Self d

23、irected evaluation 自我导向型的评估,Relevance to my work & needs 跟我工作及 需求相关,Interactive process 互动的过程,Support & respect 支持与尊重,Influence & involvement in design 影响及涉及设计,Take responsibility for own learning 对自我学习负责,Higher competence level 更高层次的能力,Adult Learning成人学习: The Square发亮的灯泡,Learn new KSAs 学新的KSA,Infor

24、mal & personal atmosphere 非正式及个人的气氛,Overcome my blocks to learning 克服我对学习的障碍,Adult Learning 成人学习,Existing competence level 既有的能力程度,Interactive process 互动的过程,Influence & involvement in design 影响及涉及设计,Take responsibility for own learning 对自我学习负责,Support & respect 支持与尊重,Relevance to my work & needs 跟我工

25、作及 需求相关,Corporate vision 企业远景,Higher competence level 更高层次的能力,Self directed evaluation 自我导向型的评估,Punctuate Your Sessions 懂得停顿(加标点符号),Confessions Of A Trombone Welder 喇叭焊接工的告白,Invent a fantasy occupation and a name to go with it. Write it on the card and stick the card prominently on your clothing. Tr

26、eat the next break as a cocktail party, mill around, introduce yourself to others ask questions about their occupations and answer questions about yours. Have fun 发明一种梦幻职业,并为它取个名字。把它写下来,贴在你衣服明显的地方。把接下来的休息时间当成是一个鸡尾酒派对,四处看看,介绍自己给他人,向他人询问有关他职业的事,并且回答别人问你的问题。 Trombone welder (音乐喇叭焊接工) Elephant chiropodi

27、st (医大象脚的医师) Sharpener of knitting needles (研磨编针的人) Kauri watcher (看松-植物的人) Greeting card verse poet (写贺卡上祝词的诗人) etc. (等等.),Get Feedback Half Way Through 中途取得回馈,Feed Back Wants 想要的反应,Write down what behaviours you want : 写下你想要什麽样的行为: a) The facilitator (引导人) b) Fellow participants in the group (其他小组

28、中的成员) c) Yourself (你自己) to Stop (停止) Start (开始) Continue (继续) (a) (b) (c),Feed Back Faces 反应的脸孔,Draw a face to represent how you feel about the programme at the moment 画一个脸,能代表你现在对课程的感觉 e.g. (例如),happy 高兴,frustrated 挫败,so/so 马马虎虎,sleepy 想睡觉,bored 无聊,confused 困惑,etc. etc 等等, 等等.,Learning Styles 学习的风格

29、,Kolbs Learning Cycle Kolb 的学习的风格,Concrete Experience 具体的经验,Abstract Conceptualising 抽象的概念化,Active Experimentation 主动的尝试,Reflective Observation 反映性的观察,Concrete Experience 具体的经验,Abstract Conceptualising 抽象的概念化,Active Experimentation 主动的尝试,Reflective Observation 反映性的观察,Learning Cycle II 学习循环图II,Coach

30、Others 指导别人,Task Cycle 课题流程,Learning Cycle 学习流程,Taking Action 有动作,Seeing results 想结果,Thinking about results 看结果,Planning next time 下一次的计划,Having an experience 拥有经验,Concluding 结论,Reviewing 检视,Planning 计划,Learning Styles 学习的风格,Activist Having an experience 主动者 拥有经验,Reflector Reviewing the experience 省

31、思者 检视经验,Theorist Concluding from the experience 理论者 从经验中作总结,Pragmatist Planning the next steps 实用主义者 计画下一步,Activists 主动者 Try anything once 任何事都试一次 Tend to revel in short term crises / fire fighting 好像对短暂的危机感到兴趣/救火队 Tend to thrive on the challenge of new experiences 好像会从新经验的挑战中成长更 Are relatively bore

32、d with implementation & longer term consolidation 对实际执行及长期稳固感到较无 Constantly involve themselves with other people 持续与他人保持关系,Reflectors 省思者,Theorists 理论者,Pragmatists 实用主义者,Reflectors 省思者 Like to stand back and review experiences from different perspectives 喜欢站开点,从不同角度去检视 Collect data & analyse it befo

33、re coming to conclusions 在作结论之前,收集并分析资料。 Like to consider all angles 喜欢从全部方向去思考 Tend to be cautious 比较小心谨慎 Enjoy observing other people in action 喜欢观看别人行动,Activists 主动者,Theorists 理论者,Pragmatists 实用主义者,Theorists 理论者 Keen on assumptions, principles, theories, models 对假设、方针、理论及模式感兴趣 Prize rationality a

34、nd logic 推崇理性及逻辑 Tend to be detached and analytical 比较会分离作业和分析 Unhappy with subjective or ambiguous experiences 对主观或模糊的经验感到不高兴 Are tidy and fit tasks into rational schemes 很整齐,将工作课程放入理性化的架构中,Reflectors 省思者,Activists 主动者,Pragmatists 实用主义者,Pragmatists 实用主义者 Search out new ideas or techniques which mig

35、ht apply to their situation 寻求可能应用在他们情境上的新方法或技巧 Take the first opportunity to experiment 愿意第一个去尝试 Respond to problems & opportunities as challenges 将问题及机会视为挑战 Are keen to use relevant ideas from T&D programmes 对从训练课程中获得的相关意见有很大兴趣仁褂 Like to get on with things with clear purpose 喜欢继续进行那些有清楚目标的事情,Refle

36、ctors 省思者,Theorists 理论者,Activists 主动者,Think How These Different Groups Might React to Computer 101 设想一下这几种不同的人会对 “电脑101“如何反应?,Welcome To Computer Skills Training 101,Activists Wow! A colour screen! Look at all the keys . this is fun! OK, it on, what next? Will you be giving up instructions as we go

37、along? Can I use my name as my access code? Wow! Look at that! I did it right!,Reflectors Can I watch you demonstrate before I have to do it? Is there an instruction manual that I can review later? Who can I call if I have trouble remembering all that we cover today? Are we going to be allowed to st

38、op and ask questions as we go along?,Theorists How is a floppy disc different from a hard disc? Are you going to discuss which is better? What does the term modem mean? Will we be learning about that? Will we be able to ask questions if we dont understand something? How many lessons are we going to

39、have with you before we can expect to operate a computer on our own? Why are there two types of computers, IBM and Macintosh?,Pragmatists I wonder what will happen if I press this key . I hope I will be allowed to go at my own pace. What will happen if I accidentally turn off the machine? Will we be

40、 able to practice before you start the next lesson? I probably become a computer whiz!,舧 欢迎来到电脑技巧训练课程101,主动者 哗!一个彩色的萤幕 看看这所有的键盘.多有趣啊! 好了,开了,接下来呢? 你会在我们进行的时候给予方向吗 我可以用我的名字作为进入的代号吗? 哗!看这个!我作对了!,省思者 在我开始之前,可以先看看你示范吗? 有使用者说明,我可以等一下看吗? 如果我记不得所有今天上过的内容,我要 找谁? 在进行的同时,我们可以停下来问问题 吗?,理论者 这磁碟片跟硬体有啥不同? 你会讨论那一个比

41、较好吗? 数据机代表什麽?我们会学到吗? 如果对一些事情不了解,我们可以发问吗? 我们要跟你学过几节课之後,我门才可以自己操作一烫缒钥 为什麽会有2种电脑,个人电脑及麦金塔?,实用主义者 如果按下这个按键不知会发生什麽事? 我希望可以按照我自己的速度去进行 如果我不小心关掉机器,会发生什麽事? 我们在你下堂课开始之前,会有机会练习吗? 我可能会变成一个电脑专家! 產,Activists 主动者,Wow! A colour screen! 哗!一个彩色的萤幕 Look at all the keys . this is fun! 看看这所有的键盘.多有趣啊 OK, it on, what nex

42、t? 好了,开了,接下来呢? Will you be giving up instructions as we go along? 你会在我们进行的时候给予方向吗 Can I use my name as my access code? 我可以用我的名字作为进入的代号吗? Wow! Look at that! I did it right! 哗!看这个!我作对了!,Reflectors 省思者,Can I watch you demonstrate before I have to do it? 在我开始之前,可以先看看你示范吗? Is there an instruction manual

43、that I can review later? 有使用者说明,我可以等一下看吗? Who can I call if I have trouble remembering all that we cover today? 如果我记不得所有今天上过的内容,我要找谁? Are we going to be allowed to stop and ask questions as we go along? 在进行的同时,我们可以停下来问问题吗?,Theorists 理论者,How is a floppy disc different from a hard disc? 这磁碟片跟硬体有啥不同? A

44、re you going to discuss which is better? 你会讨论那一个比较好吗? What does the term modem mean? Will we be learning about that? 数据机代表什麽?我们会学到吗? Will we be able to ask questions if we dont understand something? 如果对一些事情不了解,我们可以发问吗? How many lessons are we going to have with you before we can expect to operate a

45、computer on our own? 我们要跟你学过几节课之後,我门才可以自己操作一台电脑? Why are there two types of computers, PC and Macintosh? 为什麽会有2种电脑,个人电脑及麦金塔?,Pragmatists 实用主义者,I wonder what will happen if I press this key 如果按下这个按键不知会发生什麽事? I hope I will be allowed to go at my own pace. 我希望可以按照我自己的速度去进行 What will happen if I acciden

46、tally turn off the machine? 如果我不小心关掉机器,会发生什麽事? Will we be able to practice before you start the next lesson? 我们在你下堂课开始之前,会有机会练习吗? I probably become a computer whiz! 我可能会变成一个电脑专家!,Learning Styles 学习的风格,Activist Having an experience 主动者 拥有经验,Reflector Reviewing the experience 省思者 检视经验,Theorist Conclud

47、ing from the experience 理论者 从经验中作总结,Pragmatist Planning the next steps 实用主义者 计画下一步,What Is the Predominant Style in O&M? 在奥美最盛行(主要)的是那种风格?,Activists: Summary 主动者摘要,Try anything once 任何事都试一次 Tend to revel in short term crises / fire fighting 好像对短暂的危机感到兴趣/救火队 Tend to thrive on the challenge of new exp

48、eriences 好像会从新经验的挑战中成长更多 Are relatively bored with implementation & longer term consolidation 对实际执行及长期稳固感到较无聊 Constantly involve themselves with other people 持续与他人保持关系,Reflectors: Summary 省思者摘要,Like to stand back and review experiences from different perspectives 喜欢站开点,从不同角度去检视。 Collect data & analy

49、se it before coming to conclusions 在作结论之前,收集并分析资料。 Like to consider all angles 喜欢从全部方向去思考 Tend to be cautious 比较小心谨慎 Enjoy observing other people in action 喜欢观看别人行动,Theorists: Summary 理论者摘要,Keen on assumptions, principles, theories, models 对假设、方针、理论及模式感兴趣 Prize rationality and logic 推崇理性及逻辑 Tend to be detached and analytical 比较会分离作业和分析 U


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