2020学年人教版高中英语必修一Unit 7 Cultural relics 单词冲关及答案.doc

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit_7Cultural_relics体裁:记叙文(2012湖南高考作文题)话题:生活中我们曾有丢失物品而又找回的经历,其间有烦恼、喜悦、感慨佳作选登来源:学科网ZXXKI have a precious pen, which was given to me as a birthday present by one of my best friends. I like it very much. However, this pen once had an unusual experience.When I was a student of Grade Two,

2、 I lost my precious pen because of carelessness when our school was holding a sports meeting. I almost felt crazy when I realized that it was missing. I searched the playground carefully and even the road leading to my home. I put up several notices with its titleMy Precious Pen Lost, in which I pro

3、mised to pay the one who gives me the pen back to 100 yuan. Several days later, I heard my name called by someone. It was a girl with a pen in her hand. I felt excited to see my precious pen back. I thanked this kind girl again and again, who didnt accept the money I gave her as a reward.From the un

4、usual experience of my precious pen, I learn that we should be thankful to those who always do good deeds and also be ready to do what we can to help others.,佳句变式A:I have a precious pen, which was a birthday present given to me by one of my best friends.B:I have a precious pen and it was a birthday

5、present that was given to me by one of my best friends.A:I felt so excited to see my precious pen back that I thanked this kind girl again and again, who didnt accept the money I gave her as a reward.B:I felt excited to see my precious pen back and thanked this kind girl again and again, but she did

6、nt accept the money I gave her as a reward.高频单词必记 一、考纲词汇识记1include vt.包括;包含2ruin n. 废墟;遗迹;毁灭;崩溃3restore vt. 修复;重建4rebuild vt. 重建;复原;改造5damage vt.& n. 损害;伤害6ancient adj. 古代的;古老的7project n. 计划;方案;工程8official n. 官员;公务员来源:学科网adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的9represent vt.代表;表现representative n代表 adj.典型的;有代表性的10beauty n美;

7、美景;美好的人或事物beautify vt.美化beautiful adj.美好的;美丽的来源:学科网ZXXK11unite vi.联合;团结union n联合;结合;联盟12limit vt.限制;限定 n界限;限度limited adj.有限的limitless adj.无限的二、高频词汇活用(一)一言辨异13In our daily life,we use fuels which _ the environment badly.It is reported that 25,000 deaths peryear are caused by air _.(pollute)答案:pollute

8、;pollution(二)用breath及其派生词的适当形式填空14(1)We had great difficulty in _,for the air was thin.(2)The performance left me _ with excitement.(3)Jack took a deep _ and then dived into the water.答案:(1)breathing(2)breathless(3)breath.重点短语必背 1base_on基于2under_attack 遭受袭击3give_in 让步;投降4in_ruins 成为废墟;遭到严重破坏5give_up

9、 放弃(念头、希望等);停止; 抛弃;认输;对绝望6bring_.back_to_life 使苏醒;使生动;使活泼7come_true 实现8pull_down 拆毁;摧毁;推翻9cause/do_damage_to 损害,破坏10set_up 设立;创立11change_ones_mind 改变主意12look_out 留神;照料.经典句型必会 1Where there is a river,there is a city.凡有河流的地方,必有城市。解读:where引导地点状语从句,含有条件意味。仿写:有希望之处,生命就生生不息。_ there is hope,there is life.答

10、案:Where2We will not let our history and culture be destroyed,and we will do everything we can to save our city!我们不会让我们的历史和文化被毁坏,我们要竭尽全力来拯救我们的城市!解读:do everything we can to do sth.尽力做某事。仿写:她总是乐于尽力帮助有困难的人。She is always ready to _ those in trouble.答案:do everything she can to help3Strong,proud and united

11、,the people of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia.圣彼得堡的人民坚强、自豪、团结一致,他们是当代的俄罗斯英雄。解读:strong,proud and united为形容词短语作状语。仿写:又冷又饿,他挨家挨户乞讨。_,he begged from door to door.答案:Cold and hungry4It is said to be the citys largest ever cultural relics repair project.据说这项工程是这个城市有史以来最大的文化遗址修复工程。解读:sb./sth

12、. is said to be据说某人/某物是。仿写:据说她是班里最优秀的学生。_the best student in the class.答案:She is said to be1represent vt.代表,表示;表现;描述;象征;相当于教材P44原句You can select five things that represent Chinese culture,but you cannot put any living things in the capsule.你可以选出五种能够代表中国文化的事物,但不能将有生命的物品放入太空舱。(1)represent .to do sth.

13、代表做某事represent .as/to be . 把描绘成,声称是represent oneself as/to be . 自称是represent sth.to sb. 向某人陈述(2)representative n. 代表 来源:学.科.网adj. 典型的,有代表性的He will represent our class to attend the meeting.他将代表我们班出席会议。He had represented_himself_as an employee in order to gain access to the files.为了能够看到这些档案,他佯称自己是公司员

14、工。Parents must represent to their children the risk of getting addicted to the Internet.父母必须向孩子说明沉迷于网络的危险性。2include v包括,把列在内教材P44原句You may also include a short message (two sentences) in any language in the box .你还可以放进盒子里一张用任何一种语言写成的短信息(两句话)His courses include various makeup classes and a number of

15、lectures for future primary school teachers. (2012北京高考阅读A)他的课程包括各种化妆课和许多给未来的小学教师设立的讲座。(1)include sb./sth.(in/among/on sth.) 使某人/某物成为整体中的一部分include doing sth. 包括做某事(2)including prep. 包括(常引起一个解释性短语)(3)included 包括在内(常用于独立结构中,放于名词或代词之后)Robert had always wanted to include such a man in a story.罗伯特一直希望故事里

16、有这样一个人物。China is willing to face the problem of the climate change with all countries,including the developing and the developed.中国愿意同所有国家一道来应对气候变化问题,包括发展中国家和发达国家。Twelve people were awarded at the meeting,a boy of twelve included.十二人在会上受到嘉奖,其中包括一名十二岁的男孩。contain,include(1)contain含有,包含,容纳,里面装有,侧重所含的量和

17、成分,不用于进行时态。另外,contain有“克制,抑制”之意。(2)include着重强调所包括的人或事物为整体的一部分。轻巧识记自填助记用contain,include的适当形式填空The threeday tour will include a visit to the Birds Nest and the Water Cube.This new book contains all the poems by the writer from 1980 to 1996.3ruin n毁灭;崩溃 (pl.)废墟;遗迹 vt.毁灭;毁坏教材P45原句St Petersburg was almos

18、t in ruins:fires burned everywhere.圣彼得堡几乎变成废墟:到处都是大火。Dont let a small disagreement ruin your friendship.不要让小小的争执损害你们的友谊。She returned home and found all her furniture had been ruined by the flood.她回到家发现家具全被洪水毁坏了。(1)(be/lie) in ruins 成为废墟fall into ruin/go to ruin 毁灭;灭亡bring sb.to ruin 使某人失败;使倾家荡产(2)ru

19、in ones reputation 使某人名声扫地ruin ones health 把身体搞垮The big fire left the whole city in_ruins in only two days.仅用了两天的时间大火就使整个城市成为了废墟。A large number of temples fell into ruin before liberation.解放前,许多寺庙都毁了。4breath n呼吸;气息教材P48原句The carbon dioxide from their breath is damaging the paintings.他们呼出的二氧化碳正损坏着这些画

20、。(1)take a deep breath 深深地吸一口气hold ones breath 屏住呼吸lose ones breath 喘不过气来out of breath 上气不接下气(2)breathe v. 呼吸breathe hard/heavily 大口喘气,费力喘气breathe in/out 吸/呼气(3)breathless adj. 屏息的;气喘吁吁的Wed take some deep breaths on our way to work, instead of complaining about heavy traffic.(2012湖北高考阅读E)在上班的路上我们要做几

21、次深呼吸,而不是抱怨繁忙的交通。Time was running out.We all held_our_breath to see which team would win the match.时间快用完了,我们都屏住呼吸看看哪个队将赢得比赛。When he hurried home,he was almost out_of_breath.当他匆匆赶回家时,几乎是上气不接下气。He was breathing hard when he finished the race.赛跑结束时,他不停地大口喘气。5limit vt.限制;限定 nC限度;限制 (pl.)范围;极限教材P48原句Secon

22、d,the number of visitors should be limited.第二,游客的数量应该受到限制。There are no obvious limits to the escalation (增加) of demands for quality.(2012重庆高考阅读E)在质量上不断提升的要求似乎是没有止境的。A lack of formal education will limit your job opportunities.缺少正规的教育会限制你就业的机会。(1)set a limit/limits to 对加以限制reach ones limit 达到极限within

23、 the limit of 在范围内(2)limit .to 把限制之内(3)limited adj. 有限的;少的;小的They did well within_the_limit_of their knowledge.由于知识所限,他们已经做得很好了。I believe teaching should not be_limited_to the classroom.我认为教学不应该局限在教室内。(2011湖北高考)Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful, but they may also _ our

24、 thinking.Adirect BlimitCchange Dimprove解析: 考查动词词义辨析。 句意: 如是我们想成功, 学识很重要, 但是它们也可能会限制我们的思维。 direct“指导, 管理”; limit“限制”; change“改变”; improve“改善, 改进”。 答案:B.单词拼写来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K1_(污染) causes a threat to the continued existence of this species.答案:Pollution2Numbers of people were buried under the _(废墟) in t

25、he earthquake.答案:ruins3Many students in our class took part in the summer camp,_(包括) Susan and Mary.答案:including4Many people suffered from _(文化) shock when they came abroad.答案:culture5The garden they visited was such a great _(美) that they didnt want to leave.答案:beauty6As long as we _(团结) together,w

26、e can finally succeed.答案:unite7The house has been _(修复) to the way it looked in 1900 when it was built.答案:restored8Joe was on his feet again after such a long _(一段时期) in hospital.答案:period.单项填空1(2013济南高三检测)When we got to top of the mountain, we were nearly _.Aunder our breathBlost our breathCcaught

27、our breath Dout of breath解析:句意:到达山顶时,我们几乎上气不接下气了。out of breath“上气不接下气”,符合句意。lose ones breath“喘不过气来”;catch ones breath“屏息”。答案:D2(2013南安高三检测)Today the public is much concerned about the way _.Anature is being ruined Bwhich nature is ruined Con which to ruin nature Dof nature to be ruined解析:考查the way的定

28、语。句意:当今公众非常关心大自然正遭受怎样的破坏。the way表示“方式,方法”时,其后可跟that,in which引导的定语从句,实际应用中关系词常省略;也可跟不定式或of短语,构成the way to do sth.或the way of doing sth.结构。答案:A3(2012皖南八校联考)How much shall I pay for the trip?$800 in total,hotels and meals _.Ato include BincludingCincluded Dare included解析:答句句意:总共八百美元,宾馆住宿和饮食也包括在内。includ

29、ed常放在名词或代词之后,构成独立主格结构。答案:C4The traffic department has taken effective measures _ the car speed in the town and _ the traffic accidents.Alimiting; cut off Bto limit; cut upClimiting; cut out Dto limit; cut down解析:句意:交通部门已采取有效措施以限制城镇的车辆速度,减少交通事故。第一个空表示目的,and连接两个并列的成分,所以选D。答案:D5As our head teacher _ it, “Lei Feng will always live in our hearts, because his spirit _ some of the best qualities of us human beings.” Asays; presents Bputs; representsCexplains; stands Dexpresses; means解析:句意:正如我们班主任说的,“雷锋永远活在我们心中,因为他的精神代表了人类最优秀的品质。” put“表达(思想,评论)”;第二个空应该用represent“代表”。答案:B


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