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1、Unit 5Travelling abroad 核心单词 lecture qualificationqualified 1._ n.& vi.演讲;讲课 qualify 2._ n.资格;资历_ adj.有资格的; 能胜任的_ v.(使)合格;(使) 具有资格 3._ n.准备;预备_ vt.准备 4._ vt.推荐;建议_ n.推荐; 介绍;劝告 preparationprepare recommendrecommendation comfortcomfortable comfortably 5._ n.舒适;安慰vt.安慰_ adj. 舒适的_ adv.舒适地_ adj.不 舒服的;不安的

2、_ n.不舒服;不安 uncomfortable 6._ n.代替者;代用品vt.用代替 _ n.代替;取代_ adj.替代的;代用的; 取代的 discomfort substitute substitution 7._ adj.学校的;学术的_ n.研究会; 学院 substitutive academic academy requirementrequire acknowledge 8._ n.需要;要求_ vt.需要 9._ vt.承认;确认;答谢_ n.承认 acknowledgement contradictcontradictory 10._ vt.反驳;驳斥_ adj.相互 矛

3、盾的 autonomous occupyoccupation 11._ adj.自主的;自治的;独立的 12._ vt.占用;占领;占据_ n.占领; 占据 13._ n.事业;事业心 enterprise apologyapologize optionaloption 14._ n.道歉;谢罪_ vt.道歉 bark 15._ adj.可选择的;随意的_ n.选择 16._ vi.(指狗等)吠叫;咆哮n.犬吠声;树皮 17._ adj.平行的;相同的;类似的 parallel 18._ adj.丰富的;充裕的_ n.丰富 19._ vt.& vi.统治;支配;管理_ n.统治 abundan

4、tabundance 者;管理者_ n.政府 20._ n.目的地 governgovernor government destination 常考短语 adjust keepup fit 1._ to 适应 2._ it _ 保持优秀成绩;继续干下去 3._ in 相适应;相融和 4.as _ as one is _ 就而言 5.be_ with 忙着做;忙于某事物 6._ _ 学士学位 7.day _ and day _ 日复一日 farconcerned occupied bachelorsdegree inout travel question 8._ agent 旅行代办人;旅行代理

5、人 9.out of the _ 不可能的;不值得讨论的 10._ in (迁入新居、更换工作后)安顿下来 11._ for 申请 settle apply take12._ up 从事,占 13.be/get _ to 习惯于 14.in the_ of 在陪伴下 used company 经典佳句 hadeverleft haveto 1.It was the first time she _ _ _ her motherland.这是她第一次离开她的祖国。 getusedto 2.You _ _ _ _ _ a whole new way of life, which can take

6、up all your concentration in the beginning.你必须适应一种全新的生活方式,在一开始的时 候这就会占去你的全部精力。 sooccupiedwith 3.I have been _ _ _ _ _ I havent had time for social activities.我一直忙于学习, 以至于没有时间去搞社交活动。 work that 课文回顾 to complete whose difficulties Six months ago, Xie Lei boarded a plane for London 1._ (complete) a busi

7、ness qualification.When she came to England, she lived with a host family, 2._ members always helped her.At the beginning she had to face such 3._ (difficult) of daily life as how to use the phone, how to pay on the bus. 4._ , she also had to face difficulties of learning at the university. 5._ (stu

8、dy) there was quite different from studying in China and she needed some preparations Besides Studying up beneficial to fulfill peoples ideas first.She had to get used to a new way of life, which took 6._ all her concentration.It was 7._ (benefit) as well as difficult for her to study in London.She

9、learned how 8._ (fulfill) Western academic requirements.Xie Lei also learned that as a student, she should not use other 9._ (people) works but try to express her own 10._ (idea). 单句语法填空 1.(2017 年新课标卷 阅读理解A) Our caf offers a complete menu of lunch and snack _ (option),in addition to seasonal special

10、s. 2.(2017 年江苏卷 阅读理解C) The Internet has made data _ (abundance) , all-present and far more valuable, changing the nature of data and competition. options abundant 3.(2018 年新课标 卷 语法填空 )The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture finds that between 2005when the government started asoil-testingprogramwhichgive

11、sspecificfertilizer _ (recommend) to farmersand 2011, fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons. recommendations 4.He occupies an important position in the government office, and his _ (occupy) brings him great fame. 5.These young trees will require_ (look) after carefully. occupatio looking/to be

12、looked 6.Later, man began to settle _ the places where the food and water were plentiful. in Adjusting 7._ (adjust) to the tropical heat was more difficult than they had expected. of acknowledgement 8.You cant go to the wedding in that old shirt.Its quite out _ the question. 9.We want an _ (acknowle

13、dge) of the existence of the problem. comfortable 10.You need to work at the speed with which you feel _ (comfort), so you can enjoy the process. 1.preparation n.准备;预备 make preparations for/to do 为做准备 in preparation for 为做准备 prepare vt.准备;预备 prepare for sth.为某事做准备 prepare to do sth.准备去做某事 prepare sb

14、.for sth.使某人对某事有所准备 be prepared for sth.对某事做好了准备 be prepared to do sth.愿意做某事 用法指引 prepare to do sth.与 be prepared to do sth.,前者表示在行动 上准备做某事;后者表示在思想上、知识上及心理上为做好某 事而做好准备。如: I was preparing to leave! 我正准备离开!(行动上) We have been well prepared to take the exam. 我们都准备好 了参加考试。(心理上/知识上) 运用单句语法填空 (1)He quitted

15、 because he didnt make _ (prepare) for it in advance. preparations for (2)You are confident about the job interview, arent you? Sure, I have been well prepared _ it. (3)(2017 年新课标卷阅读理解 C)As one group of workers carried out the rubbish, another group began removing seats and other theater equipment i

16、n _ (prepare) for the buildings end. preparation 2.recommend vt.推荐;建议 recommend doing sth.建议做某事 recommend that-clause 建议(从句谓语用“should do”,should 可省略) recommend sb.for/to do sth.推荐某人做某事 recommend sb.sth.给某人推荐某物 recommend sth.to sb.把某物推荐给某人 recommendation n.推荐;介绍信 用法指引 recommend 是及物动词,其后可接名词、代词、动名词以 及

17、复合结构。如: She was recommended for the post by a colleague. 她被一个 recommendation limiting 同事推荐到这个位置。 运用 单句语法填空 (1)This is not a _ (recommend), but an observation. to eat (should) be (2)The doctor strongly recommended _ (limit) the amount of fat in my diet. (3)Could you recommend anywhere good _ (eat) to

18、night, but not too expensive? (4)Eye doctors recommend that a childs first eye exam _ (be) at the age of six months old. fort n.舒适;安慰;令人安慰的人或事物vt.安慰 give comfort to sb.给予某人安慰 comfort.with.以安慰;以使舒适 comfort sb.for.因安慰某人 in comfort 舒适地 take/have/find comfort (in.) 感到安慰/安心;(从中)得 到安慰 comfortable adj.舒适的

19、be comfortable about/with sth.对某事感到轻松/舒适/惬意 用法指引 comfort 表示“带来安慰的人或事物”时是可数名词;表示 “安慰;舒适”时是不可数名词。其反义词是 discomfort n.不舒 适;不舒服;而 comfortable 的反义词是 uncomfortable adj.不舒 服的;不安的。 运用单句语法填空 (1)(2018 年北京卷阅读理解 D)But driverless car ownership could increase as the prices drop and more people become _ (comfort) w

20、ith the technology. (2)I tried to _ (comfortable) him after he was defeated by his opponent. (3)Judging from her letter, I know that she lives _ great comfort. (4)After retirement, he took comfort _ reading. comfortable comfort in in 4.acknowledge vt.承认;确认;答谢 acknowledge (doing) sth./that-clause 承 认

21、 ( 做 了 ) 某 事 / 承 认 acknowledge sb.with.以对某人表示感谢 acknowledge a favour/help 答谢所受到的关照/帮助 be acknowledged as.被公认为是 Its (universally) acknowledged that-clause 是大家所公 认的。 acknowledgement n.承认;确认;感谢 in acknowledgement of 对表示感谢 用法指引 (1)表示“承认做了某事”,其后可接动名词,也可接 that 从句,但通常不接不定式。 (2)acknowledge 后虽不能接不定式做宾语,但可接不定

22、式 做宾补。 acknowledging with 运用单句语法填空 (1)The candidate _ (acknowledge) his defeat in the election was cast down very much. (2)Jack acknowledged the gift _ a thanks letter. (3)With the monitor video showing, he had to acknowledge _ (steal) the mobile phone from his classmates desk inside. (4)I was sent

23、a free copy _ acknowledgement of my contribution. stealing/having stolen in 5.occupy vt.占用;占领;占据 occupy oneself with sth./in doing sth.使自己忙于(做)某事 be occupied in doing sth./with sth.忙于做某事/某事物 keep sb.occupied 使某人忙碌 occupation n.职业;消遣 写作佳句 He would have attended your birthday party but he was occupied

24、 with a very important experiment.他本会来参加你的生 日晚会,但却忙于做一个重要的实验。 运用单句语法填空 occupied had been occupied (1)After entering senior high school , you should set aside some time to take part in some out-of-class activities although _ (occupy) in studying. (2)Later I went to a cafe to have lunch, but all the t

25、ables _(occupy). (3)He occupied himself _ his experiment so that he forgot to eat food and sleep. with occupied (4)She keeps herself fully _ (occupy) with volunteer activities. 1.keep it up保持优秀成绩;继续干下去 keep sth.up 使某物保持在某水平 keep back 阻止;保留;隐瞒 keep down 抵制;控制 keep in touch with 与保持联系 keep.out of 不使入内

26、;不惹事 keep away from 不(使)接近 keep.in mind 记住 keep ones eyes on 注视 写作佳句 Keep it up, and youll succeed sooner or later.继续努力,你迟 早会成功的。 up down on 运用用适当的介词或副词填空 (1)Extremely tired as they are, they keep it _ with great enthusiasm. (2)Government carried out measures to keep _ the rise in goods price. (3)(2

27、018 年天津卷阅读理解 B)The people in the hall seemed very nosy ( 爱 窥 探 的 ), keeping their eyes _ me with curiosity. 2.fit in 相适应;相融和 fit in with 适应;与一致;与合得来 be fit for 胜任;适合;合格 be fit to do 适合做 keep fit 保持健康 写作佳句 He tried as much as he could to fit in but he could not because his mind was at home.他尽可能地去适应,但

28、是做不到,因为他 的心思在家里。 fitting 运用单句语法填空 (1)Hes never done this type of work before.Im not sure whether hell fit in _ the other employees. (2)This kind of fast food is not fit _ my appetite. (3)A lot of our new students have a hard time _ (fit) in. with for 3.as far as one is concerned就而言 be concerned with

29、 sb./sth.与某人/某物有关 be concerned in 与有牵连;卷入了 be concerned about/over.关心;担心 concern oneself about/over.使某人关心/担心 用法指引 (1)concerned 为形容词,意为“担心的;忧虑的”。常用短 语:be concerned about/over.常用人做句子的主语。 (2)concerning 为介词,意为“关于;涉及”,常 用作后置定语。 about/over am concerned 运用单句语法填空 (1)Dont concern yourself _ meaningless thing

30、s all day long. with concerning (2)As far as I_ (concern), Im not against your plan. (3)The two chapters are concerned _ basic knowledge of electricity. (4)He asked several questions _ (concern) the future of the company. 原句1It was the first time she had ever left her motherland. 这是她第一次离开她的祖国。 It/Th

31、is/Thatis/will bethe first/second.timethat 从句(从 句用现在完成时) It/This/That was the first/second.time that 从句(从句用过 去完成时) Its time for sth.该是(做)的时候了。 Its time (for sb.) to do sth.该是(某人)干的时候了。 Its high time (that) did/should do sth. 该 是干 的时候 了。 运用单句语法填空 (1)I hope that it is the last time that you _ (make) s

32、uch a foolish mistake. (2)It is high time we _ (do) something to make good use of time. (3)That was the first time I _ (drive) a taxi. have made did/should do had driven 原句2He wanted to know what I thought, which confused me because I thought that the author of the article knew far more than I did.他

33、想知道我所想的是什么,这倒把我弄糊涂了,因为 我认为该文作者所知道的比我多得多。 结构:want to know宾语从句which 引导的非限制性定 语从句because 引导的原因状语从句 运用单句语法填空 whatwhich which (1)I want to know _ you have done, _ interests me because I think you are a very special person. (2)He wants to know when we will start, _ is very important because the meeting ca

34、nt be put off. 原句3In the high plains area is Lake Titicaca, the highest lake in the world, on which boats can travel.在高原地区有的的喀 喀湖,是世界上海拔最高的湖,湖上可以行船。 本句主句采用了完全倒装形式,正常语序为:Lake Titicaca is in the high plains area.;而且有定语从句,先行词为主句的主 语。在英语句子中,表示地点的状语或表语置于句首,常用完 全倒装语序,即句子的谓语部分提到主语前面。 lie is 运用单句语法填空 (1)Aro

35、und the lake _ (lie) sixteen mountains, which are covered with snow all the year round. (2)In the center of the city _ (be) a shopping mall, the biggest one in the city, in which there are a great diversity of goods. 运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵下来 It was my first time that I had been to Britain.When I we

36、nt on board, I believed that I could adjust 1._ the life in Britain very soon.However, on my 2._ (arrive) in Britain, I was numb with 3._ (shocking)I couldnt understand their language.I realized that I must fit 4._ as soon as possible.Therefore I took up oral English again and I seized every chance

37、5._ (talk) with the local people, who always to arrival shock in to talk kindlyrapid which driving felt 6._ (kind) encouraged me to keep it up.I made 7._ (rapidly) progress in spoken English, 8._ helped me know better about Britain.Very soon, I could express myself freely and I even got used to 9._ (drive) on the left.Later I found it comfortable to live in Britain and sometimes I even 10._ (feel) at home to live there.


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