2019-2020同步外研英语选修七新突破讲义:Module 2 Section Ⅴ Writing——介绍学校生活 Word版含答案.pdf

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《2019-2020同步外研英语选修七新突破讲义:Module 2 Section Ⅴ Writing——介绍学校生活 Word版含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步外研英语选修七新突破讲义:Module 2 Section Ⅴ Writing——介绍学校生活 Word版含答案.pdf(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Section Writing介绍学校生活介绍学校生活 文体指导 介绍学校生活,一般分为两种:一种是给出表达的主题、提纲材料;另一种 是开放性作文,只给出主题或简单的提示。第一种作文较简单一些,只要按照所 给材料把主题表达清楚, 不遗漏要点即可 ; 第二种作文复杂一些, 要发挥主观想象, 但不能偏离主题。这就要求在写作文之前要列出写作要点,关键词汇和句型。 若写具体活动时,还需注意以下基本要求: 1主题明确,内容充实。文章中的故事要有头有尾,要有高潮,要把何人、 何事、何地、何因等几方面交代清楚,避免空乏、笼统的话。通过对人物、事物 和景物的描写,表现出故事的主题和作者的思想感情。 2层次分明

2、,有条有理。记叙文除了有开头语及高潮性的结尾外,还要注意 描写的层次要清楚,挑选一些典型事例或细节加以合理安排,用最简单易行的方 法,按时间的先后顺序进行描写。 3主次分明,详略得当。叙述时还应注意主题鲜明、清楚、具体,内容真实 感人,抓住典型事例。对中心事件和最能表现中心思想的地方,即主要情节加以 详细描写,对次要情节则少写,不重要的东西可不写。 亮点句式 1How time flies! 2Ive made friends with . 3Ive made rapid/great progress (in .) 4We did.in our spare time. 5I took part

3、 in different/all kinds of afterschool activities. 6When looking back at . 7I was impressed with . 8I won the competition. 9I stood out in the English Speech Contest. 10I tried out for (参加选拔) afterschool interest groups. 写作任务 中学生英文报正在举办征文活动,请你以我理想的高中生活为题写 一篇短文参与投稿。短文内容必须包括: (1)你的个人信息: 姓名(李萍)、年龄、所在班级

4、、你最喜欢的科目、学校类型 (比如大型的还是小型的)、你认为时间表怎样安排较为合理; (2)你认为学校应该有什么样的体育或课外活动; (3)学校有什么特殊活动。 词数:100 左右 审题谋篇 体裁说明文 话题高中生活 时态一般现在时,一般将来时 人称第三人称 遣词造句 .对接模块词汇 1ability n 能力 2activity n. 活动 3prom n. 班级舞会 4in ones view 在某人看来 .巧用模块句式、语法 (一)完成句子 1我感觉我最喜欢数学和物理。 I find myself liking maths and physics most.(find宾语宾补) 2学生们

5、的确喜欢更多的自由时间来做他们想做的。 Students do enjoy more free time to do what they want.(do/does/did 强调谓语动 词)。 3这是一个不错的主意,在学校里一定要有很多课外活动。 Its a good idea that in the school there must be a lot of outofclass activities. (Its a good idea that.句式) 4应该有一个我们能看很多不同国家电影的社团。 There should be a film society where we could

6、see lots of films from different countries.(定语从句) 5直到考试失败我们才会意识到我们在高中刻苦学习是最重要的事情。 It is not until we fail in the exam that we can realize studying hard and doing well at school are the most important things for senior high school students.(not.until 强调 句) (二)句式升级 6In my view,there should be a film s

7、ociety for us students.We could see films from lots of different countries.(合并成一个句子) In my view,the school should set up a film society for us students where we could see lots of films from different countries. 7It will be nice if there is a senior prom for the final year students.(改为虚拟语 气) It would

8、 be nice if there was a senior prom for the final year students. 妙笔成篇 【参考范文】 My name is Li Ping, aged seventeen and studying in Class 2, Junior 3.My favourite subjects are maths and physics.My ideal senior high school should be an individualized one.Students should enjoy more free time to do what th

9、ey want,such as reading in the library,listening to music,walking in the school yard and so on. In the school there must be a lot of afterschool activities.Besides,there should be a film society where we could see lots of films from different countries. It would be nice if there was a senior prom for the final year students.Of course, studying hard and doing well at school are the most important things for senior high school students.


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