2019-2020同步外研英语选修七新突破课时分层作业:3 Section Ⅰ、Ⅱ Word版含解析.pdf

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《2019-2020同步外研英语选修七新突破课时分层作业:3 Section Ⅰ、Ⅱ Word版含解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步外研英语选修七新突破课时分层作业:3 Section Ⅰ、Ⅱ Word版含解析.pdf(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、课时分层作业课时分层作业(三三) Section 、 语言知识练习固基础 .单句语法填空 1It is suitable(suit) for people of all ages and physical conditions. 2After they got married,they settled down in a small village,leading a quiet life. 3I found myself standing(stand) alone on the deserted platform. 4Mr.Green was elected(elect) chairman

2、of the Trade Union when he was in his thirties. 5 People are willing to sacrifice rest time for much more work in the competitive(compete) society. 6What great fun the children had playing(play) basketball! I dont have the heart to stop them. 7Its a pity that you cant stay longer. 8They rented(rent)

3、 their spare room out to get some extra money last month. 9She did tell me about her address,but I forgot all about it. 10 Looking back on/at my senior high school days, I have a mixture of happiness and sadness. .选词填空 look back at/on,work as,share.with.,have fun,settle down to 1The children always

4、have fun playing building blocks. 2I like to look back at/on my high school days,which were the happiest in my life. 3It was so noisy outside that he couldnt settle down to reading a book. 4Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group? 5. Those days,he worked as an English teac

5、her in a village school in China. 高考题型练习提能力 .阅读理解 In America,after middle school comes high school,which includes grades 9 through 12.Students are required to take certain subjects like English,social studies, math,science,and physical education.In addition,they choose among elective subjects to com

6、plete their high school education.Electives include subjects in technology,music,art,and foreign languages. Each student in the school has their own locker for books and personal items.This convenience saves students from carrying textbooks, and allows students a small space they can decorate with p

7、osters and favorite objects. Most high schools have at least one sports team that competes in local events, and all students are encouraged to be involved in athletics.Schools often offer football, baseball and softball(垒球),basketball,volleyball,tennis,and soccer.Some may even have sports like golf,

8、swimming,gymnastics and crosscountry skiing. Many high school students have parttime jobs by the age of 15 or 16,some even earlier.Their first jobs are often babysitting or cutting lawns,but later they will likely get a job at a fastfood restaurant,video store,or clothing shop. Sixteen years old is

9、legal driving age in most states,and students usually want to own a car as soon as they can.Some parents allow their children to drive a family vehicle,and may even buy a car as a graduation present.Others prefer that their sons and daughters earn enough to purchase a used vehicle.Regardless,many te

10、enagers feel its a necessity to own a car,and will do whatever it takes to be able to drive. Each school holds certain yearly(一年一次的) activities for the entire school body, such as homecoming,prom night,holiday celebrations,etc. Homecoming is celebrated each fall,usually on a weekend,and events leadi

11、ng up to it may last all week.While homecoming is celebrated differently at each school,it usually includes a parade and the crowning of the Homecoming King and Queen,and ends with a football game and school dance. 【语篇解读】 文章讲述了美国高中生的课程、体育活动、可从事的兼职、 社交活动和驾驶等。 1What elective subjects can American high

12、 school students choose? AEnglish,music and art. BEnglish,music and technology. CFrench,music and art. DMath,French and art. C 细节理解题。根据第一段可知,美国高中生的选修课有“subjects in technology,music,art,and foreign languages” , 所以 C 项正确。 2Which of the following is WRONG about the locker for books? AIt is convenient f

13、or students. BIt makes the students not bother to carry books. CIt can be decorated according to the students tastes. DIt can be used to hide some expensive things. D 推理判断题。根据第二段可知,储物柜是用来方便放书的,学生还可以 装饰它。但没提到放置贵重物品。 3We can infer from the passage that Amost high schools attach importance to sports Bm

14、ost high school students are dependent Cstudents in every state can get a driving license at 16 Dused cars are popular among students A 推理判断题。根据第三段可知,大多数学校至少有一个自己的体育队, 并鼓励所有的学生参加运动,因此可推知 A 项正确。 4The main idea of the passage is about Aschool jobs BAmerican schools Cschool sports Dschool courses B 主旨大

15、意题。根据每段的主题(课程、体育、兼职、驾驶和活动)可知,B 项综合概括了各段的内容;而 A、C、D 三项均是文章的部分内容,不能包括全部 的主题。 .完形填空 When I was three years old, my parents discovered I was totally deaf.After discussing with doctors,they made a decision to send me to a 1 school. I experienced great 2 throughout elementary school because I 3 with most

16、of my schoolwork in order that I could keep up.Because of my 4 I had to constantly ask everyone, “What did he/she say?”Classmates are warmhearted. 5 , I worried that everyone would soon 6 repeating everything back to me.Often I was afraid my classmates would make fun of me so I 7 answered any teache

17、rs question. Mrs.Jordan, my 5th grade teacher, changed my 8 with a simple threeword phrase.One morning,she asked the class a question.I read her lips and immediately raised my hand.Yet I darent 9 itthis time I knew the answer.When she called on me,I was nervous.Despite my 10 ,I felt confident becaus

18、e I was 11 that I had the right answer.I took a deep breath and 12 answered Mrs.Jordans question. I will never 13 what happened next.Her 14 surprised all of us.Mrs.Jordan enthusiastically hit the floor with her right foot and ran her right finger in a full circle until it pointed directly at me.With

19、 sparkling (闪闪发光的) eyes and a wide smile she 15 , “THATS RIGHT,STEPHEN !” For the first time in my young life,I was an instant star.My pride 16 in my heart.My 17 rose like never before.A simple threeword phrase delivered with 18 enthusiasm had totally changed my young life. From that day,my grades 1

20、9 dramatically.My 20 among my peers increased and my outlook on life did a complete turnabout. 【语篇解读】 因听力有问题,作者很少能回答老师的问题。有一天他却对 老师的提问做出了正确回答,对此老师给出了积极的鼓励,就是这样简单的三个 词的鼓励改变了作者的境遇。 1A.boarding Bnormal CspecialDmedical B 由下文作者经常问别人老师说了什么可知,作者虽然耳朵失聪,但却去 了一个正常的(normal)学校。 2A.gratitudeBdiscrimination Canx

21、ietyDindifference C 作者身患残疾,无法顺利地跟上同学的学习进度,经常与学校的功课 “作斗争”(struggled),常会感到焦虑(anxiety)。 3A.struggledBdealt Ctrembled Dreacted A 参见上题解析。 4A.curiosityBbravery CcourageDdisability D 由第一段中提到的我听力有残疾可知,这里是指我的残疾(disability)。 5A.ThereforeBBesides CHowever DOtherwise C 前后表示转折关系,用 however。同学们都很热心,可是我却担心 6A.get t

22、ired ofBget shy of Cget ashamed of Dget skilful at A 由前文提到的“worried”和空后的“I was afraid”可推断,作者是担心同学们 会不会对他不停的提问而感到厌烦。 7A.brieflyBeagerly Cnarrowly Drarely D 我担心同学们取笑我,所以我很少(rarely)去回答老师的问题。 8A.belief Bsituation CenvironmentDdecision B 根据下文可知,作者的生活发生了变化,因此是改变了作者的处境 (situation)。 9A.deny Bbear Cjudge Dbe

23、lieve D 作者经常向同学问老师说了什么,学习也不是很得心应手,这次他自己 也不敢相信(believe)他竟然知道这个问题的答案。 10A.fears Bannoyance CdisadvantageDembarrassment A 由上文“I was nervous”可知老师叫我时,我感到紧张,由此可推断出这里 表示我有些害怕(fears)。 11A.astonished Bpleased Cconvinced Dexcited C 作者读懂了老师的唇语并立即举手, 作者深信(convinced)自己的答案是正 确的。 由下文老师的反应也能推断出。 12A.nervouslyBgladl

24、y Csimply Drespectfully A 前文中的“I was nervous”是提示。 13A.encounterBforget Cexpect Ddoubt B 一个很平常的课堂正确作答,老师却做出了超乎寻常的反应(response), 作者永远不会忘记(forget)。 14A.responseBanswer Cinsult Dexpression A 参见上题解析。 15A.admitted Bnodded Ccried Dexplained C 一个一般不会回答问题的残疾学生第一次举手回答问题,并给出了正确 答案,此时的老师很激动,高兴地大声喊了(cry)出来。 16A.d

25、isappearedBcontinued Cended Dburst D 作者第一次回答问题正确并受到老师的表扬,心中满怀(burst)骄傲。 17A.honesty Bsatisfaction Cfirmness Dconfidence D 作者给出了正确答案, 老师表扬了作者, 作者的自信(confidence)在增加。 18A.innocent Blittle Cincredible Dnatural C 老师很欣喜作者能给出正确答案,喊着说出了对他的表扬,这简直难以 置信(incredible),但就是这简单的三个词的表扬改变了作者的生活。 19A.improvedBdropped Cinfluenced Dslid A 老师的鼓励让我信心倍增,我的成绩也在迅速提高(improved),我的受欢 迎度(popularity)也在同龄人之间增加。 20A.strengthBpopularity Chonor Dappreciation B 参见上题解析。


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