2019-2020同步外研英语选修九新突破讲义:Module 2 Section 1 Reading 【Introduction &amp Reading and Vocabulary(1)】 Word版含答案.pdf

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《2019-2020同步外研英语选修九新突破讲义:Module 2 Section 1 Reading 【Introduction &amp Reading and Vocabulary(1)】 Word版含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步外研英语选修九新突破讲义:Module 2 Section 1 Reading 【Introduction &amp Reading and Vocabulary(1)】 Word版含答案.pdf(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Currently there are some 20,000 chemicals in use, but the scientists only have detailed information on around 1,000 of them.To see the advantages of GM food you have only to consider the recent press revelation that the average lettuce receives eleven pesticide applications before it reaches the sup

2、ermarket shelf.Im sure chemicals and their roles in disease will become a big issue in the next century as the population of the developed world worries increasingly about its health. The reason GM food will not go away is that we need a threefold increase in food production by the year 2050 to keep

3、 pace with the worlds predicted population growth to ten or eleven billion.Its not just a question of more mouths to feed either.What is often forgotten is that all these extra people will take up space, reducing the overall land available for agriculture. The world has 800 million hungry people.Unt

4、il now, food supplies have been increased by improved varieties, pesticides and artificial fertilizers: the green revolution.Now were on the edge of a new revolution: a genetic one. It may well be that in the long term it is the developing world that benefits most from GM foods.Its true that for the

5、 next ten years or so GM crop may be too expensive.But the lesson of personal computers is applicable hereonce the technology has been developed for moneyspinning crops, like maize, soybeans and cotton, it will filter down and become affordable for all.This doesnt mean, unfortunately, that famines w

6、ill disappear, but severity and duration will be helped by an improved ability to produce and distribute food. As we move into this new era of agriculture were embarking on an experiment.But remember that the world has seen a number of experiments before.We have been refining species of wheat for se

7、veral thousand years.Genetic engineers like me are not doing anything as dramatic as making a cabbage into a caulifloweras has been done by plant breeders in the past.Were simply tapping into the whole gene pool, rather than concentrating on one species at a time. 1According to the passage, we can s

8、ee that the author has a/an_attitude towards GM food. Adisappointed Bindifferent Chopeful Duncertain 2Which of the following statements is wrong? AChemicals and their roles in disease will become a big problem in the future. BIn the long term it is the developed world that benefits most from GM food

9、. CIts true that for the next ten years or so GM crops may be too expensive. DFamines will not completely disappear even though GM food becomes affordable in the future. 【答案】 1.C 2.B Section Reading Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary(1) .词义搭配 1question Athe work of inquiring into something thorou

10、ghly 2hereditary Bbecome different;change;make sth.different 3investigation Cask what happens 4alter Dsth.that follows from an action or set of conditions 5consequence Erelated to the passing of physical characteristics through genes 【答案】 1.C 2.E 3.A 4.B 5.D .用下列短语的适当形式填空 take after;perform an opera

11、tion;as a consequence of;under investigation; compared with;get rid of 1This improvement seemed insignificant_my failures. 2It is said that the cause of the collapse of the bridge is still_. 3Your son is so stubborn that he doesnt_you in any way. 4The old newspapers take up too much space, and wed b

12、etter_them. 5After a medical consultation, the doctors decided to_on the patient without delay. 6_smoking, my father coughs frequently. 【答案】 pared with 2.under investigation 3take after 4.get rid of 5.perform an operation 6As a consequence of .阅读 P1617课文内容,完成下面表 Part 1 The discovery of DNA Crick and

13、 Watson had found the answer to one of the most important questions of biologyhow do living things 1._themselves? Every cell in our body contains our genes, which pass 2._characteristics on to our children. Story A: John Waters killed a man but the police couldnt 3._him, but after DNA technology inv

14、ention, scientists found the DNA from Johns cell and that of the cells he left on the victim 4._exactly. Part 2 Four stories about DNAStory B: Mike and Julia are very rich and they wanted a goodlooking and intelligent child, so she had a small but very expensive 5._. Story C: Mark Sawyer is a top at

15、hlete and wants to stay that way, so he secretly visited a surgeon and had an operation in which the surgeon inserted an animal 6._into Mark that would make him run faster, so he is a world champion again. Part 2 Four stories about DNA Story D: Clara became pregnant, but hospital tests showed that h

16、er child would be born with a terrible 7._illness, so she and her husband decided to get rid of the unborn baby. Part 3 questions to discuss Watson and Cricks discovery about DNA was the beginning of enormous advances in the field of 8._.If we start choosing the characteristics of our babies, we are

17、 9._nature in a very direct way.What might the 10._be? There are many important issues to discuss. 【答案】 1.reproduce 2.hereditary 3.arrest4matched 5.operation 6.gene 7.inherited 8genetics 9.altering 10.consequences .阅读 P22课文内容,完成课文缩写 How would you feel if someone gave you an envelope 1._a description

18、 of every one of your genes? Its a 2._question to answer.But the fact is 3._scientists have already begun to discover how certain 4._influence us.We have known for a long time that many of our physical characteristics are 5._.For example, our eye color and certain diseases are decided by our genes.6

19、._other characteristics, things are not so 7._.Scientists are learning that 8._our genes 9._our environment affect us.Scientists may soon be able to describe our genes 10._ 11._,but it does not mean they will be able to 12._our future with any real success.Nonetheless, the fact is that scientists will be able to read out genes in the near future.This will 13._new problems. 【答案】 1.with 2.difficult 3.that 4.genes 5inherited 6.With 7.clear 8.both 9.and 10.in 11.detail 12.predict 13.create


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