2019-2020同步新教材外研英语必修一新突破讲义:Unit 6 Section Ⅳ Developing ideas &amp Presenting ideas Word版含答案.pdf

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《2019-2020同步新教材外研英语必修一新突破讲义:Unit 6 Section Ⅳ Developing ideas &amp Presenting ideas Word版含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步新教材外研英语必修一新突破讲义:Unit 6 Section Ⅳ Developing ideas &amp Presenting ideas Word版含答案.pdf(9页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Section Developing ideas & Presenting ideas 第一步 速读了解文章主题和段落大意 速读 P68P69教材课文,选择最佳答案 What is the main idea of the passage? AAll the British people love gardening. BRich people like to build their own gardens. CThe British show their love to gardening. DThe gardening is beneficial to the environment. 答

2、案 C 第二步 细读把控文章关键信息 细读 P68P69教材课文,选择最佳答案 1From Paragraph 1, we can learn Athe whole world looks like a real garden Ball rich people in Britain have a garden Cmany British peoples fingers are green Dhomes with gardens were built before at first 2What do we know the love of gardening in Britain? AChild

3、ren like to see the tallest flowers. BOnly experts can enter the competitions. CPeople enjoy working in their gardens. DPeople can find a place to plant flowers. 3Why do people turn their rooftops into gardens? AThe flowers on the rooftops are more beautiful. BThe space that can be used is limited.

4、CToo many people are waiting for the place. DThe flowers on the rooftops improve the air quality. 答案 1.A 2.C 3.B 第三步 研读能力升华 接轨高考 根据 P68P69教材课文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或者括号内单词的正确 形式。 The book The Secret Garden, 1.published(publish)in 1911, inspires people to plant flowers.But before that, only a few people h

5、ad enough money 2.to have(have) gardens.Many houses have been built 3.with gardens and many British people are proud of their “green fingers” In spring children like to find the 4.tallest(tall)sunflowers.Some people spend much time 5.growing (grow)their vegetables for competitions.However, the space

6、 on 6.which to grow things is limited so people use their rooftop 7.as a private garden.These gardens 8.have improved(improve) the air quality and peoples living 9.conditions(condition) since then.10.Where you tend a rose.a thistle cant grow. .单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词 1He is expert(专家的) in gardening.

7、2Sunflowers(向日葵)can change their direction with the sun. 3Many gardeners (园丁) like to plant flowers and vegetables together. 4We should make full use of our limited(有限的)life time. 5Beauty(美)in this painting varies from people to people. 6His new book is to be published next week. 7Many young people

8、rent an apartment near their working place. 8Our English have been greatly improved with the help of Mr.Li. .拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1publish v出版publisher n出版商publishing n出版 2beauty n美beautiful adj.美丽的;美好的beautify v美化;装饰 3improve v改善,改进improvement n改善,改进 4limit v限制limited adj.有限的limitless adj.没有限制的,无限

9、的 .补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1different kinds of 各种;不同种类的 2come from 来自于 3at that time 当时 4start to 开始做 5spend time doing sth. 花费时间做某事 6wait for 等待 7turn.into 把变成 8as well as 除之外 .选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1Flowers are chosen for their scent as well as their look. 2I jumped to my feet so my thoughts wouldnt start to

10、 wander. 3Do not wait for good things to happen to you. 4We were in the same college, which was maleonly at that time 5It could well turn the party into some kind of a media circus. 6Do you spend time doing the things that make you smile? 7He tasted different kinds of liquors in drops. 8Many of the

11、clothes come from the worlds top fashion houses. 寻规律、巧记忆 形容词y名词 difficultdifficulty 困难 honesthonesty 诚实 discoverdiscovery 发现 背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实 1.Today, millions of Brits like to say that they have “ green fingers” , with around half the population spending most of their free time gardening. 如今,几百万的英国人

12、会说他们是园艺高 手,大约有一半的人口都在用业余时间搞园 艺。 with宾语 doing He went home alone, with cold wind blowing outside. 外面刮着冰冷的寒 风,他独自回家了。 2.Where you tend a rose.a thistle cannot grow. 你种玫瑰的地方,就不会长杂草。 where 引导的 地点状语从句 Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。 limited adj.有限的 (教材 P70)But in cities,limited space has l

13、ed to people looking for new solutions. 但是在城市里,有限的空间使得人们都在寻找新的解决方案。 (1)limit n 限度;限制;范围;界限 within limits 适度地;有限度地 without limit 无限地;无限制地 (2)limit vt. 限制;限定 limit sb./sth.to sth. 把限制在之内 (3)limitless adj. 无限的 Im willing to help,within limits. 我愿意帮忙,可有一定的限度。 Families are limited to four free tickets ea

14、ch. 每户限发四张免费票。 This course is limited(limit) to 12 people and costs 50.该课程只招收 12 人, 学费为 50 英镑。 We must limit the speech to 15 minutes. 我们必须把演讲限制在 15 分钟之内。 (教材 P68)Today, millions of Brits like to say that they have “green fingers”, with around half the population spending most of their free time gar

15、dening 如今,几百万的英国人会说他们是园艺高手,大约有一半的人口都在用业余 时间搞园艺。 【要点提炼】 本句中 with around half the population spending 是“with 宾语宾语补足语”结构,属 with 复合结构。因宾语 around half the population 和 宾语补足语之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,所以宾语补足语用 v.ing 形式,表示主动。 (1)常见的 with 复合结构: with宾语形容词/副词/介词短语 with宾语doing(表主动、进行) with宾语done(表被动、完成) with宾语to do(表未做) (2)w

16、ith 复合结构 常作原因、条件、时间、方式或伴随状语,也可作后置定语。 I couldnt put into my study with the children making noise outside. 孩子们在外面制造噪音,我不能投入进去学习。 He is used to sleeping with the window open at night even in winter. 即使在冬天的夜晚他也习惯开着窗睡觉。 With a lot of work to do(do),we cannot go out to play basketball. 有许多工作要做,我们不能出去打篮球了。

17、 With their work finished(finish),they went to see the movie Wandering Earth together. 完成工作后,他们结伴去看电影流浪地球了。 (教材 P69)And if youre in any doubt about this, take a moment to reflect on this line from The Secret Garden:Where you tend a rose.a thistle cannot grow. 【分析】 该句是一个主从复合句。if 引导的是条件状语从句,主句是 take 开

18、头的祈使句。引用的句子也是个主从复合句。where 引导的是地点状语从句。 【翻译】 如果你对此有所怀疑,那就花点时间思考一下秘密花园中的 这句话吧:你种玫瑰的地方,就不会长杂草。 文体指导 提纲式的书面表达 命题特点: 提供详细信息,体裁广泛,涉及各种文体,但以应用文体,尤以书信为主。 考查重点: 1内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的准确性。 2上下文的连贯性和语言的得体性。 3根据提示组织内容和要点的能力。 4对语篇的组织和架构能力。 方法突破: 1谨慎写作信息,不漏内容要点。 2突出主题,有主有次,段落分明。 3确保时态、语态无误,力求高级表达。 备考策略: 1夯实基础:加强阅读,扩大词汇;

19、加强运用,掌握语法;加强训练,提高 写作能力。 2掌握方法:弄清题意,定好框架;分析试题,列出提纲;理清思路,调整 结构;仔细检查,确保无误。 3运用技巧:调整结构,详略得当;整合句子,行文流畅;改换表达,提高 档次;采用修辞手法,提高表达效果。 亮点句式 1Beijing is a lively city with a long history, where you can see ancient and modern cultures.(非限制性定语从句) 北京是一个拥有悠久历史的充满活力的城市,在那里你会看到古代文化和现 代文化交织在一起。 2Then it is different k

20、inds of foods and snacks that give you the chance to experience abundant Chinese food culture.(定语从句) 然后各种各样的食物和零食让你有机会体验中国丰富多样的饮食文化。 3I felt very pleased and excited, for this was the first time I had ever talked with a foreigner in English, and I did give him a little help.(do 表示加强语气) 我感到很高兴,也很兴奋,因

21、为这是我第一次用英语和外国人讲话,并且我 确实给了他一点帮助。 4 I have finally made up my mind to go to America for further study after graduation.(必备短语) 最后我下定决心毕业后去美国继续深造。 5On the other hand, I hope to broaden my horizons in this developed country.(必 备短语) 再者,我希望在这个发达国家能开拓视野。 6 The reason why I have been longing to go to America

22、 is that I want to experience American culture, which is believed to be the most diverse in the world.(定 语从句) 我一直渴望去美国的原因是想去体验被认为是世界上最多元化的美国文化。 写作任务 假如你是来自云南大理的李华,一群外国朋友要到你的家乡了解当地的风 土人情,请依照下面提示写一篇欢迎词。 1大理历史悠久,文化灿烂; 2天气宜人,植被丰富,自然环境优越,因自然风光广受赞誉,素有“东方 瑞士(Orient Swiss)”之称; 3旅程将涵盖很多著名景点,日程紧凑。 要求:1.词数 100

23、 词左右; 2可适当增加细节,以使情节连贯。 审题谋篇 体裁欢迎词时态一般现在时 主题大理旅游人称第一人称 结构 第一段:欢迎大家的到来。 第二段:介绍大理的概况。 第三段:介绍旅程。 第四段:再次表示欢迎。 遣词造句 .对接单元词汇 1Yunnan Province 云南省 2natural condition 自然条件 3a large variety of 种类繁多的 4be widely praised for 因受广泛赞誉 5the famous spots 著名景点 .巧用单元句式、语法 (一)完成句子 1欢迎来到大理,我确信你们将旅行愉快。 Welcome to Dali Cit

24、y, and Im sure you will enjoy a pleasant journey here 2大理气候宜人,有种类繁多的植物。 Blessed with agreeable weather, Dali is the home of a large variety of plants 3今天下午你们可以短暂休息,晚饭后我们将游览去发现大理之美。 This afternoon you may take a short rest and after supper, we will have a tour to discover the beauty of Dali 4这是我们城市的简

25、介,如果有问题一定随时问。 That is a brief introduction of our city and please do feel free to ask questions if you have any (二) 句式升级 5 Dali is located in the west of Yunnan Province, and it enjoys a long and splendid history.(分词作状语) Located in the west of Yunnan Province,Dali enjoys a long and splendid history.

26、 6 For its superiority in natural condition, Dali is famous as “Orient Swiss” and “the City of Flower”(短语升级) For its superiority in natural condition, Dali earns such fame as “Orient Swiss” and “the City of Flower” 妙笔成篇 参考范文 Hello, everyone! Welcome to Dali City, and Im sure you will enjoy a pleasan

27、t journey here. Located in the west of Yunnan Province, Dali enjoys a long and splendid history.Blessed with agreeable weather, Dali is the home of a large variety of plants.For its superiority in natural condition, Dali earns such fame as “Orient Swiss” and “the City of Flower” Dali has been widely

28、 praised for its attraction in natural beauty. Our journey here will cover most of the famous spots, making our schedule extremely tight.This afternoon you may take a short rest and after supper, we will have a tour to discover the beauty of Dali.There will be more excitements and enjoyments awaiting you in the days to come. That is a brief introduction of our city and please do feel free to ask questions if you have any.Thank you for your attention.


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