高考英语二轮复习课件:专题3 代词.ppt

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1、专题三 代词,一、人称代词的常见用法 1人称代词的排序 单数二、三、一(you,he and I),但承担责任时词序为一、二、三(I,you and he)。例如: I,you and he should answer for the accident.复数一、二、三(we,you and they)。其中“一”表示第一人称;“二”表示第二人称;“三”表示第三人称。,2人称代词的格 (1)在无动词分句中,人称代词通常用其宾格。例如: Who can name two pronouns? Who? Me? Im going to spend the weekend in the countrys

2、ide. Me,too.,(2)人称代词做表语时多用宾格。例如: This is him,and that is me. 在强调结构中,被强调的如果是人称代词,代词的格一般取决于被强调的部分在从句中所充当的句法作用。例如: It was I that(who)carried the boy to safety.(“我”在从句中作主语,故用主格人称代词I。) (3)在比较状语从句中,人称代词的格取决于话语的深层结构。试比较: He helped me more often than she(did) He helped me more often than(he did)her.,3人称代词的类

3、指用法 人称代词能够表示类指,即泛指一般的人或事物。 (1)we 和 you 表示类指时,泛指一般人,包括听说双方在内。例如: Think before you act.三思而后行。 (2)they 表示类指时,一般指有关方面,不包括听说双方在内。例如: I dont think they will raise the price of oil. (3)it 表示类指时,一般泛指不可数的事物。例如: I like football,but I dont want to play it.,4阴性代词 she,her 的用法 阴性代词 she,her 可用来指代“国家、车、船、飞机”等物,以示亲切

4、,但应注意不要滥用。,二、替代词的用法 1名词性替代替代词 one,it 与 that 的用法 one:指代可数名词,复数形式为ones;表示泛指,亦即指同一类中的任何一个,特指时须在 one 前加上定冠词 the;one 前一般不加定冠词,但 one 被形容词修饰后反之。 it:指代可数或不可数名词,复数形式为 them;指代前面提到过的事物,亦即“同一个”。 that:指代可数或不可数名词,复数形式为 those;表示特指。 例如:Ive lost my pen.I cant find it anywhere.Im going to buy a new one. The weather i

5、n Beijing is much colder than that in NanJing.,2动词性替代代词 so 和 it 与代动词 do 的连用 代词 so 和 it 可以接在代动词 do 之后,表示一个已经完成了的行为。do 可以替代前面出现了的主动词,也可以替代动词和动词后面的宾语或状语等成分。例如: Please tell him to come on time. I have done so(it)(I have told him to come on time.),do so 相对比较正式一点,在非正式的说法中,通常说 do和 do it,或者将 do it 中的it换用为 t

6、his 或 that。例如: I hope you had a good time at the party. Yes,I did.Thanks. I havent got time to get the tickets. Whos going to do it(that)?(由于这段对话太口语化,所以这里不宜说:Whos going to do so?),特别提醒:如果替代的是前面的“动词状语”结构,一般用 do so 或 do,而不能用 do it。后者主要替代“动词宾语”的结构。,3分句性替代分句替代词 so 和 not 的用法 so 和 not 常接在某些语气较为委婉的动词之后,以替代

7、 that 从句。这样的动词有:believe,think,hope,expect,suppose,imagine,say,hear,guess,be afraid 等。so 表示肯定。例如: Is there going to be a film tonight? I think so.(I think there is going to be a film tonight.) 如果要对前句的内容进行否定,则可采用下面两种结构:,(1)dontbelieve/think/expect/supposeso,例如: He will fail in the entrance exam. No,I

8、dont believe so. (I dont believe he will fail in the entrance exam.) (2)believe,think,expect,suppose,hope,hear,be afraidnot。例如: Do you think its going to rain over the weekend? I believe not. I wonder if he met with the accident. I think not and I hope not.,特别提醒:上述动词中 believe,think,expect,suppose 等可

9、以有两种否定形式,而有些动词只能有一种否定形式。例如: I hope not.(不能说:I dont hope so.) Im afraid not.(不能说:Im not afraid so.) 此外,初学者还容易出现下列典型错误: Do you think well have terrible weather? No,I_dont_believe_it.(替代上面的分句,it 应改为 so) Will he agree with us? Yes,I think.(think 后应接分句替代词 so,否则意思不明),Are you going to watch the game? Im su

10、re so,for it promises to be a close one.(应将 so 改为I will,因为 be sure 的语气并不委婉,其后不能接分句替代词。) 另外,so 和 not 还可以用在if后面,以避免重复前文。例如: Are you free this evening? If so,come and join us in the dance.(不说 If you are free.) I may join you in the dance.If not,Ill telephone you.,三、it 的用法 1it做“虚主语”时可指:时间、天气、温度、距离、环境等。例

11、如: It often snows in winter. Its four weeks since he left. 也可用在下面的结构中: It took us an hour to repair it.(前面的那个 it 充当的是形式主语) I dont think it a good idea.(it 充当的是形式宾语),Its in the hall that well have a meeting.(强调结构中的it) It looks as if it is going to rain.(前面的那个 it 句法作用较为模糊) 2it 指人时的情况 (1)指心目中不清楚的人或谈话双方

12、所指的人和事。例如: A man is waiting for you. Who is it? Who is there? Oh,it is Xiao Lin. (2)指无需区分性别、无独立思考能力的 baby。例如: The baby was badly ill.Its parents took it to the hospital.,四、几个主要概括代词的含义及用法 1both:意为“两者都”,做主语时谓语动词用复数。 either:意为“(两者之中)任何一个”,做主语时谓语动词用单数。 neither:意为“(两者之中)任何一个都不”,做主语时谓语动词用单数。,2any:意为“任何一个(

13、几个)”,做主语时谓语须根据实际意义而定。例如: Point out the mistakes in the compositions,if there are any.(any 指代可数名词 mistakes,故谓语动词用复数。),3all:意为“所有的人或物(三个以上)”,做主语时谓语动词用复数。all 还可作“一切”讲,做主语时谓语动词用单数。例如: All are silent.谁都不出声。 All is silent.万籁俱寂。 none:“(三者以上)一个也没有”,做主语时谓语动词用单复数均可。例如: They are all very tired,but none of them

14、 have (has) stopped to take a rest.,特别提醒:both 和 all做主语同位语时,一般置于行为动词之前,助动词、情态动词和系动词 be 之后,但在句末或在简短的回答中,则要放在助动词和情态动词之前。例如: Are you ready? Yes.we both are./Yes,we all are. Have you finished? Yes,we both have./Yes,we all have. Can you see it? Yes.we both can./Yes,we all can. How silly you all are!,4each

15、:意为“(两个或两个以上)每一个”,做主语时谓语动词用单数。而 every 不用做代词,故 every 不可用做主语,也不能接受 of 短语的修饰。,五、几个主要不定代词的含义及用法 1someone 后的代词分别用 he,his,him;everyone,any one,none 后的代词可分别用 he,his,him,也可分别用 they,their,them;one 后的物主代词一般用 ones,但重复两次时则用 his;one of 后的物主代词一般用his;each 后的代词可分别用 he,his,him。,2someone,anyone,everyone,no one 仅指人,不接

16、 of 短语;some one,any one,every one,none既可指人,亦可指物,可接 of 短语。 巧记:分合皆能单独用,若加 of 合不成。合写仅能把人指,分开指物又指人。(no one 和 none 反之),六、相互代词 each other 和 one another 的用法 相互代词只有下面这两个: 1one another相互(三者以上)。例如: The several parts of the country have been separated from one another for centuries. 2each other相互(两者之间或三者以上)。例如

17、: They looked into each others eyes for a silent moment. 3在强调两者不同时,用 one.another.。例如: It is one thing to know and another to teach.,七、代词的其他用法 1反身代词不可单独做主语。例如: They themselves found out the place.(不能用 themselves 单独作主语) 2不定代词的定语通常要后置。 3对人口、数字、价格等的提问,常用疑问代词 what。例如: What is the population of China? 4下列

18、短语中的物主代词习惯上不能省略:do ones homework/lessons,shake ones head,wash ones hands,love ones country etc.,名校模拟演练,1(长春调研)Gradually, you will realize that the things that matter are _ that cant be bought with money. Athese Bthose Cones Dsome 解析:考查代词。因该代词被that从句限定,因此使用those,相当于the ones。 答案:B,2(北京东城期末)You can tak

19、e _ half of the cake; theyre exactly the same. Aboth Beither Cany Deach 解析:考查代词。语意:你可以拿蛋糕的任意半块,它们是一样的。据此可知用either表示“两者中的任意一个”,所以选B项。 答案:B,3(北京海淀期末)Is he leaving tomorrow? No. Hell continue to stay here for _ four or five days. Aanother Bother Cthe other Devery other 解析:考查不定代词的用法。因为此处“范围不确定”,所以用anoth

20、er, another four or five days表示“另外四五天”。语意:他将在这里多待四五天。所以这里选A项。 答案:A,4(陕西西安质检)Are you driving to the airport, sir? Id appreciate _ if you could give me a lift. Athat Byou Cthis Dit 解析:语意:先生,你是开车去机场吗?如果你能载我一程,我将非常感激。根据语意可知,it为形式宾语,代替真正的宾语if you could give me a lift。 答案:D,5(陕西西安质检)May I ask for leave to

21、morrow? No, you cant. _ applying for the scholarship must be present. ASomeone BAnyone COne DNo one 解析:考查人称代词的用法。anyone表示“任何人”,即任何申请奖学金的人都必须到场。 答案:B,6(上海春招)It is said that two manmade structures are clearly visible from space. One is the Great Wall of China, and _ is Japans Kansai International Airp

22、ort. Aanother Bother Cthe other Deither 解析:考查代词的用法。“两者中的一个”用one,“两者中的另一个”用the other,上句有提示two manmade structures,所以用one.the other结构。 答案:C,7(南开中学)The cars on show are so cheap, but still I cant afford _. Ait Bthis Cone Dthat 解析:考查代词。展出的那些车都很便宜,但是我还是买不起一辆车。用one表示没有具体所指的“一个”,这里相当于a car。 答案:C,8(广西南宁一模)Eq

23、uipped with modern facilities, todays libraries differ greatly from _. Athose of the past Bthe past Cwhich of the past Dones of the past 解析:考查代词。这里用those代替前面的复数名词libraries,接后置定语of the past。 答案:A,9(襄樊四中)Which one can I take? You can take _ of them; Ill keep none. Aall Bany Cboth Deither 解析:考查代词。依据下文的

24、none一词可知,该处所说的事物不止两个,所以C错误;再依据题意可知,这里是让对方都拿走,所以用all。 答案:A,10(河南省实验中学一模)Understanding the cultural habits of another nation, especially _ containing as many different cultures as America is a difficult thing. Athe one Bone Cit Deither 解析:考查代词。one指代的事物同类不同体,泛指同类中的一个,相当于“a/an名词”,符合语意。the one特指某一个,it用来替代前面提到的同一事物,either指两者之一。 答案:B,


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