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1、Party branch Secretary of a party lecture of two spe eches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. Today Ill give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons

2、, hope, through todays tutorial, further consol idation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This t utorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying a

3、nd implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main cha nges in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide p

4、arty building. Two thematic education i n party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and im plementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution

5、 as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most importa

6、nt of concentrated learning implement Constitution on ha s four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Bot h hist ory and reality show that only determined to uphol d the supremacy of the Constitut

7、ion, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the reque st of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the partys policy and discipli ne, to maintain party unity, completed the partys various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and imp

8、lementing the party Constitution, consolidating the partys ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activiti

9、es of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution,

10、should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, pur pose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, ear nestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is

11、to solve the probl ems the partys actual nee ds. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading ca dres should first do whatever the onstitution provides t hat no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution

12、Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their ow n qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, stre

13、ngthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence t o party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, t he main cha nge in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the C

14、onstitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with the development of the situation and tasks cha nge,

15、every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the partys second National Con

16、gress. According to the cha nges in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not bee n modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Consti

17、tution. Current is devel oped in September 1982 the partys 12 big cha nges to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the

18、Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 great development course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led Chi na revolution, and construction and reform long-

19、term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist Chi na of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course.

20、 T his 18 big through of Constitution, except “master“ outside total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third cha pter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of

21、 grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eig hth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth cha pter party and Communist outh League of relationship; 11t h chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared to 实验小学教学管理规范

22、 五大连池市实验小学校 为了深入贯彻创新教育管理,提高育人质量,切实加强教育教学管 理工作,明确教学职责, 规范教师行为, 我校依据中小学教学管理规程 的相关规定,特制定教学管理规范。 一、晨读及晨练活动 1.学生到校后开始晨读、除校级运动员和扫除学生外,任何学生不得 在操场逗留,要按照学校统一要求,开展晨读及晨练活动。 二、备课 2.教研组长负责备课工作的指导、备课形式的确定, 开学初制定教学 计划。 3.提倡集体备课、电子备课和书面备课相结合、集体备课个人备课相 结合。实行个性教案与通用教案相结合的形式。要求每位老师人手一份教 案。备课要符合教学实际,体现实用与创新。 4.备课要有一周以上

23、的储备课, 逢月底主动将教案送教研组长处查阅 签字。 5.作文课要写教案, 作文要按前一周作文指导、后一周讲评进行作文 教学,不准随意放弃讲评课。 作文教学要符合小学各年级作文要求,打好 基础。在写作中要着重抓好写字规范,减少错别字。 6.每学期进行一次优秀教案评比。 三、上课 Party branch Secretary of a party lecture of two spe eches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constit

24、ution of this practice is a very important part. Today Ill give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through todays tutorial, further consol idation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and g

25、rasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the ne w party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main cha nges in the content and interpretati

26、on of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new esse nce of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education i n party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and im plementing

27、the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a ite

28、ms important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on ha s four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and co

29、mpleted party of the task of strong guarantee. Bot h hist ory and reality show that only determined to uphol d the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the reque st of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the p

30、artys policy and di scipli ne, to maintain party unity, completed the partys various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the partys ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comr

31、ade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously st

32、udy the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, pur pose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, ear nestly shari

33、ng sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedicati on. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the probl ems the partys actual nee ds. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading ca dres should first do whatever the onstitu

34、tion provides t hat no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their ow n qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings.

35、Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence t o party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, t he main cha nge in the new Constitutio

36、n and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, aga

37、inst 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with the development of the situation and tasks cha nge, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and d

38、eveloped a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the partys second National Congress. According to the cha nges in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Const

39、itution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not bee n modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is devel oped in September 1982 the partys 12 big cha nges to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability o

40、f the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 great development course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on peopl

41、e completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led Chi na revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist Chi na of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constant

42、ly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. T his 18 big through of Constitution, except “master“ outside total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter

43、 party of organization system; third cha pter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eig hth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapt

44、er party; tenth cha pter party and Communist outh League of relationship; 11t h chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared to 7.老师要按课程表和作息时间表上课,按时上课、下课,不得迟到早 退,不得旷课、缺课、拖堂,不坐着讲课,在课堂上不随意接打手机,不 随意乱借乱占课时。 不得私自调课, 如有需要,报教导处同意; 老师外出, 由教导处统一安排授课。教师要做到提前两分钟候课。 8.各科教师要认真组织上好每一堂课。自觉维护课堂教学秩序, 在课 堂教学中学生不

45、得随意离开座位。不得大声喧哗, 不准私自将学生放出课 堂进行活动。体育课要严格控制学生自由活动时间。 9.教师要自觉完成一学期教学任务。 10.在课堂上要贯彻新的课改理念,讲求教学方法,注意启发学生的 思维,重视发展智力, 培养能力,重视教法和学法的研究。 根据教材内容, 合理的使用教具和信息技术手段。讲课要做到声音响亮适度、言词达意, 语言力求生动、板书工整、布局合理、符合规范。 11.课堂上,教师要做到精神饱满,仪表端正,教态亲切。要关心、 爱护学生,要对学生学习活动进行积极评价, 对违纪学生不准谩骂、 嘲笑、 挖苦、 赶出教室。因失职而致学生受到伤害者要承担由此产生的一切后果。 四、作业

46、布置及批改 12.教师对学生作业要周密考虑、精心设计,量要适当,做到既达到 教学要求,又不使学生负担过重。 13.各科作业有统一的规格和要求,要求做到工整、规范、清洁。 14.作业处理应贯彻“立足课内,减轻课外、优化处理、及时反馈” 的原则。作业批改必须认真、字迹清晰、错漏要指出,评价要恰当,日期 Party branch Secretary of a party lecture of two spe eches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of t

47、he Constitution of this practice is a very important part. Today Ill give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through todays tutorial, further consol idation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better unders

48、tand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This t utorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main cha nges in the content and in

49、terpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education i n party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and im plementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situ


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