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1、out city created, and care masses life, focus work, in-depth investigation, more out boutique masterpiece, makes we of research results more to into le d of decision vision, more to in national some has effect of newspaper Shang publishe d, for a dvance work, and publicity changde play due of role.

2、Third, information submitted to be pragmatic. Quick and timely. The anci ents said: for the time system; statement back f or the time bei ng, nothi ng. Therefore, the submission of information to do “four“, that is, find the problem faster, editorial writing, send and read faster approval and feedba

3、 ck to implement qui ckly. To be true and accurate. True mainly reflect the full picture of events, one i s one, tw o, this is the life of the information. Accuracy is primarily qualitative and quantitative questions, quantitative objective of publicQualitative logic. To be reliable and useful. We s

4、ubmit information to have access to decisi on-making, to guide and promote the work a nd solve practical problems. Mixed cum. On the negative information and emergency information, rapid escalation in strict accordance with the procedures, firm, newspa per, newspapers, never late, fail to report, fa

5、lse claim and sk imming. Investee 2. supervision and insist on, around and protecting their interests to touch t he truth, seek practical results. Adhere to people-oriented, the most important thing is to realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the pe

6、ople. We carry out inspection, so must go dee p among the masses, go deep into t he realities, always pay attention to the peoples livelihood, to grasp the public sentiment, and earnestly safeguard the benefit, addressing the masses are most concerne d about and reflecting the strongest issue s, eff

7、orts to solve the problem of decisi ons implemented and not implemente d. One is to stick to principles. Right of inspection is one of the most important powers of the Office, should not only dare to use, but also with caution. So -called dared to use, i s to hold a number of important issues, bol d

8、 supervision over supervision, track inspection, probl ems are not solved do not pass, the blame does not hold did not miss, dissatisfaction of the masses did not miss, the real right of supervision authority, with the benefits. Call with caution, is supervisi ng de partments should strengthen the c

9、onsciousness of authorized strictly according to procedure, preventing the supervision and excessive to prevent adding burden to grass-roots. To this end, the supervision Department of the Party Committee of supervision m ust be under city and County party Committee Secretary-General (Office). Secon

10、d, we should focus on. Is the Governor, those related to the globalEvent, Governor the protracted difficult, strong Governor during emergency urgent. Not having special departments in charge of the General Governor, under the normal procedure can do good t hings not Governor, not authorized by Count

11、y leaders, not the Governor. Third is to solve the problem. The purpose of supervision, to resolve the problem. To adhere to and furher improve the eelings survey, by looking up public sentiments to find problems. Probl ems will increase its special supervision, set up accounts, hold on to it. We sh

12、ould conscientiously implement the leading contracting matters, secured, ha d an answer t o everything, then settles rate of 100%. Have an impact on some of the outstandi ng issues, supervision departments and information components together, play the supervisory role of the news media to promote pr

13、oblem solving. Investee 3. insist on a daily run, around the practice of truth catching efficiency, focus specification. To give full play to the party Office around connectng, coordinating internal and external features, contact, rally at all levels, to motivate every aspect, adhere to the truth, s

14、trengthening standardized management to achieve coherent, efficient and effective functioning of the daily work of the Party Committee. Is processing messages should strive to streamline, standardize and quality. Streamlining is to control the number of messages, compre ss messages, reducing procedu

15、res, improve message handling efficiency. Specifications, is to strictly enforce the ban i ssued by the Communist party authorities in document handling regulations and pr ovincial and municipal regulations, conscientiously strengthen and improve communications management to ensure t hat party docum

16、ents orderly. High quality, is to improve the quality of message proce ssi ng, it is necessary to accurately implementing the intention of the Party Committee, clearance, good communications, policy program closed, ensuring that there is no error. Second meeting scheduled to ensure t hor ough, safe

17、and efficient. Any arrangementfor the meetings and events, carefully arranged, item-by-item interface implemented, sur e. To vigorously streamline meetings, activities, number of pressure reduction, scale to ensure that leadership emerged from the General Conference and entertainment service s, focu

18、s on big things, matters. Third, recepti on services should lay stress on humane, personal, cultural and huma n. Reception and work directly with people, reception services directly affecting the Office of party Committee The image of the region. At the same time strengthening the construction of li

19、brary, improve the recepti on conditions, more human-oriented, personal, cultural work into the reception, a little more human needs, a little more human care more humane atmosphere, and constantly improve the service, improve the quality of service. Meanwhile, to further pay special attention to th

20、e daily work of the other Office System. Confi dential work responsibility system for leading cadres to implement security as a leader, to improve the confi dentiality of classified personnel, especially leading ca dres, strengthening party and Government focus on vital se ctors of security manageme

21、nt, to advance privacy management standardization, modernization of security techniques as a means of administration according to law and security enforcement, ensure the safety of the party and State secrets. Confidential work to meet the demands of new technology developme nt 小学生阅读习惯培养策略研究实施方案 峄城区

22、实验小学 一、基础条件与可行性 1.基础条件:具备完成本课题研究的相应“软件” (1)有一定的实践基础。我校信息化建设已达到一定水准,有高标准 的语音室、微机室、多媒体教室等,有比较完善的校园网。这些为阅读活 动的有效开展提供了有利的条件,而且近年来,学校又开展了许多阅读实 践活动,如少先队的“跳蚤书市” , “小学生综合实践活动” , “家庭读书 乐”等活动。此外,学校还拥有38380 余册的图书,有两间高标准的阅览 室,全天向学生开放,学生可以自由地借阅自己喜欢读的书。而且每个班 级都建立了班级图书角,学生把自己手中的好书带到班级来与同学共同分 享,这样不仅解决了部分学生没有好书读的难题,

23、还为学生营造了浓厚的 读书氛围,使更多的学生养成了爱读书的习惯。 (2)有一定的研究基础。我校教师观念正在逐步发生转变,对培养学 生的阅读习惯和阅读能力的重要性已有较为清晰的认识。我校先后完成了省 级课题 “ 小学语文口语交际实验与研究” 、市级课题 “ 小学语文自主阅读实验与 研究 ” 和“小学生良好行为习惯养成教育的研究” ,取得了一定的成效,积累了 一些实践经验,研究成果在省、市、区有关会议上交流和相关杂志上登载,其 中“大量读写、双轨运行”实验成果已在全区推广。这些,为我校进一步开展 此项研究奠定了良好的基础。 (3)研究时机比较成熟。语文新课程的全面实施,为语文教学改革提 供了前所未

24、有的大好时机,教师们都在探索语文教学的新路子,阅读习惯 的培养也引起了广大教师的热情关注。 (4)研究力量比较强大。我校已充分认识到科研在学校教育中的重要 地位,坚持把科研作为第一生产力,提出了“科研兴校”的奋斗目标,并 完善了教育科研组织机构,成立了校长室教科室中心课题组 学科课题组的科研组织网络。本项课题由校长任课题组组长,研究的经费 能得到充分的保障。课题组成员都是具有丰富教育教学经验的教学精英, 部分教师也参加过国家、省、市级课题的研究工作,有丰富的课题研究经 out city created, and care masses life, focus work, in-depth in

25、vestigation, more out boutique masterpiece, makes we of research results more to into le d of decision vision, more to in national some has effect of newspaper Shang publishe d, for advance work, and publicity changde play due of role. Third, information submitted to be pragmatic. Quick and timely.

26、The anci ents said: for the time system; statement back for the time bei ng, nothi ng. Therefore, the submission of information to do “four“, that is, find the problem faster, editorial writing, send and read faster approval and feedba ck to implement qui ckly. To be true and accurate. True mainly r

27、eflect the full picture of events, one i s one, tw o, this is t he life of the information. Accuracy is primarily qualitative and quantitative questions, quantitative objective of publicQualitative logic. To be reliable and useful. We submit information to have access to decisi on -making, to guide

28、and promote the work a nd solve practical problems. Mixed cum. On the negative information and emergency information, rapid escalation in strict accordance with the procedures, firm, newspa per, newspapers, never late, fail to report, false claim and sk imming. Investee 2. supervision and insist on,

29、 around and protecting their interests to touch t he truth, seek practical results. Adhere to people-oriented, the most important thing is to realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. We carry out inspection, so must go dee p among the masse

30、s, go deep into t he realities, always pay attention to the peoples livelihood, to grasp the public sentiment, and earnestly safeguard the benefit, addressing the masses are most concerned about and reflecting the strongest issue s, efforts to solve the problem of decisi ons im plemented and not imp

31、lemented. One is to stick to principles. Right of inspection is one of the most important powers of the Office, shoul d not only dare to use, but also with caution. So-called dared to use, i s to hold a number of important issues, bol d supervision over supervision, track inspection, probl ems are n

32、ot solved do not pass, the blame does not hold did not miss, dissatisfaction of the masses did not miss, the real right of supervision authority, with the benefits. Call with caution, is supervisi ng de partments should strengthen the consciousness of authorized strictly according to procedure, prev

33、enting the supervision and excessive to prevent adding burden to grass-roots. To this end, the supervision Department of the Party Committee of supervision m ust be under city and County party Committee Secretary-General (Office). Second, we should focus on. Is the Governor, those related to the glo

34、balEvent, Governor the protracted difficult, strong Governor during emergency urgent. Not having special departments in charge of the General Governor, under the normal procedure can do good things not Governor, not authorized by County leaders, not the Governor. Third is to solve the problem. The p

35、urpose of supervision, to resolve the problem. To adhere to and further improve the eelings survey, by looking up public sentiments to find problems. Probl ems will increase its special supervision, set up accounts, hold on to it. We should conscientiously implement the leading contracting matters,

36、secured, ha d an answer t o everything, then settles rate of 100%. Have an impact on some of the outstandi ng issues, supervision departments and information components together, play the supervisory role of the news media to promote problem solving. Investee 3. insist on a daily run, around the pra

37、ctice of truth catching efficiency, focus specification. To give full play to the party Office around connecting, coordinating internal and external features, contact, rally at all levels, to motivate every aspect, adhere to the truth, strengtheni ng standardized management to achieve coherent, effi

38、cient and effective functioning of the daily work of the Party Committee. Is processing messages should strive to streamline, standardize and quality. Streamlining is to control the number of messages, compre ss messages, reducing proce dures, improve message handling efficiency. Specifications, is

39、to strictly enforce the ban i ssued by the Communist party authorities in document handling regulations and pr ovincial and municipal regulations, conscientiously strengthen and improve communications management to ensure t hat party documents orderly. High quality, is to improve the qualit y of mes

40、sage processi ng, it is necessary to accurately implementing the intention of the Party Committee, clearance, good communications, policy program closed, ensuring that there is no error. Second meeting scheduled to ensure t hor ough, safe and efficient. Any arrangementfor the meetings and events, ca

41、refully arranged, item-by-item interface implemented, sur e. To vigorously streamline meetings, activities, number of pressure reduction, scale to ensure that leadership emerged from the General Conference and entertainment service s, focus on big things, matters. Third, recepti on services should l

42、ay stress on humane, personal, cultural and huma n. Reception and work directly with people, reception services directly affecting the Office of party Committee The image of the region. At the same time strengthening the construction of library, improve the recepti on conditions, more human-oriented

43、, personal, cultural work into the reception, a little more human needs, a little more human care more humane atmosphere, and constantly improve the service, improve the quality of service. Meanwhile, to further pay special attention to the daily w ork of the other Office System. Confi dential work

44、responsibility system for leading cadres to implement security as a leader, to improve the confi dentiality of classified personnel, especially leading ca dres, strengthening party and Government focus on vital sectors of security management, to advance privacy management standardization, modernizat

45、ion of security techniques as a means of administration according to law and security enforcement, ensure the safety of the party and State secrets. Confidential work to meet the demands of new technology developme nt 验。 2.可行性:本课题研究的清晰度较高,本课题的可行性不容质疑。 (1)国内外相关研究综述: 从 1972 年起,美国国家教育发展评估会一直追踪四年级、八年级与十

46、 二年级学生的阅读成绩。结果发现,养成了阅读习惯的学生,以及最能享 受阅读乐趣的学生,综合素质最高。我国关于儿童阅读状况的调查也显示, 儿童学习成绩越好,其阅读频度越高,阅读时间越长;相反,儿童学习成 绩越差,其阅读频度越低,阅读时间越短。前苏联著名的教育家苏霍姆林 斯基曾经说过:“让学生变聪明的方法,不是补课,不是增加作业量,而是 阅读,阅读,再阅读。 ”哈佛大学的一位前任校长说: “要养成每日阅读有 益书籍的习惯,几年后思想上将大有长进。”我国课程标准中也强调: “培养学生广泛的阅读兴趣,扩大阅读面,增加阅读量,提倡少做题,多 读书,好读书,读好书,读整本的书。 ”有实验已经证明:只有当学

47、生的阅 读量达到课本的四 、五倍时,才有可能形成语文的自学能力。 “十五”期间,江苏省扬州市教育局“亲近母语”儿童阅读研究中心 确立了 “亲近母语”阅读课程构建的理论和实践”的研究课题,并在全 国教育科学“十五”规划课题评审中得以立项。该课题以倡导儿童阅读, 推进素质教育,建设书香社会为宗旨。课题组在各个不同层次的学校推广 亲近母语读书会,重点建设班级读书会、校园读书会、亲子共读会、教师 读书会,特别关注农村小学读书会的建设。积极策划和举办各种关于儿童 阅读的学术研究活动和社会公益活动,倡导阅读理念,建设书香社会。 (2)本课题与之联系和区别: 1 联系:本课题研究与上述研究比较,共同点是贯彻

48、“大语文教育” 思想,走“大阅读教学”之路,积极倡导阅读理念,开辟课外校外阅读的 阵地,促进教师教学思想和学生学习方式的转变,使阅读成为孩子精神生 活的一部分,成为孩子成长的动力。 2 区别:从研究范围上看,本课题着重从我校实际出发,探索适合我 校小学生发展的阅读操作模式,培养学生的读书习惯,具有校本特色。从 研究内容上看,本课题侧重于通过课内外贯通融合,激发学生的阅读兴趣, 帮助学生形成阅读动机, 教会学生掌握一般的阅读方法,培养学生良好的阅读 习惯,并着力构建学生课外阅读能力的自主性品质,为促进学生的终身学习奠 out city created, and care masses life,

49、 focus work, in-depth investigation, more out boutique masterpiece, makes we of research results more to into le d of decision vision, more to in national some has effect of newspaper Shang publishe d, for a dvance work, and publicity changde play due of role. Third, information submitted to be pragmatic. Quick and timely. The anci ents said: for the time system; statement back for the time bei ng, nothi ng. Therefore, the submission of information to do “four“, that is, find the problem faster, editorial writing, send and read faster approval and feedba ck to implement qui ckl


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